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Ruth King

NY Times Scapegoats Trump for Coronavirus Spread When history is written by fake news. Joseph Klein


The New York Times featured a front-page article this past weekend  with the accusatory headline “He Could Have Seen What Was Coming: Behind Trump’s Failure on the Virus.” The so-called “newspaper of record” has chosen to scapegoat President Trump rather than thoroughly investigate the true malefactors responsible for the pandemic in the first place – Chinese government officials and the World Health Organization (WHO) leaders who did their bidding. In point of fact, many of the more than 101,000 deaths and at least 1.6 million known infections linked to the pandemic to date might have been prevented if Chinese officials, with WHO’s complicity, had not minimized the danger of the virus’s human to human transmission when it could have been effectively contained. China lied, with WHO’s help, to protect China’s public image rather than to protect human life. However, the Times’ weekend article characterized criticisms of the Chinese government’s response to the virus and lack of transparency as mere assertions by “Mr. Trump’s allies and some administration officials.”

The Times article grossly distorted the facts in order to paint President Trump in as bad a light as possible. For example, the article blamed President Trump for ignoring various government officials’ advice during January 2020 as to the virus’s potential danger to Americans’ health. “Throughout January, as Mr. Trump repeatedly played down the seriousness of the virus and focused on other issues, an array of figures inside his government — from top White House advisers to experts deep in the cabinet departments and intelligence agencies — identified the threat, sounded alarms and made clear the need for aggressive action,” according to the Times’ account. The article referred to the World Health Organization only once, mentioning that WHO had declared a world health emergency on January 30th. The article omitted WHO’s continued opposition to imposing travel restrictions, which President Trump did anyway the very next day. This decision alone to restrict travelers from China no doubt saved thousands of lives. The Times article also omitted WHO’s statements in mid-January, which had repeated without any qualifications China’s false claims that there was no clear evidence of the Covid-19 coronavirus’s human-to-human transmission. And, not to be forgotten, the impeachment hoax was in full swing during this time, which distracted the Trump administration from conducting the nation’s business.

The New York Times exonerates Biden from a sexual assault accusation By Andrea Widburg


On March 25, news broke that Tara Reade, who had worked in Joe Biden’s office in 1993, alleged that Biden had sexually assaulted her by slamming her against a wall and digitally penetrating her with his fingers. Immediately after the event, she told her brother and a close friend. Both are willing to corroborate her claim.

Within 24 hours, Hillary Clinton retweeted a message from her 2016 run for president: “Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported.”

The New York Times was also on the case. Its reporters searched records to find possible witnesses to talk about sexual harassment and assault rumors dogging Biden during his 26 years in the Senate and his eight years in the White House. It also ran daily reports showing videos of Biden pawing at little girls’ chests and sniffing their hair, as well as photos of him grabbing and hugging women. Lastly, it breathed new life into the stories of his insisting on swimming nude in front of female Secret Service Agents. In addition to that reporting, television network and cable news outlets ran regular panel discussions focusing on believing all women and Biden’s history of sexual harassment and inappropriate comments.

Just kidding.

When Tara Reade went public, the Democrat establishment media tried to bury the story for two weeks.

Fauci ‘Cautiously Optimistic’ US Can Gradually Reopen Next Month As CCP Outbreak Flattens By Katabella Roberts


Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, has suggested that the United States may begin relaxing stay-at-home orders as early as next month amid the CCP (The Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic.

Fauci told CNN’s “State of the Union” on April 12 that there are signs the outbreak “not only has flattened, it’s starting to turn the corner” and that the country could open “in some ways” in May, noting that there is a “need to try and get back to normal.”

“I think it could probably start at least in some ways maybe next month,” Fauci said. “We are hoping by the end of the month we can look around and say, ‘OK, is there any element here that we can safely and cautiously start pulling back on.’ If so, do it. If not, then just continue to hunker down,” he said.

Fauci’s comments come just days after CCP deaths in the United States surpassed 2,000 on Friday, the highest daily tally to date, with the most significant numbers in and around New York City. Its tally has now overtaken Italy’s with 532,879 confirmed cases and 20,577 deaths attributed to the disease so far.

New York’s Incurable Spenders Coronavirus? Albany spends as usual as it awaits a federal rescue.


Gov. Andrew Cuomo says that Congress’s $2.2 trillion coronavirus bill short-changed New York, but then the $177 billion blowout budget he signed recently suggests that Albany doesn’t think it has to practice any spending discipline.

