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Ruth King

Miscalculating Risk: Confusing Scary With Dangerous By Brian S. Wesbury & Strider Elass


The coronavirus kills, everyone knows it. But this isn’t the first deadly virus the world has seen, so what happened? Why did we react the way we did? One answer is that this is the first social media pandemic. News and narratives travel in real-time right into our hands.

This spreads fear in a way we have never experienced. Drastic and historically unprecedented lockdowns of the economy happened and seemed to be accepted with little question.

We think the world is confusing “scary” with “dangerous.” They are not the same thing. It seems many have accepted as fact that coronavirus is one of the scariest things the human race has ever dealt with. But is it the most dangerous? Or even close?

There are four ways to categorize any given reality. It can be scary but not dangerous, scary and dangerous, dangerous but not scary, or not dangerous and not scary.

Clearly, COVID-19 ranks high on the scary scale. A Google news search on the virus brings up over 1.5 billion news results. To date, the virus has tragically killed nearly 100,000 people in the United States, and more lives will be lost. But on a scale of harmless to extremely dangerous, it would still fall into the category of slightly to mildly dangerous for most people, excluding the elderly and those with preexisting medical conditions.

Twenty Questions for Barack Obama Peter Kirsanow


Over the last two weeks, considerable evidence has been released related to what appears to be a major, historic political scandal. The declassification of Susan Rice’s CYA email to herself alone raises a multitude of questions. Yet the mainstream media, who’ve suddenly become invincibly incurious about Russia-related matters, have posed not one question, either directly or indirectly, to the person to whom all the players in the scandal reported: Barack Obama.

Since the Senate Judiciary Committee has signaled that the former president won’t be called to testify, it falls to the media to get some answers. But members of the media have avoided questioning Obama on the entire Russia issue for the last three years.

Maybe these reporters are suffering from a form of writer’s block. But this isn’t a heavy lift. Let’s help them with a few preliminary softballs:

The August 5, 2017 email from Peter Strzok to Lisa Page states, “The WH is running this.”

What is “this”?
Who in the WH was running it?
Was it at your direction?
Did the person report to you?
What did that person report and when?

Palestinians: Eating with a Jew is a Crime by Khaled Abu Toameh


Economic cooperation does not serve the agenda of the terrorists. Terrorists want Palestinians to continue living in abject poverty so that they can go on blaming Israel for Palestinian misery. Unemployed Palestinians are much easier to target for recruitment as terrorists than Palestinians who are able to feed their families.

Many Saudis who are furious with the Palestinian threats and smear campaign against their country for its alleged rapprochement with Israel have responded through social media platforms by strongly condemning the Palestinians. Saudi pundits are now believed to be behind a trending hashtag on Twitter, entitled, “#The_Palestinian_cause_is_not_my_cause.”

The Palestinian smear campaign is taking place amid silence from the international community and media. They seem indifferent to a rather crucial question: if a Palestinian or Muslim cannot share a meal with an Israeli or watch a TV drama about the life of Jews in Arab countries without being labelled a criminal, how would any Palestinian leader dare to sign a peace agreement with Israel?

It is no secret that many Palestinians are opposed to any form of normalization with Israel. For the past several years, these Palestinians have been waging smear campaigns against any Palestinians and Arabs who have allegedly engaged in normalization activities with Israel, particularly meetings between the two sides.

It appears, however, that the bar has just been lowered. Recently, eating with an Israeli or even watching a television series that sheds a positive light on Jews has come to constitute the despised “normalization” and is considered a crime and an act of treason.

Stacey Abrams Says She Will Step Down As Governor If Asked To Run For VP


Sitting at the governor’s desk at the Georgia state capitol, Stacey Abrams told reporters she would step down from her governorship if asked to run for vice president.

“If Biden asks me to run, I’ll need to focus on that full-time,” she said. “As much as I love running this great state, if the country needs me, I’ll be there.”

A security guard patrolling the capitol building then entered the governor’s office. “Come on, Stacey. Time to go. How many times do we have to have this talk?”

CDC Admits They’ve Been Looking Through Microscope Upside Down This Whole Time


Oops! The CDC has revealed that its chief researchers have been looking through their microscopes upside down this entire pandemic.

