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Ruth King

DOJ Battle Against Chinese Communist Infiltration Reaches Historic Scale By Ivan Pentchoukov


The Justice Department (DOJ) campaign to counter the Chinese Communist Party’s multifaceted onslaught on U.S. interests has ramped up to an unprecedented level, according to government officials and documents.

As of last month, the FBI was conducting roughly 1,000 investigations into China’s attempted theft of trade secrets, just one of many fronts in the communist regime’s wide-ranging campaign against the United States. Every FBI field office was working on trade secrets theft cases involving China with potential victims spanning almost every sector and industry, according to FBI Director Christopher Wray.

With the DOJ and the FBI under relentless partisan fire over politically charged domestic investigations dating back to the 2016 presidential election, the initiative to counteract the offensive by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has ramped up to a historic scale while going largely unnoticed. According to a review of DOJ press releases, the department has brought more indictments related to Chinese infiltration since 2019 than during the entire eight years of the Obama administration.

“We believe that no country poses a greater threat than communist China,” John Brown, an assistant director at the FBI, said during a Feb. 6 conference. “From our vantage point the United States has not faced a similar threat like this since the Soviet Union and the Cold War.”

COVID-19 Isn’t As Deadly As We Think Don’t hoard masks and food. Figure out how to help seniors and the immunosuppressed stay healthy.Jeremy Samuel Faust


There are many compelling reasons to conclude that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is not nearly as deadly as is currently feared. But COVID-19 panic has set in nonetheless. You can’t find hand sanitizer in stores, and N95 face masks are being sold online for exorbitant prices, never mind that neither is the best way to protect against the virus (yes, just wash your hands). The public is behaving as if this epidemic is the next Spanish flu, which is frankly understandable given that initial reports have staked COVID-19 mortality at about 2–3 percent, quite similar to the 1918 pandemic that killed tens of millions of people.

Allow me to be the bearer of good news. These frightening numbers are unlikely to hold. The true case fatality rate, known as CFR, of this virus is likely to be far lower than current reports suggest. Even some lower estimates, such as the 1 percent death rate recently mentioned by the directors of the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, likely substantially overstate the case.

We shouldn’t be surprised that the numbers are inflated. In past epidemics, initial CFRs were floridly exaggerated. For example, in the 2009 H1N1 pandemic some early estimates were 10 times greater than the eventual CFR, of 1.28 percent. Epidemiologists think and quibble in terms of numerators and denominators—which patients were included when fractional estimates were calculated, which weren’t, were those decisions valid—and the results change a lot as a result. We are already seeing this. In the early days of the crisis in Wuhan, China, the CFR was more than 4 percent. As the virus spread to other parts of Hubei, the number fell to 2 percent. As it spread through China, the reported CFR dropped further, to 0.2 to 0.4 percent. As testing begins to include more asymptomatic and mild cases, more realistic numbers are starting to surface. New reports from the World Health Organization that estimate the global death rate of COVID-19 to be 3.4 percent, higher than previously believed, is not cause for further panic. This number is subject to the same usual forces that we would normally expect to inaccurately embellish death rate statistics early in an epidemic. If anything, it underscores just how early we are in this.

Chief Justice John Roberts heading down collision course with himself By Jonathan Turley


One of my favorite stories about Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes is from one of his train trips to Washington. Holmes forgot his ticket but the train conductor reassured him, “Do not worry about your ticket. We all know who you are. When you get to your destination, you can find it and just mail it to us.” Holmes responded, “My dear man, the problem is not my ticket. The problem is, where am I going?”

Chief Justice John Roberts may have the same uncertainty this week as he finds himself on track to two decisions that will define him and the court. Once heralded as a reliable conservative, Roberts became the swing vote with the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy. Now conservatives are unsure if Roberts will deliver or deflect a coup de grâce with decisions on ObamaCare and abortion. In both cases, he will grapple with his previous views that would push him to vote for decisions with sweeping impacts. For a chief justice who gets sticker shock at such moments, Roberts may find himself evading his prior self in shaping the future court.

Affordable Care Act

The Supreme Court earlier this week accepted an appeal from various states that are controlled by Democrats who seek the reversal of lower courts striking down the individual mandate provision of the Affordable Care Act. In 2012, Roberts saved ObamaCare as the fifth vote in the case of National Federation of Independent Business v. Kathleen Sebelius. In my view, it was one of his weakest opinions as chief justice.


Rashida Tlaib’s Friend Hosts Anti-Semitic Hate Rally in DC


A close friend of Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib hosted an anti-Semitic hate rally in Washington, D.C. opposite the annual conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

Abbas Hamideh, Tlaib’s pal and the organizer of the event, is one of the founders of Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition, an anti-Israel group that regularly vilifies Israel and opposes its right to exist. Al-Awda was the host of Sunday’s anti-Semitic hate rally.

