In 2015, Israel once again came under terrorist attack from Palestinians desperate to erase Jews from the land they’ve inhabited continuously for 3,800 years. Unlike past terrorist attacks, which mostly relied on suicide bombs in restaurants and buses or on rocket attacks from afar, this was a more personal type of terrorism: Palestinians walking down the street or shopping in stores would suddenly pull out long knives and savagely stab anyone within reach. It was called “the knife intifada.”
But what happens in Israel doesn’t stay in Israel. In some ways, you can consider Israel a testing ground for terrorist tactics that Jihadists intend to use against others around the world – and it’s clear with Sunday’s “terrorist-related” knife attack in the Streatham neighborhood in London that the knife intifada has fully arrived in England.
The Palestinians haven’t been shy about using knives to wage war on Jews. Here’s a grim photograph from 1947 — before there was an Israel, before there were 1967 lines, and before the PLO had even formed — showing an Arab stabbing a Palestinian journalist, while the British soldiers took a photograph, but did not bother to help: