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Ruth King

Muslim Extremists Exploit Coronavirus to Promote Terrorism, Hate; and Other Muslims that Need the World’s Help by Bassam Tawil


According to the report, the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS have, through a number of fatwas, called on Muslims to produce “human biological weapons” to attack the enemies of Islam.

In addition, 35% of the fatwas judged that the outbreak of the virus underscored the need for women to wear the niqab.

The report noted that Islamist cleric Osama Hijazi recently claimed that wearing the niqab is an “effective treatment” for the coronavirus.

The bad news is that extremist Muslims and their allies are again exposing their contempt for human life, including the life of Muslims who oppose their ideology, terrorism and jihad. These are the Muslims that urgently need the world’s help.

As countries across the world are turning themselves inside out to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, Muslim extremists and terrorists have been expending their energy on promoting terror attacks against other Muslims as well as “infidels.”

These terrorists and extremists are probably praying for the “infidels” to discover a vaccine for the virus — thus enabling them to return to their mosques and resume their calls for killing the “infidels.” Many Arab and Islamic countries have banned prayers in mosques to help prevent contagion during the war on the coronavirus.

As scientists and other “infidels” around the world, including Israel, are working around the clock to find a vaccine for the virus, the Muslim Brotherhood organization and some of its allies are issuing fatwas (Islamic religious opinions) that expose dangerous goals, a dangerous ideology, and a disregard for human life.

Sheikh Aid al-Qarni, for instance, long affiliated with the Sahwah (“Awakening”) branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, said — before his detention, death sentence and public recantation in Saudi Arabia:

“I pray to Allah that He will make the enemies fall into their own trap and that He will destroy the Jews and their helpers from among the Christians and the Communists, and that He will turn them into the Muslims’ spoils. I praise the Jihad, the sacrifice, and the resistance against the occupiers in Iraq. We curse them all of them every night and pray that Allah will annihilate them, tear them apart, and grant us victory over them… ”

In another video, al-Qarni remarked, “Throats must be slit and skulls must be shattered…This is the path to victory, to shahada, and to sacrifice.”

The events of the last few months demand we revisit our relationship with China By Andrea Widburg


I was young in 1972 when Nixon went to China, but I still remember the excitement attendant on that visit. For most of us, it was our first look into a formerly hermetically sealed country. Seeing China on the television was almost as exotic as seeing the surface of the moon in 1969 after the Apollo landing. For the Chinese, Westerners were equally exotic. Even as late as 1982, outside of Shanghai or Beijing, Chinese people had often never seen a blonde woman, something a British friend regularly experienced.

While the countryside may have been insular, by the late 1970s, China was opening up to the West and beginning to see opportunities to use its vast human and natural resources to bring money into a country that (like all communist countries) was cash poor. For the West, China’s availability as a manufacturer looked like a boon. Products could be made cheaply there and sold at a good profit in America.

For American consumers, having China make products cheaply also looked like a good deal. Although a lot of factory workers found themselves unemployed as more manufacturing shifted to China, for most people, cheap Chinese production meant that consumer goods that had once been out of their reach were now affordable. It’s thanks to China undercutting American prices that most of us have houses filled with merchandise, from furniture to electronics to cookware to foodstuff.

Many people assumed that, with money flooding in, China would eventually become a free-market economy, but that’s not what happened. Instead, China, while still calling itself communist, actually become a totalitarian mercantilist nation. And if you’ve forgotten your high school economics class, mercantilism is an economic policy that maximizes exports and minimizes imports.

Fauci to Media: Stop Trying to Pit Me Against Trump Larry O’Connor


Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the Trump Administration’s point players on the Coronavirus Task Force, is sick and tired of media jackals trying to pit him against the president and create division, discord, and distrust within the president’s team and the American people.

Fauci appeared on “Mornings on the Mall” on WMAL radio in Washington, D.C., Tuesday morning and he spoke passionately about how the media has mischaracterized his relationship with the president and has tried to drive a wedge between them.

“It seems like increasingly a bunch of the questions from the media are designed to create a rift between you and the president of the United States,” asked co-host Vince Coglianese, “are you sensing that as the media continually asks you questions about the differences you have with him?”

“That is really unfortunate. I would wish that that would stop because we have a much bigger problem here than trying to point out differences,” Fauci said. “There really, fundamentally at the core when you look at things, there are not differences. The president has listened to what I have said and what the other people on the task force have said. When I’ve made recommendations, he has taken them. He has never countered or overridden me. The idea of pitting one against the other is just not helpful. I wish that would stop and we’d look ahead at the challenge we have to pull together to get over this thing.”

