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Ruth King

Coronavirus and Xi Jinping’s Crisis of Legitimacy By Matthew Continetti


China faces many crises. Coronavirus makes them worse.

The epidemic is the latest blow to the legitimacy of China’s ruling Communist Party and its leader Xi Jinping. When the party’s Central Committee ended term limits in March 2018, Xi emerged as China’s strongest leader since Mao Zedong. He ruled an authoritarian AI-powered surveillance state that global media hailed as the wave of the future. Or so it appeared.

The years since have not been kind to Chinese autocracy. Trade war with the United States slowed the Chinese economy and exposed divides within the nomenklatura. In March 2019, pro-democracy protests broke out in Hong Kong. They have not abated. Last November the New York Times published a stunning exposé of China’s prison-camp system in Xinjiang Province. Last month China lost face when it agreed to some of President Trump’s demands as part of a “Phase One” trade deal. A few days later Taiwan’s pro-independence president, Tsai Ing-Wen, won reelection in a landslide.

Now comes this nasty bug. Chinese officials, in classic authoritarian fashion, responded to the outbreak by downplaying its significance and hiding its magnitude. “Partly because the government covered up the epidemic in the early stages,” writes Nick Kristof, “hospitals were not able to gather supplies, and there are now major shortages of testing kits, masks, and protective gear. Some doctors were reduced to making goggles out of plastic folders.” The bill for this negligence and corruption was paid in lives lost.


The economy also suffers. Nor do the niceties of diplomacy override the fact that China is isolated. No one has reason to take its government’s disclosures at face value. Several countries have suspended travel to China. Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas has called on the United States to do the same. A de facto ban may wind up taking effect as airlines and cruise ships cancel Chinese itineraries and passengers stay home rather than risk infection.

Among Xi’s initiatives is “Made in China 2025.” He wants to export supercomputers. What has he given the world instead? A public-health emergency.

Trump Middle East Plan: Last Chance for the Palestinians? by Alain Destexhe


Israel and the future Palestinian state could sign bilateral agreements and cooperate for their mutual benefit in many areas where Israeli expertise is recognized: agriculture, water, scientific research, technology, medicine. Why should the Palestinians be the only people not benefiting from it? The Trump deal could provide a dazzling future for those Palestinians who prioritize their economic situation over ideology.

It is also highly unlikely that any potential Democrat administration would come up with a more Palestinian-friendly plan that could also be accepted by Israel. And… there is little chance that the Palestinian cause will return to the center of the international agenda and find new allies, except on European and American university campuses.

Instead of openly supporting the Trump Plan, the European Union has already reacted in its usual way: by saying nothing substantial — which is tantamount to preferring the current impasse and encouraging the Palestinians in their rejection of the Trump Plan and Israel. Cynicism will continue to prevail in European diplomatic circles.

Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority may remain self-righteous and draped in their claims, but it would unmask their real role as corrupt and autocratic leaders, intent on keeping their people as destitute and unempowered as possible.

President Donald Trump just unveiled his long-awaited Middle East peace plan, “Peace to Prosperity”, a strategy offering the Palestinians a state, $50 billion in international investment, and a US embassy in the newly-created state. This is a major step forward that the Palestinian Authority would be smart to accept as a starting point for discussions with Israel.

The Future Doesn’t Belong to China The People’s Republic has no future. Daniel Greenfield


In the 1980s, movies like Die Hard and Back to the Future 2 showed off a Japanese takeover of America. Turning Japanese was bound to be playing on the radio every hour. Japan had leveraged unfair trade policies, currency manipulation, and government subsidies to buy up American companies (it’s still happening, but few are paying attention) and was the wave of the future sweeping over America.

Everyone was driving Japanese cars, using Japanese electronics, and buying “Made in Japan.” And Japan got there by stealing massive amounts of American intellectual property and reselling it to Americans.

By 1991, George Friedman’s book, The Coming War With Japan, was flying off the shelves.

Why doesn’t the future belong to Japan? There are economic answers. But there’s also a demographic answer. Japan entered the 1980s with an acceptably healthy 14 births per 1,000 people birth rate. The Japanese rate back then was only a little below America’s own 15 births per 1,000 people number.

But throughout the 80s, while Japan was supposed to be taking over America, its economy was impressive, but its birth rate was cratering at an even more impressive rate. By 1991, the future not only didn’t belong to Japan, but at a rate of 10 births per 1,000 people, it didn’t even have a future of its own.

Japan had entered the 1980s with a median age of 32. It left the decade with a median age of 37. By 2000, the median age was 40. Today, it approaches 50. The median Japanese age had passed fertility.

The Japanese had foreclosed their own future.

Video: 120 Members of Congress Support Hamas-Linked CAIR A nation’s suicide.


In this new Jamie Glazov Moment, Jamie discusses 120 Members of Congress Support Hamas-Linked CAIR, unveiling a nation’s suicide.

Don’t miss it!

Egypt Ushers in New Year with Murderous Assaults on Christians There’s nothing “new” about this New Year.Raymond Ibrahim

The New Year began with an uptick of slaughter attempts on Egypt’s Coptic Christian minority.

