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Ruth King

WHO: Another Deadly Failure of Globalism By Brett Velicovich


Bloated international bureaucracies such as the World Health Organization have demonstrated their inability to fulfill their enormous mandates—and other countries around the world should follow our president’s lead and find a better use for their taxpayers’ resources.

It’s time to be brutally honest about the World Health Organization (WHO)—the institution is a daily testament to the deadly failures of globalism.

The WHO was designed to keep humanity safe from disease outbreaks and epidemics, but it’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic has only made the crisis worse. From the earliest days of the outbreak, the United Nations-backed organization blatantly parroted Chinese government propaganda, helping the communist regime spread misinformation at a tremendous cost in human lives.

On January 14, for instance, the WHO tweeted that the novel virus is not spreading between people, attributing the findings to the Chinese government. “Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China,” the group wrote.

Clearly, this was not the case—and the experts at the WHO should have known better than to believe China’s baseless claims, much less issue a statement that only could have been interpreted as a call to resist any efforts to prevent the spread of the new virus. At the time, Chinese authorities were already silencing doctors and researchers who tried to raise an alarm about the virus—which should have served as a clear clue that the regime should not be trusted. Doctors who posted information about the coronavirus on Chinese social media were confronted and reprimanded in late December, and at the start of January, the Hubei Provincial Health Commission ordered labs to stop testing virus samples. Both actions should have raised immediate red flags at the WHO.

Protecting the ‘Precious’ NHS Bruce Bawer


It can be hard to persuade free people to allow their government to intrude into their lives; in the UK, the chief means by which the government convinces the people of their need for that intrusion is the nonstop propaganda telling them that their very lives depend upon the government.

Eight years ago, I wrote about the opening ceremonies of the London Olympics, which presented in song, dance, and spectacle a history of Britain so ideologically tendentious as to rival the Communist propaganda of Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States. 

The basic narrative, in case you missed it, was this: a green and pleasant land is mutated by capitalism into a place of dark satanic mills and then, thanks to leftist agitation, metamorphoses into a glorious welfare state whose crown jewel is the National Health Service. Featuring a veritable army of children in sickbeds and women in nurse’s outfits, and leading to a climax in which the letters “NHS” were spelled out in lights, the whole thing had the feel of an unusually fervent worship service.

As Andrew Gilligan observed in the Telegraph, the NHS had finally undergone its “final transformation from a healthcare system into a religion”; a Tory MP who dared to call the show “leftie multicultural crap” quickly caved under pressure, assuring the BBC that “we all love the NHS.”

Two years ago, spurred by a word in a Theresa May speech, I was moved to revisit the topic of the NHS. The word was “precious.” May used it to modify “NHS,” as in “our precious NHS.” As I wrote at the time, “one might easily forgive her for describing, say, Britain’s finest doctors and nurses as—oh, I don’t know—how about ‘treasured’? Or for using such language to celebrate modern medicine—robot surgery, wonder drugs, cutting-edge diagnostic technology.” But the woman was referring to a government bureaucracy!

As I soon discovered, May was far from the first to call the NHS “precious.” In fact, “our precious NHS” turned out to be something of a cliché. I found this depressing.

An ER Physician/Entrepreneur Perspective on the Wuhan Virus By Trevor Thomas


In California recently, two emergency room doctors gave a powerful briefing on what’s going on when it comes to the Wuhan virus in their state, our nation, and the world over. The two doctors in the video are Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi. Dr. Erickson is a former emergency room (ER) physician who now co-owns Accelerated Urgent Care in Bakersfield, CA. Dr. Massihi is his business partner. Bakersfield is the largest city and the county seat of Kern County, CA. Kern County has a population just over 900,000.

The highlights from their briefing:

The Wuhan virus has caused “severe disruption” for their urgent care business. Because of the forced shutdown and the forced total focus on only Wuhan virus patients, their “volumes [of patients] have dropped significantly.” Confirming what Portland, OR nurse, Josie Alexander, boldly declared just one day prior to their briefing, Dr. Erickson also revealed that many California hospital ICUs “are empty, essentially.” Because of this, hospitals are “shutting down floors, they’re furloughing patients, they’re furloughing doctors.”

In certain places in California, the health system has been “evacuated” to the point that they are operating at a “minimal capacity — getting rid of our doctors and nurses because we just don’t have the volume [of patients].”After talking to ER physicians around the country, “because COVID has become the focus” of our healthcare system, Dr. Erickson concludes that people with critical illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, hypertension, and the like, are not going to the doctor out of “fear.” Thanks to the media and many politicians across the U.S., we are dealing with an irrational and uninformed fear.

Disgusting: Democrats threaten to expel Democratic lawmaker for surviving COVID-19 with hydroxychloroquine and thanking Trump By Monica Showalter


What kind of a creature “censures” a black woman who just barely survived the coronavirus and then went on to thank President Trump for suggesting hydroxychloroquine, the drug that turned the tide for her?

