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Ruth King

Virginia Is Deluding Itself About Green Energy Francis Menton


A few days ago I had a post about how tightening “green” energy regulations in Europe are gradually strangling sectors like the automobile and chemical industries. The post was titled “Europe Is Firmly Committed To Economic Suicide.” Here in the U.S., we have a large coterie of “blue” states that are hungering to follow the EU economic model — California, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and others. A latecomer to this party is Virginia.

In Virginia, you may be aware that in 2018, for the first time in a generation, the Democrats took control of both houses of the legislature. They wasted no time in passing a big chunk of the progressive agenda en masse, in the form of over a thousand bills that had been blocked by their adversaries for decades. The new laws cover everything from abortion to guns to the minimum wage to tax increases, and plenty more. Of course, at the top of the agenda, as it always seems to be, was “climate change.” To slay this particular dragon, Virginia now has the newly-enacted Virginia Clean Economy Act, or VCEA.

Connoisseur of Chaos The dystopian vision of George Soros, billionaire funder of the Left Stefan Kanfer


One of the planet’s richest men, his past marred with crimes and misdemeanors, the 86-year-old billionaire skates on. More than a decade ago, he moved his financial headquarters to Curaçao, a tax-free haven in the Caribbean designed for monied hypocrites who talk one game and play another. The place is not bulletproof; on occasion, Soros has been accused—and even convicted—of insider trading. A French court found him guilty of that crime and levied a fine of $2.3 million. In the parlance of the billionaires’ club, that was small change. Investigative journalists, a dwindling cadre, show little interest in him. They prefer to scrutinize safer, softer targets.

If they took even a cursory look, though, they would see that Soros’s global reach and influence far outstrip those of the Koch brothers or other liberal bogeymen—and that underlying it all is a vision both dystopian and opportunistic. “The main obstacle to a stable and just world order,” Soros has declared, “is the United States.” Ergo, that constitutional republic must be weakened and its allies degraded. The Sorosian world order—one of open borders and global governance, antithetical to the ideals and experience of the West—could then assume command.

Target temporarily shutters more than 100 locations after rioters loot, ransack stores


In this Wednesday, May 27, 2020 photo, a looter uses a claw hammer as he tries to break in to a cash register at a Target store in Minneapolis. Rioters ignited fires and looted stores all over the city. – [Savages.]

The novel coronavirus pandemic couldn’t shut down Target, but the rioting ripping apart major U.S. cities has.

The U.S. retailer said Sunday that more than 100 stores nationwide, including 33 in Minnesota, would be closed after a fifth night of violent protests in Minneapolis, spurred by Mr. Floyd’s death Monday in police custody.

“We are heartbroken by the death of George Floyd and the pain it is causing communities across the country,” said Target in a statement. “At this time, we have made the decision to close a number of our stores. We anticipate most stores will be closed temporarily.”

Palestinian state and track record: impact on US interests Yoram Ettinger


Western foreign policy and national security establishments – government, media and academia – have been overwhelmingly preoccupied with assessments of future track record of the proposed Palestinian state. They have sidestepped the Palestinian past track record.

While a future track record is subjective, intangible, precarious and speculative, a past track record is objective, tangible, proven, and certain. 

Major decisions – such as medical reports, investing, hiring, recruiting, buying and job application – are based, primarily, on well-documented past track records. They are not centered around hypothetical future track records.

A confirmed past track record – rather than a conjectural future track record – is critical to making well-grounded, trust-worthy decisions. This is certainly pivotal to responsible foreign policy-making, which attempts to enhance future national security by avoiding past mistakes.

Dr. Albert Ellis, one of the world’s top psychologists, considered the study of past track records as an essential undertaking for an improved future: “The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.”  This is as applicable to foreign policy and national security policy-making as it is to psychology.

Antifa’s American insurgency -The far-left has perfected the art of rioting Andy Ngo


We are witnessing glimmers of the full insurrection the far-left has been working toward for decades. The killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis was merely a pre-text for radicals to push their ambitious insurgency. In a matter of hours, after the video of Floyd began circulating the internet, militant antifa cells across the country mobilized to Minnesota to aid Black Lives Matter rioters. Law enforcement and even the state National Guard have struggled to respond in Minnesota.

Portland, Oakland, Los Angeles, Dallas and Atlanta are just some of the other cities waking up and finding smoldering ruins where businesses once operated. Nearly 30 other cities experienced some form of mass protest or violent rioting. At least three people have been killed so far.

Antifa, the extreme anarchist-communist movement, has rioting down to an art.

Kneelers and Submitters Take away the power of one man to ride another while “booted and spurred,” and perhaps we might find a slice of real justice and liberty for all. By Adam Selene


The country is burning, thanks largely to those who uncritically have swallowed whole the neo-Marxist propaganda of the neo-liberal order.

