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Ruth King

Ruthie Blum Was Netanyahu’s latest nuclear ‘bombshell’ election propaganda?


You’d think that this was a bigger bombshell than the news of Iran’s continued and very concrete efforts to develop nuclear warheads for its long-range missiles. You know, in its pursuit of regional hegemony and its stated aim of “wiping Israel off the map.”

(September 10, 2019 / JNS) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took to the airwaves on Monday evening to reveal the existence and exact location of yet another secret nuclear-weapons development site in Iran—this one at Abadeh, in the Fars province of Tehran.

In a brief message that he delivered first in Hebrew and then in English—pointing to a screen with aerial photos obtained by Israeli intelligence—Netanyahu said that the site was exposed in the trove of documents that the Mossad had retrieved last year from a warehouse in Turquzabad.

“When Iran realized that we uncovered the site, here’s what they did: They destroyed the site. They just wiped it out. They wiped out the site. … They destroyed the evidence or at least tried to destroy the evidence. … It’s incredible. Every time we reveal, they try to cover up their tracks,” he said.

Netanyahu went on: “Even before that, Iran knew that we were on to them, so they cleared the site. They cleared it of these capacities, they cleared them, and then they actually covered up the site. This is a [literal] cover-up. They put gravel on it to try and hide their traces. But they didn’t. The IAEA found traces of uranium that Iran hid in these sites. That’s a direct violation of the NPT, the nonproliferation treaty.”

Trump Fires John Bolton In Final Break After Months Of Internal Policy Division

https://www.npr.org/2019/09/10/724363700/trump-fires-john-bolton-in-final-break-after-months-of-policy-divisions President Trump has fired national security adviser John Bolton, the lifelong proponent of American hard power, after months of division between the men over the direction of foreign and national security policy. Trump announced the news Tuesday on Twitter. Bolton was Trump’s third national security adviser and continued the pattern of departures by advisers […]

The Life and Death of a Communist Tyrant A look at the long and brutal reign of Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe.


Robert Gabriel Mugabe, the longtime ruthless dictator of Zimbabwe, died on September 6 at a hospital in Singapore where he had been under observation for several months for an undisclosed illness. Let us take a close look at this communist tyrant’s long reign of racist brutality and inhumanity.

Mugabe was born in 1924 at the Kutama Mission in Zvimba, then Southern Rhodesia, only months after the country became a British crown colony. Son of a peasant farmer and carpenter, he began his education at a nearby Jesuit mission and then taught in various schools while studying for certification to go on to the University of Fort Hare in South Africa, from which he received a B.A. in English and History. He then studied at Drifontein, Salisbury (now Harare), Gwelo, and Tanzania, and eventually obtained by correspondence a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of London. Next he began teaching in Accra, Ghana (1958-60), where he met Sally Hayfron, his first wife.

When Mugabe studied at Fort Hare, which was paid for by apartheid South Africa’s white taxpayers, it was the premier black university of all English-speaking Africa, producing a number of famous African leaders. At that institution Mugabe became radicalized, as did such future “freedom presidents” as Tanzania’s Julius Nyerere and Zambia’s Kenneth Kaunda and future rivals over absolute power in Rhodesia like Herbert Chitep. By the time Mugabe returned to Rhodesia in 1960, he was a committed Leninist.

The term “Leninist” is used purposefully. There is no indication that Mugabe ever read Marx. If anything, he perhaps read Lenin and Stalin‘s brief treatises on how to take and keep power.

The Zimbabwe liberation movements of the 1970s — primarily Mugabe’s ZANU and its competitor ZAPU (Joshua Nkomo’s Zimbabwe African People’s Union) — had a confused history of idealistic rhetoric, Marxism-Leninism, and systematic atrocities.

Will Denmark Become Like Sweden? by Judith Bergman


“Denmark is still relatively far from having reached the kind of crime epidemic that is currently plaguing Sweden. However, given the proximity of the two countries, the open borders and the apparent free flow of criminals across the borders — not to mention Denmark’s own crime level — there seems little to stop the situation in Denmark from getting out of control and becoming increasingly more like Sweden. ”

Sweden is exporting not only its bombings to Denmark. Gang crime, with its shootings and murders, has also traveled across the border.

Denmark has experienced 10 bombings since February. The latest took place on August 27 in a residential complex, Gersager, in the Greve area, very close to Copenhagen. No one was injured, but the building was seriously damaged. This year, the Swedish city of Malmö has experienced 19 bombings. An August 16 editorial in the Danish newspaper Berlingske Tidende said:

“No one wants Swedish conditions where shootings and bombings have reached an extreme degree. In addition to conflicts in the gang environment, there have been bombing attacks against police stations as well as courthouses, a town hall and the Swedish Tax Agency in Malmö in recent years.”