Only a Democrat. And in Gretchen Whitmer’s Michigan, these beasts have proliferated. Rather than offer thanks to heaven for their fellow Detroit legislator’s survival, along with lots of proverbial pats on the back and expressions of support for her recovery, which is what decent people do, these Democrats had different ideas. They decided to punish her, whipping out their censorship apparat and threatening party expulsion all for the ‘crime’ of surviving COVID-19 by taking hydroxychloroquine and remembering and thanking President Trump.

Michigan’s already grossly unpopular governor, Gretchen Whitmer, who banned garden seed sales, mowing the lawn, and visiting one’s own getaway cabin, has actually been making time in her busy schedule to send crank texts to the lawmaker, Karen Whitsett.

Whitsett, who is a state legislator, came off as a decent human being, too, was utterly taken aback by the extent of Trump derangement in her own party, now targeted at her:

They would expel me, why they would expel me is beyond words for me. This is something that I did not expect, I started out with a simple thank you to the man that is the president of the United States. It’s a thank you, I didn’t know that thank you had a political line. I didn’t know thank you belongs to one political party over another, and that if you’re in one party you cannot say thank you to another person. I had no idea.

Trump and the 50 governors By Lynne Lechter


There are times where there are “no do-overs,” instances when one must get it right the first time, or perhaps be consigned to a lifetime of regret.  Caretaking for an elder presents one such example. Leading a national response to an incurable new disease is another. While President Trump could make a no do over situation a national debate to the end, he has now rightfully and artfully, turned the script over to the fifty governors to decide the fate of those whose lives are in their hands.  Now, they are the caretakers. Some reluctantly, some dictatorially, some draconically, and some eagerly embracing their path to reopening

It is easy for the conspiracy theorists to rule the day. Still, truth is not only illusive and transitory, but mind numbingly difficult to discern.  “The numbers are inflated, the numbers are undercounted, Dr. Fauci is an expert, Dr. Fauci dances with the devils at the Wuhan Lab, mitigation has flattened the curve and saved the hospitals from crashing, mitigation harmed us by halting herd immunity, a second wave is  coming, a second wave isn’t coming, hydroxyquinoline is a cure, hydroxyquinoline kills” – and so, each uncertain day unfolds. 

All of them, and all of us, are flying into the unknown. While many Americans have, albeit with varying degrees of reluctance, supported the shutdowns, there is a vocal minority that pushes for the immediate reopening of our economy.  And, while most “experts” have our best interests at heart, surely there are those in their midst with ulterior motives:  pecuniary, enhanced status, protecting one’s reputation, fame, seeking higher office, balancing accumulated state debt, yearning for the demise of capitalism and the rise of socialism, and/or obsessed with power.

Denmark: Fake Bible Must be Revoked by Petra Heldt


Unperturbed, in 2020, the Danish Bible Society (DBS) published a complete and revised Bible with the same anti-Israel New Testament version intact, plus a translation of the Old Testament, replacing the word “Israel” with “us”, as in Psalm 121:4 (“He who watches over Israel [DBS: ‘us’] will neither slumber nor sleep”), as Jan Frost reports.

As in this case, trading “Israel” for “us” is not simply replacing one word for another; it switches the concept. DBS pretends that we get the divine watchfulness. It has been stolen. The original recipient, Israel, has been replaced and robbed of its privileges.

DBS seems to be attempting to discard Israel. The Society appears to be emulating the current social attitude that develops from the anti-Israelism of Muslim immigrants and that is picked up by other Danish parts of society. Who commissioned this Bible edition? Who paid for it? Who profits from a fake Bible? Who stands for the truth of the Christian faith in Denmark?

With the authorized 1992 Danish Bible translation in place, the Danish Bible Society (DBS), nevertheless, issued a revised New Testament in 2012 completely omitting the word “Israel” or replacing it with “Jews” or “us”. The strange reason for this extraordinary action was, as Danes recall, to prevent Danish Lutheran Christians from confusing biblical Israel with the modern State of Israel. Danish Christians protested vehemently. Unperturbed, in 2020 DBS published a complete and revised Bible with the same anti-Israel New Testament version intact, plus a translation of the Old Testament, replacing the word “Israel” with “us”, as in Psalm 121:4 (“He who watches over Israel [DBS: ‘us’] will neither slumber nor sleep”), as Jan Frost reports.

Coronavirus Crisis: China Isn’t Going to Win by Amir Taheri


Last January, no doubt underestimating the threat to France itself, President Emmanuel Macron made a gift of five million surgical masks to the People’s Republic. When it became clear, just three weeks later, that France itself might urgently need the masks, Beijing came out with a barrage of excuses to avoid restitution. And when the French agreed to buy masks at three times the price, China signed the contract but sold a good part of the masks at five times the price to last-minute private buyers from the United States. Beijing has played the same trick on a number of other countries, notably Chile, which last week lodged formal protest.

One thing is certain: public opinion in many countries is today more hostile to doing business with China. And that could adversely affect both normal trade and “sweetheart” deals like the one Britain planned to conclude with Huawei.

Campaigns to boycott Chinese goods have already started in more than 40 countries on all continents.

“Is China Winning?” This was the cover headline that the British weekly The Economist unfurled earlier this month for a lengthy report on how the major powers might emerge out of the current coronavirus crisis.

