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Ruth King

Minneapolis Burning No one concerned with the aspirations—and grievances—of American blacks should confuse riots with protests. Howard Husock


Once again—as in Baltimore, following the 2015 death of Freddie Gray, and long before then, in Watts, Newark, and Detroit—the actions of rioters in an American city are being described as protests, or, by PBS, no less, as an “uprising.” Even Minneapolis’s hapless mayor, Jacob Frey—under siege as his city burns—graces the violence with understanding. “There is a lot of pain and anger in our city,” said Frey, adding that “this is what happens” when long-standing issues of race and poverty go unaddressed. It’s “not just because of five minutes of horror,” Frey noted in a press conference, referring to the images of George Floyd gasping for air beneath a police officer’s knee, “but 400 years.”

Frey rightly called for the arrest of the officer, Derek Chauvin, and Chauvin has now been arrested. But Frey was wrong to ascribe anything close to justifiable motives to those who have torched a police precinct building and a youth center and looted stores serving their own community. It’s as if we have learned nothing over two generations about what happens when public officials give license to the lawless, letting marauders proceed under cover of high-mindedness. We expect as much from inflammatory activists like Al Sharpton but deserve better from elected officials charged with protecting property, lives, and livelihoods.


Herbert Hoover was a successful mining engineer for a private corporation in China, when he and his wife  were trapped by the Boxer rebellion. Under heavy fire they erected barricades, worked in hospitals and rescued Chinese children. This valor and talent for organization came to the attention of President Woodrow Wilson who appointed him to head the Food Administration during World War 1 to help secure food and sustenance for the beleaguered Europeans, a task he continued after the war as head of the American Relief Administration.

The foregoing brought Herbert Hoover to the public and political arena, hailed as “The Great Humanitarian.”

After serving as Secretary of Commerce under President Calvin Coolidge Hoover became the successful Republican candidate for the presidency in 1928.  Within months into his term the nation spiraled into an economic depression for which he bore absolutely no blame.

His attempts to create a Reconstruction Finance Operation to aid business, agriculture, mortgage relief and loans to states to help the unemployed were continually foiled by a hostile Congress.

As a principled Conservative, he reiterated his view that local and state administrations must be the primary sources of decision and support for their citizens.

The media and Congressional antagonists and opportunists blamed him for the depression and called him cruel, indifferent, and incompetent. He lost to Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

After his loss he was a powerful critic of the “New Deal” and of President Roosevelt’s callous indifference to the plight of European Jews. He continued to write columns and books until his death in 1964.

President Trump now faces a calamity for which he bears no blame. He may not have the probity, immaculate personal life or elegance of Herbert Hoover. But, unlike Hoover, Trump is a scrapper and fighter and has grabbed the pandemic and economic chaos by the …er….roots.  He has also fought the turpitude  of his political antagonists and the libels of fake news.

And, Joe Biden is no Franklin Delano Roosevelt……rsk

Killing Your Own Neighbors One of the greatest shames of Turkey.


A Turkish pro-government writer recently threatened the political opposition in the country and her own neighbors with death on national TV.

On May 3, Sevda Noyan said on Ülke TV that in the event of a coup attempt, her family can kill at least fifty people, including some neighbors. She said she made a list of people to kill.

Referring to the events following the coup attempt on July 15, 2016, when many supporters of Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan took to the streets upon the president’s call to defend the government, Noyan said:

“We couldn’t do what we exactly wanted [on July 15, 2016]. We got caught unprepared.

“Do not get it wrong; get it right,” she continued. “My family alone can take down about fifty people. We are very well equipped materially and spiritually. We stand by our leader; we will never let him be thrown to the wolves in this country. Let them watch their steps. There are 3-5 [neighbors] in my gated community; my list is ready.”

The moderator of the show, Esra Elönü, supported Noyan, saying: “They should watch all their steps.”

Following the coup attempt in 2016, many people were arrested and jailed in Turkey for allegedly “helping stage the coup attempt.”

“Victimhood Culture” UK – Except for Victims of Terrorism by Judith Bergman


“There is currently no specially allocated government funding for victims of terror. While they can claim money…. survivors of the Manchester terror attack say that they are forced to wait years for funds to come through…” — Gabriella Swerling, The Telegraph, March 18, 2020.

It is paradoxical, to say the least, that in the era of “victimhood culture” — in which a multitude of identity groups compete for the prize of most victimized — where even subjectively perceived slights are registered by UK police as “non-criminal incidents” — victims of terror, who have suffered severe physical and psychological life-disrupting injury as the result of actual manifested hatred, have to fight for their rights.

The paradox becomes especially striking when compared to the care taken by British authorities not to offend Muslim communities from where the various suicide bombers have emerged.

There appears to be little in the way of a similar level of concern for the trauma, alienation and isolation that terror victims experience after losing their hearing, their sight or the use of their limbs in terrorist attacks motivated by extreme hatred of which they were unfortunate enough to become victims.

In March, Hashem Abedi, the brother of Salman Abedi, who carried out the suicide bombing attack at the Manchester Arena in May 2017 was convicted for his role in the terrorist attack. Twenty-two men, women and children, aged eight to 51, were killed in the attack; 264 “were physically injured”, and 670 have “reported psychological trauma as a result of these events”, according to bbc.com.

The conviction brought back into focus the plight of the survivors of terrorism and their relatives, as the victims of the Manchester bombing spoke to the press about feeling “abandoned” by British authorities.

“After the bomb, the government said we would get all the help and support we need, but we’ve not had anything…When you’re a victim of terror, you can’t just be signposted to normal services. We need specialised trauma help… like soldiers and police officers,” said Martin Hibbert, who was paralyzed in the Manchester Arena bombing.

Don’t Laugh at Stacey Abrams A day may yet come when Americans will all live under the Pax Abramsiana. Her politics are the future. By Matthew Boose


All great people have a sense that they are destined for great things. Stacey Abrams predicts that she will be president of the United States by 2040.

Come what may of her White House aspirations this year, Abrams speaks like someone who believes she is bound for immortality—indeed, that she’s entitled to it. Her infatuated fans share this sense of historically assured victory.

The Washington Post recently published a work of widely lampooned hagiography on Abrams, depicting her as a polymath—a Prometheus of diversity handing down the fire of progress to man. It reads like the kind of flattery that despots used to make court scribes put together under threat of execution.

“Abrams is the author of eight romance novels under a pseudonym, started two small businesses, is a New York Times best-selling author under her own name and is a superfan of ‘Star Trek’ and southern hip-hop, including one of her favorite rappers, Ludacris,” records court historian Kevin Powell. “She is scholarly, but she can also wax poetic on football. She is a policy wonk, but she can effortlessly pivot to sending goofy memes to the children of good buddies.”

Can you sense it? Can you feel the ground shifting beneath you? Are you prepared for the Pax Abramsiana?

To Abrams and her sycophants, her loss to Brian Kemp in 2018 was just a hiccup on the cosmic road of justice that is wending, inexorably, toward 1,000 years of social justice utopia.

Why China won’t reform By Peter Skurkiss


The leadership of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) fears chaos and loss of control more than anything else, and this explains much of its seemingly erratic behavior. 

The matter goes back to be bargain that the CCP has struck with the Chinese people. The deal is this: the Communist Party gets complete political control over the country in return for ever-increasing standards of living. This means no elections, no demonstrations, no rule of law, and no dissent from below as to how the show is run. The CCP is an illegitimate regime and can stay in power only if it can continue to pay off economically. 

Up until now this has proven to be a win-win situation. Of course, it was always predicated in U.S. allowing China to lie and cheat on every trade agreement it ever signed and to turn a blind eye to stealing our technology. This worked for the past 25 years. But now the Chinese economy is facing strong headwinds which throw that arrangement arrangement into doubt. These include an American president who will not play the patsy to China’s predatory trade practices and its massive theft of U.S. intellectual property and the worldwide blow-back from China’s Wuhan virus.