The state budget is $2 billion larger than last year’s despite what Mr. Cuomo says could be a $10 billion hit to revenues this year on top of a $6 billion deficit before the coronavirus. Legislators didn’t even attempt to triage spending or rationalize priorities.

The budget authorizes a $3 billion Restore Mother Nature Bond to “adapt to the intensifying impacts of climate change, and reduce emissions.” It also includes a 7.5% refundable tax credit for green jobs and a 5% investment tax credit for green projects. Expect every New York business to claim it’s “green.”

There are also hundreds of millions of dollars of more pork for upstate New York to make up for Mr. Cuomo’s ban on fracking, which the budget made permanent. The politicians made sure to help themselves too with $100 million in public campaign financing, including up to $375,000 for state Senate candidates and $175,000 for Assembly candidates.

Third time NOT a charm: Experts say Biden’s chances are ‘really low’


The lessons of history strongly suggest that presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden faces almost-guaranteed defeat in the 2020 race come November.

“Once you’ve been on the national scene for more than a decade, your odds of winning the presidency are really low,” Sean Trende, a “premier political number cruncher” known for his expertise in analyzing American elections, said in recent remarks to the Washington Free Beacon.

It doesn’t help that Biden is a 40-year political veteran who’s already failed twice at capturing a coveted seat at America’s helm.

“The second- or third-time runner is part of a broader trend that people who have been in elected office for a long time don’t do well, and that’s something that has been consistent going back to the 1920s,” Trende added.

Declining Med School Standards in a Time of Pandemic written by Steve Salerno


“The world’s current struggles against COVID—19 underscore the vital importance of quality medicine. If you are the best and the brightest, you should be in medical school. You should not be in medical school for reasons other than that.”

In the beginning were the Medical College Admission Tests, or MCATs, a time-honored means of ascertaining worthiness for medical school. Formulated by the Association of American Medical Colleges, the MCATs assessed an applicant’s cognitive heft and baseline acumen in such no-nonsense disciplines as anatomy, biology, kinesiology, chemistry, and other precincts of hard biophysical science.

Then, around the turn of the millennium, early social-equity advocates began insisting, in essence, that the MCATs unfairly limited med school to people who showed significant potential as doctors. Specifically, the pool of physicians being churned out each year was judged insufficiently diverse. A chief concern was that African Americans, 13 percent of the US population, represented barely six percent of medical school enrollees. Efforts were made; the numbers ticked up incrementally.

Then in 2009 the body that accredits medical schools, the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME), touched off a parity panic across the med school landscape by issuing stern new guidance on diversity. In order to remain accredited, declared LCME, medical schools “must” have policies and practices in place that “achieve appropriate diversity.” Enough airy talk of opportunity; let’s talk outcomes.

Words like “quota” were judiciously avoided but were legible in the reams of bureaucratic gobbledygook produced by newly socially aware medical administrators. Example:

Addressing the structural inequities laden in our system of selection of medical students… begins with ensuring we are using accurate metrics to set goals and track our progress. The representation quotient, one such metric, can be applied at the state and institutional level to ensure efforts align with the intended goal of creating a future workforce reflective of their respective patient populations.

When Panic Is Mistaken for Policy Peter O’Brien


On Friday, March 20,  I was due to fly from Sydney to Adelaide for a much anticipated family wedding.  Four days earlier and after much thought, my wife and I, being in the age-related ‘at-risk’ group for the Wuhan virus, decided to do the responsible thing and cancel our trip.  I doubt that, among the threatened cohort, we were alone in protecting ourselves, and, indirectly, the health system from what by then was recognised as a pandemic.

On Wednesday, March 18, Prime Minister Scott Morrison, with the support of the National Cabinet, announced the first tranche of what has turned out to be a rolling series of restrictions.   Essentially, these initial measures involved the still-novel term ‘social distancing’, hygiene rules, a limit of 500 people at outside gatherings and no more than 100 at inside gatherings,. Schools were to remain open, despite calls that they be shut. All these measures were based on what, at the time, was billed as the best medical advice available.

