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Ruth King

It will take some time, but rest assured: a coronavirus vaccine is coming, and it will work. Peter Kolchinsky


The biopharmaceutical industry will be able to make a Covid-19 vaccine—probably a few of them—using various existing vaccine technologies. But many people worry that Covid-19 will mutate and evade our vaccines, as the flu virus does each season. Covid-19 is fundamentally different from flu viruses, though, in ways that will allow our first-generation vaccines to hold up well. To the extent that Covid does mutate, it’s likely to do so much more slowly than the flu virus does, buying us time to create new and improved vaccines.

Every virus has a genome composed of genetic material (either RNA or DNA) that encodes instructions for replicating the virus. When a virus infects a cell, it accesses machinery for making copies of its genomic instructions and follows those instructions to make viral proteins that assemble, with copies of the instructions, to form more viruses (which then pop out of the cell to infect new cells, either in the same host or in someone new).

There is a critical difference between coronaviruses and flu. The novel coronavirus genome is made of one long strand of genetic code. This makes it an “unsegmented” virus—like a set of instructions that fit on a single page. The flu virus has eight genomic segments, so its code fits on eight “pages.” That’s not common for viruses, and it gives the flu a special ability. Because the major parts of the flu virus are described on separate pages (segments) of its genome, when two different flu viruses infect the same cell, they can swap pages.

Will Dems Demand Postponing The Election They’re Afraid They’ll Lose?


Last month, as life began to change under COVID-19 lockdowns, Chris Cillizza wrote on CNN that “whispers have begun that maybe, just maybe, President Donald Trump will use the pandemic to cancel the 2020 election entirely.”

On the same day, Politico claimed that because Trump “has repeatedly shown contempt for the rule of law and the spirit of democracy, it’s not unreasonable to worry that he could try to use the pandemic as a pretext to cancel the election and remain in power.”

Vox played along and told readers the late March delay in Ohio’s primary “understandably triggered fears that other officials, potentially even President Trump, might take advantage of the Ohio precedent to postpone or cancel November’s election if it appears that Trump is likely to be defeated.”

Business Insider’s Grace Panetta was in the game a few days earlier, writing on March 17 that some Trump critics “worry that the president could attempt to seize on the crisis by postponing or even canceling this year’s general election.”

In an op-ed published the day before in The Hill, Fox News analyst Juan Williams wondered if “given the depth of the political hole he has dug eight months before the presidential election, does anyone really think the president would hesitate to use the coronavirus as justification for postponing or canceling the next presidential election?”

Trump Campaign Donates Meals to Hospitals By Catherine Smith


The Trump campaign has been anonymously donating thousands of meals to hospitals to thank frontline staff during the coronavirus outbreak, according to Fox News. 

Since last week, the president’s reelection campaign “has been calling local restaurants and ordering large amounts of food to be sent to hospitals across the country, including in the pandemic hot spots of New York, New Jersey, Washington state, and Michigan.” The campaign has been placing these orders anonymously, Fox News learned.

“They’re doing it as a donor who cares,” one source told Fox News. “So nothing politically is tied to it. … We’re just trying to, you know, show a thank you.”

Another source said, “They’re trying to send things that are like, local restaurants that may need support [and] cool restaurant icons of the area that may need the business.”

The source told Fox News that the campaign has spent tens of thousands of dollars and they plan to expand in the coming days and weeks.

Corona Meltdowns Is the bad and self-negating behavior of so many of Trump’s enemies setting him up for an even more impressive victory in the fall? By Victor Davis Hanson


As the coronavirus outbreak begins to reach its zenith, it remains unclear whether the measures taken to stem its tide will prove sufficient, insufficient, or an overreaction. What is certain, however, is that a number of individuals and entities have behaved shamefully and demonstrated no capacity for leadership or usefulness in this moment.

Nancy Pelosi: Gone are the mythologies that Nancy Pelosi was a pragmatic liberal voice of reason among the otherwise polarizing American Left, honed after years of paying her dues to the Democratic Party, as the mother of five dutifully ascended the party’s cursus honorum.

It does not matter whether her political and ethical decline was a result of her deep pathological hatred of Donald Trump. Who cares that her paranoia arose over the so-called “Squad” that might align with socialist Bernie Sanders to mesmerize Democrats to march over the cliff into McGovern-like oblivion? All concede that very few octogenarians have the stamina and clarity to put in the 16-hour work-days and transcontinental travel required by a Speaker of the House.

Instead, all that matters is that for a nation in extremis she is now puerile, even unhinged—and increasingly dangerous.