“Oh man! I wonder if this will change our projections,” said one scientist as a visiting scientist from the private sector showed him the proper way to look through the device. “Hey, you can see the sample a whole lot clearer this way. Neato! Hoo boy, were we way off on everything!”

“No wonder our predictions were completely opposite of what happened! No wonder we keep having to revise our guidelines! Silly us! Oh well — hope we didn’t destroy the entire economy based on those faulty models from back when we were looking through the microscopes upside down.”

Those rascally scientists! What goofballs!

At publishing time, NASA had admitted the earth was only 6,000 years old after realizing they had been looking through their telescopes backward all this time.

The Politics of Fear For economist Robert Higgs, Covid-19 is just the latest emergency justifying expanded government power By John Tierney


In the political response to the Covid-19 pandemic, everything is proceeding just as economist Robert Higgs has foreseen. But that doesn’t make it any easier for him to watch it. “I have an overwhelming feeling that I am reliving a bad experience I’ve lived through several times before, only this time it’s worse,” Higgs says. “I have no doubt that even if the current situation plays out in the best imaginable way, it will leave an abundance of legacies for the worse so far as people’s freedom is concerned.”

Higgs sees government, as usual, vastly expanding during the crisis, and he’s sure that it will not shrink back to its former scale once the crisis is over. It never does, as he famously documented in his 1987 book, Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episodes in the Growth of American Government, and in later works exploring this “ratchet effect.”

By surveying the effect of wars, financial panics, and other crises over the course of a century, Higgs showed that most government growth occurs in sporadic bursts during emergencies, when politicians enact “temporary” programs and regulations that never get fully abolished. New Deal bureaucracies and subsidies persisted long after the Great Depression, for example, and the U.S. military didn’t revert to its prewar size after either of the world wars.

Besides charting the growth of government, Higgs identified the fundamental psychological cause. He recognized the political significance of the negativity effect, also called the negativity bias—the universal tendency of negative events and emotions to affect us more strongly than positive ones.

In our recent book on this bias, The Power of Bad, social psychologist Roy Baumeister and I drew on Higgs’s work to argue that the greatest problem in politics is what we call the Crisis Crisis—the never-ending series of crises, real or imagined, that are hyped by the media and lead to cures too often worse than the disease. It’s a perpetual problem because it’s so deeply rooted in human psychology, as Higgs explained in a 2005 essay, “The Political Economy of Fear.”

Boom. Another special election, another flip: Three Democrats get the boot in Virginia By Monica Showalter


Special elections can be tricky to gauge the general election from.

But when all of the results of them go just one way, it’s pretty obvious the other party is in trouble.

Latest news: Three Virginia Democrats in a reliably blue city have just gotten the boot. A local reporter called it ‘stunning beyond belief.’

The Daily Caller reports:

Three Democratic members of the Staunton, Virginia, city council were ousted by Republicans on Tuesday despite receiving more votes than they did four years ago.

Republican candidates Mark Robertson, Amy Darby, and Steve Claffey all joined incumbent Andrea Oakes in a four-seat GOP sweep, WHSV reported. The three incoming council members replaced Democratic incumbents Erik Curren, Ophie Kier, and James Harrington all almost doubled their vote totals from 2016, yet still lost.

And it wasn’t just that city where Democrats lost out, there was also this:

Nearby Wayesboro also put two conservatives, Lana Williams and Bruce Allen, on their city council to “give conservatives a working majority,” Graham reported.

The Caller noted that even the Democrats’ huge turnout machine was no match for the high enthusiasm rate of the Republican voters. Why was that? Well, because Virginia has seen some fearsome abuse from its Democratic rulers — gun control legislation that makes no sense in Virginia’s hinterlands, and then the coronavirus lockdown, which was a death sentence on small business.

Yet it also follows from a string of GOP special election pickups, some with lockdown on the table, some without. In deep blue Connecticut last March, two seats were flipped to Republicans in a state legislature election, one by a candidate with a difficult-to-sell last name (“Bizzarro”)

The Three Blows to the New World Order So much for “the end of history.”


