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Ruth King

The Lie of the ‘Politics-Free’ Pandemic and Pandemonium Policy Curtis Ellis


This entire “no room for politics” shtick is not merely a fraud and a lie, it’s also plainly wrong. You can’t take politics out of politics. And you shouldn’t.

It’s hard to separate the double-talk from the double standards in these days of double trouble, especially since the double trouble is itself doubled.

The pandemic trouble has a double nature, consisting of a public health problem (which, miraculously, has evaporated—but we’ll get to that in a bit) and the economic trouble.

Simultaneously we have that other problem that could be put under the polite heading of “civil unrest.” This is also twofold, if not more-fold. We have peaceful protests calling for political reforms of a largely unspecified nature (we’ll get to that later, too), and on the other hand, we have organized rioting.

All this has our political class and the presstitutes they love serving up double helpings of double-talk.

We have now reached peak 2020. We can now see, with perfect vision, what the Democrats want for us should they ever take power. 

Public Health Experts Issue Racist Guidelines In Support of Ongoing Riots By Stacey Lennox


Public health experts put a letter online for their colleagues to sign in the wake of riots nationwide occurring during the COVID-19 pandemic. Its contents are hardly based on science, data, reason, or even public health. It is actually a flaming pile of virtue signaling nonsense.

Public health experts’ letter on COVID-19 and riots

For people portending to advance an anti-racist message, I would assert this paragraph is about as racist as you can get. Hey, you white people who support constitutional rights we don’t like. You must be treated differently than protestors, rioters, and looters because… reasons.

Yes, George Soros Sent Money to Fund the Riots—and So Did Taxpayers By Jeff Reynolds


Ever since the protests turned to riots over the death of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis, rumors have flown that George Soros and his Open Society Foundation had to be involved. After all, OSF funded Black Lives Matter in 2015. It didn’t take long to reveal the financial ties to current riots and to show that OSF and George Soros directly support the movement today. Particularly infuriating are the taxpayer-funded grants received in conjunction with the Soros funding.

Daniel Bice of the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reports that a group called Freedom, Inc. has received grants from the Wisconsin Department of Justice:

The Madison-based nonprofit has advocated for the release of all African Americans from jail and the defunding of police departments. As for the current protests, the group’s leaders say “all actions against racist state violence are justified.”

Biden Wins 9 Primaries But He’s Still Short of a Delegate Majority By Rick Moran


Joe Biden swept all nine Democratic primaries that were held on Tuesday but is still short of capturing a majority of delegates that would put him over the top and quell grumbling in the party that someone else should be the nominee.

In truth, there was no suspense about the outcome. Biden doesn’t have any opposition. But it’s telling that despite not running against anyone, Biden has not yet clinched the nomination.

Biden is still waiting to clinch because some die-hard socialists can’t bring themselves to vote for anyone but their hero, Bernie Sanders.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is not actively campaigning, having suspended his operation and endorsed Biden, but his name will appear on the ballots. On the eve of Tuesday’s primaries, senior adviser Jeff Weaver encouraged progressives to vote for Sanders anyway.

When Larry Kramer Met Anthony Fauci The backstory of white coat supremacy, the coronavirus lockdown, and destruction of the American economy.



Larry Kramer, writer of the Oscar-nominated screenplay for Women in Love, and author of the 1978 novel Faggots,  passed away last week at the age of 84. His name might draw a blank, but Kramer’s significance during the current pandemic is greater than people might think.

“Kramer became convinced that the real problem was government inaction, and in 1987 founded ACT UP, the “AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power,” which staged demonstrations at the Food and Drug Administration while accusing officials of “murder” and “genocide.” In a 1988 open letter in the San Francisco Examiner, Kramer called out Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

“Your refusal to hear the screams of AIDS activists early in the crisis resulted in the deaths of thousands of Queers,” Kramer wrote. “Your present inaction is causing today’s increase in HIV infection outside of the Queer community.” That caught the attention of Fauci, who reached out to Kramer and began hailing HIV as the official cause of AIDS.

Scientists who questioned the HIV cause included Kary Mullis, winner of the Nobel Prize in chemistry for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In his  foreword to Peter Duesberg’s Inventing the AIDS Virus, Mullis wrote, “We have not been able to find a good reason why most of the people believe that AIDS is caused by a virus called HIV. There is simply no scientific evidence demonstrating that is true.”

Fauci, a medical doctor, not a molecular biologist, never refuted Duesberg’s work. Instead Fauci claimed it amounted to “murder”  and predicted a vast breakout of AIDS among heterosexuals. As Michael Fumento showed in see The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS, that never happened. AIDS was supposedly an “epidemic,” but from 1981 through 1990, a ballpark figure for the number of quarantines is 10, and no economic shut-down took place.

Dr. Fauci got it wrong but in bureaucratic style suffered no penalty for his mistakes.

Australia will ‘continue to welcome’ Hong Kong residents as calls mount to match UK’s offer of safe haven MPs urge the government to help people fearing China’s planned security laws


The Australian government has declared it will “continue to welcome” Hong Kong residents, but it won’t be drawn on calls for it to match the UK’s offer of safe haven for people fearing China’s planned security laws.

