Displaying the most recent of 91910 posts written by

Ruth King

The Disintegration Of America, Its Economy And Its Constitution Ernest S. Christian


“Is it Donald Trump that the media, the Socialist Democrats and the Woke progressives hate? Or do they hate America itself and the millions of “deplorables” who voted for Trump and who are the last stalwart vestiges of American Exceptionalism?”

We – the people in geographic America – are now so diverse in character, culture and competence, so riven by racial, regional, religious, ethnic, gender, economic and social jealousies and dislikes and so afraid of one another that we may no longer be “one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”  

A 2011 book by journalist Colin Woodard asserts that geographic America never has been one nation, but rather has always been several separate ones. Compare, for example, the characteristics of a native of Woodard’s “Greater Appalachia” nation with those of a typical inhabitant of his “Yankeedom” nation or his “Left Coast” nation.  

F. H. Buckley, Professor at George Mason University’s Scalia School of Law, powerfully asserts in his 2020 book, “American Secession,” that both geographic America and constitutional America are “divisible” and ripe for a breakup.

The old ties that held together the disparate parts and peoples of America are now frayed or broken.  Some have been viciously cut.  

Patriotism and rallying around the flag no longer unify.  The population of geographic America is now so diverse in its origins and cultural DNA that the person standing next to you may hate the American flag you are saluting.   

Christianity has been banned from schools and the public square, undermined in the popular culture by Hollywood and the media – and is no longer the unifying force that it once was.  Far from it.

Even the secular form of the Judeo-Christian tradition that Samuel Huntington called the American Creed is being “canceled” and replaced by Woke prescriptions that substitute hate for Christianity’s agape love and divide Americans into many warring identity-group tribes.  

The Economy Doesn’t Need Government ‘Help’ To Reopen


After weeks of lockdown, several states have begun to outline plans for returning to business as usual. The economies in these states don’t need political schemes. They simply need to be released from government chains.

Governments don’t create economies. It’s not only beyond their legitimate functions, it’s beyond their abilities. They need to stay out of the way and let the wisdom of markets steer us back to normal. But some officials see an opening through which they can drive their big government dreams.

For instance elected officials in California, which is likely to be the last state to fully open though it hasn’t seen the most suffering from the COVID-19 outbreak, view the crisis as a means to push the state harder and faster down the Blue State path. When asked by a reporter earlier this month if he saw “the potential, as many others in the party do, for a new progressive era and opportunity for additional progressive steps,” Gov. Gavin Newsom said yes, of course “there is opportunity for reimagining a progressive era as it pertains to capitalism.” 

“Absolutely we see this as an opportunity to reshape the way we do business and how we govern,” Newsom added.

A little more than two weeks later, Newsom announced the formation of his Task Force on Business and Jobs Recovery. Behind the official sounding name, and a few non-Democrat token members, hides a plan to use the pandemic as a means for advancing Blue State economic interventions that include: greater redistribution of wealth, higher taxes, bankrupting the oil and gas industry, an “unhinged” green energy program, minimum wage that breaks the backs of small businesses, and more of California’s hostility toward business in general.

Expect Newsom’s task force to draw the blueprint for other progressive states to follow.

The task forces, committees, and other councils across the country that will be charged with reopening economies “didn’t build that,” if we might borrow a particularly repugnant phrase. In fact, there is a certainty the most active of these will take what others built and wring the life out of it.

London Police Ask Citizens to Report COVID-19 Hate Crimes by Judith Bergman


Asking the public for more complaints — specifically on hate crime — especially regarding incidents that are not even obviously criminal, seems a bizarre priority, to say the least.

In 2014, the UK introduced the Hate Crime Operational Guidelines, which state that any non-crime incident that is perceived, by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on a person’s race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or transgender identity must be recorded, even if there is no evidence of the hate element…

Since the introduction of the Hate Crime Operational Guidelines, police in the UK have recorded nearly 120,000 “non-crime hate incidents”…. The non-crime incidents are logged in a system and can even show up in a so-called DBS check, when employers ask for a copy of a prospective employee’s criminal record.

The Hate Crime Operational Guidelines came under scrutiny in February… The police showed up at [Miller’s] place of work. They told him that his tweet was not a crime, but that it was nevertheless being recorded as a hate incident. In police reports, Miller was described as a “suspect”.

The Hate Crime Operational Guidelines… are still in use.

The Metropolitan Police (the Met, London’s police force) recently asked the public to report, “hate crime related to the Covid-19 pandemic”.

“Are you a victim or witness of hate crime related to the COVID-19 pandemic? We do not tolerate hatred or abuse directed at communities because of their race, religion, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity. If you experience hate crime, please tell us & we will act” the Met tweeted on March 28.

Finding Europe’s Hidden Conservatives by Daniel Pipes


Civilizationists’ top concern is not battling climate change, building the European Union, or staving off Russian and Chinese aggression; rather, they focus on preserving Europe’s historic civilization of the past two millennia. They worry about Europe becoming an extension of the Middle East or Africa.

That anxiety contains four elements: demography, immigration, multiculturalism, and Islamization (or DIMI, recalling the Arabic word dhimmi, the status of Jews and Christians who submit to the rule of Muslims).

