Displaying the most recent of 91910 posts written by

Ruth King

We Can No Longer Ignore The Attacks On Jews In New York By David Marcus


In Rockland County last night, during a Chanukah celebration at a synagogue a man stormed in with a machete and stabbed at least five victims, who were taken to the hospital. This is the latest in a string of antisemitic attacks in the New York City area, coming in the wake of the tragic killing of four people during an attack on a Jewish grocery store in Jersey City.

These two acts of violence this month have brought renewed attention to the sharp uptick in anti Jewish violence that has quietly held New York City in its grip over the past few years. Sadly, Mayor Bill de Blasio, who spent much of the year more concerned with his farcical run for president than protecting the citizens of his own city, and the state governments of New York and New Jersey have, been flatfooted in addressing the growing concern.

It has frankly been astounding how little attention attacks on Jews in the New York City area have received. If any other minority group were subject to such abuse, it would be a leading national story. Why have these attacks been swept under the carpet? The clearest answer seems to be that the news media and our political leadership are uncomfortable with the fact that many of these attacks, including last night’s, were perpetrated by black people.

Make no mistake, if white supremacists in MAGA hats were shooting minorities or carving them up with machetes, it wouldn’t just be news, it would be the only news. So satisfying would that narrative be to our politicians and scribes that we would scarcely be able to turn away. But alas, it’s Jews being killed and maimed. And the criminals don’t fit the bill of right-wing, Trump-supporting Nazis, so, you know, it’s complicated.

Tulsi Gabbard: Democrats in Congress Preferred People Rotting in Prison to Giving Trump a Win By Michael van der Galien


When speaking to a group of supporters, Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard explained that hyperpartisanship has truly taken Washington D.C. hostage. An example of this extremely troubling Washington culture, she said, was that some Democrats in Congress would rather have people needlessly sitting years behind bars than help President Trump get criminal justice reform.

“A very practical thing that we need to address about the power of the two-party system,” Rep. Gabbard said, “and how hyperpartisan things have become, because those two parties basically can accept an unlimited amount of money from any individual, business, or whatever. And that creates an incredible amount of leverage for them to hold over members of Congress from both political parties, who may be looking at an issue or a vote that’s coming to the House floor based on its merits, imagine that, thinking about alright, well, how will this best impact my constituents? But if they’re thinking about voting against the party interest, then more often than not, they get the phone call or they get the tap on the shoulder on the House floor before the vote, saying, ‘Don’t you dare. If you vote against the party interest then when it’s time for your reelection and you need help, we’re not going to be there for you’.”

Anti-Macron Yellow Vests Protests Continue Unabated in France By Michael van der Galien


Although it’s not exactly considered frontpage news by the leftist mainstream media, the so-called Yellow Vests continue to protest every single weekend against President Macron’s horrendous policies. Don’t believe me? Well, just watch this rather inspiring video:

This weekend was the 59th weekend in a row that the Gilets Jaunes or Yellow Vests have taken to the streets in order to show the government they mean business. They are against Macron’s pension reform, and also protest against the rising cost of living (which makes it virtually impossible for blue-collar workers to live a normal kind of life), while the rich are getting all kinds of tax breaks.

Of course, there are a lot of reasons not to like the French (and yes that’s coming from someone who, although a Dutchman himself, has French ancestors). They’re arrogant. They refuse to speak English to tourists. Their cheese smells horrible. Their soccer team beat the Dutch team in the 1998 world cup with penalties. And yes, their movies are awful too.

Finally, there is the little fact that France has been living on the dole in Europe for ages. The rich northern EU members are paying France’s bills. Trust me when I say that those of us from those northern countries aren’t exactly happy with that situation, especially not because we see Frenchmen refusing to give up privileges we had to give up years or even decades ago to prevent the welfare state from collapsing.

Frontiers of fantasy: ‘trans man’ gives birth By Thomas Lifson


The following “news” item only makes sense if you assume that a giant joke is being played on the rest of us.  Jack Montgomery reports at Breitbart:

A female-to-male trans man and their “non-binary” partner have had a baby in Brighton, England — assisted by a trans doctor and a female-to-male trans woman sperm donor.