Hamideh regularly praises Hezbollah and its leader Hassan Nasrallah. He also claims Jews have no history in Israel and that the Jews should “go back to Brooklyn.”

Following her swearing-in ceremony in Detroit, Congresswoman Tlaib hosted a private dinner for close friends and family. Hamideh was one of her guests.

Senate Panel Prepares To Issue First Subpoenas In Burisma, Hunter Biden Investigation


The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee is preparing to issue a number of initial subpoenas in the panel’s probe into Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian oil and gas company that once employed Hunter Biden as a member of its board of directors, and the organization at the center of a Democratic effort to impeach President Donald Trump.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) sent a letter to members of the Committee late Sunday, according to The Hill, declaring his “intention to schedule a business meeting to consider a committee subpoena.”

That subpoena would reportedly go to Andrii Telizhenko, an individual who worked for Blue Star Strategies, a consulting organization that represented Burisma after it was accused of corruption, per the Daily Caller.

Is America falling behind in opposing radical Islam? Kyle Shideler


Americans expect their nation to be the leader in opposing serious threats to world peace and security. While there is room for differences regarding how best to approach these threats, Americans were at the front lines, real and rhetorical, in the battles with fascism and communism, as well as the war against radical Islam dubbed the Global War on Terror.

U.S. leadership -under President Trump- was indispensable in rolling back the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. And the U.S. has continued to aggressively target individual terrorist leaders, including the recent targeted killing of AQAP leader Qassim Al-Rimi and Iranian terrorist leader Qassem Soleimani.

But in the larger ideological fight the U.S. has been largely absent despite President Trump’s clarion call from Riyadh to “drive out” radicals from our midst.

As Lorenzo Vidino of the George Washington University Program on Extremism notes in Foreign Policy, major changes are taking place to the way European governments understand the threat posed by Islamist ideology, which they increasingly view as a more significant threat than kinetic jihadist violence. Vidino writes:

Various countries have adopted measures aimed at tackling certain aspects: banning foreign funding (as Austria did) or limiting it (as the Netherlands is discussing); training imams (as Germany does) and deporting radical ones (Italy does this more than any other country); and cutting public funding to organizations connected to Islamist networks for religious, social, pro-integration, anti-Islamophobia, or radicalization prevention activities (as Sweden recently did for a Muslim Brotherhood youth group that did not “fulfill the democracy requirement” necessary to receive aid).



The FBI missed opportunities to stop domestic terrorists from killing Americans because field offices failed to further investigate individuals who had been labeled homegrown violent extremists, the Justice Department watchdog said in a scathing report released Wednesday.

At least six terrorists who later carried out attacks killing a total of 70 people were on the FBI’s radar prior to the attacks. However, the agents quickly closed the cases, concluding the suspects were not threats to national security, according to the Justice Department inspector general.

Among the more high-profile individuals the FBI failed to recognize as a potential source of terrorism were Omar Mateen, who killed 49 individuals at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando in 2016, Nidal Hasan, who massacred 13 people at Fort Hood, Texas, in 2009, and Esteban Santiago, who killed five people in a 2017 terror attack at the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport.

Inspector General Michael Horowitz said the FBI’s counterterrorism program division managers failed to conduct consistent oversight of its homegrown violent extremist assessments, allowing potential terrorists to fall through the cracks.

When the Left Lies, Conservatives Plead Guilty John O’Sullivan


A distinguished journalist once confided to me what he admitted was a worrying thought: whenever he had appeared in a newspaper report as opposed to writing one, at least one fact in how he was reported turned out to be wrong. He didn’t think it was bias, since the errors were mostly about such pedestrian matters as his name or age. He had decided it was simply carelessness: standards were slipping. Maybe, though (he concluded sadly), it was just that he was getting older and grouchier.

Well, yes. And no. In the last week I’ve had good proof that my late friend was onto something, but something more complicated than carelessness. For I too was mentioned in the newspapers, this time as attending a conference in Rome at which “far right”, “hard right”, “anti-Semitic” and “homophobic” figures in European politics were speaking. And that came as a surprise.

The story began when the Guardian published a piece warning that a Tory MP, Daniel Kawczynski, was planning to attend a conference on national conservatism at which the leading speakers would include hard-right and anti-immigration figures such as the Hungarian prime minister “and a niece of Marine Le Pen”. In the Spectator Kawczysnki disputed this account and said he would go to Rome anyway. After which the story exploded with adjectives flying in all directions.

Marie van der Zyl, president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, condemned Kawczynski for consorting with “some of Europe’s most notorious far-right politicians” and called on the Tories to suspend him. The BBC’s World at One repeated the “far right” slur. Labour front-bencher Andrew Gwynne said that Kawczynski would be sharing “a platform with anti-Semites, Islamophobes, and homophobes”.