Civilizationists… are already a powerful force, having advanced from a marginal position twenty years ago to a central role in many countries. They are the key opposition force in Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, and Sweden. They have been or are part of the government in Austria, Estonia, Italy, Norway, and Switzerland. They govern in a coalition in Poland and on their own in Hungary.

Does Europe have any conservatives? That is, believers in individual responsibility, national independence, free markets, a single law for all, the traditional family, and maximum freedom of speech and religion.

Seemingly not. Politicians called conservative — such as Angela Merkel of Germany, Jacques Chirac of France, and Fredrik Reinfeldt of Sweden — are often in reality mild leftists, as are their parties. One might conclude that conservatism is defunct in its homeland.

One would be wrong. A substantial conservative movement exists and is growing in Europe. It is hiding in plain sight, obscured by being tarred as populists, nationalists, extreme-right, or even neo-Nazis. I call this group by another name: civilizationists, acknowledging that (1) they focus on preserving Western civilization and (2) they forward some distinctly un-conservative policies (such as increased welfare and pension payments).


Read about this outstanding candidate at https://ryantmeehan.com/about/

Ryan holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the United States Military Academy at West Point, a Masters of Business Administration from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, and a Masters of Arts in International Studies from the University of Pennsylvania’s Lauder Institute with a focus on Latin America.

Ryan is a graduate of Army Ranger and Airborne School. Between 2007 and 2012, he served two tours of duty in Afghanistan, where he commanded units in one of the most highly decorated infantry battalions in the US Army ranging in size from a 41-man Infantry Platoon to a 350-person remote combat outpost. Most of his deployment time was spent in the heavily contested Kunar Province, and he was awarded a Bronze Star for his service. Ryan left the military in 2012 after achieving the rank of Captain.

He is running against the ultra-liberal freshman Democrat who has thrown in with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her radical “Squad.” The contrast in this race is stark – and our victory is imperative. Ryan’s common-sense conservative values of limited, constitutional government, economic freedom and supply-side pro-growth policies will provide a winning message for Republicans in November. This is a congressional seat we can – and must win!

An Appealing Candidate in Connecticut By Jack Fowler- Ryan Meehan for Congress (R-CT District 5)


Viable opportunities for Connecticut voters to send a conservative to Capitol Hill have proven rare in the past decade, but with Ryan Meehan — a sharp and energetic fan of Bill Buckley now seeking the GOP nomination to take on the very liberal Democrat incumbent, Jahanna Hayes, in the state’s fifth Congressional District — opportunity may be knocking.

It’s hard to deny the perception that the Constitution State is through-and-through blue. The reality is somewhat different. Prior to the 2016 elections, Republicans were tied for control of the state Senate, and six votes short of holding the majority in the Assembly. Of little consolation, but arithmetic worth: The last three gubernatorial elections were each nail-biters for the prevailing Democrats, with former Governor Dannel Malloy and the incumbent, Ned Lamont, winning in close calls. There’s a lot of potential here, and but for the lackluster character of many GOP’s candidates, Connecticut’s hue would look a lot more purple.

The fifth District is a particular case in point: Donald Trump lost it by only four points 2016, while he lost the state by 14 points in 2016; and the GOP’s 2018 gubernatorial candidate, Bob Stefanowski, considered to have run a generally weak campaign, won the district handily. The flip side of all this is the incumbent congresswoman, recruited to run for the open seat in 2018 by U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (who held the seat from 2007-2013). She beat a poorly funded Manny Santos, who, like a lot of CT Republican candidates, found out that when it comes to the campaign, the state party’s promises of volunteers, coordination, and money never seem to materialize.

Italy Is Fighting COVID-19 — and Capitalism By Alberto Mingardi


Alberto Mingardi is the director general of Istituto Bruno Leoni, Italy’s free-market think tank, and an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute.

A scheme ostensibly meant to deal with economic effects of the virus could well end up as a massive expansion of the state’s power to run business and finance.

In the 1920s, the three major Italian banks had a substantial stake in the largest Italian listed companies. Roughly two years after Wall Street’s crash, Italy also experienced a great crash, with stock valuations dropping an average of 30 percent. Those banks found themselves in dire straits: If they sold assets at market prices, their capital would be swept away.

For this reason, in 1933 the Italian Institute for Industrial Reconstruction (IRI) was established by the fascist regime. The government nationalized the banks and placed the shares of businesses it owned in a dedicated holding, to be managed by a few capable technocrats. Mussolini himself thought it was a “convalescent home” for Italian businesses, aimed at a quick recovery. IRI would later be held by Franklin Roosevelt as a model for his NRA. It was not until the 1990s that IRI was dismantled and its controlled companies privatized; the holding was liquidated in 2000. In other words, it took nearly 70 years for Italy to get its state-controlled businesses out of the convalescent home.

It is generally agreed that COVID-19 could be as serious a crisis as 1929. It is possible that this predicament will yield an even greater state ownership of formerly private companies. In most countries this would be an unintended consequence of prolonged lockdowns, but in Italy, it may well happen by design.

