This entire “no room for politics” shtick is not merely a fraud and a lie, it’s also plainly wrong. You can’t take politics out of politics. And you shouldn’t.
It’s hard to separate the double-talk from the double standards in these days of double trouble, especially since the double trouble is itself doubled.
The pandemic trouble has a double nature, consisting of a public health problem (which, miraculously, has evaporated—but we’ll get to that in a bit) and the economic trouble.
Simultaneously we have that other problem that could be put under the polite heading of “civil unrest.” This is also twofold, if not more-fold. We have peaceful protests calling for political reforms of a largely unspecified nature (we’ll get to that later, too), and on the other hand, we have organized rioting.
All this has our political class and the presstitutes they love serving up double helpings of double-talk.
We have now reached peak 2020. We can now see, with perfect vision, what the Democrats want for us should they ever take power.