The Rome conference took place despite this disapproval, and the Associated Press reported it here under the following headline: “Nationalists in Rome cheer Brexit, honour Pope John Paul II”. That headline was a good summary of the report, which was accurate about the facts, and not uncritical but fair-minded in its account of different speeches and opinions. It described the participants as “right-wing” and “conservative”, concluding with the information that “the conference was organised by the Edmund Burke Foundation based in the United States and other conservative intellectual and political groups”.

UN Nuclear Watchdog Admonishes Iran for Denying Access to Two Sites


The UN watchdog policing Iran‘s troubled nuclear deal with major powers admonished Tehran on Tuesday for failing to answer its questions about past nuclear activities at three sites and for denying it access to two of them.

Reuters first reported on Monday that the IAEA planned to issue a second report in addition to its regular quarterly update on Iran‘s nuclear activities, rebuking Iran for less than full cooperation in general and for failing to grant UN inspectors access to one or more sites of interest.

The regular report showed Iran‘s stockpile of low-enriched uranium nearly tripling since November to more than a ton, as Tehran continues to breach key limits of its steadily eroding nuclear deal in response to renewed US sanctions against it since Washington pulled out of the accord in May 2018.

The extraordinary second report delved into the International Atomic Energy Agency’s open questions and Iran‘s denial of access to sites which a senior diplomat said are believed to have been active in the early 2000s.

Are Muslim Women Trapped in Marriages in Denmark? by Judith Bergman


“We don’t have specific courts for Muslims… the essence of Danish society is that we have courts that apply to everyone… There are many democratic Muslims, who lead normal lives and are well integrated in Danish society…. I know it is easier said than done, but then we as a society must support them.” — Minister of Integration Mattias Tesfaye, Berlingske Tidende, February 2, 2020.
One imam, Mostafa Chendid, estimates that 2,000-3000 Muslim women in Denmark are trapped in Islamic marriages they cannot get out of.
“It is a big problem and many men hold the women hostage in marriages they do not want. They won’t accept a divorce from a Danish court — only from a religious one”, he said. “I know women who have tried in vain for ten years to find an imam that will accept their divorce… 80-90 % of the imams will not recognize that a divorce from a Danish court is also valid… And at the same time, the women’s husbands and families tell them that they are not divorced until they have the imams’ approval.” — Imam Mostafa Chendid, Kristeligt Dagblad, January 16, 2020.
It was four years ago that Danish television first exposed sharia councils and imams that help keep Muslim women in abusive marriages and in parallel societies. How is it possible that Danish politicians are still “shocked”?

In March 2016, a three-part television documentary, “The Mosques Behind the Veil,” was aired on Danish TV2. The documentary sent two young Muslims undercover, as Fatma and Muhammed, to a number of “parallel” Muslim societies in Denmark.

For the purpose of the documentary, Fatma was given a personal cover story — based on real-life dilemmas — for which she would seek advice from the different imams: Her husband was violent, and she did not wish to have sex with him. She could not get pregnant and his family had found a second wife for him. All the Danish imams with whom she consulted in the documentary told her to put up with the violence. When she pleaded for divorce at a sharia council in the Fredens mosque in Århus, Denmark’s second largest city, the imams there refused and told her — ten times — that she must go back to her husband and try again.

Who Is the Ayatollah’s New Top General? by Majid Rafizadeh


The new head of the Quds Force, Gen. Esmail Qaani, is someone who not only desires to kill Americans but also boasts about killing Americans.

According to the U.S. Treasury Department Qaani covered “financial disbursements to IRGC-QF elements, including elements in Africa, as well as to various terrorist groups, including Hezbollah.”

It is incumbent on the international community immediately to cut the flow of funds to Iran’s Quds Force and General Qaani.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei appointed Brig. Gen. Esmail Qaani as the new head of the Quds Force after Qassem Soleimani was killed in a US airstrike ordered by President Donald J. Trump. It is important to know who Brig. Gen. Esmail Qaani is and what his policies are: his actions will have consequences for US national security interests and the lives of many Americans and the Free World.

The Quds Force, which the new Iranian General is now leading, has been designated a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the US Department of State, and has been responsible for killing hundreds, if not thousands, of Americans. According to a statement by the US Department of Defense, the Quds Force was “responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American and coalition service members and the wounding of thousands more”.

The Quds Force also deploys its proxies and militia groups to attack the interests and assets of the US and its allies in the Middle East, as well as the soft underbelly of the US, Latin America. The Quds Force exerts significant influence, direct or indirect, through a conglomerate of more than 40 militia groups, which operate under the banner of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF). The organization is, furthermore, in charge of Iran’s extraterritorial operations, which include organizing, supporting, training, arming and financing Iran’s predominantly Shiite militia groups in foreign countries; launching wars directly or indirectly via these proxies; fomenting unrest in other nations to advance Iran’s ideological and hegemonic interests; attacking and invading cities and countries; and assassinating foreign political figures and prominent Iranian dissidents worldwide.