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Ruth King

Trump had Soleimani in his crosshairs for a long time By Andrea Widburg


Following the terrorist Qassem Soleimani’s death on President Trump’s orders, the media and the Democrat party have been like trapped rats, desperately rushing around to show that Trump is the bad guy in all this. They’ve played up WWIII, shared the Mullahs’ grief over the loss of their pet terrorist, and blamed Trump for the Iranian decision to shoot down a passenger plane that had left Tehran minutes before and only four hours after Iran sent 15 ballistic missiles at Iraqi bases housing American troops. With all those stories falling flat (and with Iranians in an uproar against their government for shooting down the plane), the media narrative is shifting to denigrating Trump’s decision-making.

One of the first lies the media told was that Trump totally flummoxed his national security team when he elected to order a strike against Soleimani:

When President Donald Trump’s national security team came to his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida on Monday, they weren’t expecting him to approve an operation to kill Gen. Qassem Soleimani.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had gone to Palm Beach, Fla., to brief Trump on airstrikes the Pentagon had just carried out in Iraq and Syria against Iranian-sponsored Shiite militia groups.

One briefing slide shown to Trump listed several follow-up steps the U.S. could take, among them targeting Soleimani, the head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ elite Quds Force, according to a senior U.S. official familiar with the discussions who was not authorized to talk about the meeting on the record.

When it comes to the ‘news’ media, their anti-Trump narrative is relentless By Andrea Widburg


The media is all a’flutter about a report saying that the Russian military has been attempting to hack Burisma. It’s unclear to me and to the media whether this is a newsworthy story or just the same old news we’ve seen since 1921, about Russia spying on and making trouble for the West and its allies. For the media, though, any story that can impugn Trump is headline stuff, and that fact is on perfect display in the media’s reporting about the suspected hacking.

Here are the facts: The Russian military has apparently tried to hack Burisma’s computers. That’s it. That’s everything the media knows, as can be seen from this New York Times article:

It is not yet clear what the hackers found, or precisely what they were searching for.

On the basis of known facts, this is a story that ought not to have been published at all or, at the very least, should deserve a single paragraph on the last page of the main section.

But that’s not how the Times is spinning it. Instead, for the Times this is just more evidence that (a) Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election (never mind that Obama and Hillary had the slobbering love affair with Putin) and (b) that Trump coerced the Ukrainian president into investigating Burisma.

Regarding the first point, the one about Russia collusion, keep in mind as you read the following the fact that the Times knows absolutely nothing other than that there apparently was a hacking attempt. Nevertheless, it manages to spin out a whole saga:

But the experts say the timing and scale of the attacks suggest that the Russians could be searching for potentially embarrassing material on the Bidens — the same kind of information that Mr. Trump wanted from Ukraine when he pressed for an investigation of the Bidens and Burisma, setting off a chain of events that led to his impeachment.

Why Is the Gay Presidential Candidate Silent about Iran Hanging Gays? By Daniel John Sobieski


Mayor Pete, as he likes to be called, who has led the cry that Iran’s shooting down of a Ukrainian airliner using a Russian missile is somehow the fault of an American president, Donald J. Trump, is among those who say it was “collateral damage” resulting from Trump trashing the flawed and unworkable Iran nuclear deal and his zapping of terrorist Quds Force commander Gen. Qassem Soleimani.

Knowing that Democrats obey Rahm Emanuel’s famous observation that a crisis is a terrible thing to waste, Mayor Pete wasted no time attaching his name to the slander that the 176 innocents aboard the Ukrainian plane would be alive today were it not for Donald Trump’s insistence that Iran not get a nuclear weapon with which to annihilate the Jewish state of Israel:

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg suggested Thursday that the United States bears some of the blame for the Iranian military shooting down a commercial airliner while it was at the same time firing ballistic missiles at an Iraqi military base that houses American troops.

“Innocent civilians are now dead because they were caught in the middle of an unnecessary and unwanted military tit for tat,” Buttigieg tweeted.

Freedom Stages a Comeback Even when officials push realpolitik, the U.S. remains a beacon of liberty to the world. Walter Russell Mead


Pity the world’s struggling despots. Just when everything seemed to be going their way, life got messy.

China appeared poised to tighten its grip on Hong Kong last summer with the infamous extradition bill. That hasn’t quite panned out. Not only have the protesters kept their movement alive in the face of relentless hostility from Beijing; they humiliated the Chinese Communist Party in local elections in November by taking majorities in 17 out of 18 district councils. Meanwhile in Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen, whose re-election prospects seemed doubtful last summer, swept to a landslide victory Saturday as voters embraced her party’s determination to defend Taiwanese freedom from an increasingly menacing mainland.

In Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro’s thuggish regime had enjoyed some success in repressing Juan Guaidó, who is recognized as the legitimate president of Venezuela by more than 60 countries. But last week regime pressure failed to keep the National Assembly in line and 100 of its 167 members defied Mr. Maduro to support Mr. Guaidó’s re-election as the assembly’s president.