The piece was published after the Danish Tax Authority in Copenhagen was bombed on August 6, destroying its façade; one person was injured. Two Swedish citizens were charged with the attack. “The Swedish suspects have names that indicate that they have a different ethnic background than Swedish, but there is as yet no knowledge of the motives that may have driven them,” Berlingske wrote.

A few days later, on August 10, Copenhagen experienced another bombing that caused material damage, this time against a police station in Nørrebro.

Shortly after the bombings of the Danish Tax Authority and the Copenhagen police station, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen held a press conference. The government, she said, views the bombings “as an attack on our authorities and thus also our society”. She added that the government plans to strengthen the border with Sweden. “We have a challenge. It should not be the case that you can travel from Sweden to Denmark and place dynamite in the middle of Copenhagen”. She stressed that the border “has our full attention. And it needs to be strengthened”.

Turkey Faces “Almost a Revolution in the Middle East”by Burak Bekdil


“Hatice Karahan, Erdogan’s top economic advisor, told DW that economic relations between the countries represented a ‘win-win situation’ for both: ‘Turkey exports automobiles, iron, steel, electrical devices and plastic to Israel. And in return, it imports Israeli fuel and oil.'” — Deutsche Welle, December 12, 2017.

Erdoğan was unjust, wrong and unrealistic in his quest internationally to isolate Israel. The world has not quite moved in the direction he wished for.

“[T]he rapprochement that significant sections of the Israeli military and security establishment have long wanted with the GCC [Gulf Cooperation Council] has taken root since 2011, as the post-Arab Spring landscape has provided the opportunity to deepen unofficial ties in areas of shared concern.” — Baker Institute, Rice University.

Turkey’s Islamist leaders, including President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, have been pledging to their voters that they would “internationally isolate Israel” ever since they launched a diplomatic war on the Jewish state in 2010.

In a 2011 speech, Turkey’s foreign minister at the time, Ahmet Davutoğlu (later prime minister), said that his country’s Turkey’s policies in the Middle East “have brought Israel to its knees” and isolated the Jewish state both regionally and internationally.

The facts, however, could not have been more distant.

According to official reports, Israel’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) rose by a healthy 3.3% in 2018, compared to 1.3% in 2009, while Turkey reported a drop from 8.5% in 2010 to 2.8% in 2018. The unemployment rate in Israel stood at 3.7% in July 2019. Turkey, meanwhile, boasted an unemployment rate of 14.7% in the December-February 2018-2019 period, its highest level in nearly a decade.

Rashida Tlaib

** “Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Funded By George Soros”, at:  https://explainlife.com/congresswoman-rashida-tlaib-funded-by-george-soros-6682/

** “Rashida Tlaib Misrepresented Soros Stipend in Financial Disclosures”, at:  https://freebeacon.com/politics/rashida-tlaib-misrepresented-soros-stipend-financial-disclosures/

**“Rashida Tlaib, the eldest daughter of Palestinian immigrants, was one of more than 90 American Muslims running for office this year”, …” In 2008, Tlaib became the first Muslim woman ever to serve in Michigan’s state legislature. … She was endorsed by the party’s progressive wing, including Justice for Democrats, the group that backed Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in her upset win in New York in June.  Rashida sees a lot of herself in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,” at:  https://www.cnn.com/2018/08/08/politics/rashida-tlaib-michigan-13-congressional-district-election/index.html

The Press Jackals Promulgating ‘Sharpiegate’ Adam Mill


Have you heard of “Sharpiegate?”

Hurricane Dorian recently pulverized portions of the Bahamas. The loss in property and human life has not yet been tabulated but is sure to be historic. On September 1, President Trump tweeted: “In addition to Florida – South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama, will most likely be hit (much) harder than anticipated. Looking like one of the largest hurricanes ever. Already category 5. BE CAREFUL! GOD BLESS EVERYONE!” You know, like the racist monster he is. 

Then the National Weather Service in Birmingham tweeted a correction, “Alabama will NOT see any impacts from #Dorian. We repeat, no impacts from Hurricane #Dorian will be felt across Alabama. The system will remain too far east.” 

If President Obama had made the same mistake, nobody would have thought a thing about it. For whatever reason, the president found it necessary to explain why he made the mistake by holding up a weather map he says he saw before making the warning about Alabama. Somebody added a line extending the projected path of the hurricane to demonstrate why he thought, at one point, that Alabama might be in the path of Dorian. 

Given that it was President Trump who made the mistake, the legacy media decided to abandon its coverage of the deadly storm threatening Americans to focus on something far more important: How can this mistake be used to get rid of Donald Trump?

Sharpiegate is a perfect reflection of the missing morality on the in the souls of the elite get-Trump forces.  They have no fear of condemnation for their callous indulgence of their get-Trump opiate in the face of an unfolding natural disaster that threatens their fellow Americans.

The Washington Post supplied a ready answer reminiscent of so many efforts to criminalize anything the president says or does: Trump committed a crime by drawing on a weather map. 

Say what now? 

One America News Network Files $10 Million Defamation Lawsuit Against MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow


One America News Network (OANN) filed a $10 million defamation lawsuit Monday against MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, alleging that the host “maliciously and recklessly” suggested on the air that the conservative news channel is a paid Russian state propaganda outlet.

In addition to Maddow, OANN is suing MSNBC, Comcast Corporation and NBC Universal for defamation.

Maddow based her claims on a Daily Beast report alleging that OANN’s Kristian Rouz is a “Russian national on the payroll of the Kremlin’s official propaganda outlet, Sputnik.”

After pointing out that President Trump has promoted OANN because he likes it better than Fox News, Maddow exclaimed, “we literally learned today that the outlet that the president is promoting shares staff with the Kremlin!”

She added that it’s easy in the Trump era to accuse pro-Trump media of being Russian propaganda, “but in this case, the most obsequiously pro-Trump right-wing news outlet in America, really, literally is paid Russian propaganda!” Maddow breathlessly told her MSNBC audience. “Their on-air U.S. politics reporter is paid by the Russian government to produce propaganda for that government.”

Are Illegal Aliens Bringing Leprosy to California? Daniel Greenfield


California has it all. Beaches, sunshine, typhus. Yes, there are sunny beaches and sunny typhus adjacent to some of those beaches. Also hepatitis outbreaks.

And now, leprosy.

According to the CDC, there are between 100 and 200 new cases of leprosy reported in the U.S. every year. A study just released from the Keck Medical Center at the University of Southern California looked at 187 leprosy patients treated at its clinic from 1973 to 2018 and found that most were Latino, originating from Mexico, where the disease is somewhat more common, and that there was on average a three-year delay in diagnosis, during which time the side effects of the disease — usually irreversible, even with treatment — began to occur.

Leprosy is still more prevalent in Central America and South America, with more than 20,000 new cases per year. Given that, there is certainly the possibility of sporadic cases of leprosy continuing to be brought across our southern border undetected.

And it seems only a matter of time before leprosy could take hold among the homeless population in an area such as Los Angeles County, with close to 60,000 homeless people and 75 percent of those lacking even temporary shelter or adequate hygiene and medical treatment

Illegal aliens spreading leprosy to homeless addicts in California? You can’t spell social justice without anti-social diseases. At this rate, California won’t be a sanctuary state. It’ll be a state walled in by other states and its sunny beaches will be populated by zombies.

But it’ll be fine because typhus-ridden zombies suffering from leprosy can’t use straws. That’s good for the environment. Right?

The CDC’s own numbers made it clear that leprosy is a disease brought into the country by immigrants from South America, Asia and Oceania. That last part mostly means Micronesia.

Bernie Sanders Attends ISNA Convention With Islamists Who Backed Killing Gay People And the media refuses to cover it. Daniel Greenfiel


When ISNA, an Islamic group accused of supporting terrorists, announced a presidential forum for ISNACON 2019, the expectations were low. The Islamic Society of North America had been created by Muslim Brotherhood members and was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Hamas Holy Land Foundation trial.

And even if the 2020 Democrats were willing to overlook the minor matter of murdering Jews, which they usually are, Muzammil Siddiqi, ISNA’s former president who chairs its Fiqh Council, which dispenses Islamic sharia law, has assented to the death penalty for homosexuality.

At the 2019 ISNA convention, Siddiqi spoke on “Strengthening Our Connection with Allah.”

Imam Siraj Wahhaj, an unindicted co-conspirator in the World Trade Center bombing, was there at an Imam Round Table. Wahhaj has repeatedly endorsed violence against non-Muslims. That wouldn’t bother Democrats, but Wahhaj has also declared that “masculine women” are “cursed”, claimed that the “feminist movement” is headed by “lesbians” and then offered a reminder of Islam’s LGBT position.

“And you know, brothers and sisters, you know what the punishment is, if a man is found with another man? The Prophet Mohammad said the one who does it and the one to whom it is done to, kill them both,” Imam Wahhaj said.

(Meanwhile a social justice interfaith panel at the convention included ‘Rabbi’ Marissa Elana Singer, a lesbian anti-Israel activist with the T’ruah hate group, who works for Beit Simchat Torah, a gay temple.)

What kind of presidential candidate would attend a convention featuring support for killing gay people?

Either a very desperate candidate or an extremely radical candidate.