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Ruth King

PC Culture’s Takeover of the Corporate World Big business is caving to liberal activists. Conservatives need to act now. by Rael Jean Isaac


The corporate world, perceived by social activists as the belly of the capitalist beast, might have been expected to be the most difficult for left-wing activists to tame. On the contrary, it has been a soft target.

On August 20, the Wall Street Journal reported that the Business Roundtable, which includes the chief executives of many of the largest U.S. corporations, has ruled it no longer considers the purpose of a corporation to obtain profits for its shareholders but instead to act in accordance with the interests of “all stakeholders,” that is, society in general — which in practice means in accordance with social activists’ enthusiasms of the day.

This can only make even more difficult the life of Justin Danhof, the lone ranger trying to restore the concept of traditional fiduciary responsibility to corporations steadily lurching leftward. The outcome of that effort will have a major impact on the many millions of Americans who depend in their retirement on funds that have been invested in the market.

Danhof directs the Free Enterprise Project at the National Center for Public Policy Research. According to Danhof, the National Center was founded in 1982 by Amy Moritz Ridenour with “a really great mission” — to be a voice for the conservative movement wherever the movement was quiet. And it has certainly been quiet when it comes to countering the coordinated pressure campaign on corporations to adopt the Left’s positions on so-called ESG (environmental, social, and governance) issues, and, in the last few years, to dissociate from any pro-business organizations.

In a recent conference call organized by Steve Soukup of the Political Forum, Danhof called the landscape in which he operates “ridiculous.” There are 80 to 90 left-wing groups, most part of the As You Sow network, coordinating shareholder resolutions, while he is the lone shareholder trying to hold the fort on the conservative side. Working 80 hours a week, he says he can file 20 shareholder resolutions a year as against the 400 to 500 a year the Left files annually. While Danhof did not single it out, the example of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility highlights the imbalance. Created by the National Council of Churches in 1971, its first high-profile target was the Nestlé Corporation for its marketing of infant formula in the third world. (The Interfaith Center argued breastfeeding was much less expensive, healthier, and more appropriate for third-world mothers.). Today the Interfaith Center boasts of filing 300 resolutions a year and representing $200 billion in investor capital.

For 10 years Danhof has struggled to get companies “back to neutral,” meaning out of social and cultural battles that have nothing to do with their businesses. His task was made immeasurably harder a few years ago when Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) and Glass Lewis, which together comprise 97 percent of the market for proxy advisory services, shifted to the left and began supporting ESG proposals. Danhof reports a recent example of what he calls “the black-and-white nature of their bias.” Shareholder activist groups have been pushing affirmative action policies, supported by ISS and Glass Lewis, for appointments to corporate boards. But when he introduced shareholder resolutions calling for increased viewpoint diversity on corporate boards, both ISS and Glass Lewis opposed him.

Given that so many institutional investors — including public service union pension, BlackRock, and Vanguard funds — outsource their votes to the proxy advisors, their recommendations have a huge impact. Before the proxy advisors’ leftward shift, says Danhof, shareholder resolutions, whether his or those of “progressive” opponents, typically received only 2 to 3 percent of shareholder votes. But with the support of proxy advisors, last year the Wall Street Journal reported the median level of support for the left’s ESG proposals rose to 24 percent.

That’s only part of the story. The groups advancing these resolutions seek to negotiate an agreement with the company before they get on a proxy statement, and, indeed, the Journal reported in the same article that 48 percent of ESG proposals filed in 2018 were withdrawn. Generally a withdrawal means the company preemptively caved to the Left’s demands.

To be sure, in many cases, executives and corporate boards are in sympathy with the activists. This is increasingly the case now that some of the search firms used by Fortune 500 companies, says Danhof, only identify liberal candidates for open board spots. The global warming apocalypse, the focus of much of the environmental proposals, doubtless has plenty of board-room believers. To a large extent, says Danhof, the corporation is turning into the college campus, run by liberals, for liberals.

Egged on by their own success, activists in the last few years have pressed corporate America to dissociate from pro-business organizations. Danhof describes the activists’ modus operandi in the case of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), which works on model legislation to reduce the regulatory burden on corporate America.

Because ALEC worked at one point on voter ID legislation — beyond the pale in the leftist worldview — the activists declared ALEC “racist” and flooded corporations with shareholder resolutions declaring they should not belong to ALEC because of “reputational risk.” That it was a circular argument — the activists decried ALEC as racist without evidence and then those same activists insisted corporations must not put their reputations at risk by belonging to it — did nothing to impair its effectiveness, Danhof notes. One hundred eighteen corporations left ALEC as a result of the campaign. The success of this smear tactic has provided the activists with a model to use against any trade group they choose to target. The corporations that weakly caved on ALEC, says Danhof, are now bombarded with proposals to leave the Chamber of Commerce, the National Association of Manufacturers, and even the National Restaurant Association (dubbed by activists “the other NRA”).

