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Ruth King

Dr. Fauci and Dr. Greenspan By Jeff Lipkes


It’s not the job of the Director of Infectious Diseases at the NIH to be opaque.  If a truly persuasive study convinced Fauci that we would exceed 100,000 deaths, that’s an announcement that should be made in a press conference, with references to the sources, not dropped casually into the middle of an interview — where the point he seemed to be making was that there’s no such thing as a reliable model.

Four and a half minutes into an interview with Jake Tapper on CNN Sunday morning, in the middle of a mini-lecture on the perils of modeling, Dr. Anthony Fauci tossed off an estimate of the death toll in the U.S. from Covid-19:  100,000 to 200,000. 

He said “cases,” then corrected himself, and added “I don’t want to be held to that… We really don’t need to make a projection because it’s such a moving target, and we could so easily be wrong, and mislead people.”  The mentioning of a figure seemed to be entirely at cross purposes from the point Fauci was trying to make.  “To be honest with you, Jake, we don’t have any firm idea,” he replied, when first prodded to provide a number.  “There are things called models, and when someone creates a model they put in various assumptions, and the model is only as good or accurate as your assumptions.”  Why didn’t he leave it at that?

American Historians Present Jihadi Terrorists as Western Allies By Raymond Ibrahim


Considering that Muslims have at times allied with Europeans, sometimes even against fellow Muslims, why present Muslim attacks on Europe throughout history as ideologically driven — as jihads (“holy wars”) against the infidel?  Why not see them all as generic wars?

This is the main point of an apologia being leveled against my book, Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West.  Thus, weeks before my recent lecture at the U.S. Army War College, another speaker was brought in to present an “alternative view.” That speaker was John Voll,* professor emeritus of Islamic history and past associate director of the Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.  (This center was “gifted” 20 million dollars from Prince Alwaleed — a Wahhabi who suggested that the 9/11 attacks were based on America’s position “toward the Palestinian cause” — for the express purpose of improving Islam’s image in the West.)

According to the War College’s advertisement:

In contrast with the well-known story of Muslim-Christian military conflict, less well-known is the long history of Muslim-Christian alliances and cooperation, even in times of conflict.  Voll will address risk of misunderstanding when the history of clashes between Islam and the West is viewed in broad generalizations.  Voll will focus his discussion on alliances and conflicts in the modern era[.]

White House Extends CCP Virus Social Distancing Guidelines to April 30 By Ivan Pentchoukov


The White House on Sunday extended its guidelines for stopping the spread of the CCP virus to April 30.

President Donald Trump announced the extension during a briefing in the Rose Garden. The president cited a modeling estimate that suggests the peak in the death rate for COVID-19 will occur in two weeks.

On March 16, the White House issued a set of social distancing and sanitary guidelines for Americans to follow for 15 days. At the time, the hope was that two weeks would be sufficient to slow the spread of the virus.

“Nothing would be worst than declaring victory before the victory is won. That would be the greatest loss of all,” Trump said, adding that everyone should follow the guidelines. “The better you do, the faster this whole nightmare will end.”

The White House guidelines call on Americans to avoid social gatherings in groups of more than 10 people, refrain from eating in bars, restaurants and food courts, avoid non-essential travel, and to not visit nursing homes. The guidelines also include basic sanitary measures, like washing hands frequently and not touching one’s face.

The president said that the White House will present its plan for the month of April on Tuesday, including the latest data and the overall strategy.

Planning for ‘Peace’ in Afghanistan By Shoshana Bryen


In the face of a standoff between Ashraf Ghani and Abdurrashid Dostum — each of whom is determined to be considered the duly elected president of Afghanistan, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo went to Kabul to provide one last push toward a single government that could negotiate with the Taliban.  It didn’t happen. Pompeo announced his disappointment and a cut of $1 billion in aid to Afghanistan for 2021, but fell short of throwing in the towel. “We’re hopeful, frankly, they’ll get their act together,” he said. “And we won’t have to [cut the aid], but we are prepared to do that if they can’t.”

Mr. Pompeo is taking the next step in setting conditions for the United States to end its presence in Afghanistan. The only people who thought the U.S.-Taliban “peace plan” announced earlier this year was supposed to bring peace between the Taliban and the Afghan government were the people who think a “peace plan” will do it for Israelis and Palestinians. In neither case is a negotiated “peace” an achievable objective, because “peace” is not a negotiable property. Nowhere in history do people give up deeply held convictions for quiet — or even for money. At least not for long.

So, what is the American objective in Afghanistan? It is to get the United States out of the middle of the Afghan civil war.  

Soros and the Coronavirus pandemic By Rachel Ehrenfeld


Billionaire George Soros uses his political-philanthropic private foundations’ global network to induce chaos to change the capitalistic democratic systems that prevailed since the end of WWII. Soros aims to reshape the world according to his purported wily Open Society philosophy, which evolved after the collapse of the Soviet Communist system. He tested his ideas in Eastern Europe before moving to the rest of the world, and on to his major target, the United States of America. 