In retrospect, the public will remember how in fear and confusion she reversed course to spearhead impeachment, outsourced the task in the House of Representatives to its most incompetent and perfidious members—Representatives Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) and Adam Schiff (D-Calif.)—and wasted weeks of the country’s precious energy and time as it was on the cusp of an epidemic.

Coronavirus: China’s Great Cover-up by Giulio Meotti


Bats were not, it seems, sold at Wuhan’s seafood market. The Lancet noted in a January study that the first Covid-19 case in Wuhan had no connection to the market.

One more person has just disappeared. Ai Fen, a Chinese physician, who… claimed her bosses silenced her early warnings about coronavirus, appears to have vanished…. The journalists who saw what happened inside Wuhan have also disappeared.

“No one has been able to study it. How can you say it’s not a release from a lab if you can’t go to the lab? Indeed, we have seen Beijing do its best to prevent virologists and epidemiologists from actually going to Wuhan.” — Gordon Chang, in Die Weltwoche, March 31, 2020.

That is another major problem. The potential major investigator on Wuhan’s origin, the World Health Organization, is now accused of being “China’s coronavirus’ accomplice”.

Why is China trafficking in dangerous viruses in the first place?

“Debate may rage over which center it is, but at this point it seems undeniable that a center has been directly involved with research on viruses, although not necessarily on the creation of a virus.” — Father Renzo Milanese, AsiaNews.it, March 13, 2020.

We have been paying dearly for China’s lies.

“This is one of the worst cover-ups in human history, and now the world is facing a global pandemic,” said Rep. Michael T. McCaul, the ranking Republican member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, before the US intelligence community concluded, in a classified report to the White House, that China has concealed the origin and extent of the catastrophic global coronavirus outbreak.

Iran: How the Regime Is Trying to Exploit the Coronavirus Crisis by Majid Rafizadeh


The international community needs to refrain from handing the Iranian regime any direct financial aid. The four-decade history of the ruling mullahs has shown that any extra revenues obtained by the leadership have not benefited the ordinary people in Iran.

If the mullahs are seeking financial assistance because they actually desire to help their own people, why did they refuse America’s offer of medical assistance? Why did their regime revoke its approval for the emergency team sent by Doctors Without Borders (Médecins sans frontières), along with the materials needed to build a 50-bed inflatable treatment unit?

The international community therefore must not directly give the Iranian regime financial aid: it will most likely be funneled into supporting the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and its terror and militia groups across the region.

Instead of handing billions of dollars to the ruling mullahs, financial aid can alternatively be towards trustworthy international medical organizations to combat coronavirus directly on the ground, both in Iran and other countries afflicted.

The Iranian leaders have been pushing the international community to provide it with financial assistance to “combat coronavirus” there. The EU has apparently decided to give the mullahs €20 million (approximately $21 million), all while many EU citizens are languishing in Iran’s prisons, often on trumped-up charges. The EU taxpayers’ money will more likely be misused by the Iranian regime to advance still further the mullahs’ malign agendas.

Iran’s leaders are also demanding that the US-based International Monetary Fund (IMF) give them financial assistance. They are asking for a $5 billion emergency loan after the IMF declared that it is making $50 billion available to assist countries with the coronavirus crisis.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif, on Twitter, ordered the IMF to provide Iran with money:

“IMF’s @KGeorgieva has stated that countries affected by #COVID19 will be supported via Rapid Financial Instrument. Our Central Bank requested access to this facility immediately. IMF/IMF Board should adhere to Fund’s mandate, stand on right side of history & act responsibly.”

China’s Fake News : Its ‘Superior System’ Defeats Coronavirus by Gordon G. Chang


The virus is hitting China in a second wave. The second wave is claiming victims, including the Party’s propaganda narratives. The most dangerous of these narratives is that ruler Xi Jinping, with heaven’s mandate, has an obligation to dominate the international system.

To push America aside and seize global leadership, China got Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organization, to say that China’s response to the coronavirus showed the “superiority of the Chinese system and this experience is worthy of emulation by other countries.” Then Beijing set about making a big show of “donating” medical equipment and diagnostic kits, most notably to stricken Europe.

Xi’s initial policies turned a local outbreak into a pandemic, and now they are making even more people sick and forcing China into another pit of disease. China’s inaccurate diagnostic kits and substandard protective gear donated around the world along with the new infections will show the truth: communism is incompetent if not downright malign.

China can lie with statistics, but the virus gets the last word. “Victory” over both COVID-19 and the United States is still far out of sight.

China has “defeated” the coronavirus and declared “victory,” Communist Party media tells us.

A funny thing happened on the way to victory, however. The virus is hitting China in a second wave. The second wave is claiming victims, including the Party’s propaganda narratives. The most dangerous of these narratives is that ruler Xi Jinping, with heaven’s mandate, has an obligation to dominate the international system.

