The hysteria over the coronavirus has hit, if you’ll pardon the expression, fever pitch. The media are full of dire prognostications about the future, while online sites run scary data projections showing potentially millions dying from the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19. And of course, financial markets have cratered, investors fearing the worst.
But is the hysteria warranted? What do we really know about this virus? There are, according to the most recent estimates, roughly 128,000 people with the COVID-19 virus, spread over 111 countries. So far, about 4,700 people have died.
The problem is, no one knows if those numbers are even close to correct. Reports of new cases keep arising, and anecdotal reports of mass graves for COVID-19 victims in Iran and body disposals in China do little to encourage optimism.
Thousands and thousands of people may be walking around with the virus, and don’t even know it. Some people who’ve contracted the disease have said the symptoms were mild. It seems to be deadliest for the elderly and those with compromised immune systems.
Even the death rate is in dispute. We’ve seen estimates ranging from a high of around 3%, to as low as 0.6%. The common flu, which spreads much faster than COVID-19, has just a 0.1% death rate.