This is not the first time that a section of Western media, often including The Economist, pronounce the Western democracies, especially the United States, as losers in comparison with rivals and/or enemies.

In the 1980s, the magazine beat the drums for “Japan As Number One”, echoing Ezra Vogel’s book-length rodomontade for the so-called “faultless economic model.” In the 1990s, The Economist, with President Suharto on its cover, predicted the rise of Indonesia as one of the world’s top economic powers. And in 2005, the magazine offered another sensational cover with the headline: “Has Iran Won?”




Another potential coronavirus treatment. Israeli biotech Redhill has announced that another of its pipeline medicines RHB-107 (upamostat) is to be tested by the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) against SARS-CoV2, the virus that causes COVID-19. (Redhill’s Opaganib is already saving lives.)
US patent for coronavirus vaccine. (TY Richard) Tel Aviv University Professor Jonathan Gershoni has been granted a US patent for technology to develop a vaccine for COVID-19. The vaccine targets the coronavirus’s Achilles’ heel, its Receptor Binding Motif (RBM), which the virus uses to bind to and infect a target cell.
Giving coronavirus patients a LIFT. Scientists from Israel’s Technion Institute have developed Liquid Foam Therapy (LIFT). It improves the distribution across the lungs of surfactant, the liquid that coats the surface of alveoli in the lungs,. COVID-19 kills the cells that secrete surfactant, making it harder to breathe.
Protecting intubated patients. (TY Hazel) Israel’s Hospitech produces the AnapnoGuard (reported here previously) which seals the trachea of intubated patients and protects them against Ventilator Associated Pneumonia. It was in use in China before the coronavirus outbreak and is now in use in 5 Israeli hospitals.
Recovered from Covid-19. A 45-year-old coronavirus patient at Jerusalem’s Wolfson hospital woke up from a 29-day coma. A 22-year-old regained consciousness after a three-week coma. A 94-year-old Jerusalem woman has recovered from Covid-19. And Eli Beer, CEO of United Hatzalah returned home to Israel after his recovery.
https://www.jewishpress.com/news/us-news/florida/eli-beer-recovered-from-coronavirus-coming-back-to-israel/2020/04/21/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnD3FtoGeiw
Successful caesarian birth. A seriously ill corona patient, 32-week’s pregnant and on ventilation, gave birth to a healthy 5.2lb baby via cesarean section in the isolation ward at Ziv Medical Center in Tzfat (Safed).
The first new antibiotic in 3 decades. Israel’s Regina Barzilay co-led an MIT team that used artificial intelligence to discover Halicin – the first entirely new antibiotic molecule in 30 years. It kills two of the most dangerous and durable bacteria which (unlike with other antibiotics) were unable to develop resistance to it.
The meaning of life. As the cell’s protein factory, the ribosome is the only natural machine that manufactures its own parts and is key to explaining how life develops. Researchers at Israel’s Weizmann Institute are now able to demonstrate the self-synthesis and assembly of the small subunit of a ribosome on a surface of a chip.
National breastmilk bank saves preemie. A premature infant at Haifa’s Carmel Medical Center became the first baby to receive donated milk from Magen David Adom’s new national milk bank. The baby was unable to digest formula milk and his mother was unable to nurse him. The baby is now doing well and gaining weight.

Kim Jong Un in ‘vegetative state’, Japanese media claims; China medical experts dispatched to North Korea


Kim Jong Un’s health appears could be more serious than initially believed, according to reports.

Reports emerged earlier this week that Kim was gravely ill following heart surgery, although that has since been disputed. However, Japanese media now claims that Kim is in a vegetative state following a stent procedure.

Japanese magazine Shukan Gendai reported that Kim collapsed during a visit to a rural area in April. Kim reportedly required a stent procedure following the incident.

Shukan Gendai subsequently detailed how the surgeon in charge of Kim’s operation was not used to dealing with obese patients and was too nervous during the operation, leading to delays that left Kim in a “vegetative state.”

The magazine cited an unnamed member of Kim’s medical team.

Government Bears the Burden of Proof on Coronavirus Restrictions By Andrew C. McCarthy


Expert opinion is helpful, sometimes invaluable, but it’s no substitute for truth

There is never a good time for a pandemic, but an election year in a deeply divided country is an especially bad time. Everything is politicized. I would add that even science is politicized, but that would suggest that this was something new. Sadly, we’re inured to the politicization of science, thanks to climate change and to the centrality of government funding to academic endeavors. Research resources are diverted toward our political conflicts, rather than being freely allocated where they could better advance the search for truth.

The politicization of science has ingrained in our political life something about which we ought to be highly skeptical: The argument from authority. It is doing extraordinary damage to the republic, through governmental responses — federal, state and municipal — to the coronavirus.

And it will keep doing damage unless and until we restore the burden of proof.

There is no doubt that governments have a compelling interest in public safety, which includes preventing the spread of a potentially deadly infectious disease. It is nevertheless the foundational conceit of the American republic that governments are created to secure the fundamental rights of a nation’s citizens — our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Moreover, the legitimacy of government is dependent on the consent of the governed.