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Ruth King

Hundreds gather at Chater Garden to thank US President Donald Trump for signing Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act Linda Lew Laurie Chen


Rallyists wave American flags and carry messages criticising Communist Party of China as they march to US Consulate
Some fear the act may adversely affect Hong Kong economy, but still say it is important to fight for human rights and democracy

Hundreds of people gathered at Chater Garden on Sunday afternoon to thank US President Donald Trump for signing the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act that could lead to diplomatic and economic sanctions on the city.

The rally, “Thank You US”, organised by a localist group called Hong Kong Autonomy Action (HKAA), saw people waving American flags and marching to the US Consulate in Central.

“We thank the US for signing the act. It will continue to put pressure on the Hong Kong government. Thank you for not forsaking us,” a member of the HKAA, who gave his name as Tony, said at the rally.

The rally also carried strong messages against the Communist Party of China.

Last week, Trump signed into law the legislation that could impose diplomatic action and economic sanctions against Hong Kong, much to the anger of China which said it constituted meddling in the country’s internal affairs as it warned that it would result in consequences.



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Georgia Governor Brian Kemp is poised to select Kelly Loeffler to replace Georgia’s retiring Republican Senator Johnny Isakson. Kemp’s choice has provoked vehement opposition from conservative Georgians and the White House. Why is Kemp’s choice so controversial?

For starters, President Trump helped Kemp get elected, and POTUS has made it widely known his preference to fill the senate vacancy is conservative Rep. Doug Collins.

So, who is Kelly Loeffler and why is she controversial?

Businesswoman Kelly Loeffler is the chief executive of Bakkt, a subsidiary of Atlanta-based Intercontinental Exchange Inc (ICE) and co-owner of Georgia’s Women’s National Basketball Association team the Atlanta Dream. Atlanta News Now reports that Loeffler’s application to Governor Kemp states:

“From working on the family farm to creating jobs and opportunity in the business world, I have been blessed to live the American Dream. I am offering myself to serve hardworking Georgians as a political outsider in the United States Senate to protect that dream for everyone.”

But that’s not all!


Three new polls: Trump’s approval rating among black voters has quadrupled
Trump’s approval rating among black voters has quadrupled since 2016, according to three new polls. Rasmussen, Emerson and Marist polls have the president above a 33% approval rating among this key demographic. (screenshot)

Three new polls indicate that President Trump’s approval rating among black voters has quadrupled since 2016. Emerson and Rasmussen have Trump polling at 34%, while the Marist poll shows Trump enjoying a 33% approval among black voters.

This is significant because President Trump won the electoral college in a landslide in 2016 despite scoring just 8% approval from black voters.  If Trump can get even half the figure among black voters that he’s getting now in these polls, he will easily win reelection in 2020.

New Polls: Black American support for President Trump:

Rasmussen:  34.5%
Emerson:  34%
Marist:  33%

Republican strategist Deneen Borelli tweeted: “Rasmussen Poll tracking poll finds Donald Trump’s total black approval at 34%. Democrats’ worst nightmare. Boom.”


The New York Times’ long descent from credibility Michael Goodwin

This is part two of excerpts from Michael Goodwin’s Pulliam Lecture at Hillsdale College.

The separation of news from opinion was an ingrained part of the culture at The New York Times when I started there in the 1970s.

As a young reporter, I knew the rule without understanding its significance. I only knew I was not permitted to express my opinions in my stories.

Those were the days when copy was edited by hand and if you veered into editorializing, editors simply crossed out the offending words. You learned of your mistake when you read the paper the next day and realized your opinion was on the cutting-room floor.

Dutch police arrest suspect in Hague knife attack that wounded 3 teenagers

Dutch police arrested a homeless man on Saturday over a knife assault in a busy shopping street in The Hague in which three teenagers were wounded. 
The 35-year-old suspect was detained in the centre of the city a day after the stabbing, which caused panic as shoppers hunted Black Friday bargains.

Police had earlier said they were investigating “several scenarios” and that it was “too early to speculate” about whether there was a possible terror motive.

The attack happened just hours after a terror suspect stabbed two people to death in London.

“Following the stabbing incident in Grote Marktstraat, a 35-year-old man has just been arrested in the centre of The Hague. The man has no fixed place of residence,” police said on Twitter.

“He will be transferred to a police station where he will be questioned.”

