Displaying the most recent of 91920 posts written by

Ruth King

The Twisted World of Craig Considine How much damage does his flagrant misinformation about Islam do? Bruce Bawer


Craig Considine, a lecturer in sociology at Rice University in Houston, is full of love – or so he would have us believe. Love, that is, for Islam, its prophet, and its holy book. It’s a love that Considine – a self-declared Christian – can’t stop affirming. On January 9, for example, he tweeted: “I ️ the Qur’an because it emphasizes humanity.” On January 10, he tweeted: “Why is Prophet Muhammad ️’d by Christians like me? Because he confirms the veracity of the Bible & encourages positive dialogue w/ Jews/Christians.” On January 11, he tweeted: “’The difference between us & you is no bigger than this line,’ said the Christian King of Abyssinia to Muslim refugees from Mecca, who had just explained the Qur’an’s position on Jesus & Mary.” And on January 12, he tweeted: “I ️ the Qur’an because it celebrates diversity.”  

Whereas Considine’s love of Islam would appear to be absolute and unqualified, however, his attitude toward Judaism and Israel is something else again. As David Gerstman noted in a January 9 article for Middle East Forum, Considine “recently appeared on a Twitter video wearing a kufiyah and touting the organization PaliRoots, which claims to promote Palestinian culture and identity. He could barely contain his enthusiasm about Palestine’s ‘beautiful culture.’” What’s PaliRoots? At its blog, Gerstman encountered a systematic “denial of Jewish history and Israel’s existence.” In other words, it’s another one of those toxic groups that insist, either ignorantly or dishonestly, that the Palestinians, as we know them today, have been around for centuries. According to PaliRoots, the Palestinians even turn up in “numerous hieroglyphs in Egyptian documents.” The name of Palestine derives from the Hebrew; PaliRoots describes it as Greek in origin. Moreover, observed Gerstman, PaliRoots ignores the fact that the Roman Empire, “in an attempt to erase any Jewish connection to the land,” changed Judea’s name to Syria Palaestina. In short, to quote Gerstman, PaliRoots is a purveyor of “ahistorical claims” that amount to “anti-Israel, anti-Jewish propaganda,” and “Considine’s proclamation of its trustworthiness further exposes him as a hack.”

Israeli Sovereignty and the Fate of the Trump Plan How the ‘Deal of the Century’ will influence upcoming Israeli elections. Caroline Glick


On Wednesday morning, NeverTrump propagandist Bill Kristol told his MSNBC audience that Democratic chances of victory over US President Donald Trump will rise if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is defeated in Israel’s elections on March 2.

Along the same lines, if Netanyahu fails to apply Israeli sovereignty to the Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria before the election, not only will he almost certainly lose those elections, his defeat will bury Trump’s peace plan and harm Trump’s reelection chances.

To understand why this is the case it is first necessary to understand the nature of the Blue and White party and its relationship to Trump and his peace plan.

After Trump’s peace plan was published, Israelis discovered significant problems with the map attached to the plan. Among other things, the map places large sections of Highway 60, which crosses Judea and Samaria from south to north outside Israeli jurisdiction. If left uncorrected, the designation will endanger the security of tens of thousands of Israelis whose communities will be rendered isolated enclaves. Since ensuring Israel’s ability to defend itself and its citizens on a permanent basis is a major goal of the plan, this omission was obviously an oversight. Netanyahu announced this week that he has assembled a team to work on the map.

Glazov Gang: How Jew-Hatred Infected the Democratic Party. And how President Trump had the courage and nobility to call it out.


Israel Upset at Belgium for Inviting ‘Terror Supporters’ to UN Security Council


JNS.org – Israel is furious at Belgium for continuing to act against Israel at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), including inviting a “one-sided, radical” pro-Palestinian activist to address council members.

Belgium, who currently holds the rotating presidency for the UNSC, has invited Brad Parker, a senior official for a non-profit called Defense for Children International – Palestine (DCI-P), to speak at the council’s session.

DCI-P accuses Israel of committing war crimes, supports the BDS movement and has ties to the US-designated terrorist organization Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

“Belgium has positioned itself as one of the Security Council member states most hostile toward Israel,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lior Haiat told The Times of Israel. “Inviting a one-sided radical activist such as Mr. Parker to brief the Security Council is yet another negative record.”

Cardinal George Pell, Australia’s Dreyfus Christopher Akehurst ****


The new legal year began this month with various ceremonies, among them the traditional celebration of a “Red Mass” in the Roman Catholic cathedrals of the state capitals. In Melbourne, the judges and lawyers who attended St Patrick’s must have pondered the strange combination of circumstances that have made that imposing Gothic building the alleged locus delicti of Australia’s most publicised and divisive legal case in living memory; and have seen Cardinal George Pell, the prelate whose archiepiscopal seat the cathedral once was, convicted for child sexual abuse – offences committed, it is said, in a sacristy just across the transept from the assembled jurists participating in the Mass.

The Pell case is one of those indicators, like climate change, of where one stands politically. The Left is pretty much anti-Pell en bloc, not so much for any privileged access to evidence, but because he is a conservative, someone who can therefore do no good – just like President Trump, who even if he could somehow fulfil the leftist dream and abolish “global warming” overnight would get no thanks for it. Those who have publicly stated their belief in Pell’s innocence tend to be conservative (Pell’s two most eloquent champions have been Keith Windschuttle, Editor-in-Chief of Quadrant, who has dissected the evidence with a forensic skill unusual even in the highest levels of the legal profession, and columnist Andrew Bolt) but they believe him not because of shared political or other views but because conservative thinking requires good reasons for its conclusions and is not swayed by shallow emotionalism and the shouts of the mob, and the evidence adduced against Pell is about as far from conclusive as any evidence accepted by an Australian court could ever have been.

On March 11, the full bench of the High Court will come together to hear the long awaited appeal by Pell, former Archbishop of Melbourne and Sydney, then cardinal in charge of reforming (i.e. cleaning up) the finances of the Vatican, now prisoner no. CRN 218978 at Barwon, Victoria. When it does, the hearing will push whatever is obsessing the media at the time – coronavirus, the horrors of a Trump re-election, the collapse of the British economy after Brexit (that’ll be the wishfully thought-up fake news from the Nine media and the Guardian) off front pages round the world.

Attempted Illegal Border Crossings Drop to Eight-Month Low By Zachary Evans


Customs and Border Patrol announced on Tuesday that in January the agency recorded the fewest number of attempted illegal border crossings in eight months.

Acting CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan told reporters at a press conference that the agency had apprehended or denied entry to 36,679 people in January, down from 144,116 people in May 2019. Of the 36,679, 29,200 were arrested by the Border Patrol, while the remainder were refused entry to the U.S. at border crossings.

Morgan said the decrease in attempted crossings was attributable to “successful” Trump administration policies.

The Trump administration’s policies have included measures intended to stem the flow of asylum-seekers to the U.S.-Mexico border, such as the “Remain in Mexico” directives requiring asylum seekers to stay in Mexico while their cases are processed in the U.S. Migrants are sometimes returned to other Latin American countries if their cases are rejected by the U.S.


The administration has also attempted to counter the phenomenon of sanctuary cities, where local governments instruct law enforcement not to cooperate with U.S. Immigration Customs Enforcement. In the latest salvo against these policies, Attorney General William Barr announced Monday the Justice Department would commence a “significant escalation” in lawsuits against sanctuary cities for “unconstitutionally interfering” with immigration enforcement.

Limbaugh: A Genius at Radio By Victor Davis Hanson


His ‘army of one,’ inspiring millions who’d been ignored, changed the political landscape.

Genius is often defined in myriad ways. One trusted criterion is the ability to do something extraordinary in a field where others could not — and doing something that perhaps will never be done again by anyone else.

By that measure, Rush Limbaugh certainly is the genius of talk radio, a genre in which he not merely excelled but that he also singlehandedly reinvented as something entirely different — and entirely more powerful and instrumental in American life — from what was imaginable pre-Limbaugh.

Even stranger still, his ascendance coincided with the presumed nadir of radio itself. It was supposedly a has-been, one-dimensional medium, long overshadowed by television. Even in the late 1980s, radio was about to be sentenced as obsolete in the ascendant cyber age of what would become Internet blogs, podcasts, streaming, and smartphone television.

Stranger still, Limbaugh has prospered through two generations and picked up millions of listeners who were not born when he first went national and who had no idea of why or how he had become a national presence.

He certainly did not capture new listeners by adjusting to the times. While tastes changed and the issues often metamorphosed, he did not. He remained conservative, commonsensical, and skeptical of Washington and those in it, as if he knew all the predictable thousand faces of the timeless progressive project, whose various manifestations reappear to mask a single ancient and predictable essence: the desire of a self-appointed group of elites to expand government in order to regiment the lives of ordinary people, allegedly to achieve greater mandated equality and social justice but more often to satisfy their own narcissistic will to power. It was Limbaugh who most prominently warned that lax immigration enforcement would soon lead to open calls for open borders, that worry about “global warming” would transform into calls to ban the internal combustion engine, and that the logical end of federal takeover of health care would be Medicare for All.

Why It’s Delusional To Think Higher Education Is Free From Indoctrination If academia shapes up to be the ideological opponent of more than half the population, conservatives will treat it as an enemy.By Sumantra Maitra


Consider a thought experiment. Imagine we live in a reverse universe in which the population is overwhelmingly center-left on the major cultural and socioeconomic issues, and the institutional power in media and higher education is in the hands of the right wing.

In that universe, university applications are overwhelmingly meritocratic, admissions metrics include only academic qualification and aptitude and nothing else, the flow of knowledge is outright cut-throat, and if you fail, you perish. The system is Vulcan and absolutely hierarchic, and only the best of the best excel.

There’s no campus bureaucracy, no university “mental health counselors” for any fragile flower whose cat died, no campus sexual assault “courts” where the accused is already guilty, no university student unions led by outsider thugs, no federal loans for anyone willing to spend a few hundred thousand on a master’s degree about the connection between Maori tribal weaving patterns and post-colonial feminist movements. Most importantly, in this alternate reality, there is no forced push for the sameness known as equality.

Albeit this is an extreme scenario, it is not difficult to imagine what the left’s reaction would be. This system would not be allowed to continue.

Of course, it’s the exact reverse of our current reality. In two broadly center-right countries, the United Kingdom and the United States, cultural institutions are not just dominated by the left, they are increasingly becoming off-limits to conservatives. Consider the news from just last week: The Western Art History course at Yale was canceled, the 1619 Project was incorporated into public school curricula at Buffalo, military presence was banned at the Cambridge University freshers’ fair because it could be “triggering” for students who are “mentally unwell,” and a centuries-old student club was banned at Oxford for failing an identity politics quota.

Where’s the Outrage? Suspect Who Drove Van Into Trump Campaign Volunteers Admits Political Motive By Matt Margolis


On Saturday, 27-year-old Gregory William Loel Timm intentionally crashed his van into a tent where Trump campaign volunteers were registering voters Saturday afternoon in Jacksonville, Fla., in a Walmart parking lot.

After plowing through the tent with his van, Timm stopped, got out of the van, then took a video of the scene before flipping off the victims and fleeing. No one was injured during the incident.

The Republican Party of Duval County posted pictures of the scene on Twitter:

Within hours of the incident, William Loel Timm was arrested by the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office on two counts of aggravated assault, criminal mischief, and driving without a license.

While Timm’s motive was obvious, the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO) refused to say whether the assault was politically motivated.

“We’re obviously going to follow that up and we take that very seriously,” said JSO Lieutenant Larry Gayle. “Anybody who interrupts a political process in this country needs to be taken very seriously.”

Trump steals the Dems’ spotlight at New Hampshire rally ‘We have the highest poll numbers we’ve ever had — thank you, Nancy, very much’ Amber Athey


President Donald Trump successfully trolled Democrats once again Monday — hosting a packed rally the night before their New Hampshire primary election and successfully directing attention and energy away from Democratic campaigners desperate to interest voters.

The near-overflowing arena at Southern New Hampshire University stood in stark contrast to the sparsely attended campaign trail events put on just around the corner by Joe Biden, Amy Klobuchar, and the rest of the Democratic field.

Bernie Sanders may have a rabid online fan base, but how many would camp out all night and day in the frigid February snow for a chance to see their political hero? Warren couldn’t even get hungry diners to glance up from their meals long enough to ask for their vote.

‘I LOVE Trump,’ a concession stand worker said enthusiastically as she doled out chicken tenders and fries to the hundreds of people lined up for food and drink. Attendees danced and sang along to classic rock anthems by Billy Joel and Elton John for hours before the president’s speech, putting Mayor Pete Buttigieg team’s ‘High Hopes’ dance to shame.

‘We have never had an empty seat from the day your future first lady and I came down the escalator,’ Trump said at the start of his speech, poking fun at the Democratic candidates relatively small crowds throughout the state. ‘We have so much more enthusiasm it’s not even close’.