39-year-old Reuben Sharpe, who began living as a man twelve years ago, gave birth to a child described by the left-wing Mirror as a “miracle baby” in “Britain’s most modern family” after two rounds of fertility treatment.

28-year-old Jay, Sharpe’s partner, was born a woman but has had a double mastectomy and now identifies as “non-binary”, so the pair had to inseminate Sharpe using donor sperm — which was provided by a trans woman who had retained their male sexual organs.

“It’s taken six years to get this far, but now we have a baby in our arms and that was the end goal. I finally feel complete,” said Sharpe.

So, a woman mutilated her breasts and calls herself a “trans man,” and then gets ahold of male seed from a stranger, got pregnant, and had a baby.

I can’t top one commenter who wrote:

 Yeah nah. Woman has baby. Bloke supplied sperm. It was biology not word salad.

Education and Business: An Incestuous Relationship By Eileen F. Toplansky


Why in Sam Hill would a sentient parent send his child to any school of higher learning in America today when “colleges across the country are altering admissions requirements and curricul[a]” in order to “improve diversity ratios on campus”?

Mind you, it is not to increase standards.  No, the changes involve “lowering of standards and a very clear implication that students from certain backgrounds cannot score as high on tests as their peers of a different melanin makeup.”

When will this madness stop?

Instead of rooting out the reasons why students of color are doing so poorly, the Left continues to use them as cannon fodder to control the education of young American minds.

Why is it that the public education system has failed so many of its black and Hispanic students?  How is the following possible?

[I]n America’s public high schools, 45% of black students and 43% of Hispanics (as compared to 22% of whites) drop out before their classes graduate.  Dropout rates are especially high in urban areas with large minority populations, including such academic basket cases as the District of Columbia (57%), Trenton (59%), Camden (61.4%), Baltimore (65.4%), Cleveland (65.9%), and Detroit (75.1%).

Despicable: Black attacks on Jews are rooted in Democrats’ coddling of anti-Semites By Monica Showalter


Once-tolerant New York City is becoming a haven for anti-Semitic, Jew-hating attacks, getting to be like Paris, eventually driving Jewish flight based on the surge of unpunished violence in the leftist-run city.

It’s shocking, not only because the number of unprovoked attacks on Jewish people just minding their own business and going about their daily lives are very numerous — nine at last count within about a week — but because within the violence itself is a tissue of lies, explicit and implicit, from silky enablers to conceal and euphemize what’s really happening.  In every case, the victim was Jewish and the attacker was black. That’s a politically incorrect to the press and its leftist allies, but it’s true. It’s similar to how Islamist terror was covered up as ‘workplace violence’ in the past, again in the name of political correctness. But this time, the refusal to name the source of the violence is not related to Middle East politics so much as Democrats’ coddling of black anti-Semitism within its own ranks.

Here’s just one of such incidents:

Suspects arrested in last week’s spree of eight anti-Semitic attacks are being quickly released right back into the neighborhoods they terrorized thanks to “bail reform” legislation — which doesn’t even take effect until Jan. 1.

The most recent case of revolving-door justice came Saturday morning, with the release, with no bail, of a woman charged with punching and cursing at three Orthodox women, ages 22, 26 and 31, in Crown Heights, Brooklyn at dawn the day before.

The accused assailant, Tiffany Harris, was hauled in handcuffs before a Brooklyn judge on 21 menacing, harassment and attempted assault charges.

U.S. Ambassador Grenell Urges EU to Ban Hezbollah By Rick Moran


A U.S. civilian contractor was killed in a rocket attack on an Iraqi military base near the city of Kirkuk on Friday. The attack occurred in an area controlled by Kataib Hezbollah, an Iranian-backed Shiite militia.

U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell used the attack to urge the entire EU to ban Hezbollah.