First, on January 12, 2020, a Muslim man crept up behind a Coptic woman walking home with groceries, pulled her head back with a hand full of hair, and slit her throat with a knife in the other hand.

Nearby people attacked and restrained the man in al-Wariq, Giza, where the incident took place. Catherine Ramzi was rushed to a nearby medical center, where her throat was sewn with 63 stitches; despite initial heavy bleeding, she managed to survive. The doctor told her that had the knife penetrated one millimeter more—her now mangled sweatshirt had provided some buffering against the knife—it would’ve reached her jugular and killed her.

During an interview, she explained that she had never before seen the man. All she heard him say during the assault is that she “deserved it” because her “hair was exposed.” He may have also identified her as a Christian because, like many Copts, Catherine bears a visible tattoo of the cross on her hand.

When the interviewer suggested that the assailant must have been insane, Catherine and her sister, who was present during the interview, argued otherwise, giving several reasons—including that the man knew and casually recited his ID number, his home address, and other detailed information to the arresting officers—suggesting that he was sane of mind. “This was a determined man who sought to execute a specific idea in his mind,” said Catherine’s brother. “There is no way that he was acting in a craze.”

Two days after the attack on Catherine, on January 14, 2020, in the region of al-Maraj, Egypt, another Muslim man tried to slaughter a Coptic man with a sharp box-cutter in a public space; he managed only to slice off a portion of the Christian’s ear.

After Muhammad ‘Awad, 32, was arrested and questioned as to why he tried to murder Rafiq Karam, 56, he confessed that he did not know the Copt, but that he simply “hates Christians, for they are from among the People of Lot, and the [death] penalty must be applied to them, for they commit indecencies.”

“The People of Lot” is a reference to the homosexual behavior of the denizens of Sodom and Gomorrah, as recorded in the Bible and, later, the Koran. This would not be the first time a Muslim misunderstands Christianity’s message of love as promoting libertine or illicit sexuality.

These recent attacks are hardly unprecedented for Egypt. For example, one need look no further than to al-Wariq, Giza, where Catherine was attacked for a nearly identical precedent: there, in March, 2017, another Muslim man slit the throat of another Christian woman, also in broad daylight—and also only to be characterized by authorities as “mentally unstable.”

In January, 2017, another Muslim man crept up behind a Coptic man, 45, and slit his throat, killing him in Alexandria. The murderer’s reasoning was that the Christian man owned a shop that sold alcohol, which the Muslim deemed “contrary to the shar‘ia [Islamic law] and the religion [Islam].” There are many more examples.

In other words, these most recent and random murder attempts of 2020 are clear indicators that there’s nothing “new” about the New Year—at least not in Egypt, where its Coptic minorities continue to be targeted for slaughter, simply for being Christians.

Rashida Tlaib, Blood Libels and the Democratic Party Failure of Dem leadership to condemn a foul-mouthed, Jew-hating conspiracy theorist is a telling sign. Ari Lieberman


By the time Israeli first responders had pulled eight-year-old Qais Abu Ramila out of the rain-filled cistern in the Arab neighborhood of Beit Haninah this past Friday night, he was showing no signs of life. Israeli paramedics frantically tried to resuscitate the boy, but it was too late. Ramila had accidentally fallen into the cistern and drowned. Israeli efforts to locate Ramila and resuscitate him were nothing short of heroic. To the Israeli paramedics and other first responders who waded in the pond’s cold, murky waters, it mattered not that he was Arab or Jewish. A boy was missing, and his anguished parents needed resolution.

That should have been the end of this sad and tragic affair, but sadly, it was only the beginning. The boy’s family initially claimed that Ramila was kidnapped by “settlers,” an unsubstantiated claim that they quickly retracted. Nevertheless, rumors of a kidnapping whipped an Arab mob into a frenzy. The mob tried to enter an adjacent Jewish neighborhood but was blunted by Israeli security forces.

A faceless and nameless Palestinian troll account going by the name realSeifBitar, then took to Twitter and tweeted that Ramila was “kidnapped by a Herd of violent #Israeli settlers, assaulted and thrown in a water well…” That was a blatant lie and could be characterized as nothing short of a blood libel. The troll account further noted that Israeli security forces tried to impede with rescue efforts; another revolting lie.

It’s one thing for a nameless, faceless troll account to invoke a blood libel in furtherance of nefarious political aims. It’s an entirely different matter however, when those who propagate the blood libel are government officials.

Hanan Ashrawi, a prominent Palestinian official and no stranger to blood libels, retweeted the troll account’s mendacious comments adding, “The heart just shatters.” She later recanted, noting that the report was unverified. But before she did so, her tweet was picked up by democratic congressional lawmaker Rashida Tlaib of Michigan’s 13th congressional district. Though she later deleted the offensive tweet, she refused to apologize even after Ashrawi retracted.

