This isn’t terrorism. It’s a war. And it’s going on every day in Sweden.
Sweden is reeling from a wave of shootings and bombings with 268 shootings just this year so far. And that’s in a country of 10 million people which has crime numbers on par with some American cities.
“Sweden may have the answer to America’s gun problem,” Vox declared in 2016. Or maybe not.
These shootings aren’t being carried out with handguns, but with AK-47s. The weapon so often used as a boogeyman by gun control advocates, but rarely featured in everyday gun violence, is a staple of Sweden’s gang war scene. Along with hand grenades and other explosives rarely seen in America.
A call by the police last year asking gang members to turn in their grenades worked as well as expected.
There have been 187 bomb attacks this year. In just 1 week in August, there were three major bombings. Much of the violence is concentrated in Malmo which experienced 58 bombings in 2017.
Malmo has a sizable immigrant and Muslim population. And it’s a center of gang violence.
Swedish authorities and its media rarely discuss or name the perpetrators, but the latest shooting left Jaffar Ibrahim, a 15-year-old boy, dead. Jaffar was shot in a Malmo pizzeria and had been part of a family of Syrian refugees who migrated to Sweden in 2016. Services for him were held in a mosque.
The shooting attack was preceded by a car bombing which was used as a diversion.