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Ruth King

Democracy and Bureaucracy in a Time of Pandemic Charles Lipson


As the coronavirus spreads and the Centers for Disease Control work around-the-clock to mitigate the disaster, it’s easy to see why we need competent government agencies. We don’t always get them. The CDC and National Institutes of Health botched their initial response to the virus — and we are all paying the price. They distributed unreliable test kits and, incredibly, prevented top research hospitals from developing their own tests. They failed to plan for the now-predictable spike in demand for respirators, ventilators, and beds in intensive-care units. Only now are tests becoming widely available, long after the disease has spread. Ugh.

With the U.S. economy stalled, schools and businesses closed, and families huddled at home, the CDC, NIH, the Food and Drug Administration, and Health and Human Services are finally doing what they should have done weeks ago: cutting through their own cumbersome red tape to respond aggressively to COVID-19. President Trump, whose reelection hangs in the balance, has declared a national emergency, banned most international travel, and encouraged unprecedented collaboration between government agencies and America’s top biotech companies, which are racing to invent vaccines, treatments, and swift, reliable tests. After a month of misleading happy talk, we are finally hearing some hard, ugly truths from the White House about what to expect.

Trump Draws Praise From Critics for Response to COVID-19 Pandemic By Zachary Stieber


President Donald Trump has earned praise from critics during the COVID-19 crisis, including Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

The Trump administration’s response to the CCP virus has earned criticism for bungling early attempts at testing suspected patients. But his ordering the closing of the country to people from China and many of the administration’s recent efforts have drawn praise, even from unexpected quarters.

The Epoch Times refers to the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19, as the CCP virus because the Chinese Communist Party’s coverup and mismanagement allowed the virus to spread throughout China and create a global pandemic.

Biden Is Absolutely the Wrong Person to Deal With China Roger L. Simon


Among the many depressing thoughts emanating from the coronavirus pandemic is the increasing knowledge that China—like it or not (and who does)—isn’t our friend on a number of levels.

Indeed, it’s clear to practically everyone that the major global conflict of our time and for the foreseeable future is between communist China and the United States.

Joe Biden is the last man who should be dealing with that.

This isn’t only because it wasn’t long ago that Biden blithely dismissed the notion that China was an enemy (before walking that back following a barrage of criticism). Nor is it just because of the intimations of corruption with his son and others that involve China, as well as Ukraine, which should be reason enough by itself.

Nor is it even the questions surrounding his age and mental competence.

How the European Union Turned the Coronavirus into a Pandemic by Con Coughlin


The EU’s failure to address the coronavirus issue earlier has resulted in the Schengen Agreement, which stipulates that the citizens of any EU state can travel freely throughout the union, becoming null and void.

Perhaps the most shameful episode concerning inter-EU relations since the start of the coronavirus outbreak was Germany’s refusal to allow the export of much-needed face masks and ventilators to Italy after the Italian government made a direct appeal to the rest of the EU for help. Instead of demonstrating the so-called solidarity that is supposed to underpin the EU’s founding ethos, the German government issued a ban on the export of the equipment to Italy.

The EU’s handling of the coronavirus has not just been incompetent. It raises serious questions as to whether it is about to become yet another victim of the deadly pandemic.

The emergence of Europe as the new epicentre of the coronavirus pandemic has as much to do with the European Union’s inept handling of the crisis as it does with the resilience of the virus itself.

Coronavirus: Germany Whips Up Anti-Americanism by Soeren Kern


The attempt to whip up anti-Americanism appears to be an effort by the German government to blunt public criticism of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her cabinet for their lackadaisical response to the coronavirus epidemic.

The story was quickly picked up and uncritically disseminated by print and broadcast media throughout Europe — and America. Nearly all quoted the Die Welt article verbatim without confirming the story on their own.

“To make it clear again on coronavirus: CureVac has not received from the US government or related entities an offer before, during and since the Task Force meeting in the White House on March 2. CureVac rejects all allegations from press.” — Statement by CureVac, March 26, 2020.

U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell denied the allegations. “Not true,” he tweeted. “The Welt story was wrong. But Business Insider, Reuters and others went with it anyway despite not having their own sources. Now everyone is back peddling.”

The newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine, in an article titled, “CureVac Has Not Received an Offer from the U.S. Government,” described the Welt article as “Fake News” concocted by CureVac in order to secure government funding. The paper suggested that the German government helped to promote the lie…

“A German minister, who heard from another German minister, that a German journalist, who was not there, reported that the U.S. president offered $1 billion for a company that has not yet developed a vaccine against COVID-19…. For my taste, much hearsay, the striving of Die Welt for many clicks, the fueling of resentment against Trump and perhaps intelligent marketing by the company for public funding in times of the corona crisis.” — Reader comment in Die Welt, March 17, 2020.

The German government has promoted a fake news story asserting that the United States is trying to gain exclusive access to an experimental coronavirus vaccine being developed by a German biotech firm.

The story — which has sparked anti-American furor in Germany and elsewhere in Europe — has been swiftly debunked by the company, which denied that it had received financial offers from the U.S. government or any related entity.

Bloomberg Promises to Spend $40 Million to Fight Coronavirus in Other Countries By Eric Lendrum


Michael Bloomberg (D-N.Y.), the former New York City Mayor and failed presidential candidate, has vowed to spend at least $40 million to help combat the spread of the coronavirus in Africa and other countries besides the United States, according to ABC News.

Bloomberg made the announcement on Twitter, saying that he and his company are “committing to $40M to prevent and slow [coronavirus’s] spread around the world, particularly in Africa.” Bloomberg said that he will be partnering with international organizations such as the World Health Organization and Vital Strategies, as well as former CDC Director Thomas Frieden.

In an additional statement, Bloomberg said that “millions of lives depend on getting the coronavirus response right – and so does the economic and social health of communities around the world.” The billionaire made no reference to any efforts to stop the spread in his own country, the United States.

Trump Sought to Expand Virus Drug Tests Over FDA Objections Plan would have expanded use of investigational drugs for coronavirus; FDA officials said plan would pose risks to patients By Thomas M. Burton


WASHINGTON—The White House considered issuing an executive order greatly expanding the use of investigational drugs against the new coronavirus, but met with objections from Food and Drug Administration scientists who warned it could pose unneeded risks to patients, according to a senior government official.

The idea to expand testing of drugs and other medical therapies was strongly opposed by the FDA’s senior scientists this week, the official said, and represented the most notable conflict between the FDA and the White House in recent memory.

Asked about The Wall Street Journal’s report at a press briefing Wednesday, President Trump replied that he hadn’t seen the article, but added: “We are making a lot of progress with therapeutics.”

Mr. Trump told reporters that his administration is expanding access to tests for the virus, and later said there would be a news conference Thursday involving the FDA.

Video: UK – Muslim Rape Gang Members Walk the Streets 18 months after they were ordered deported.


Arming China — The Bill Clinton Connection We even sold them our factories. Michael Ledeen


Conversations on social media are beginning to stress the urgency of reconsidering our relationship with the People’s Republic of China. It was only recently that most Americans discovered that most of our pharmaceuticals are manufactured in China, and that the Chinese are in a position to withhold them during an emergency of the sort we now face.

Recent stories have documented Chinese espionage, including the bribery of top American biochemists at places like Harvard, that entailed the constant travel of U.S. experts between China and the United States. Given the short memories of American political leaders, these stories have made it appear as though espionage is of very recent vintage. 

But it is not so. The United States has been arming China for more than 20 years.

The Progressive Chatty Cathy Dolls Don’t Like America Why we need to call them out on their repetitive — and destructive – condemnations of phantom “racism” and “xenophobia”. Bruce Thornton


Chatty Cathy was a doll popular in the late Fifties to the mid-Sixties. Its gimmick was a string coming out of the back that when pulled played a tiny record filled with banal phrases suitable for preteen girls. The old toy strikes me as a good metaphor for the progressive media, who whatever the event or crisis, repeat the same trite and juvenile responses like “racism” or “xenophobia.”

Take the latest pull of their string, the president and some of his administration calling the coronavirus the “Wuhan virus” or “Chinese coronavirus,” or referring in any way to China as ground-zero of the pandemic. According to CNN’s Chatty Cathy in Chief, Jim Acosta (pictured above), such statements are “xenophobic” because they “stigmatize” all ethnic Chinese, even Americans of Chinese descent, most of whom have little or nothing in common with Chinese nationals other than superficial physical characteristics or surnames.