Iran faces stark options for the future By Hassan Mahmoudi


The November 2019 uprising of the Iranian people in 191 cities that began under the pretext of protesting rising gas prices showcased the dislike of the Iranian people for a regime marked by repression, discrimination, looting, and corruption. The November uprising was a strategic blow to the regime and was instrumental in cornering it internationally. The killing of Qasem Soleimani, too, was a serious blow to the regime’s credibility beyond its borders. The mullahs employed an array of propaganda tactics to portray Soleimani as a national hero and organized funeral ceremonies in different cities. By magnifying Soleimani’s loss, the regime’s intention was to cover up the killing of 1500 protesters in the November uprising and to solicit for international criticism of President Trump’s order to kill Soleimani. But the downing of the Ukrainian airliner by the IRGC’s missiles turned the tables against Iran. One more time, the world faced the lies of the regime in Tehran. The plane’s destruction became a source of internal disagreements between different factions of the regime.

Iran has not yet handed over the aircraft’s black box to the appropriate authorities. The deputy prime minister of Canada is calling for an independent inspection of the plane’s black box. On another front, as Iran has materialized its intentions of stepping away from the nuclear agreement and has taken its so-called fifth step, Europe had no choice but to activate the trigger mechanism embedded in the nuclear agreement. Europe seems to be becoming less cozy with Iran and getting closer to the U.S. approach to dealing with the regime, even though the European signatory countries of Britain, France and Germany are talking about drafting a new nuclear agreement with Iran.

Trump years bring real hope and change, making America great again By Ethel C. Fenig


Although former president Barack H. Obama (D) campaigned and won the presidency twice on a slogan of hope and change, he left his office leaving Americans “frustrated and angry” according to an AP survey analyzed in Fortune, full of “fear and loathing,” deemed Michael Goodwin of the New York Post — both admittedly not Obama fans.  However, even the Obama-friendly Public Broadcasting System (PBS) could only sum up the two Obama terms with “achievements and setbacks.”

That was then; this is now.  Three years into the Donald J. Trump (R) presidency, ABC News, another media outlet hostile to Trump, reports: 

US life expectancy rose in 2018 for 1st time in 4 years: Study

Drug overdose deaths are declining for the first time in decades.

Life expectancy in the U.S. rose in 2018, the first such increase in four years, according to a report the National Center for Health Statistics published on Thursday.

The average American man will live to be 76, and the average woman will live to be 81.

Those gains were driven by declines in 6 of the 10 leading causes of death between 2017 and 2018, and a notable drop in drug overdose deaths.

Overdose deaths, after increasing for decades, fell for the first time in 28 years, from 70,237 in 2017 to 67,367 in 2018, according to the report.

“It’s really the drug overdose deaths that are driving that trend,” said Robert Anderson, chief of the mortality statistics branch at NCHS.

Drug overdose deaths, Anderson explained, have a profound impact on average life expectancy because many occur at younger ages than other leading causes of death — cancer, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease.

A Ten Point Action Plan to Stem Attacks Against Jews By Rabbi Aryeh Spero


The Jewish community is experiencing an explosion of anti-Jewish attacks, both physical and ideological. Jews have been gunned down or stabbed in Pittsburgh, San Diego, Jersey City, and Monsey, and are being pushed, beaten, and cursed on the streets of Brooklyn and Manhattan. The attacks are happening against the community and individuals, in Jewish institutions and on subways, on almost a daily basis.

Though neo-Nazis, leftist anti-Zionists, and Jew haters within the Black and Islamic communities often disagree, they are united in their animus toward Jews. There are today powerful forces arrayed against the Jewish people, not simply from the right but predominantly — and with greater cultural influence –from the political Left.

Thus far, those in major establishment Jewish organizations have been unable or unwilling to stop the daily harassment of Jews on campus and on New York City streets. Many in the Jewish community now rightfully acknowledge that we have a crisis in Jewish organizational leadership. Our major organizations, be it the ADL, the JCRC, or the many Federations, are failing us.

Furthermore, the loyalty and simpatico of these cash-laden organizations with liberal/left ideology renders them unwilling to combat the pernicious negativity against Jews coming from members within certain minority groups. Similarly, they are reluctant to condemn the anti-Jewish rhetoric coming from groups within the Democrat Party.

CNN Calls Out U.S. Coronavirus Task Force for… Lack of Diversity? By Jim Treacher


The Coronavirus is making a lot of news these days, and it’s tough to know how worried we should be. Is it something to sniffle at or not? That remains to be seen, but there’s another illness that we know we must eradicate from our society: white people.

You see it? You see the problem? No, of course you don’t. But that’s okay, because CNN’s Brandon Tensley did:

It’s a statement that’s as predictable as it is infuriating: President Donald Trump’s administration lacks diversity…
Who are these experts? They’re largely the same sort of white men (and a couple women on the sidelines) who’ve dominated the Trump administration from the very beginning.
By contrast, former President Barack Obama’s circle of advisers in the face of the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa was hardly so monochromatic. Neither was it so abysmal in terms of gender diversity.

Are these people qualified to tackle this problem? It doesn’t matter. This is bad because they’re mostly white people, and mostly males.