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Ruth King

Climate ‘science’: In vino veritas Alistair Crooks


“We live in strange times. Indeed, we might almost say this age of fostered ignorance is genuinely unprecedented.”

Not so long ago, I was watching a television climate “expert” talking, as they all do, about “unprecedented warming.” As proof of this he stood, arms outstretched, in one of the vineyards springing up across southern Britain. Look, everyone, the temperatures have risen so much that it is now possible to have vineyards and a wine industry in Britain! This is — that word again — unprecedented, he assured us.

I was underwhelmed, scepticism directing my mind to consider the many and various items of documented evidence that demolish his claim as surely and thoroughly as did Phylloxera vitifoliae ravaged the Old World’s vineyards.

In earlier times I had been interested in numismatics — coin collecting, if you prefer — and I recalled reading of a British tribe, the Atrebates, who occupied Kent (perhaps the very spot from which our “expert” was expounding) in pre-Roman Britain and produced one of the first coins ever minted there. A gold stater, it predates the Claudian invasion and features Verica, King of the Atrebates, in equestrian pose on one side and a vine leaf on the obverse.

Another Bernie supporter is outed as a Marxist with a lust for blood By Andrea Widburg


Last week, James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, doing the investigative reporting the media refuses to do when Democrats (or “socialist democrats,” aka Marxists) are involved, uploaded two videos introducing people to Kyle Jurek, a Bernie field organizer in Iowa. Jurek openly supports a communist takeover, dismisses Soviet gulags as mere “re-education camps,” and thinks it would be a fine thing to have similar camps in America for Trump supporters. Jurek also assured the undercover journalist that he was not alone; there are others, he said, who shared his goals.

Bernie never commented on the video nor did his campaign dismiss Jurek.

Today, Project Veritas released a third video proving that Jurek was right when he said he was not an anomaly within the Bernie campaign. Project Veritas’s latest video looks at Martin Weissgerber, a South Carolina Field Organizer for the Sanders Campaign. Weissgerber is a red diaper baby, who boasts about his Belgian father’s participation in the 1968 French civil unrest and bemoans the fact that his mother has to tone down her politics a bit for her work at an NPR affiliate.

Weissgerber is cut from the same cloth as Jurek, for he insists that the gulags weren’t that bad and openly describes himself as a Marxist who wants “anarcho-communism. His big dream is to send all of America’s billionaires to his gulag camps where they can “build roads . . . rebuild our roads, rebuild our dams, rebuild our bridges. Let’s force them,” he says. He thinks it would be an equally good idea for all Republicans to get re-educated too.

Other goals that Weissgerber hopes that Bernie can realize are the dissolution of the American government with a Bernie dictatorship (although he worries that Bernie is not strong enough to make the best of it); the women’s rights the Soviet Union offered (because it was the “most Progressive place to date in the world); and the seizure of all private property for total nationalization.

Hillary Clinton finally gets her revenge against Bernie Sanders By Andrea Widburg


2008 was supposed to be Hillary’s year – except that she was overtaken by a charismatic, young black man unburdened by her decades of scandals. Hillary swallowed her resentment and made nice with Obama.

By 2016, her time had come. She’d earned it.

This time, though, an open socialist who looked like a crazy uncle, but appealed to hard-left young voters, threatened to end her inevitable coronation. Hillary and the DNC, however, worked together to rig the system so Bernie didn’t have a chance. Fortunately for America, it turned out Hillary didn’t have a chance either.

What may have helped Hillary’s defeat was that passionate Bernie supporters – the “Bernie Bros” – weren’t good sports. With Bernie gone, they didn’t throw their support to Hillary. Instead, they sat out the election. To conservatives, Hillary lost because she was an arrogant, tin-eared, corrupt candidate. Hillary, though, thinks she lost in part because of Bernie and misogyny.

These themes emerged in a lengthy interview Hillary gave to the Hollywood Reporter, while shilling a new documentary about herself. Hillary was plain mean about Bernie:

In the doc, you’re brutally honest on Sanders: “He was in Congress for years. He had one senator support him. Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician. It’s all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it.” That assessment still hold?

Yes, it does.

Trump gave a brilliant speech in Davos at the World Economic Forum By Andrea Widburg


While America settled in for a week of pointless impeachment agony before the Senate, Trump was in Davos speaking in glowing terms about a revitalized America which has, at its center, the well-being of the American worker. He also gloriously rejected Greta Thunberg, that neurotic prophet of doom-and-gloom, and her dead-end ideology.

Trump began with his standard recitation of America’s extraordinary economic accomplishments on his watch. What made this speech special, though, and elevated it to brilliance, was how Trump explained the philosophy that created these staggering economic benefits. For Trump, it was about doing his best for the American worker because he knew that, unleashed, American workers could create economic miracles:

America achieved this stunning turnaround not by making minor changes to a handful of policies, but by adopting a whole new approach centered entirely on the wellbeing of the American worker.

Every decision we make — on taxes, trade, regulation, energy, immigration, education, and more — is focused on improving the lives of everyday Americans.  We are determined to create the highest standard of living that anyone can imagine, and right now, that’s what we’re doing for our workers.  The highest in the world.  And we’re determined to ensure that the working and middle class reap the largest gains.

France: Smoke Grass, Kill a Jew, Skip the Trial, Go Free by Guy Millière *****


“In France, perpetrators of anti-Semitic attacks claim insanity to elude justice. The mental illness defense has become more prevalent when it comes to hate crimes in France. And it seems to be working.” — Shirli Sitbon, Haaretz.

Muslim anti-Semitism has long been ignored in France.

“The situation is not under control.” — Celine Pina, Le Figaro.

Paris, April 4, 2017. Sarah Halimi, a 66-year-old Jewish woman, is thrown from her third-floor balcony or window. Her body lands in the building’s courtyard. Her murderer first had tortured her. Neighbors had heard screams and called the police. Nine officers came, but when they heard through the door a man shouting “Allahu Akbar”, they ran downstairs to wait for reinforcements. When Kobili Traoré finally surrendered, he said, “I killed the sheitan” (Arabic for “Satan”). While torturing his victim, he said, he had recited verses from the Qur’an, and the Qur’an had “ordered him to kill a Jew”. He said he had spent the previous day in a nearby mosque. He was placed in a mental institution, where he told the psychiatrist who examined him that he smoked marijuana.

The murder was not mentioned in the newspapers. A French Jewish organizations spoke of a “distressing anti-Semitic crime” and organized a silent demonstration in front of Halimi’s building. It was only then that a few articles were written. The French presidential election was about to take place, and journalists from the mainstream media apparently did not want to speak about an anti-Semitic murder committed by a Muslim.

The judge assigned to the case, Anne Ihuellou, at first refused to acknowledge that the murder had been a hate crime. It took the Halimi family’s lawyers more than six months to get her finally to concede, on February 27, 2018, that the motive for the murder had in fact been anti-Semitic.

U.S.-China Trade Deal Should Not Obscure Beijing’s Hegemonic Objectives by Lawrence A. Franklin


It [the deal] does not prevent China from its pursuing its aggressive designs on the South and East China Seas, where it is positioning itself to challenge the U.S.’s role as protector of the world’s sea lines of communication…

Cambodia’s concession to China includes a 99-year lease for 20% of its coastline. This arrangement provides China with the ability to keep Vietnam’s granting of access to the U.S. Navy in check.

Of equal, if not greater, significance is China’s purchase of territory overlooking the potential maritime chokepoint, the Panama Canal Zone.

The other [Chinese acquisition] is a 99-year lease of Australia’s Port Darwin, where U.S. Marines train for six months of each year. This means that China will be able to document American military exercises and collect ship signal emissions from U.S. combatants.

This pattern of China’s investments in some 20 ports around the globe should be of great concern to the Free World.

The recent signing of the first stage of a trade pact between the United States and China should not mask what appear to be Beijing’s ultimate hegemonic ambitions.

Phase 1 of the deal, which went into effect on January 19, includes a partial reduction of current — and cancellation of planned — tariffs; a Chinese pledge to increase American agricultural imports; and an agreement from Beijing to address Washington’s concerns about U.S. technology being transferred to China by American companies doing business there, and about intellectual property theft.

Tibet: The Pointless Pursuit of Dialogue with China by Jagdish N. Singh


China has persisted in doing inestimable damage to Tibetan identity, language, culture and ecology. Communist China has destroyed more than 6,000 Tibetan monasteries on the Plateau, and Beijing’s destructive activities in Tibet continue unabated. Since 2009, at least 156 Tibetans have immolated themselves in protest against Chinese rule.

It is not only the Dalai Lama, however, who needs to push for complete Tibetan independence. All liberal democracies that uphold the value of freedom need to do so, as well.

The US Congress recently introduced the Tibetan Policy and Support Act of 2019, which seeks to impose sanctions and a visa ban on any Chinese official who interferes in the selection of a successor to the current Dalai Lama, and which requires the establishment of an American consulate in Lhasa.

The next step for the US administration in its negotiations with Beijing should be to insist on total Tibetan independence.