Ocasio-Cortez exposes her profound ignorance of the subject she got an honors degree in at Boston University By Thomas Lifson


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the worst kind of ignoramus: one who thinks she is knowledgeable and pontificates on subjects she does not understand. She is becoming a 21st century Congressional version of the 1950’s comedian, “Professor Irwin Corey,” who billed himself as “the world’s foremost authority,” and parodied pompous intellectuals in his improvisational comedy, spouting nonsense.

The problem with Ocasio-Cortez is that she doesn’t understand she is parodying a cum laude of Boston University with a BA in international relations and economics, spouting nonsense about the term “human capital” – a longstanding and common expression in the discipline of economics.

Hydroxychloroquine, Me, and the Great Divide By Richard Moss, MD


I took hydroxychloroquine for two years.  A long time ago as a visiting cancer surgeon in Asia, in Thailand, Nepal, India, and Bangladesh.  From 1987 to 1990.  Malaria is rife there.  I took it for prophylaxis, 400 milligrams once a week for two years.  Never had any trouble.  It was inexpensive and effective.  I started it two weeks before and was supposed to continue it through my stay and four weeks after returning.  But I stopped it after two years.  I was worried about potential side effects of which there are many, as with all drugs right down to Tylenol and aspirin.  These, however, are rare.  At a certain point, I was prepared to take my chances with mosquitoes and plasmodium, and so I stopped. 

Chloroquine, the precursor of HCQ, was invented by Bayer in 1934.  Hydroxychloroquine was developed during World War II as a safer, synthetic alternative and approved for medical use in the U.S. in 1955.  The World Health Organization considers it an essential medicine, among the safest and most effective medicines, a staple of any healthcare system.  In 2017, US doctors prescribed it 5 million times, the 128th most commonly prescribed drug in the country.  There have been hundreds of millions of prescriptions worldwide since its inception.  It is one of the cheapest and best drugs in the world and has saved millions of lives.  Doctors also prescribe it for Lupus and Rheumatoid arthritis patients who may consume it for their lifetimes with few or no ill effects. 

Protesters storm CNN building in furious Atlanta protest


ATLANTA — Demonstrators marched, stopped traffic and in some cases lashed out violently at police as protests erupted Friday in dozens of U.S. cities following the killing of George Floyd after a white officer pressed a knee into his neck while taking him into custody in Minnesota. In Phoenix, Denver, Las Vegas, Los Angeles and beyond, thousands of protesters carried signs that said: “He said I can’t breathe. Justice for George.” They chanted ”“No justice, no peace” and “Say his name. George Floyd.”

After hours of peaceful protest in downtown Atlanta, some demonstrators suddenly turned violent, smashing police cars, setting one on fire, spray-painting the iconic logo sign at CNN headquarters, and breaking into a restaurant. The crowd pelted officers with bottles, chanting “Quit your jobs.”

At least three officers were hurt and there were multiple arrests, Atlanta police spokesman Carlos Campos said in an emailed statement. Campos said protesters shot BB guns at officers and threw bricks, bottles and knives at them. People watched the scene from rooftops, some laughing as skirmishes broke out.

NYPD van torched, hundreds arrested as fiery protesters storm NYC By Joe Marino, Larry Celona and Craig McCarthy


Anti-cop rage over the police-custody death of George Floyd boiled over in Brooklyn on Friday night — with an NYPD van being set on fire in Fort Greene Park and hundreds of protesters trying to surround the 88th precinct in Clinton Hill before being rebuffed by a massive police mobilization.

In all, some 200 people were arrested Friday and early Saturday in separate, heated protests in Lower Manhattan and Brooklyn, sources told The Post.

It was 9:30 p.m. when the empty police van was set ablaze in Fort Greene Park.

A crowd of some 3,000 protesters had converged on the Barclays Center in Prospect Heights hours earlier, with police releasing chemical mace as the demonstration grew unruly and began throwing objects at cops.

And still earlier in the day, in Lower Manhattan, at least 30 protesters were busted, including a man who allegedly punched an NYPD sergeant in the head with brass knuckles.