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Ruth King

What To Do About Stock Market Meltdown? How About Nothing? Terry Jones


No doubt about it, it’s a bad time to be fully invested in the stock market. Prognosticators abound, yet no one really knows what the stock market will do next. What’s happening, and what should you do?

First, let’s recap Monday’s market mayhem.

Before the market even opened, stock futures for S&P 500 index flashed a huge 7% decline. That triggered so-called “circuit breakers,” rules that require trading to be suspended 15 minutes to prevent a panicked rush for the exits. That’s always a bad sign.

Equally bad, the Dow Jones Industrial Average tanked more than 2,000 points, off 7.8% at day’s close, while the growth-stock rich Nasdaq Index plunged more than 7.3%.

Why has the stock market suddenly gone so sour, after hitting record highs repeatedly early in the year? The one word reply is: fear. More specifically, fear of the unknowable, fear of what comes next.

The Covid-19 virus’ spread is the main unknown, sending waves of panic through global markets. The World Health Organization says there are now some 110,000 Covid-19 cases worldwide, with an estimated 3,809 deaths.

Another fear relates to the shocking collapse in oil prices and interest rates, usually signs of impending deflation and declines in future investment across the economy. Monday’s near-21% plunge in oil prices was the biggest since the financial crisis, while the 10-year Treasury rate hovers around 0.5%, not far above zero.

‘Whiteboard Girl’ Harassed For Expressing Conservative Views At University Of Chicago By Chrissy Clark


The University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics asked students to participate in a digital initiate called “I vote because” on March 2. Students wrote on a whiteboard a brief reason why they vote, but one student was singled out for her conservative beliefs.

Evita Duffy, daughter of former Rep. Sean Duffy, R-Wis., wrote, “I vote because the coronavirus won’t destroy America, but socialism will.”

Duffy received intense backlash from her classmates, including threats and personal attacks. Classmates called her racist, xenophobic, and told her she deserved to be bullied.

“Fellow students attacked my character, my intellect, my family, my appearance, and even threatened me with physical violence, using foul and offensive language,” Duffy wrote in an op-ed at the Chicago Maroon. “I was called a racist and a xenophobe. Some compared me to animals. Others declared that they would personally stop me from voting, and many defended the personal attacks, saying I deserved to be bullied and that I don’t belong at the University of Chicago on account of my beliefs.”

COVID-19 and the Economy — As Seen From a Technology Investment Conference Rich Karlgaard


COVID-19 infected the American psyche and stocks rather suddenly during the final week of February. Last week I attended at large technology investment conference in California — The Montgomery Summit 2020 — and was eager to see whether investors and entrepreneurs were pulling in their horns. I also moderated two discussions on the pandemic’s likely damage to the economy, markets and supply chains around the world.

My first session was with Michael Milken, the noted financier and philanthropist. Milken was cautious for the short term, but generally optimistic. Computer power for gene sequencing and AI models to predict infection spread, he said, are vastly more capable than during the SARS scare of 2002-2003 and the H1N1 epidemic of 2009-2010, when 700 million to 1.4 billion people became infected worldwide and upwards of 500,000 died. Technology can identify and solve problems much faster today.

Milken cited the U.S. polio epidemic of 1952 and the HIV/AIDS panic of the late 1980s as times when fear gripped the population. “People were afraid to be in the same room with someone infected with HIV.”

Fear, of course, is hard to break. The polio fear persisted a few years after the Salk vaccine. Milken said it was popular figures like Elvis Presley, photographed during his Army vaccine, that broke the spell. What lifted the clouds for AIDS were new drug cocktails that eliminated the death sentence, along with thriving patients such as basketball star Magic Johnson.

Capitalism, reasonably regulated, Milken reminded us, has remarkable recuperative powers.

Joe Biden Already Choosing Cabinet Picks; Kerry, Rice Return ; Graceless Elizabeth Warren


Axios reports Monday that former Vice President Joe Biden’s inner circle is already discussing a list of Cabinet picks. Many of the names would return from the Obama administration, constituting an effective “third term.”

Axios says that former Secretary of State John Kerry could return in that role, or be appointed to a new Cabinet-level climate change position.

Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice — who was never nominated for Secretary of State because of fears she would not survive confirmation after misleading the nation about the Benghazi attacks — could find her way to that position in a potential Biden administration, Axios claims.

There would also be room in the Biden Cabinet for some of his former 2020 rivals, including former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who could be UN ambassador, or U.S. trade representative.


The amazing gracelessness of Elizabeth Warren
Cockburn, Spectator.us

The stars were out in force on Saturday Night Live last night — Daniel Craig, the Weeknd and, er, Elizabeth Ann Warren. After a grueling and failed presidential campaign, the senator from Massachusetts showed viewers her more likable side. She even made a couple of jokes at her own expense. She proved, perhaps, that she is a much better presidential candidate when she isn’t actually running for president.

But even when light, Warren is strangely heavy. Her joke about her refusal to endorse Sanders or Biden was unnecessarily bitter: ‘maybe I’ll pull a New York Times and endorse them both,’ she quipped, a reference to Gray Lady’s decision to endorse both her and Amy Klobuchar. Apparently that transparent gesture of feminist solidarity wasn’t feminist enough for Liz.

The Democrats’ Dilemma After Bernie By Charles Lipson –


Joe Biden’s electoral turnaround is the swiftest and most dramatic in modern American politics. Only a day before the South Carolina primary, his candidacy was on life support. Then came Rep. Jim Clyburn’s crucial endorsement, along with his tough-love message for the candidate to stay focused. Clyburn is a formidable figure in his home state and the highest-ranking African American in the House of Representatives. His word carries weight. The weight it carried this time was Joe Biden’s quivering body, which had been left for dead. It helped him win a thumping victory in South Carolina and gave him extraordinary momentum for Super Tuesday, only three days later.

Biden’s unexpectedly strong showing has made him the party’s the presumptive nominee. His remaining opponents in the center lane, Amy Klobuchar, Mike Bloomberg, and Pete Buttigieg, not only dropped out, they endorsed the former vice president, as did Beto O’Rourke. Expect more high-fives to follow as the bigwigs and donors fall in line. As the old Chicago machine pols used to say, “Don’t make no waves. Don’t back no losers.” They saw Bernie Sanders as a loser, and a dangerous one at that.

The betting markets endorse Joe, too. His odds of winning the nomination are now over 85%. Bernie’s are under 10%. Only recently, before South Carolina, Sanders had been the clear favorite. No more. If he loses Tuesday’s primary in Michigan, his position will be dire. No turnaround has been more dramatic—or more helpful for party insiders—than Biden’s.

The Real New York Times, Or A Parody? Francis Menton

DPS Note: 

Given that so many of you neither live in New York, nor even in America, I am nevertheless circulating this about the NY Times because it is widely read worldwide and because, even if you don’t read it, the news you do read and hear or see on television is quite often driven by the political agenda of what is considered the premier newspaper around. So do read this through. It may not pertain to any subject which interests you, but it is a widow into how the far left has captured our newsrooms and the distorted picture of reality which is then foisted on all of us.

You could find yourself asking that question about the pile of newsprint that resembles the New York Times more or less any day; but the rag with the New York Times banner on top that got delivered to me yesterday really leaves me scratching my head. Is this real, or did someone swipe the actual paper out of my mail slot early in the morning and substitute the parody edition? Judging from the physical item before me, I would go with parody. But then I discover that all of the dubious articles can be found on the nytimes.com website. Could the devious parodists have hacked the website as well?

Let’s consider first the section of the paper headed “New York.” A lot can go on in a city of almost 9 million people, and there are many pressing issues here in our City with important developments happening every day. A few examples of developing local issues include: recent criminal law reforms, including reforms of the bail system, and an associated spike in crime; exploding Medicaid spending; the results of recent tightening of the rent regulation system; the success (or failure) of government “affordable housing” initiatives; the City and State government budgets; and many, many more. Perhaps we can educate ourselves a little on some of these issues?

Hope Gap – A Review By Marilyn Penn (bio)


Hope Gap begins with great promise: a movie about two aging characters whose marriage is fraying after almost 30 years They are both intellectual – he a teacher and she a writer currently creating an anthology of poetry written by the masters of English literature and dealing with emotional situations They live in a modest, comfortable home in England and are welcome prototypes of people who seem normal, upper middle-class and stable. We imagine that they will work out their problems with equanimity and restore the missing vitality to their relationship
Without revealing significant plot-lines, the major problem in this elemental screenplay is the disparity between the two actors – Bill Nighy far too introverted and quiet to hold his own against an overly domineering Annette Bening Early on, we see her volatility as she turns over a heavy wooden kitchen table, not a casual act for a woman of her age Subsequently, she harasses her grown son for not taking her side in what has turned into a divorce proceeding Though she offers some cogent comments about the “rights” of husbands and wives, she is far too aggressive and quickly loses our empathy in a scene at the lawyer’s office. Perhaps if her husband were played by a more charismatic actor, there would have been equal understanding of both sides but this rapidly becomes a movie about Annette’s mistreatment by her husband who should have left sooner, her deep sadness and eventual return to equilibrium I believe the current word for this is “meh”

This is a NOT a panic, but adjustment to a mild recession Once the smoke clears from the coronavirus problem, there will be good reason to buy equities David Goldman


Financial panics occur when investors sell what they can, not what they want to. And that happens when they can’t finance their positions. Credit remains freely available for sound borrowers, and the rise in the cost of credit has been orderly – except for energy companies below investment grade.