The victims were a 13-year-old boy and two 15-year-old girls, none of whom knew each other, police said. They were all treated in hospital but released overnight.

The male attacker ran off after the stabbings at a department store in the city centre, triggering a huge manhunt involving police helicopters.

Images on social media showed shoppers running in panic away from the scene, on a nighttime retail street lit by Christmas fairy lights.

Pope Francis, ‘The Song of Roland’ and Imam Al-Tayeb by Giulio Meotti


“I have a family of Christians who do not want to convert, what do we do with them?”, a jihadist in Iraq asked his superior.

According a new report by Aid to the Church in Need, “over 245 million Christians [are] living in places where they experience high levels of persecution,” 4,305 Christians were killed for their faith from 2017 to 2019, and 1,847 churches and other Christian buildings were attacked in the same period. The report states that “within a generation, Iraq’s Christian population has shrunk by more than 90 percent.”

Christians in Burkina Faso are now being forced to “flee, convert or die”…. British Baroness Cox recently discovered, on a fact-finding mission to Nigeria, mass murders of Christians by Muslim extremists (more than 1,000 Christians killed since January and more than 6,000 since 2015).

“The astonishing ignorance of these basic teachings on the part of Pope Francis and his advisors doesn’t make for a more harmonious world: it makes for a more dangerous one. Those who buy into their fantasy view… are in for a rude surprise when they encounter the real thing”. — William Kilpatrick, Crisis, September 25, 2019.

In Cyprus, Turks have converted 78 churches into mosques. Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdogan himself has called to convert — again — Hagia Sophia into a mosque.

The West and its religious leaders need to stop repenting and face reality. For the Pope, the head of more than a billion Catholics, it means using his dialogue with Islam to challenge it and ask its leaders, such as Al-Tayeb, to stop threatening Christians. Now, please, in 2019, not in 1209, at the time of the “Song of Roland”.

Two recent incidents in the same week highlighted Pope Francis’s upside-down vision about a religion.

Recalling a scene from the famous 11th-century poem “The Song of Roland”, in which Christians in Spain threatened Muslims “to choose between baptism or death”, Pope Francis recently said, “We must beware of fundamentalist groups; each (religion) has their own. Fundamentalism is a plague and all religions have some fundamentalist first cousin”. A few days before that, Pope Francis received the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmed Al-Tayeb.

Iran: Between Samson and Samsung by Amir Taheri


The daily Kayhan, commonly believed to reflect Khamenei’s views, is even calling for gallows to be erected to hang “evil-doers” in public, regardless of the numbers involved.

Khamenei’s “Samson option” reminds one of Hermann Goering, the German Nazi grandee who boasted that whenever he faces a cultural problem he cannot understand he reaches for his gun.

One could call this “the Samsung option” as Jahromi, who masterminded the cutting of the Internet for several days to break the uprising’s momentum, has a plan to make it difficult if not impossible for millions of poor Iranians to use mobile phones and have access to the Internet. In other words, “Samsung” ought to be treated as a weapon only reserved for the 30 percent of the population that, according to Rouhani, are “content with the good life they have.”

As the latest wave of protests in Iran begins to subside, at least for the time being, the Khomeinist ruling elite still appear unable to decide what caused the uprising and how to deal with its consequences.

One faction, led by “Supreme Guide” Ali Khamenei, offers a standard analysis that has become the hallmark of the regime’s approach to all things political. Khamenei says the uprising was the result of “a deep, broad and very dangerous foreign conspiracy” and nothing else. Moreover, he insists that the only way to deal with its consequences is with an iron fist.

The daily Kayhan, commonly believed to reflect Khamenei’s views, is even calling for gallows to be erected to hang “evil-doers” in public, regardless of the numbers involved.

Fellow Terrorist of London Bridge Also Released Early, Also Plotted AttackDaniel Greenfield


Usman Khan, the Pakistani Muslim terrorist who went on a stabbing spree near London Bridge, had been sent to jail in 2012 for his role in a massive terror plot, before being released in 2018. Another of his comrades, who was also released, had plotted his own terror attack.

A terrorist jailed with London Bridge knifeman Usman Khan over a plot to kill Boris Johnson and attack London landmarks left prison only to begin planning a Lee Rigby-style murder.

Mohibur Rahman, 35, was one of nine terrorists, also including Khan, who were handed long sentences in 2012 for a plan to blow up famous sights in the capital including the London Eye and the London Stock Exchange.