As brutal as the death of George Floyd appears to have been—and it does appear brutal—nothing that has followed from it will lead to justice for Floyd or more justice generally. It’s all just rage for gratification’s sake—a distraction. Our problem isn’t one of racism; our problem is that we demand rulers and protectors, and then we are surprised when they turn around and kneel on our necks. 

Here is the bitter truth: those now-fired cops in Minnesota almost assuredly will get off. One has been charged with third degree murder and manslaughter, but the odds are still good that he will walk in the end. Cops kill innocent people from time to time, and it rarely has anything to do with race. It is usually incompetence or general thuggery on the part of those police. And when they do it, they dance the dance: get charged with murder, get acquitted, and return to work. 

In this case, the lawyer will probably portray the killer as stupid but not guilty to avoid the worse image of being malicious. His defense almost assuredly will be connected to bureaucratic jargon about police training and police protocol. There is a fine line between making an honest mistake and being negligent, we’ll be told, and his lawyer only needs to convince a jury that there is a reasonable possibility he tried to follow his training to protect his fellow officers.

Dem governors should start following the science for a change on COVID-19 By Jack Hellner


The Illinois governor and many others have said they follow the science, so why the masks?  Where is the scientific data that show that children have spread the virus?  I bet there are few, so why are they required to wear masks, especially two-year-olds? 

Do these governors want more healthy people to get sick?

In early March, the CDC, Fauci and other experts said we shouldn’t wear masks.  So for the first 244 years in America, while we have gone through annual flus, pandemics, pneumonia, respiratory illnesses, etc., we never had to wear oppressive masks until now, yet we thrived, and life expectancy and quality of life improved greatly.  We also didn’t have to social distance or gather in groups smaller than ten.

We could go to church, restaurants, bars, sporting events, concerts, dentists, hairdressers, department stores, gyms, casinos, work, and we were fine until now, when we have to obey the dictatorial edicts of power-hungry politicians.

When will journalists ask why the governors in Illinois and elsewhere aren’t following the science?

Who is recruiting, moving and paying the professional anarcho-rioters? By Patricia McCarthy


The death by cop of George Floyd in Minneapolis was grotesque, a clearer example of police brutality that has otherwise rarely been filmed for all to see.  Even if, as has been reported, Floyd did not die of asphyxiation or strangulation as it appeared, his death was without a doubt caused by that officer’s cruel and unnecessary action and the inaction of his fellow officers who stood by and watched.  That officer has been charged with third degree murder and the other officers have been fired.  Judicial due process will ensue, both state and federal.  In the meantime, that the people of Minneapolis have turned out to protest is understandable.  

What is not comprehensible is the destructive actions of so many.  Is it really the citizens of Minneapolis who have set the city on fire, burning down small businesses as well as the police precinct building, libraries, etc.?  Who are those masked men in black with secret-service quality ear-pieces, military grade gas masks and backpacks full of Molotov cocktails?  They are very likely professional rioters, recruited, transported and paid by the likes of some George Soros front group or other anonymous Cloward-Piven devotees who share Soros’ hatred of America and want to see this nation bought to its knees.  Panic over the virus was waning. These orchestrated riots across the country are the next ploy.  Someone is organizing this madness.  Someone is supplying the most lethal rioters with all the accoutrements of conflagration and moving them into place to all the affected cities.  That all costs a great deal of money.  Antifa owes its funding to Soros as do the more violent branches of Black Lives Matter.  These players seem strangely secure that they will not be arrested or that if they are, they will be quickly released.

Attorney General Barr: Peaceful protests over George Floyd ‘hijacked’ by ‘far left extremist groups’ Nicholas Wu


WASHINGTON — Attorney General William Barr said violent protests that have erupted after the death of George Floyd appear to be organized by “anarchic” and “far left extremist groups” pursuing their own aims. 

Addressing “rioting” in many cities, Barr said, “the voices of peaceful protest are being hijacked by violent radical elements.”

“Groups of outside radicals and agitators are exploiting the situation to pursue their own separate and violent agenda,” he said. “In many places, it appears the violence is planned, organized and driven by anarchic and…far left extremist groups using Antifa-like tactics.”

Barr said many are traveling from outside states to join protests.

Minnesota governor fully mobilizes state’s National Guard By Audrey McNamara


Minnesota Governor Tim Walz announced Saturday that he is fully mobilizing the state’s National Guard in response to the ongoing unrest in Minneapolis. 

The Minnesota National Guard said this marks the first time it’s been fully mobilized since World War II, after Walz said this was the first full mobilization in the state’s history. 

“We are ‘all-in’ to restore order and maintain and keep the peace in Minnesota.