“We will see in the coming months whether the crisis will make us all rethink our unexamined assumptions about technocratic globalism, the transnational institutions of the “rules-based international order,” the one-world delusions about bringing democracy and freedom to cultures inhospitable to the principles and virtues necessary for those goods, and the outsized authority and power we reflexively grant to government “experts” to solve all our problems, even those that lie beyond the ken of science, and depend on our own common sense, practical wisdom, morals, and virtues.”

Nearly 30 years ago the Cold War ended with the collapse of the Soviet Empire. Communism, the last challenge to the Western paradigm of liberal democracy and free trade, disappeared, defeated by the same free-world alliance that had vanquished earlier totalitarian foes like fascism and Nazism. History understood not as events but as a tournament of conflicting socio-politico-economic orders had ended. A “new world order,” over a century in the making, finally had won.

That heady optimism was expressed by George H.W. Bush in his 1991 State of the Union address. The disintegration of the Soviet Union seemingly confirmed the triumph of democracy, free markets, and transnational institutions, or as Bush said, “a new world order, where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind––peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law.”

The Nineties saw several developments that seemingly confirmed Bush’s optimism about the future: The swift defeat of the brutal dictator Saddam Hussein, and the ending of revanchist violence in the Balkans by multinational coalitions; the expansion of NATO to the borders of Russia; the creation of the European Union by the Maastricht Treaty, and the welcoming of communist China into the World Trade Organization. All were signs of history’s “end.” At the same time, the tech revolution was relentlessly shrinking the world further, facilitating global trade and global communication through the World Wide Web, more powerful computers, email, and social media.

China’s Pandemic Power Couple Deep state doctor Fauci and corrupt WHO boss Tedros back the Communist regime’s propaganda. Lloyd Billingsley


Last week, Dr. Anthony Fauci of the White House coronavirus task force came out against opening up the American economy and sending the kids back to school in September. That touched off pushback from Sen. Rand Paul, a medical doctor, and President Trump, who for the first time publicly disagreed with Fauci. The president and his supporters, particularly those still unemployed due to Fauci’s lockdown policies, might check out Dr. Tony’s take on World Health Organization director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. 

“Tedros is a really outstanding person,” Fauci said in late March. “I’ve known him from the time that he was the minister of Health of Ethiopia.” Trouble was, the worshipful Dr. Fauci provided no detail on Tedros’ fascinating back story.

Tedros has long been affiliated with the Marxist Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), responsible for atrocities against the Amhara ethnic group in northwest Ethiopia. Tedros earned a bachelor’s degree in biology in 1986, but never completed medical studies to become a physician. During his tenure as Ethiopia’s health minister from 2005-2012, Tedros purposely covered up cholera outbreaks in 2006, 2009, and 2011.

The next year, as Ethiopia’s minister of foreign affairs, Tedros strengthened his country’s ties to Communist China, which has loaned more than $13 billion to Ethiopia. In December 2014, Tedros and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi co-authored an op-ed hailing the close bonds between the two countries.

Islamic Terrorists Win a Convert An Italian hostage returns home from 18 months in captivity—and sparks a debate. By Alessandra Bocchi


When Italian aid worker Silvia Romano returned home this month, the government hoped for a bright moment amid the devastation of Covid-19. Ms. Romano, 25, had been held captive in East Africa for 18 months by a gang affiliated with the Islamist terrorist group al-Shabaab. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte personally welcomed her back, but her liberation wasn’t an unblemished political victory. In fact, it infuriated many Italians.

Ms. Romano appeared in a chador, a modest garment common in many Islamic countries. During an interrogation, she reportedly told officials that she had converted to Islam freely and now went by Aisha. The former hostage denied rumors that she had been forced to marry one of her abductors. She said they treated her well.

The West has waged war against Islamist extremists for decades. Raising arms against such evil to ensure security and stability for innocents at home and abroad is justifiable and laudable. But there are other reasons for the fight, and Ms. Romano’s story suggests that many Westerners have forgotten them.

The former hostage is innocent of wrongdoing, the victim of a tragedy that cost her dearly. No one yet knows, and it’s possible no one will ever know, whether genuine belief or incessant brainwashing motivated her conversion. Yet I can relate to Ms. Romano. I too come from Milan, an industrial city with a proud history of hardworking people now suffering from spiritual decay. As a freelance journalist in North Africa, I also spent significant time living among Muslims.