Tibet’s spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, apparently hoping to ease the tension that has existed between Lhasa and Beijing since 1949, recently expressed interest in “explor[ing] the same channels of communication” with the Chinese government that he had established in the past.

The ‘Crime’ of Arabs Singing to Arabs in Israel by Khaled Abu Toameh


The Arab citizens [of Israel]… are seeking integration into Israel, and not separation.

The committee, like other anti-Israel groups around the world, particularly the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, are opposed to visits to Israel because they want to keep the world in the dark. The whole idea of boycotting Israel is designed to prevent the world from learning about the good things that Israel stands for and actually provides.

These groups are afraid that Maraka will go back to Jordan and report that he was welcomed in Israel by both Arabs and Jews, and that he was harassed by no one.

That is not a pretty picture for Israel-haters. These groups want the world to think that Arab citizens are being oppressed by Israel and have no rights. That, of course, is completely false. As a minority, Arabs in Israel enjoy more rights than in many of their own Arab and Muslim countries.

Here is a new one for the books: An Arab singer stands up to perform in front of an Arab audience, and the anti-Israel brigade goes berserk.

What has so inflamed the Israel haters this time?

Prince Charles to make Great Britain’s first official royal visit to Israel By Ruth S. King


In what may well be a dress rehearsal for his forthcoming ascension to the throne, Prince Charles will be making Britain’s first official royal visit to Israel to attend an event at Yad Vashem, “Remembering the Holocaust, Fighting Antisemitism,” on January 23. He will be joining the presidents of Russia, France, Germany, Italy and Austria, as well as the kings of Spain and Belgium. These are all nations where anti-Semitism has a vigorous past and present presence.

Charles himself, his brother Edward, and his father, the Duke of Edinburgh, have all traveled to Israel, but never in an official capacity. In 1994 the Duke attended a ceremony at Yad Vashem honoring his mother, Princess Alice of Battenberg, who had been awarded the title for saving many Jewish lives during the Holocaust. She is buried on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem at her own dying request, a fact omitted in the Netflix series “The Crown.” Charles also represented the Queen privately at the funerals of Yitzhak Rabin in 1995 and Shimon Peres in 2016.

The no longer “bonnie” prince carries a historic burden.

 Great Britain has a sordid history with respect to the Holocaust and Israel.  After a betrayal of the promise of the Balfour Declaration, in 1922 eighty percent of the Palestine Mandate was deeded to the Hashemites with no historical or religious ties to ancient Palestine. This was followed by a series of “White Papers” which severely limited Jewish immigration to Palestine. At the Evian conference of 1938 the British slammed the door of Palestine against any sizable admissions of Jewish refugees effectively trapping millions of hapless Jews in Europe.

While British callousness to Jewish suffering in slamming shut the gates of Palestine is well known, less widely known is how indifferent the royals were.

King George, father of the present Queen Elizabeth, was stalwart during the Blitz but no friend of the Jews. The King not only supported the White Paper but also stated that he was “glad to think that steps are being taken to prevent these people (read Jews) leaving their country of origin.” Halifax’s office telegraphed Britain’s ambassador in Berlin asking him to encourage the German government “to check the unauthorized emigration of Jews.” The King and Queen, who visited veterans and orphans in displays of solidarity with ordinary people, were silent on the Holocaust.

Greta Hectors Davos: Why Are Elitists Thrilled To Be Lectured By A Child Who Knows Nothing? by Frank Bullitt


Swedish teen Greta Thunberg scolded the political and business aristocracy Tuesday at the World Economic Forum, insisting “that we start listening to the science and that we actually start treating this crisis as the crisis it is.” Why is she continually treated as a savant and prophetess when she has nothing to offer but embellishment?

Though only 17, Greta is an accomplished nag, a word we don’t use lightly, but it fits because she is perpetually badgering and complaining. In her speech, which the New York Times posted in transcript form as if it were actually important and must be preserved for future generations, she demanded international leaders “immediately end all fossil fuel subsidies and immediately and completely divest from fossil fuels.

“We don’t want these things done by 2050, or 2030 or even 2021,” she said, “we want this done now.”

She even went so far as to tell the Davos crowd “our house is still on fire,” and declared “your inaction is fueling the flames by the hour.”

Of course “our house” – the world we live in – isn’t on fire, though large parts of Australia are, and that generates not only news but wild speculation from the zealots and the political operators that man’s greenhouse gas emissions are responsible. The evidence, however, indicates that green environmental policy is responsible.

The story is the same in California, where wildfire season produced global headlines. It was green policies, not anthropogenic global warming, that charred the state.