On the March 19, my wife and I travelled to Sydney for a small family gathering (nine of us) at the Kingsgrove Hotel for my grand-daughter’s second birthday.  At 5pm the hotel’s main lounge  hosted no more than 30 people. We sat in a separate lounge with an open roof and dutifully maintained observed the social-distancing rules: during the two hours we were there, at any one time there would have been no more than five other people in that lounge.  Looking back, it seems to me that even so early in the ‘lockdown’, people were pretty much “doing the right thing” — the encomium with which all of Australia would soon become endlessly familiar.

On March 24, PM Scott Morrison announced Stage Two of the restrictions:

# Food courts, nail salons, museums and libraries are among those ordered to shut

# Weddings have been limited to the couple, celebrant and witnesses

Bill Maher Slammed as ‘Racist’ For Speaking Truth About Chinese Coronavirus By Rick Moran


Bill Maher told his “Politically Incorrect” audience that it frightens him “that there are people out there who would rather die from the virus than call it by the wrong name.” That started a classic Maher rant that gored several liberal oxen, including skewering the PC police for denying reality.

The PC police say it is racist to attack any cultural practice that’s different than our own. I say liberalism lost its way when it started thinking like that and pretended that forcing a woman to wear [a burqa] was just a different way instead of an abhorrent human rights violation.

It’s not racist to point out that eating bats is bats**t crazy! …

So when someone says, “What if people hear ‘Chinese virus’ and blame China?”

The answer is we should blame China, not Chinese-Americans. But we can’t stop telling the truth because racists get the wrong idea. There are always going to be idiots out there who want to indulge their prejudices, but this is an emergency! Don’t we have bigger tainted fish to fry? Jesus, if the sun was exploding, Twitter would pile on the first guy who called it a dwarf star.

Liberals say Trump is a racist because he “enables” racists and white supremacists. Why is Trump responsible for other people being idiots? True, Trump’s lack of racial sensitivity and empathy is a problem, but that doesn’t make him a racist.

Predictability, the left exploded in anger. “Bill Maher Goes on Despicably Racist Rant Against China Over Coronavirus,” screamed the Daily Beast.

No, the United States Does Not Lead the World in Coronavirus Cases or Deaths By Matt Margolis


Last month, the media jumped on the news that the United States had more confirmed cases of the coronavirus than any other nation. That was bogus on two fronts. First, U.S. intelligence agencies believe that China is lying about its true numbers, and reports from inside the country tell of crematoriums working around the clock and people being paid off to keep quiet.

Second, the United States does not lead the world in coronavirus cases per capita—which is the best way to compare how the pandemic is being contained in each country. For much of the pandemic, Italy has been overwhelmed by the coronavirus, but Italy has fewer cases and deaths than the United States. The United States has nearly six times the population of Italy, and when you measure cases and deaths per capita it’s easy to see why Italy was overwhelmed and the United States is not.

Here are the top six countries by confirmed cases (based on the case numbers from the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University as of 9:00 am ET April 12) in descending order (excluding China because their numbers are bogus):

USA (530,006)
Spain (166,019)
Italy (152,271)
France 130,730
Germany (125,452)
The United Kingdom (79,885)

Now, here are the top six countries by confirmed cases per million people (based on population numbers from the CIA World Fact Book) in descending order:

Spain (3319.33)
Italy (2440.14)
France (1926.80)
USA (1593.34)
Germany (1565.03)
United Kingdom (1214.78)

See? When looking at the number of confirmed cases compared to the population, the United States is not number one.



Israeli researchers at Hebrew U develop faster, cheaper COVID-19 test By IDAN ZONSHINE  

The new test would supply results 4-10 times faster than the current method, and is made almost entirely from materials which are easily available for purchase within the country.

Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem announced on Sunday that they have developed a new method of testing for COVID-19 which is not only 4-10 times faster than the tests most commonly used today, but also significantly cheaper, while supplying the same level of accuracy.

Moreover, most of the materials required to perform the new test are already available in Israel, easing significantly both the country’s dire shortage of testing materials and its heavy economic dependence on foreign commercial markets.


IDF’s Shayetet 13 develops solutions to compress oxygen to fight corona by Anna Ahronheim

The elite unit, which trains experienced divers and as a result has a great deal of experience in under-water breathing technologies and oxygen tanks, developed a unique method.

The Shayetet 13 naval commando unit is helping in the IDF’s fight against the coronavirus by developing advanced solutions to compress oxygen. 

The famed elite unit, which trains divers and as a result has a great deal of experience in underwater breathing technologies and oxygen tanks, developed a unique method and is playing a key role in the fight against the deadly disease.