Rahman was released in 2015 but while serving part of his sentence at Belmarsh top security prison in South-East London he became friends with two men from the West Midlands, Khobaib Hussain and Naweed Ali.

The trio formed a group that they called ‘The Three Musketeers’ and used that name to communicate with each other on encrypted social media apps.

Pakistani Muslim London Stabber Was Let Out After Only 6 Years for Terror Plot Daniel Greenfield


The rule for Muslim terrorists in Europe is if at first you don’t succeed, file appeals, wait for the system to fail, and kill a bunch of people anyway.

That was what allowed Pakistani Muslim terrorist Usman Khan to wreak havoc with a stabbing spree in London.

Usman Khan was convicted on terrorism charges but let out of prison early. He attended a “Learning Together” conference for ex-offenders, and used the event to launch a bloody attack, stabbing two people to death and wounding three others.

Unsurprisingly, the conference didn’t help. Neither did the reported ankle bracelet. Keeping him in jail would have prevented this.

But he did win an appeal.

Khan, along with a number of others, was jailed in 2012 for plotting schemes including blowing up the London Stock Exchange.

However Khan, from Persia Walk in Tunstall, and others successfully had their sentences reduced to 16-year prison terms in 2013 – with Khan released on licence in 2018.

Khan’s barrister, Joel Bennathan QC, insisted that Khan’s indefinite term, from which he may never be released, was simply too tough for one so young. He also claimed the crown court judge was ‘wrong to promote his offence to a high level of sophistication.’

So the lesson here is that “deradicalization” is a scam that gets people killed.

Genomic Science Kept My Boys from Going Blind A rare disease almost took their eyesight, but before their world went dark, a medical miracle happened. By Kristin Papiro


Nine years ago, my family attended a medical conference in Philadelphia for the genetically unblessed. My husband, Eddie, and I found kinship with the other parents there, born of shared purpose: We refused to accept the diagnosis that our child was going blind.

Not long after we brought my newborn son, Anthony, home from the hospital, we noticed his eyes kept darting to the nearest light. If left in a room alone, he couldn’t self-soothe unless we placed him beside a sunlit window out of which he would obsessively gaze. He was eventually diagnosed with Leber congenital amaurosis, or LCA, a rare retinal disease affecting one out of every 50,000 newborns.

If you think of your eye as a camera, LCA isn’t a problem with the lens; the camera itself is broken. The eye cannot properly transmit light and color to the brain. For Anthony, it was like viewing the world permanently through a pair of sunglasses. It was only a matter of time, the doctors agreed, before the lights went out completely.

In 2010 we had learned about promising animal research that was about to move into human clinical trials. At the conference we watched a presentation describing how scientists were injecting modified DNA into the eyes of dogs with LCA, stopping their vision loss. However, that research applied to only 8% of the patient population—those who had the RPE65 gene type.

We gathered in a breakout session with about 50 other parents after the presentation. A nice guy from a drug company went around the room, family by family, and chatted with us. Of all the LCA patients, he found only two kids with the lucky number 65 gene. One of them was ours.

Newsweek Fires Anti-Trump Reporter Behind False Thanksgiving Story By Michael van der Galien


Until today, Jessica Kwong was a political reporter for Newsweek. More specifically, it was her job to keep an eye on the Trump administration, the Trump family, and the 2020 race for president. This week, however, she was fired. The reason? On Thanksgiving Day, she published an article in which she claimed that the president and first lady planned to spend the holiday golfing, tweeting, “and more” some such. Sadly for her, President Trump secretly flew to Afghanistan, where he met the troops (and served them turkey).

After President Trump had landed, pro-Trump Twitter users rightfully went after her. One of her fiercest critics was First Son Donald Trump Jr. “The President spends his Thanksgiving with American troops deployed in Afghanistan, including serving them lunch,” he wrote on Twitter. “Meanwhile, over at the Fake News…”…..

That tweet was retweeted over 8,000 times, which was a sure sign that the story about the Newsweek hoax had gone viral.Afterward — and when even Kwong and her Newsweek friends couldn’t deny President Trump’s presence in Afghanistan any longer — the story was updated, as was Kwong’s tweet in which she shared the original article.

It was, she wrote, “an honest mistake.” It wasn’t nice, no, but it could happen to anyone. Or something.