COVID numbers getting redefined again? By Anthony C. Patton


In a world of “lies, damned lies, and statistics,” we should consult the SARS-Cov-2 (COVID-19) source data to understand the current numbers and the methodology for classifying new cases and deaths.

According to the CDC website, as of April 18, there were 690,714 total cases and 35,442 total deaths.  A footnote says the total cases include 1,282 probable cases and the total deaths include 4,226 probable deaths, which is 12% of the total deaths after only four days of counting probable deaths.  This is probably the result of the new definition of “probable death” (see below).

The CDC began counting confirmed and probable cases and deaths on April 14, two days before President Trump announced his plan for states to reopen the economy, based on guidance provided by the Council for State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) on April 5.

The guidance for probable COVID-19 cases and deaths includes three options: (1) meets clinical criteria and epidemiologic evidence with no confirmatory laboratory testing performed, (2) meets presumptive laboratory evidence and either clinical criteria or epidemiologic evidence, or (3) meets vital records criteria with no confirmatory laboratory testing performed.

This guidance includes definitions for clinical criteria, epidemiologic evidence, presumptive laboratory evidence, and vital records criteria, but the threshold for “probable” seems “possible” in some cases.  

Bild, one of Germany’s major news outlets, rakes China over the coals By Andrea Widburg


China has been working overtime to deflect responsibility for the Wuhan virus’s leap from a Chines bio lab into a worldwide pandemic that’s caused death and economic destruction around the globe. While Democrats want to blame Trump more than China, in England, people know that China is at fault and, in Germany, one newspaper has directly challenged China. 

In America, a media in thrall to Trump Derangement Syndrome is promoting Chinese propaganda to derail Trump’s reelection campaign. (See, e.g., “CNN accused of ‘literally publishing Chinese propaganda.’”) This joint Chinese and mainstream media propaganda effort has worked, up to a point. According to a Rasmussen poll, 60% of Democrats believe that Trump is more responsible than China for the Wuhan virus in America. 

Outside of the Democrat swamp, though, people have taken note of the fact that the Wuhan virus is a Chinese phenomenon. They understand that, while China may not have released the virus deliberately, its subsequent cover-up and lies turned the virus into a devastating worldwide pandemic.

Thus, the same Rasmussen poll reveals that 69% of voters overall believe that China is at fault, a view held by 83% of Republicans and 65% of Independents.

In England, a Henry Jackson Society poll also revealed a real hardening in attitudes towards China:

74% of British adults believe “the Chinese Government is to blame for allowing COVID-19 to spread”. Just 19% believe it is not to blame;
71% of the public would support the British Government suing China in international court “if it became evident that the Chinese government breached international law in responding to the initial outbreak and spread of COVID-19”. Just 6% would oppose such action;
More British adults now oppose Huawei’s role in the UK’s 5G network than support it.
40% of British adults oppose allowing the firm to build the UK’s network, just 27% support it.
 The proportion who oppose allowing Huawei a role rises to 51% amongst Conservative voters in the 2019 election;
69% of the British public believe that the virus began in a wet market in Wuhan, China;
83% of the public believe that the British Government should demand an international inquiry into the response of the Chinese Government to the COVID-19 crisis;
45% of the public believe that the Chinese Government is mainly to blame for the damage caused in the UK by Coronavirus. 15% believe the UK government is mainly to blame and 31% believe that the UK and Chinese Government’s are equally to blame.

Meanwhile, in Germany, one major publication is attacking China directly for its responsibility vis-à-vis the Wuhan virus. Bild, a daily broadsheet with a circulation of over 2 million, wrote an article asking “whether China should pay for the massive economic damage the coronavirus is inflicting worldwide.” It held that China owed Germany almost $162 billion.

No Wonder the Kids are Historically Illiterate By Eileen F. Toplansky


Generally, when a buyer is defrauded of services, the demand for the goods diminishes. As more emerges of what colleges and universities across this country are not doing, the demand will dry up unless there are drastic changes.

The American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA) has published a report titled “What Will They Learn?”  It is a survey of core requirements at our nation’s colleges and universities and one does not need a Ph.D. to comprehend the paucity of education now apparent in far too many places. In fact, “for over a decade, ACTA has expressed concern that rising employer dissatisfaction with college graduates, as well as the decline in civic competency and informed discourse in the public square, are attributable to an overall deterioration of core curricula in the liberal arts. That is why ACTA evaluates over 1,100 general education programs every year in light of standards and criteria established by the committees of scholars… convened.”


many colleges and universities are watering down their requirements, allowing students to bypass college-level writing, mathematics, and economics courses and to graduate with a mediocre knowledge base and skillset. The ‘joke’ or ‘easy-A’ courses, such as ‘Science in Film,’ ‘American History through Baseball,’ or ‘History of Rock n’ Roll in America,’ may be fun and easy, and there is certainly a place for the odd niche course as a free elective or advanced topics course in a major. But as students often discover after they leave campus, they graduated without developing the intellectual abilities that would position them to excel in a competitive job market — because their institution did not require them to take challenging courses that discipline and furnish the mind. It is hardly any wonder that two-thirds of college graduates express disappointment with some aspect of their college experience today.