Soros’s open-borders agenda and his efforts to create a global ‘open society’ have suffered a setback due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, but his ambition of changing America from within, and meddling in the domestic affairs of nation-states where his OSF operates did not ebb. Rest assured that Soros, who thrives on chaos, takes advantage of the distraction caused by the pandemic to advance his political goals in the U.S. and elsewhere.  

Over the last three decades, Soros used the massive spending of his private International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO), to spur political activism in progressive Left-leaning/radical organizations, academic institutions, and media outlets, along with large campaign contributions. He combined this formula with his market manipulations to produce fundamental disruptions and changes in the political landscape of many countries, including the U.S., affecting domestic and international markets, policies, and even the presidency.

When Steve Kroft interviewed Soros on “60 Minutes” in December 1998, he asked the famous speculator whether he felt any complicity in the financial collapses in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, or Russia. Smiling, Soros responded: “I don’t feel guilty because I am engaged in an amoral activity which is not meant to have anything to do with guilt.” His amoral behavior is not limited to finance. “I cannot and do not look at the social consequences of what I do,” he replied arrogantly. 

Corona Riot in China The virus isn’t yet beaten in the place where it started.Lloyd Billingsley


“Thousands of residents of the central Chinese province of Hubei gathered in angry protest on Friday,” Wong Siu-san and Lau Siu-fun of Radio Free Asia reported Friday, “amid a physical melee between their police force and that of neighboring Jiangxi province at a checkpoint on a bridge between the two.”

As Athan Vanderklippe of Canada’s Globe and Mail reported, “Violent clashes erupted on a bridge between China’s virus-stricken Hubei province and neighboring Jiangxi province, days after authorities relaxed an epidemic lockdown.” The confrontation came after “authorities in Jiangxi blocked entry to people from Hubei,” and according to the Communist Party’s People’s Daily, “the risk of sporadic cases and local outbreaks still exists.”

The next morning, March 28, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times and the Washington Post were dodging a story they should have seen coming.

“Large-scale protests could break out in Wuhan, the epicenter of China’s coronavirus epidemic,” Yuichiro Okuma of KYODO News reported on March 25, “when a lockdown on the city ends next month, as residents unhappy with unprecedented restrictions on their movements vent their pent-up frustrations.” Wuhan had been on lockdown since January 23 and “the authorities have been lambasted for having tried to deliberately conceal information about infections at the beginning of the outbreak of the new coronavirus, first detected in Wuhan late last year.”

The riots exploded the line that China’s Communist Party has the coronavirus whipped, as proclaimed by World Health Organization boss Tedros Adhanom Ghegreyesus. On Friday he tweeted, “For the first time, #China has reported no domestic #COVID19 cases yesterday. This is an amazing achievement, which gives us all reassurance that the #coronavirus can be beaten.” In reality, the virus isn’t beaten in China, and the RFA report outlined the back story.

Sweden: Culture of Silence by Judith Bergman


“The interviewee realized that the conclusions would be politically unpopular, but had nevertheless written them… Other former employees have pointed out that it was clear that there were political reasons why they were pressured to change content in reports…” — Report by Linköping University about the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå), “Can Brå be trusted?”

“One employee reported, among other things, that a director-general expressed that ‘there is a reality and a political reality’ when the director-general demanded that an employee change a report…” — Report by Linköping University, “Can Brå be trusted?”

“If results were not liked then censorship was used, correction of results, toning down results and highlighting other parts of [the] study that were not so sensitive or that could show positive results”. — Report by Linköping University, “Can Brå be trusted?”

“After I was hired at Brå, it took me a short time to understand that working at Brå is a big challenge. As an employee of Brå, you should write and think in a certain way. Brå is extremely controlled from the top. There are some people at Brå who control with an iron hand. If one were to be a little harsh then one could liken it to a sect. I don’t think they really understand what kind of culture they have created” — Another employee, from the report by Linköping University, “Can Brå be trusted?”

The report also found that Brå appears to strive to hire employees that will “act as obedient bureaucrats at an authority, rather than people who have accepted a researcher’s role”.

Meanwhile, Sweden continues its downward spiral.

A recent report published by Linköping University about the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå), “Can Brå be trusted?” has claimed that Brå’s reports are politically biased.

According to Brå’s own website, “Brå is an agency under the auspices of the Ministry of Justice and a knowledge centre for the criminal justice system. The agency’s mandate is to contribute to the development of knowledge within the criminal justice system and the criminal policy area, as well as to promote crime prevention work. Brå is responsible for the official criminal statistics and other statistics, which includes producing, following, analysing, and reporting on criminality and the criminal justice system’s responses to crime”.