Tehran’s attempts to gain greater regional hegemony haven’t gone smoothly either. In Iraq, anti-Iranian protests shook up the political system late last year. Iraqi security forces and Iranian-backed militias killed hundreds of demonstrators but failed to quell protests in the strongly Shiite south against political corruption and Iranian influence. Lebanon has seen its own wave of protests also aimed at a corrupt political elite and Iranian influence.

In Iran itself, where authorities hoped the American killing of Qasem Soleimani would unite ordinary Iranians behind the regime, the opposite has come to pass. Waves of antigovernment protests spread across the country as authorities first launched an awkward and unconvincing effort to cover up Iran’s shooting down a Ukrainian passenger jet—killing 176 people—then tardily admitted it. Cities all over Iran witnessed spontaneous demonstrations with crowds chanting, “America is not our enemy,” ripping down posters of Soleimani, and calling for death to the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

We Can’t Trust the Media to Report Honestly on Iran By David Harsanyi


It’s hard enough watching journalists blaming the United States for the Islamic Republic’s perniciousness or exaggerating the importance of “revered leader” Qasem Soleimani while minimizing the actions of the courageous Iranians who oppose the mullahs. Even before a pro-Iranian regime bias infected much of the institutional media, conservatives were reading outlets like the New York Times through a prism of skepticism. In general, though, one could trust that the underlying facts and framing were basically correct. The past four years have made even that impossible.

Take the Soleimani killing, for example.

In the newest iteration of the story from NBC News, we learn that after Iran shot down a U.S. drone this summer, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and John Bolton, Trump’s then-national security adviser, tried to persuade Donald Trump to kill the Iranian terrorist leader. Trump, instinctively uneasy about escalating Middle East conflict, resisted the pressure. According to “current and former senior administration officials,” NBC News states, the president instead drew a red line: He would authorize the killing of Soleimani only “if Iran’s increased aggression resulted in the death of an American.”

Trump even tweeted, warning the mullahs that further violence would have repercussions.

‘Moderate’ Michael Bloomberg Is an Authoritarian Nightmare By Katherine Timpf


Throughout his career, he has repeatedly shown blatant disrespect for individual rights and civil liberties.

While discussing the Texas church shooting last week, Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg said that we “just do not want the average citizen carrying a gun in a crowded place.”

“It may be true — I wasn’t there; I don’t know the facts — that somebody in the congregation had their own gun and killed the person who murdered two other people, but it’s the job of law enforcement to have guns and to decide when to shoot,” Bloomberg said in Montgomery, Ala., on December 30, as reported by Conservative Review. “You just do not want the average citizen carrying a gun in a crowded place.”

Bloomberg is, of course, correct. Although the shooting at the West Freeway Church of Christ in White Settlement tragically took two lives, it could have been much worse had an armed, trained volunteer security guard not been there to shoot the gunman dead before he could do even greater damage.

This incident was about as clear an example as you could get for how maintaining our Second Amendment rights can save lives — and, therefore, it might seem like a pretty odd thing to reference when you’re arguing against gun rights. The Second Amendment, after all, worked in this case; people are alive because of it, and Bloomberg is going to say that he wished the situation had been different?

The Threat of Terrorism at Home avatar by Ronn Torossian


I recently finished reading a new book, Terror in the Cradle of Liberty by Ilya I. Feoktistov, and found it simultaneously fascinating and terrifying. This book is a must-read for anyone concerned about the future of America, and the dangers that we face as a society.

Terror in the Cradle of Liberty details the background of the Islamic Society of Boston (ISB), including their links to the Muslim Brotherhood. The ISB is the Muslim organization that the Boston marathon bombers — the Tsarnaev brothers — were involved with, and since 9/11, 14 leaders and members of the ISB have been imprisoned, killed by law enforcement, or declared fugitives for their involvement in Islamic terrorism.

That alone should generate mass headlines — is there any other synagogue or church with such a record anywhere else in this country?

And yet, as the book details, Boston’s liberal media was hesitant to cover ISB’s apparent extremism. As Feoktistov writes, “The ISB invested a massive amount of energy into press conferences and outreach efforts led by articulate and sympathetic figureheads.” They also “promoted to the media the idea that those making claims about the ISB were bigots who spread lies due to hatred of Muslims.”

The book details the fight by Americans for Peace and Tolerance, a Boston-based organization — of which the author is Executive Director — against the ISB, and their years of battles through the court system, lobbying efforts, and intense media and PR battles.

What A “Moderate” Democratic Candidate Looks Like: Mike Bloomberg? January 12, 2020/ Francis Menton


A new (January 10) Des Moines Register poll shows Bernie Sanders starting to pull away from the field at 20%, with Elizabeth Warren second (17%), and Pete Buttagieg suddenly down 9 points to 16%. Is the Democratic nomination battle really going to come down to just crazy versus crazier?

