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Ruth King

Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s Days in Congress Might Be Numbered Daniel Greenfield see note please



Unlike Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Rep. Ilhan Omar, Rep. Tlaib’s political existence was an electoral fluke.

If the #MeToo movement hadn’t brushed against the House, coming into contact with Rep. John Conyers, and if the Conyers clan and assorted black political leaders hadn’t begun fighting over the Conyers seat, Tlaib, an anti-American terror supporter, would probably never have made it through the gate. And black political leaders aren’t giving up on Tlaib’s seat. So much for the Squad.

Detroit City Council President Brenda Jones officially announced Wednesday that she’s going up against freshman U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib.

The Coronavirus and the November Election What does it all mean for Trump’s chances to win again? Bruce Thornton


Early in the new year, President Trump seemed in good shape to be reelected. The economy was booming, with record-setting stock-market highs and unemployment lows. The over three years of various inquisitions into “scandals” like the Russian collusion or Ukrainian quid pro quo had culminated in no evidence of any crimes, and in a failed impeachment conviction. The opposition Democrats looked increasingly likely to be settling one of two old, rich, white mediocrities as their standard-bearer for November, with nothing to recommend them other than utopian, expensive anti-free market policies and their irrational hatred of Donald Trump.

The more prudent prognosticators knew that despite such tail-winds, Trump still faced the greatest fear of every politician: events. Some are known possibilities, such as an economic downturn, a shooting war, or some Harvey Weinstein level of scandal. But no one foresaw that a pandemic starting in a Chinese wet market would incite mass hysteria and containment policies that have wounded our economy, tanked the market, raised unemployment, and threaten to bring on a deep recession, if not a depression.

What does all this mean for Trump’s chances to be reelected?

On the one hand, economic bad news usually overrides the advantage of being the incumbent, especially when it is accompanied by a foreign policy disaster, as Jimmy Carter learned when his reelection was hampered by, among many other things, the stagflation of the Seventies and the Iranian hostage crisis. But the current economic woes have not been caused by Trump’s or his party’s policies, which in fact created the boom in the first place. Nor does he face abroad anything as serious as the hostage crisis.

The current economic debacle is the consequence of an unforeseen contingency no state can adequately plan for. And unlike Carter’s blunders, Trump’s occasional misspeaking or exaggerations, all hyped and distorted by the media, have been redeemed by his swift move to ban all air travel from China, and a few weeks later from Europe as well. These actions no doubt have saved thousands of American lives.

Senate Passes Coronavirus Bill, Proving Pelosi Gambled With Americans’ Lives and Lost By Tyler O’Neil


In the wee hours of Wednesday evening, the U.S. Senate finally passed the $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill after a great deal of Democrat stalling and a futile effort by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to put forward a separate bill jam-packed with liberal Christmas wish-list items. The bill provides crucial relief to businesses struggling with the social distancing strategy of stopping the spread of the coronavirus. It now heads to the House.

The stimulus bill is far from perfect, but its passage unmasked Pelosi’s tactics as a disgraceful waste of time during this crisis. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) slammed the speaker for her attempt to jam her liberal pipe dreams down Americans’ throats in the midst of a crisis.

“Democrats wanted to use the coronavirus response package to change election law & implement parts of their Green New Deal. The Senate just passed strong bipartisan legislation that scraps those items, & it’s clear. ⇨ Their delay achieved nothing but more pain for Americans,” McCarthy tweeted.

The media are engaged in a shameful sustained attack against Trump By Andrea Widburg


On Tuesday, President Trump, Vice President Pence, Deborah Birx, and Surgeon General Vice Admiral Jerome Adams sat down for a Fox News virtual town hall. It was the most-watched town hall in cable news history, with around 4.4 million viewers. Americans are obviously hungry to hear information directly from those people who will make decisions about how our country approaches the coronavirus situation.

In addition to the town hall, President Trump has been making himself and his team available every day for press conferences. While the President is always going to be Trump-esque, he’s learned the virtue of gracefully stepping aside so that the experts can speak directly to the public.

These same press conferences have given Americans an unfiltered view of the mainstream media’s so-called journalists. The people get to see, without editing, how reporters treat the president with profound disrespect, argue with him constantly, and obsess, not about things that concern Americans, but about whether it’s racist to call the current virus by its geographic place of origin.

COVID-19 and the fog of war By Robert Arvay


Every year, many thousands of people die of what is called ordinary flu.  Tens of thousands die in traffic accidents.  Then there are industrial accidents, household mishaps, and huge numbers of avoidable deaths attributed to tobacco and illegal drugs.

We have, sad to say, learned to live with these deaths.  We do not close down society because of them.

The coronavirus (COVID-19), tragic though it is, pales in comparison, so far, with other causes of death.

While we should never downplay the effects of the current pandemic, we must keep it in perspective.  To allow the counter-measures to bring about an economic collapse would kill untold numbers of people, directly or indirectly.  In addition, the economic collapse of one large, bellicose nation could trigger a war, with millions of dead in a short time.

North Korea claims to have had no COVID-19 infections.  Even if that doubtful claim were true, it is but a matter of time before there is an outbreak of the virus there.  Faced with the imminent prospect of his entire army being debilitated, Kim Jong-un, mercurial and reckless in the best of times, is likely to roll the dice militarily.