Australian parliamentarians from across the political spectrum are urging the government to help the people of Hong Kong, amid growing international concern about the impact of Beijing’s decision on the city’s rights and freedoms and on the stability of the international finance hub.

The British foreign secretary, Dominic Raab, revealed he had asked Australia and other partners to consider “burden-sharing if we see a mass exodus from Hong Kong”.

The UK is holding open the prospect of offering residency and work rights to as many as 3 million people, while the US is considering letting people who no longer “feel comfortable” in Hong Kong to move there. The US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, indicated he was also talking to allies, including Australia, about further responses.

On Wednesday Beijing lodged “stern representations” in response to the UK’s offer, warning it to “pull back before it’s too late, abandon its Cold War and colonialist mentality”.

A Global Strategy That Can Appeal to Trump Voters Populists and elites can agree on reciprocal trade and the Chinese threat. Walter Russell Mead


Donald Trump will be president for either 7½ more months or 4½ more years. The voters who support him will be around for much longer.

For students of U.S. foreign policy, this poses a question independent of Mr. Trump’s personality and political style: Is the gap between America’s post-World War II global strategy and the beliefs of the president’s base too wide to be bridged? Or is there a way to envision a global strategy for the U.S. that American populism can support?

Historically, the answer to the latter question has been yes. Jacksonians can be part of a stable political coalition that backs a global U.S. strategy. That was the normal condition during the Cold War, when Jacksonians were as loyal to Ronald Reagan as they are today to Mr. Trump. Though rarely enthusiastic about the United Nations, foreign aid or humanitarian interventions abroad, Jacksonians saw the Soviet Union and its communist ideology as a mortal threat to American freedom. Facing that danger, they were ready to do their part against the U.S.S.R.

After the Cold War, Jacksonians and U.S. strategy began to drift apart. Under Republican and Democratic presidents from George H.W. Bush through Barack Obama, American foreign policy became more ambitious. The goal was no longer to defeat the Soviet threat but to create a “new world order” by promoting democracy and liberal capitalism around the world. As awareness of climate change spread, the new world order acquired another task: to shift the global economy toward carbon neutrality.

The Lancet, HCL and Trump A widely promoted study may be based on questionable data


One of the tragedies of the Trump era is how opposition to the President has caused some institutions to drop their standards. The FBI’s FISA warrant abuse is one example, and the overt media “resistance” is another. Now it may have contaminated the fight against Covid-19.

Last month the respected scientific journal Lancet published a study with little apparent vetting that suggested the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine (HCL) that Mr. Trump has hyped as a coronavirus treatment is dangerous. It now looks like the study may be based on questionable data from a dubious source.

In vitro studies have indicated that HCL can block the virus’s replication, and the drug has been safely used to prevent and treat malaria in millions of people worldwide for 60 years. It is also used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Mr. Trump played up the drug after a couple of promising studies in France, and the Food and Drug Administration has approved it for emergency use.

LOCKDOWN LUNACY: the thinking person’s guide By J.B. Handleysee note please


This is incredibly long but absolutely the best information on lockdowns and Covid and hysterical responses with brilliant refutations of all the myths surrounding the pandemic. Thanks to my friend Tricia for this gem…..rsk

For anyone willing to look, there are so many facts that tell the true story, and it goes something like this:

Knowing what we know today about COVID-19’s Infection Fatality Rate, asymmetric impact by age and medical condition, non-transmissibility by asymptomatic people and in outdoor settings, near-zero fatality rate for children, and the basic understanding of viruses through Farr’s law, locking down society was a bone-headed policy decision so devastating to society that historians may judge it as the all-time worst decision ever made. Worse, as these clear facts have become available, many policy-makers haven’t shifted their positions, despite the fact that every hour under any stage of lockdown has a domino-effect of devastation to society. Meanwhile, the media—with a few notable exceptions—is oddly silent on all the good news. Luckily, an unexpected group of heroes across the political landscape—many of them doctors and scientists—have emerged to tell the truth, despite facing extreme criticism and censorship from an angry mob desperate to continue fighting an imaginary war.

My goal is to engage in known facts. You, the reader, can decide if all of these facts, when you put them together, equate to the story above.

The Conundrum of Israeli-Arab Citizenship by Mordechai Nisan *****


Issued in the midst of a sustained attempt by the Palestinian Arabs to destroy it at birth, Israel’s 1948 declaration of independence urged them “to participate in the upbuilding of the state on the basis of full and equal citizenship and due representation in all its provisional and permanent institutions.”[1] The invitation to these inveterate foes to be fellow citizens was based on the belief that once their aggression had been defeated, they would resign themselves to a minority status in the nascent Jewish state.

Seventy-two years on, the fulfillment of this assumption seems as remote as ever. Not only has Arab integration in Israeli society not led to general acceptance of the legitimacy of Jewish statehood, but the more affluent and more established the Arab population has become, the stronger its Palestinian identification to the point of openly challenging the fundamental principles underpinning Israel’s existence.

This seemingly unbridgeable gulf between Israel’s Arabs and Jews raises the need for a profound redefinition of the concept of citizenship in a way that would satisfy the Arabs’ national identification and protect their civil and religious rights without enabling them to undo Israel’s Jewish national character.

Israel’s Arab Citizens and Their Political Leadership