It is therefore crucial that Brå fulfill its obligations in a factual and objective manner, not least in the current environment, when Sweden is experiencing a veritable crime wave, including shootings, bombings and other gang-inspired violence that some commentators have likened to “war”.

According to the Linköping University report, the results of which were based primarily on interviews with former and current employees and managers of Brå, in addition to a number of former police chiefs and ministers of justice, Brå’s work is politically biased due to political pressure from the Ministry of Justice as well as the management of Brå. The report states:

Coronavirus: How “Progressive” Ideology Led to Catastrophe in Spain by Soeren Kern


A class action lawsuit filed on March 19 accuses the Spanish government — highly ideological by any standard, as the Communist coalition partner, Podemos, was founded with seed money from the Venezuelan government — of knowingly endangering public safety by encouraging the public to participate in more than 75 feminist marches, held across Spain on March 8, to mark International Women’s Day.

The Spanish government’s main point man for the coronavirus, Fernando Simón, claimed in a nationwide press conference that there was no risk of attending the rallies on March 8. “If my son asks me if he can go, I will tell him to do whatever he wants,” he said.

“Honestly, it seems to me a joke that the government has waited until today, clearly for political reasons, to make this announcement. The Socialist-Communist government has once again put its political interests above the common good. This gross negligence should lead to resignations. — Elentir, Contando Estrelas, March 9, 2020

The Spanish government, comprised of a coalition of Socialists and Communists, is facing legal action for alleged negligence in its handling of the coronavirus pandemic. The government is accused of putting its narrow ideological interests ahead of the safety and wellbeing of the public, and, in so doing, unnecessarily worsening the humanitarian crisis now gripping Spain, currently the second-worst afflicted country in Europe after Italy.

A class action lawsuit filed on March 19 accuses the Spanish government — highly ideological by any standard, as the Communist coalition partner, Podemos, was founded with seed money from the Venezuelan government — of knowingly endangering public safety by encouraging the public to participate in more than 75 feminist marches, held across Spain on March 8, to mark International Women’s Day. The nationwide rallies were aimed at protesting the government’s perennial bugbear: the alleged patriarchy of Western civilization.

Hundreds of thousands of people participated in those marches, and several high-profile attendees — including Spain’s deputy prime minister, as well as the prime minister’s wife and mother, and also the wife of the leader of Podemos — have since tested positive for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). It is unknown how many people were infected by the coronavirus as a result of the rallies.

Ten Thousand Coronavirus Deaths in Italy in Three Weeks By John McCormack


On March 7, the coronavirus death toll in Italy was 233. As of March 28, Italy’s coronavirus death toll was 10,023.

Some skeptics of “social distancing” have suggested that if most Americans had generally carried on with life as usual, the coronavirus would not present any greater threat than the seasonal flu or car crashes, each of which kill about 40,000 Americans a year. The fact that 10,000 people have died from the coronavirus in three weeks in Italy — a country with one-fifth the population of the United States — should dispel such wishful thinking.

And keep in mind that this is the death toll in Italy weeks after lockdowns were imposed — first within the region of Lombardy on February 21 (affecting only about 50,000 people) and then on March 9 for the entire country.

The spike in the daily death toll in Italy — a record 919 coronavirus deaths were recorded on March 27 alone — does not mean that the national lockdown is not working.

There is an average five-day delay between infection and appearance of symptoms and an average 18.5 days between the appearance of symptoms and death (for those who don’t survive).

The good news out of Italy is that the daily percentage growth of new cases has been decreasing:



Less than 24 hours after California governor Gavin Newsom closed ‘non-essential’ businesses and ordered Californians to stay inside to avoid spreading the coronavirus, New York governor Andrew Cuomo followed suit. ‘This is about saving lives,’ Cuomo said during a press conference on Friday. ‘If everything we do saves just one life, I’ll be happy.’

Cuomo’s assertion that saving ‘just one life’ justifies an economic shutdown raises questions that have not been acknowledged, much less answered, as public officials across the country compete to impose ever more draconian anti-virus measures:

Is there any limit to the damage we are willing inflict on the world economy to mitigate the infection?
What are the benefits of each new commerce-killing measure and how do they compare to the costs?
What are the criteria for declaring success in the coronavirus fight and who decides whether they have been met?

To ask about the costs and benefits of the spreading economic shutdowns guarantees an accusation of heartlessness. But the issue is not human compassion versus alleged greed. The issue is balancing one target of compassion against another. The millions of people whose lives depend on a functioning economy also deserve compassion. Many of the businesses that are now being shuttered by decree will never come back. They do not have the reserves to survive weeks or months without customers. In New York City, many streets were already blighted by rows of empty storefronts. The virus shutdown could knock out the remaining enterprises, as customers acclimate themselves further to ordering on-line. Layoffs are piling up in restaurants, hotels, and malls; on Tuesday, unemployment claims in California were 40 times above the daily average, an increase greater than any coronavirus surge.