There is no sign of sudden liquidation from popular exchange-traded funds that buy high yield debt, despite steep price declines. Equity multiples shrank and probably will shrink further as the market prices in a mild recession during 2020. But that’s a far cry from 2008, when major banks levered $2 trillion worth of phony AAA-rated securities sixty-to-one.

The stock market’s 15% fall from its February peak is painful, but not panicky. The coronavirus probably will cause a mild contraction of US economic activity during the second and third quarters, as travel and hospitality businesses shrink, consumers avoid shopping malls, and Americans, in general, save rather than spend as a precaution.

Consumer spending was the only significant source of US growth during 2019, as investment and manufacturing shrank in response to the incipient trade war. Strong economic data for the first two months of 2020, including an exceptionally large increase in February employment, indicated that the US economy was improving after the conclusion of a “Phase One” trade deal with China – before the coronavirus problem emerged.

The Trump Doctrine and the Return of Pax Americana Daryl McCann


Any serious reckoning of the Trump Doctrine will see the experts recoiling in horror or simply snickering at the very thought of attaching “doctrine” to the foreign policy initiatives of President Trump. What informs Donald Trump’s decision-making, according to most narratives, is nothing more than an incongruous compendium of braggadocio, narcissism, opportunism and impulsiveness. His America First worldview, in the opinion of the naysayers, cannot be configured as a coherent set of principles. The Obama Doctrine was ascribed to Barack Obama and the Bush Doctrine to George W. Bush, but to talk earnestly of a Trump Doctrine is to suggest a degree of lucidity in Donald Trump’s actions where none exists. As a consequence, the targeted killing on January 3 of Qasem Soleimani, commander of Iran’s Quds Forces, foreign legion division of Tehran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, can make no strategic sense in the eyes of the experts, though it could—and still might—trigger general war in the region. Maybe it is the anti-Trump narrative that lacks credibility.

Scepticism about President Trump’s judgment in foreign affairs runs very deep. We now know, thanks to revelations by the former US ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, in her book With All Due Respect (2019), that Rex Tillerson, Donald Trump’s Secretary of State in the period 2017-18, questioned his judgment. In conjunction with John Kelly, Trump’s White House Chief of Staff for a time, Tillerson considered it his duty to impede President Trump’s inexpert ideas to save America and the world from calamity. Secretary Tillerson, astonishingly, attempted to enrol Ambassador Haley in an anti-Trump cabal operating at the very heart of the Trump administration: “Kelly and Tillerson confided in me that when they resisted the president, they weren’t being insubordinate, they were trying to save the country.” If even those close to him—or, at least, those who were close to him—have no confidence in President Trump, then why should anybody else make the case for a cogent Trump Doctrine? Haley’s disclosure gives credence to this sentiment, expressed in the aftermath of the Qasem Soleimani killing by the reliably anti-Trump journalist Joel McNally: “The most dangerous day of his presidency is always tomorrow.”

Palestinians Revive Blood Libels as Israel Saves Their Lives by Khaled Abu Toameh


Earlier, the Israeli authorities announced that they had facilitated 105,495 humanitarian crossings for Palestinians to receive medical treatment in Israel during the last week of February.

Yet, rather than showing gratitude toward the Israeli authorities for their assistance, the Palestinian Authority and its media outlets and officials are continuing their campaign of incitement against Israel.

If, as the Palestinians claim, the Jews have been using wild boars for the past two decades, why has no one snapped even one photo of an Israeli truck carrying the animals into Palestinian villages?

What about the hundreds of thousands of Jews living in the West Bank? How come they too have not been attacked by wild boars? And how are these wild boars able to distinguish between Arabs and Jews?

While this sort of perverse Palestinian payback is nothing new, it nonetheless ought to interest anyone in the international community who is considering contributing to the Palestinian cause.

Israel is making a massive effort to help the Palestinians contain a coronavirus outbreak after several Palestinians in Bethlehem tested positive for the disease. In return, the Palestinians are continuing to spread blood libels against Israel and the Jews.

On March 5, the Israeli Defense Ministry announced that it has been working in the past two weeks to assist the Palestinian Authority in “curbing and preventing a coronavirus outbreak” in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Israeli authorities have transferred 250 coronavirus test kits from Israel to the Palestinians. Furthermore, joint training sessions for Israeli and Palestinian medical personnel were organized for the professional study of the virus, the protection of medical personnel, and the testing of patients suspected of being virus carriers.