Trump’s Coronavirus Response Is Foiling His Enemies Conrad Black


The president is already unlimbering the economic guns and starting to spike the dreams of those who hope that the economic consequences of the anti-coronavirus measures will lose the administration its reelection.

The political aspect of the coronavirus crisis is developing in a familiar way. The president’s enemies in the media have led the propagation of panic in the country, and have been given enough encouragement to do that from the scientific community, some of whose members are enjoying their 15 minutes of world fame a little more than is seemly.

Trump’s opponents are thus able to swaddle themselves in the legitimacy of science as they hurl their brickbats at the president. As is his custom, the president has given his opponents plenty of ammunition by speaking constantly, leaving a rich trove of contradictory, and in some cases, it turns out after a few days, absurd reflections on the medical and related problems as they unfold.

As is also the well-established custom, his enemies cannot resist embellishing and fabricating. The claim he had disbanded the pandemic response section of the National Security Council is false, as are suggestions that he has ignored or overruled scientific opinion.

The assault on the president’s credibility as an enunciator of facts has had some success, partly because there is some reason to question his attention to facts and partly because he is routinely smeared by his media enemies.

Cannibal Man from Wuhan Lessons on immigration, law, and terrorism. Lloyd Billingsley


Vince Weiguang Li was born in Dandong, People’s Republic of China, on April 30, 1968, and graduated from University of Wuhan Institute of Technology with a degree in computer science. From 1994-1998 he reportedly worked as a software engineer in Beijing, but in Canada, where Li immigrated in 2001, he worked at menial jobs, fast-food restaurants, Wal-Mart and such. Li became a Canadian citizen in 2006, and on July 30, 2008, he boarded a Greyhound bus for Winnipeg.

Li sat next to Timothy McLean, 22, returning from work at a summer fair. Li suddenly brandished a large knife and began stabbing McLean in the chest. The larger, stronger man killed McLean then cut off his head, displaying it like a trophy to terrified passengers outside the halted bus.

Li frightened off would-be heroes then reentered the bus, where he dismembered McLean and began eating his victim’s innards. Li had no gun but a heavily armed Royal Canadian Mounted Police squad did not force entry and take down the murderer. Instead they waited several hours until Li broke through a window. The “Canadian cannibal,” as headlines described him, was then subdued and arrested. Officers declined to identify the killer or the victim.

Muslim Priorities in a Dangerous Pandemic Faith in Allah versus precautions against infection. Anjuli Pandavar


Yesterday I popped into hospital to have a recovering wound on my leg checked. The pedestrian entrance had been blocked off, with a temporary field hospital set up right on the road. The doctors at the entrance wanted to know whether I had any of the COVID-19 symptoms. I did not, but asked them to check anyway. I’m clear. It’s safe to continue reading.

Had I still been a Muslim, this very simple no-brainer encounter with doctors would have  thrown up any number of complications:

1. I might’ve objected to being asked such a question because I’m a Muslim and Allah protects me. They should ask such questions of infidels.

2. I might’ve refused to be checked, objecting that Shari’a determines that a Muslim shall not submit to an infidel.

3. I might’ve refused to be checked on the grounds that my faith is strong. As a Muslim, dying of a virus benefits me as I become a martyr and will have a good Afterlife.

4. If they told me that I might infect others, I would say that it is my duty as a Muslim to adhere to the doctrine of al-wala’ wa’l-bara’. If it is Muslims I’m infecting, Allah will take care of them. If I’m infecting infidels, then Allah will be pleased with me.

5. Had I previously seen sheikh Saajid Lipham’s Thoughts on Coronavirus (COVID-19) video of a couple of days ago, I would have asked myself what my priorities are: this life or the next life? Who knows how I would’ve answered that question? The point is that had I still been a Muslim, the distinct possibility exists that I would’ve prioritised the “next life” of this one, and refused the test.

6. Had I previously seen sheikh Yasir Qadhi’s Advice in Light of Coronavirus (COVID-19) video of last week, I might’ve lectured the arrogant doctors that no matter what they do, if Allah decrees that we will all die of the virus, then we will all die of the virus. If Allah decrees that we will all be cured, then we will all be cured, even if we all infect one another. I might then have turned around and walked away, feeling sorry for the poor fools who do not have Islam.

