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Ruth King

Information On The True Cost Of Electricity From Wind And Solar Is Just Not Getting Out There Francis Menton


Over the period from November 2018 to March 2019, I wrote a series of posts on the subject of the true costs of trying to get electricity from intermittent wind and solar sources. On November 29, 2018 it was “How Much Do The Climate Crusaders Plan To Increase Your Costs Of Electricity? — Part III” On February 5, 2019 it was “Eulogy For Roger Andrews.” (Andrews was a guy who made many detailed calculations of how intermittent renewables function to drive up the cost of electricity as their penetration of the electricity market increases. Unfortunately, Andrews had died just before that post.) And on March 8, 2019 it was “Why Do Renewable Energy Sources Need Government Subsidies?”

The gist of all this was that you can’t realistically evaluate the cost of getting electricity using the intermittent renewable sources just by looking at the cost of making a kilowatt-hour of electricity when the source happens to be working at its best. Sure, a solar panel may generate some very cheap kilowatt-hours around noon on a sunny June 21. But now that you’ve invested a few billion in solar panels, what is the plan to provide the electricity people need on an overcast December 21, when the panels may work at only 3% of capacity during the day and nothing at night? If your plan is a backup system of fossil fuel facilities, now you are paying for both the solar panels and the fossil fuel plants, so you’ve close-to-doubled the cost of electricity no matter how cheap the power from the solar panels may be on the June day; plus your fossil fuel plants will still be running most of the time, and your emissions reductions will be minimal. If you want serious emissions reductions, you will need to push past 50% and on to 100% of your power from renewables, so you will need to phase out the fossil fuel plants. And replace them with — what?? And at what cost?


His talk, entitled “The Depth Of The Swamp”, discussed Ivy League Inc., farm subsidies in urban areas, the VA, Rahm Emanuel, poop in San Francisco, and more. 

Andrzejewski describes the target-rich environment to expose government waste and corruption within federal grants, the $1.4 trillion in improper and mistaken payments, and the $100 billion spent on year-end use-it-or-lose-it spending sprees.

Adam didn’t hold back. His hard-hitting stories and crackdown on corruption moved the audience of 900 to a standing ovation.  

This speech is a can’t miss! 


Roger Stone deserves a new trial Jonathan Turley


With his sentencing this week, “agent provocateur” Roger Stone finally provoked himself into prison. However, his latest “performance art” may be nowhere near its conclusion. That is not because he has a “very good chance of exoneration,” as President Trump himself predicted. Stone has about the same chance of exoneration as he does of canonization.

Rather, it is not clear that Stone received a fair trial due to alleged juror bias or, even if his trial is now finished, whether it will become undone by a presidential pardon. If nothing else, one thing should be clear. Stone holds a far greater claim to a new trial than to a presidential pardon.

The decision of Judge Amy Berman Jackson to move forward with his sentencing was a surprise to many of us, following disturbing reports of potential juror bias by the trial foreperson. It was a curious twist on the position of the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland, who declared, “Sentence first! Verdict afterwards.” In this case, the court decided to resolve the sentence before resolving if there was a valid verdict. Continue at site

ROGER STONE is the Hoax’s Latest Victim


There’s something lousy about putting a man in prison for how he answered questions in an investigation that was itself a ruse.

Roger Stone is going to jail for three years because he got caught in a perjury trap during the Russia probe.  Attorney General Bill Barr, though, has appointed U.S. Attorney John Durham to investigate whether the Russia probe was a political operation disguised as law enforcement. Stone’s conviction and that inquiry are irreconcilable.

The theory of the Stone case, the trial, and its aftermath certainly make it look like the prosecution was a political hit.

Stone had been a Trump-friend and confidante for years.



The toughest thing about being an American Jew right now is other American Jews.

The toughest thing about being an American Jew right now is other American Jews. No, wait, hear me out. Imagine being part of any minority group in the US in the 60’s and 70’s and rather than showing solidarity with one’s own minority, you’re met with large members actively working against your minority’s own self-interest. How would the gay movement have fared if a large number of gay people themselves stated “Well, you know, the straights do have a point about us.” But that didn’t happen, nor did that happen with the black community. And it didn’t happen because both communities were educated, proud and determined. They didn’t read a story about one of their own doing bad things and yell “Let’s scrap this because he is representative of us all!”