Crazy Corona Committee TDS-infected Dems work to sabotage president during a national emergency. Deborah Weiss


In breaking news, Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that the House of Representatives will form a House Select Committee to oversee the Trump Administration’s response to the coronavirus.

The Democrats can’t stand that the president is getting high marks for how he is handling the coronavirus. Therefore, Pelosi decided to create a committee purportedly to weed out “waste, fraud and abuse” and provide “transparency and accountability.” Though it is technically bipartisan, like all committees, make no mistake about it: the purpose of the committee is to criticize the Trump administration for political purposes prior to the upcoming election.

Pelosi and her cohorts didn’t seem the least bit concerned about waste, fraud and abuse or transparency and accountability when holding up the stimulus bill to push for her pet projects including solar energy tax credits, funding for the arts, same-day voter registration, and money for NPR.  Her proposals delayed passage of the bill and prioritized her policy preferences over obtaining ventilators for hospitals and paychecks for those who have lost their jobs.

The notion that the committee will review how the Democrats have responded during this crisis is incredible.  Will the committee examine why Democrats were wasting taxpayer resources trying to impeach the president while Trump was using his time creating a coronavirus taskforce? Will the committee question why Democrats urged the president not to close the borders to China early on, painting him as a “xenophobe” and a “racist”? Will they inquire why the Center for Disease Control under President Obama was focused on gun control instead of combating potential epidemics? How about the way Governor Cuomo failed to purchase more ventilators years ago after the last epidemic, when he knew there was potential for a future pandemic? Is the new committee going to delve into that? Of course not.

The Andrew Cuomo Show Americans should know his back story — and what kind of president he would be. Lloyd Billingsley


“Inside Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s daily coronavirus briefings, and how their contrast to Trump’s became must-see TV,” ran the headline on Jake Lahut’s April 2 feature in Business Insider. In similar style, Variety headlined a March 28 column by Cynthia Littleton, “How the Coronavirus Crisis Turned Governor Andrew Cuomo Into a TV Sensation.” Even President Trump took notice.

“I wouldn’t mind running against Andrew,” the president told reporters. “But I’ll be honest, I think he’d be a better candidate than Sleepy Joe.” Cuomo did not challenge Biden in the primaries, but the third-term New York Governor, son of former New York governor Mario Cuomo, has hinted at higher aspirations.

In 2014, Andrew Cuomo authored All Things Possible: Setbacks and Success in Politics and Life, which would probably not have appeared if Cuomo did not aspire to be president of the United States. He was mentioned as a running mate for Al Gore in 2000 and takes a stand with party progressives.

The Democratic Party of early 80s, Cuomo explains, was “trying to juxtapose its progressive vision – a philosophy of opportunity and shared success for all – with the Republican idea of attenuated government and survival of the fittest, embodied by Ronald Reagan.” Further, “blaming Reagan was correct but also was the simple answer.”

COVID-19 and The Swedish Exception Like its immigration policies, Sweden’s approach to the coronavirus sets it apart from its neighbors. What’s the endgame? Bruce Bawer


A few weeks ago, while other countries around the world were locking down in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the UK and Sweden chose to go with business as usual: keep everything running, act as if nothing’s wrong, let people hold parties and meetings and candlelight suppers. In response to a public outcry and a growing sense that the nation was barreling toward disaster, British officials soon backed off from this policy. But Sweden, on the advice of top government epidemiologist Anders Tegnell – described by Reuters as “only months ago a little known civil servant but now rivalling the prime minister for publicity” – stuck to its guns. Hence the denizens of IKEA-land are still going to work, kids are still going to school, and shops and bars and restaurants and gyms and barbershops are still open.

To be sure, this approach has its share of credentialed and outspoken domestic critics. Epidemiologist Joacim Rocklöv has called it “a big and risky experiment with the entire population that could have a catastrophic outcome.” Cecilia Söderberg-Nauclér, a virologist at the Karolinska Institute, used the same word: Sweden’s government, she charged, is “leading us to catastrophe.” Meanwhile, a mathematics professor at the University of Stockholm has warned that thanks to the official hands-off strategy, half of the country’s population could be infected with the virus by the end of April. And at last count, no fewer than 2300 academics, including the head of the Nobel Foundation, have signed a petition calling “for more stringent measures” against the virus.

In neighboring Denmark, which has pursued a lockdown along the line of America’s, the state of affairs in Sweden is causing no small degree of trepidation. “Looking at Sweden is a bit like watching a horror film,” a Danish TV reporter, Lisbeth Davidsen, said the other day. The reaction in next-door Norway has been similar.