But, you say, there’s Joe Biden. He’s stuck at 15% in the Register poll, although perhaps will do better in subsequent states like South Carolina. But is he really a moderate? Among other things, Biden has endorsed the total socialist restructuring of the U.S. economy known as the Green New Deal; the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of blue collar jobs for the green dream; and the jailing of fossil fuel executives. Not a lot of moderation there.

So today, let’s take a look at Mike Bloomberg. He’s not running in Iowa, but is putting big money into the race in California that follows a few weeks later. He was a fairly decent Mayor of New York for twelve years, despite some totalitarian urges like cracking down on sodas and salt. But then, in the Mayor job he didn’t have access to the seemingly infinite pile of federal loot that somehow causes politicians to let loose with their most destructive instincts. What is he proposing now?

Here’s my favorite of Mike’s crop of proposals: A War on Poverty! I’m not making this up. Bloomberg gave his first California speech in Stockton on December 11. The AP’s account of his talk contained this nugget:

“As president, my job will be to move all Americans ahead, and that includes committing our country to new and innovative ways to combat poverty. There has to be a war on poverty,” the New York billionaire said while campaigning in Stockton.



George Soros, buying a district attorney near you
Cheryl Chumley, WashingtonTimes.com

‘Talk about trying to turn the judicial system into an activist camp for the left. It’s one thing to exercise one’s First Amendment rights to support candidates with similar political leanings. It’s another thing entirely to try and collapse a limited government republic, from the bottom up, and implement, in its place, a judicial branch filled with people who twist the Bill of Rights into something it’s not, the Constitution into something it was never intended to be, and the rule of law into a mocking tool for far-left gain.

With Soros-type candidates at the district attorney helm, it won’t be long before the crime of being conservative becomes a prosecutorial offense. “Soros is definitely trying to push a political view,” said one conservative, speaking to The Mercury News.”


Why America Won’t Trust Terror Supporting, Anti-Semitic Democrats
Kevin McCullough, TownHall.com

‘The odd thing about those same Democrats, every time they have been briefed on something over the past three years it mysteriously made its way into the headlines of the Washington Post within minutes. Heck, they couldn’t even keep from leaking stuff about their own committees and things taking place in top-secret chambers as it related to impeachment. 

 Honestly, if you were Donald J. Trump, and the law only requires that you inform them of your action within 48 hours after it’s conclusion, would you even consider it?  Clinton didn’t. Obama didn’t. Why must President Trump handicap his own security mechanisms and give the terrorist the chance to get away? 

Why is it only Democrats who give cover for openly anti-Semitic statements from their members? Why was it only Democrats who defended the “rights” of a terrorist who had killed and maimed far more than bin Laden? Why was it only Democrats who rushed to restate the propaganda of our enemies as gospel truth? And why was it only the Democrats who have yet to issue support for the Iranians, Canadians, and Ukrainians who want justice for the “innocently stupid” actions that brought down that jet-liner? In fact… why was it Democratic President Barack Obama who gave Iran the money it needed to fund the nightmare in the first place?’ 

The Soros Cabal attacks Sen. Cotton’s critique of AntiSemitism By Rachel Ehrenfeld


Senator Tom Cotton ((R-AR), important speech on the Alarming Rise of Anti-Semitic Attacks — And How to Stop Them, on the floor of the U.S. Senate on January 8, should be read by all. 
The Senator’s warning should have been praised in the headlines of all major media outlets in the U.S., and Israel. But it was mentioned only in a few Jewish and Israeli newspapers, mostly Left-leaning. Though the Senator did not mention George Soros, the headline of the Israeli Left-leaning daily – and New York Times’ partner, Haaretz – screamed: “Sen. Tom Cotton accuses Soros-funded think tank of fostering antisemitism,” implying – as they, and most other progressive radical-Left outlets who act as Soros’s bandogs – that anyone critical of any of many Soros initiatives, is an anti-Semite. 
What did Sen. Cotton say to anger Haaretz?  
“Anti-Semitism is the ancient hatred, but today it can appear in new disguises. It festers on Internet message boards and social media,” said the Senator. He then had the Chutzpa pointing out that anti-Semitism, “festers in so-called Washington think tanks like the Quincy Institute, [emphasis added] an isolationist blame-America-first money pit for so-called “scholars” who’ve written that American foreign policy could be fixed if only it were rid of the malign influence of Jewish money.” 
The Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft was founded and funded last year by Charles Koch and George Soros. Koch, the isolationist libertarian billionaire, funder of mostly ultra-right causes critical of U.S. foreign policy, is known, like Soros, for sponsoring academicians and events denouncing alleged Israeli influence in Washington. Koach, who isn’t Jewish, did not make it to Haaretz’s headline.