So, what’s up with us Jews? A group of people who delight in levels of self-deprecation. A group of people who can’t defend the actual definition of Zionism because our enemies have so skillfully bastardized its meaning that there are those among us who actually utter this word in hushed voices. A group of people to our credit would bend over backwards to call out the plight of any minority on the planet but when it comes to our tiny little population, at less than 0.2% of the world’s total population, we feel we need to apologize for wanting basic human rights?

DHS Whistleblower against Obama Administration Philip Haney Found Dead – Shot and Killed by Jim Hoft

The whistleblower against the Obama administration was shot dead near his vehicle in California.The story of his death has still not been reported by the mainstream media.
The Gateway Pundit was notified of this last night.

Haney had been missing since Wednesday.

Philip Haney said political correctness during the Obama years killed the investigation that might have stopped the San Bernardino Christmas terrorists.

Law Enforcement Today reported:

We’ve received reports that Philip Haney, a DHS whistleblower on the Obama administration, has been found dead.

We have not yet received independent confirmation from the Sheriff’s Department, but sources within law enforcement have verified that there’s a death investigation underway.

If you have seen a few episodes of Behind the Uniform or have ever watched Fox News, you probably recognize the name Philip Haney. He was the DHS whistleblower that dropped the hammer on the Obama administration regarding the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS.

He was also a friend to many at Law Enforcement Today. We have an exclusive interview with him at the bottom of the article that was conducted on Behind the Uniforms before his death.


Bernie Sanders has opened a serious lead in the polls which is giving the party hives. No debate here, but Bernie is an inveterate socialist/communist and way far left. If he is the Democrat candidate in November the party will crash and the grandees know it.

Elections have coat tails and Trump’s enormous rallies which have attracted minorities in numbers heretofore unseen could also effect local races for Congress.

So, what to do? Start spreading the dirt. Russian collusion is just the tip of what is ahead in an effort to bring Bernie down. Don’t get me wrong…I love every minute…..rsk

Civil-Rights Law and the Rival Constitution By David Azerrad


The Age of Entitlement: America Since the Sixties, by Christopher Caldwell (Simon & Schuster, 352 pp., $28)

“The Age of Entitlement is much more than a history of civil rights. Caldwell offers provocative and illuminating analyses of immigration and demographic change, the failures of Reaganism, the rise of Big Tech and the digitization of life, woke capitalism, and politicized philanthropy. Almost every page contains an arresting observation, a telling anecdote, or an interesting fact. This is revisionist conservative history at its best.”

There are many reasons the Right, in spite of the Republican Party’s electoral successes, steadily loses ground to the Left with each passing decade. The Left controls all the elite institutions that bestow praise and lay blame in America. It has a clarity of purpose, a resolve, and a ruthlessness that are generally lacking on the right. Most important though, it is the Left’s moral framework that is authoritative. Their pieties rule and are enforced by conservatives and liberals alike.

Nearly everyone in America either believes in or defers to the Left’s hierarchical politics of victimization. According to the country’s official mythology, in the beginning, only straight white men were free. Over time, marginalized members of the rainbow coalition gained more rights. American history, in this retelling, is progressive — yet tragic. Disparities in life outcomes between men and women, blacks and whites, gays and straights prove that sexism, racism, and homophobia remain systemic.

In the spirit of John Rawls, America is to be judged by how its oppressed identity groups fare. Progressivism leads the charge in demanding more rights for more people, while conservatism is, at best, reduced to playing second fiddle in ministering to women and minorities. A rising tide lifts all boats — especially boats of color! As President Trump never tires of tweeting, the black and Hispanic unemployment rate is at an all-time low.

Non-accommodationist conservative arguments — anchored in the centrality of freedom, family, God, and country — lack a soil in which to take root. They are bound to fail — and fail they do, as the leftward drift of the country and of conservatism itself confirms. Robert Lewis Dabney’s biting words have proven prescient: “American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards perdition.”

The Right will not stem its losses and reclaim the country until it upends the Left’s narrative. America needs a moral revolution and a different conceptual framework to think about its history. Hence the importance of Christopher Caldwell’s marvelously well-written and deliciously impious new counter-history of America since the Sixties, The Age of Entitlement.