Iran is another case of modern-day but psychologically medieval leaders with their fingers on triggers.  They hold an apocalyptic view that commits them to bringing about world chaos in order to prompt the return of their Twelfth Imam.  COVID-19 seems to be running rampant in that nation, which rejects U.S. assistance in controlling the disease.  Instead of wearing suicide vests, might the newest jihadis choose self-sacrifice by contagion

Trudeau’s Coronavirus Power Grab Canada’s prime minister asks for the authority to tax, spend and borrow without Parliament’s approval. By Elliot Kaufman



“Emergency bill would grant cabinet sweeping powers to tax and spend without parliamentary approval through end of 2021,” announced Canada’s Globe and Mail newspaper Monday. I readied for a feeling of resignation: I guess Aung San Suu Kyi really has lost it. Or perhaps cynicism: Putin decided to make it official, eh? But to my surprise, the article was about Canada and its progressive prime minister, Justin Trudeau. If this is multiculturalism, he’s taken it too far.

Mr. Trudeau’s Liberal Party planned to introduce economic relief legislation Tuesday morning and had already distributed copies to some opposition parliamentarians in preparation. At 44 pages, the draft bill was relatively brief. Then again, how complicated is it to define arbitrary power?

The bill would have allowed Mr. Trudeau’s cabinet to raise taxes, impose new taxes, spend and borrow by fiat, all without a vote in Parliament. Apparently the coronavirus pandemic is so dire that Liberals thought there wouldn’t be time, at least until 2022, to vote on matters of fiscal policy.

This power grab quickly fizzled. Mr. Trudeau’s Liberals won a mere 33% of the aggregate popular vote in this past October’s election, the lowest percentage for a governing party in Canadian history. Leading a minority government, the prime minister needs some support from his opponents to enact legislation. How did he imagine that conversation would go?

New York Dems Demand Coronavirus Cash for Museum w/$2.9 Billion Endowment Daniel Greenfield


Fear not ladies and sufferers, the Pelosi coronavirus pigout is just getting started.

New York is facing an eruption in coronavirus cases. And what’s on the minds of its Dem delegation? Ventilators, masks? Museums.

“NYC isn’t NYC without our non-profit museums. But if we want our museums to survive COVID-19, we need to protect them NOW. That’s why I led the NYC Congressional delegation with @RepMaloney in calling for $4 billion in emergency funds to equip museums to outlast this pandemic,” Rep Nadler tweeted.

How many ventilators could $4 billion buy? We know the answer to that one.

In 2015, the state could have purchased the additional 16,000 needed ventilators for $36,000 apiece, or a total of $576 million.

But why bother. Now it’s time for the pork pigout.

The Coronavirus May Make Trump Stronger Gallup finds 60% of voters approve of his handling of the crisis. As usual, the establishment is clueless. By Walter Russell Mead


This is not what his critics expected. At 49% overall job approval in the latest Gallup poll, and with 60% approval of the way he is handling the coronavirus epidemic, President Trump’s standing with voters has improved even as the country closed down and the stock market underwent a historic meltdown. That may change as this unpredictable crisis develops, but bitter and often justified criticism of Mr. Trump’s decision making in the early months of the pandemic has so far failed to break the bond between the 45th president and his political base.

One reason Mr. Trump’s opponents have had such a hard time damaging his connection with voters is that they still don’t understand why so many Americans want a wrecking-ball presidency. Beyond attributing Mr. Trump’s support to a mix of racism, religious fundamentalism and profound ignorance, the president’s establishment opponents in both parties have yet to grasp the depth and intensity of the populist energy that animates his base and the Bernie Sanders movement.

The sheer number of voters in open political rebellion against centrist politics is remarkable. Adding the Sanders base (36% of the Democratic vote in the latest Real Clear Politics poll average, or roughly 13% of the national vote considering that about 45% of voters lean Democratic) to the core Trump base of roughly 42%, and around 55% of U.S. voters now support politicians who openly despise the central assumptions of the political establishment.

With Lives and the Economy on the Line, Nancy Pelosi Stalls Wuhan Coronavirus Relief Bill By Stephen Green


Shameful.Utterly, despicably shameful.

Having tried and failed in the first half of this to lard up the coronavirus relief bill with extraneous goodies and intrusive regulations to please her rabidly progressive constituency, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has decided to take her bat and ball and go home for the day.

We’re in a situation where every day, every hour counts. Every day that passes without a paycheck or unemployment relief is a day untold numbers of families grow closer to losing their homes. Every hour that money doesn’t go out to manufacturers is another hour hospitals have to wait for masks and ventilators. Every hour some sick New Yorker has to wait for another hospital bed. Every dinner out postponed, every canceled event, every missed business opportunity is another step closer to economic collapse.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Congress knows what to do: Pass a clean bill and get it on the President’s desk. Pronto.

Pelosi Reacts to Virus Stimulus Deal, Declines to Say When House Will Vote By Zachary Stieber


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said staffers and representatives are reviewing the stimulus deal reached in the Senate overnight Tuesday while declining to commit to a vote in the House on Wednesday.

“We have our staff and our chairman reviewing the bill. I’m optimistic but we’ll see,” Pelosi told reporters at the U.S. Capitol in Washington.

Asked if the House could vote as early as today, Pelosi said: “No, we haven’t seen the bill yet. The Senate will vote first.”

“We’ll see the bill and see when the Senate votes,” she added. “So there’s no decision about timing until we see the bill.”

The House went into session at 10 a.m. for a brief session before adjourning in less than two minutes. There’s nothing on the schedule until 11 a.m. Thursday.

House Democrats plan to hold several conference calls throughout the day on the deal the Senate reached and plans for voting on the agreement, C-Span’s Craig Caplan reported.

The White House and leaders in the Senate reached a deal on a $2 trillion relief package overnight. The package includes direct payments of up to $3,000 to most American families as well as creating a $367 billion program for small business loans.

“This is a wartime level of investment into our nation,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said on the Senate floor after the two sides had reached a deal. “The men and women of the greatest country on Earth are going to defeat this coronavirus and reclaim our future.”

Senators said they plan to vote on the package on Wednesday. The Senate was slated to reconvene at 12 p.m.