Where Is Joe Biden’s Leadership? He calls coronavirus aid a ‘slush fund’ and echoes Nancy Pelosi.


Amid the coronavirus lockdown, Joe Biden is now running a digital front-porch campaign. In a video streamed from his home in Delaware on Monday, Mr. Biden said he would focus on “what we should do to get this response fixed.”

The remarks that followed weren’t encouraging. He characterized the Senate’s coronavirus relief bill as “a plan that let big corporations off the hook,” and “a $500 billion slush fund for corporations, with almost no conditions.” This rhetoric about slush funds is straight from the antibusiness left.

Does Mr. Biden not understand the problem that companies are facing? They have to figure out how to remain solvent until the health crisis ends, otherwise nobody will be left to turn the lights back on. Under Nancy Pelosi’s coronavirus bill, companies that take federal aid would be put under a permanent $15 minimum wage. Adding such strings to emergency funding will make businesses reluctant to accept the relief, even if they really need it.

Mr. Biden went on to insist that “Social Security checks need to be boosted now” and “student debt should be forgiven for now.” He had more details in a Sunday tweet, saying that any coronavirus relief legislation “should forgive a minimum of $10,000/person of federal student loans, as proposed by Senator Warren and colleagues.”

Private Industry Mobilizes Against the Coronavirus The feds don’t need to nationalize the economy to fight Covid-19.


President Trump can’t do right by some critics no matter what he does. For three years he’s been denounced as a reckless authoritarian, and now he’s attacked for not being authoritarian enough by refusing to commandeer American industry. The truth is that private industry is responding to the coronavirus without command and control by the federal government.

Last week Mr. Trump invoked the 1950 Defense Production Act that lets a President during a national emergency order business to manufacture products for national defense, set wage and price controls and allocate materials. On Tuesday the Federal Emergency Management Agency used the Korean War-era law for the first time in this crisis to procure and distribute testing kits and face masks.

But Democrats want the Administration to take over much more of the private economy. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Sunday tweeted that the federal government should “nationalize the medical supply chain” and “order companies to make gowns, masks and gloves.” He has been echoed by Democratic governors and leaders in Congress.

Yet businesses across America are already chipping in where they can. Aerospace manufacturer Honeywell plans to hire 500 workers at its plant in Rhode Island, which currently produces safety goggles, to make millions of N95 face masks for medical professionals. 3M has doubled its global output of N95 masks and this week is sending 500,000 respirators to hot spots in the U.S.

White House, Congress Reach Deal on $2 Trillion Relief Package for COVID-19 By Mimi Nguyen Ly


The White House and U.S. congressional leaders in the Senate reached an agreement on a $2 trillion relief package amid the COVID-19 pandemic, White House official Eric Ueland said shortly after midnight on Wednesday.

Congress earlier passed an $8.3 billion emergency spending package (pdf) over the CCP virus in early March that Trump signed into law on March 6. The legislation enables funding to develop a vaccine for COVID-19 and other prevention measures.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we are done. We have a deal,” he said.

The text of the deal was not expected to be available until later on Wednesday.

The package would give direct payments of up to $3,000 to most U.S. families, and provide some $367 billion to a program for small-business loans to help them keep making payroll as workers are forced to stay home due to “stay at home” orders in several states across the country.

The package also includes a $500 billion fund for guaranteed, subsidized loans to help larger industries, $250 billion for expanded unemployment aid, and $75 billion for hospitals.

The Pelosi-Schumer Coronavirus Contagion Democratic leaders kill a rescue bill under pressure from the left


What a spectacle. Much of America is quarantined at home, the public is so panicked there’s a run on toilet paper, the country desperately wants reassurance, and Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer decide to take a bipartisan rescue bill as a political hostage.

That’s the display of Democratic leadership in a crisis the nation received on Monday as Senate Democrats blocked a $1.8 trillion bill that has urgent money for workers, hospitals, small business and, yes, even larger companies threatened by the forcible shutdown of the U.S. economy. When America most needs bipartisan cooperation, Democrats add to the economic uncertainty by putting their partisan interests above the needs of the country.


Democrats are lucky the Federal Reserve chose Monday to deploy its biggest financial guns so far, or the markets might have taken an even bigger fall amid Washington’s dysfunction. Equities still fell by 3% or so, but investors took some comfort in the Fed’s offer to buy as many mortgage securities and Treasurys as needed to calm the panic. The mortgage-securities market has been strained as sellers who need cash struggle to find willing buyers.