Caldwell, a senior fellow at the Claremont Institute, paves the way for such a transvaluation of values by calling into question the regime’s most sacred cow: civil rights. In his retelling, the civil-rights movement that justly destroyed Jim Crow did not bring equality to America. In a sad irony, it instead re-created the problem it promised to resolve, albeit in a modified form. America today once again has a system of government-backed racial preferences, except that blacks (and other recognized identity groups) are now its beneficiaries, while whites occupy “the bottom rung of an official hierarchy of races.”

Stone Sentencing Ends Russia Collusion, Part I By Andrew C. McCarthy


But the Democrats are cooking up an even weaker sequel

The Roger Stone sentencing farce is as fitting an end to the Russia Collusion saga as one could conjure up . . .  though it might be more fitting to call it the end of Russia Collusion, Part I. No sooner did the first flick conclusively bomb than the media-Democrat complex was issuing the casting call for Russia Collusion, Part II.

In the sequel, you’re asked to believe that Putin is manipulating the chesspieces to steal a second term for President Trump – somehow preferring an incumbent who beefs up the U.S. armed forces, pressures NATO allies to beef up theirs, imposes painful sanctions on Moscow, provides lethal aid to Ukraine, ramps up U.S. energy production, and seeks to thwart the Kremlin’s coveted natural-gas partnership with Germany, over an unabashed socialist who honeymooned in the Soviet Union and whose policies would wreck the American economy, end the resurgence of American energy production, and hollow out the American armed forces.

It’s a lunatic plot. But the scriptwriters no doubt figure that if they can peddle what they’ve been peddling for the last two weeks, they can peddle anything.

Stone was sentenced to 40 months’ imprisonment. This was smack in the middle of the federal sentencing guidelines’ range — 37 to 46 months — that Attorney General Bill Barr’s Justice Department argued would be a reasonable term. The AG’s position was a second-guess of the Stone trial’s prosecutors. That team, dominated by Mueller fabulists who portrayed the Stone case as Watergate revisited, had recommended something closer to a nine-year sentence.

For Ilhan Omar, the best defense is always . . . anti-Semitism By Andrea Widburg


On Thursday, Britain’s Daily Mail ran a story that America’s media has refused to cover: the strong evidence that Ilhan Omar married her own brother, Ahmed Elmi, in order to commit immigration and student loan fraud. Omar’s first response was precisely what everyone expected: She claimed anti-Muslim hate speech.

By Friday, though, Omar had escalated her rhetoric, not directly but by proxy. She retweeted a post from Humans 4 Human Rights asserting that any challenge to Omar is a Zionist conspiracy.

Reading through the site, it’s apparent that the people behind it are from the Jeremy Corbyn left. It calls Boris Johnson a “rich men’s lapdog,” and inveigles against the “BLATANT UGLY FACTS of the SLEAZY SCHEMING foundation & agenda of #BREXIT, pushed & supported by the WHITE PRIVILEGED CORPORATE BANKSTERHOOD, #UK’s elite #RulingClass, whose only aim is to get richer and damn the ordinary poor f***ks, the #BRITISH #PEOPLE.” It warns that, in a post-Brexit UK, “children . . . the sick, vulnerable and homeless” won’t survive.

The site doesn’t like Trump, calling his administration a “kakistocracy” (rule by bad people), and it hates and fears Jews. On the subject of a “Free Palestine,” it states that “‘Antisemitism’ is the weapon of choice for Psychological Warfare to silence all of us who demand a #FreePalestine!” The one thing it really loves is Ilhan Omar

A whiny Meghan Markle retreats when the Queen bans her use of the royal name By Andrea Widburg


On Tuesday, news broke that the Queen had banned Prince Harry and Meghan Markle from marketing the “Sussex Royal” brand. Friday morning, another story broke, saying that Meghan was whining about this because she and Harry had already invested money in selling themselves. Also on Friday, the Queen won and Meghan backed down.

Queen Elizabeth comes from a generation that holds that you can’t eat your cake and have it. In other words, when you make choices, you have to take both the benefit and the burden of that choice.

Meghan Markle, on the other hand, is a child of the Veruca Salt generation. For those who are not fans of the classic Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie, Veruca is the spoiled brat who sings “I Want It Now.” Although Veruca gets her comeuppance, too many people have bought into the Veruca Salt theory that the world is hers for the taking: