“There are now sixtyish new pronoun sets, just as we are told there are sixtyish new genders. ”
A leftist shtick that been going on for some time in universities, government offices, and other haunts of the chronically offended is the idea of choosing one’s own personal pronouns — and expecting the world to actually use them. Under this scheme, it would be politically correct for me to self-identify as:
e.m. cadwaladr
The main point of this bold new level of wokeness is that a man who wants to entertain an essentially psychotic delusion that he’s a woman may now style himself:
Higgly-Piggly Doe
If someone does not go along with such a man’s mentally aberrant state and address him according to his delusional identity, the offending person can be prosecuted in some localities. Nor is this game limited to mere conventional gender dysphoria sufferers. There are now sixtyish new pronoun sets, just as we are told there are sixtyish new genders. I do not know what genders “zie/zim/zir” or “ey/em/eir” denote. These words sound vaguely Yiddish to me — though they lack the Yiddish language’s quirky charm. The new pronouns are always uttered with a certain peevish militancy that precludes them having charm of any kind.