Richard Grenell

Richard Grenell Retweeted Jason Brodsky

Now would be a good time for our European allies to follow the lead of the German parliament and move to designate Hezbollah a terrorist organization. #diplomacy

The German parliament recently passed a non-binding resolution urging the government to ban Hezbollah’s “political organization.” The motion urged Chancellor Angela Merkel’s administration, as well as the EU, to adopt a total ban of Hezbollah.

There are more than a thousand Hezbollah representatives in Germany alone.

American colleges are veering into academic ‘police state’ territory Cheryl K. Chumley


The assistant attorney general for the Civil Rights Division at the Department of Justice just issued a statement reminding that America is not a “police state,” and neither should be the college campuses that dot the landscape of this country.

The very fact the DOJ has to release this statement shows how very far America’s freedoms have fallen.

“College campuses should not be mini police states,” wrote Eric Dreiband, assistant attorney general, as well as several other attorneys, in a “Statement of Interest” filed in U.S. District Court on behalf of plaintiffs accusing Jones County Junior College in Mississippi of several egregious freedom of speech violations against students.

And in a statement on the DOJ website, Dreiband elaborated with this: “The United States of America is not a police state. Repressive speech codes are the indecent hallmark of despotic, totalitarian regimes. They have absolutely no place in our country, and the First Amendment outlaws all tyrannical policies, practices and acts that abridge the freedom of speech.”

Yet college campuses, with increasing frequency, have in fact, in some instances, become breeding grounds for police state-like hits on the First Amendment.

Four Pillars: Educating for America Larry P. Arnn President, Hillsdale College


The following is adapted from a speech delivered on December 6, 2019, during a Christmas Open House at Hillsdale College’s Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship in Washington, D.C.

This Fall at Hillsdale College, we did something strange, stranger than if we had found a unicorn and built a zoo to show it off. We celebrated, with a whole heart, the founding of our College 175 years ago. Yes, most of our founders were white. Yes, most of them were male. All of them are now dead. What can we be thinking, to celebrate people like that in this day and age?

There are two reasons, one particular and one general.

The particular one has to do with these founders themselves. They were human, sure enough, but they were very good humans. The earliest of them were classically educated New England preachers. They thought liberal education was the road to good living, good citizenship, and good statesmanship. They thought to get this liberal education it is better to read the classic books in the classic languages, Greek and Latin, and those were prerequisites for admission to the College.

These founders were patriots. The first line of the College’s Articles of Association of 1844 commits the College to perpetuating the “inestimable blessings” of “civil and religious liberty and intelligent piety.” We obscure the fact these days that the Americans who founded our country were mostly Christians, and they were devoted to both civil and religious liberty with the same intensity that they held their faith. They thought that the Christian religion, the first universal religion not to provide government to the faithful, would therefore have to be practiced in many countries—and that those countries should provide for the right to do so, or else be wrong. Claiming that right for themselves, they also respected it for others. “Do as you would be done by.”

These founders thought that liberal education should cultivate the practice of the moral alongside the intellectual virtues. College is about thinking, and the refinement and informing of the intellect is its first purpose.



On October 7, the New York Times published an article about a 2016 Trump voter who changed his mind and now intends to vote Democrat:

Mark Graham, a real estate appraiser in this faded manufacturing hub [Erie, Pennsylvania], sat with friends at a gym named FitnessU on the morning after the Democratic debate in mid-September. He had voted for Barack Obama, but in 2016 he took a gamble on Donald Trump.
“Things have changed in the last couple weeks: More stupidity has come out,” Mr. Graham, 69, said in a telephone interview last week. He hopes Democrats nominate former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., but he is not particular. “I’d vote for the Democratic nominee no matter who it is at this point,” he said.Fast forward a month, to November 12. Now the Times reports, excitedly, on a new anti-Trump ad campaign being undertaken by David Brock’s disreputable organization, American Bridge:

A Democratic group unveiled a $3 million advertising campaign Tuesday featuring people who supported President Trump but now regret it, the first wave of a yearlong effort to reclaim some of the voters in the industrial Midwest who helped tip the 2016 election.

The group, American Bridge, will air commercials in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania that are first-person testimonials from residents of each state explaining why they backed Mr. Trump in 2016 and why they will not do so again next year.