The “index” is another device the activists employ to great effect as both carrot and stick. The CPA-Zicklin Index, for example, is the product of the Center for Political Accountability at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. Funded by George Soros and ostensibly seeking to ensure transparency in the political activity of corporations, the index is used as a stick to keep corporations from engaging with groups like ALEC and the Chamber of Commerce, Danhof says.

Then there’s the Corporate Equality Index, produced by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation (HRC) to rate American businesses on their treatment of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender individuals. Danhof says he can’t tell you how many shareholder meetings he’s attended in which the company has boasted about its perfect score on the Corporate Equality Index.

But the HRC keeps moving the goalposts. Danhof reports that about three years ago the HRC tweaked the index to demand an “outward-facing” event promoting the LGBTQ community each year. If not, the company would forfeit 10 percent on its score. This, he explains, accounts for the recent plethora of LGBTQ Super Bowl ads replacing the humorous ones to which viewers were happily accustomed. The HRC subsequently upped the demand to three “outward-facing events” annually. Last year, Danhof says, the Corporate Equality Index was tweaked yet again: if a company opposed a shareholder proposal that the HRC supports, the company would automatically lose 25 percent on the index.

Corporations not only bend quickly under pressure but also produce the desired results much more quickly than courts or legislatures. Danhof offers as an example the fate of Georgia’s 2016 “religious freedom” bill, which affirmed the rights of those who opposed same-sex marriage on religious grounds to withhold services. Both houses of the Republican legislature passed the bill, which needed only the (willing) Republican Gov. Nathan Deal’s signature. The activists could have launched legal challenges, but that would have taken years with uncertain results. Instead the liberal activist network flew into action. Georgia was hoping to be selected to host the Super Bowl in 2019 or 2020, and the National Football League announced it would be out of the running if the governor signed the bill into law. AMC Networks announced it would not film the seventh season of its hit series The Walking Dead in Georgia, and Disney threatened to stop all filming in Georgia. Gov. Deal did not sign the bill.

While the liberal activist network mobilizes the troops, Danhof notes that those who oppose some of the most flagrant corporate decisions — like the decision by Nike to ditch its sneakers with the Betsy Ross flag because Colin Kaepernick told them to do so — confine themselves to personal expressions of outrage on Twitter.

With corporations, including the country’s largest, lining up to throw out traditional notions of fiduciary responsibility to shareholders in favor of responsibility to everyone and everything up to and including the planet (reversing climate change is a favorite cause of the activists), is there anything that can be done to reverse the anti-business tide that has taken root within the corporations themselves? At the outset, conservatives must finally begin to take notice and address the problem seriously.

Danhof says that over the past five years he has personally attended more than 150 shareholder meetings, filed over 130 shareholder resolutions, and had over 200 meetings with corporate executives. His law degree comes in handy as he also does all the legal battling, much of it involving corporate filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. But however admirable the lone ranger is (Danhof has an occasional Tonto who will go to a shareholder meeting for him if in the event of schedule conflicts), he cannot carry the day alone against the activist behemoth.

Danhof offers a host of measures that conservatives could and should take. They can start their own rating systems to counter the activist indexes. Why, he asks, are companies rated on how much they promote the LGBTQ community while there is no liberty rating system? Why isn’t the Heritage Foundation rating companies on cronyism? Why isn’t the NRA rating companies on how they engage in Second Amendment issues?

How about developing fast-action social media response teams to counter the Left’s outrage machine, which so often produces corporate action? That way conservative anger would not be dissipated in ineffective bursts of emotion on Twitter.

Danhof says there should also be an effort to elevate business-minded conservatives to corporate boards rather than leaving the shaping of these boards to people like Eric Holder, who is currently working to get as many former Obama people as possible on corporate boards.

There should be an effort to engage corporate managers. Even those sympathetic to favored activist causes can be persuaded, Danhof believes, that it is in their interest to keep power and control over decisions, not to outsource them to groups that don’t care about their shareholders and in many cases would shut down the business tomorrow (think fossil fuels) if they could. He urges them: Don’t adopt a policy based on flawed studies that made it into a shareholder resolution.

Most important of all, according to Danhof, is finding a way to deal with the radicalized proxy advisors, which he calls an existential threat. If he had a silver bullet, he says he would buy the Institutional Shareholder Services because its role in increasing the impact of the shareholder resolution cannot be overstated.

One piece of good news is that the SEC has finally issued new guidance limiting the usefulness (and thus the power) of the proxy advisor. No longer will investment advisors be able to simply outsource their recommendations to the proxy; they will still be responsible for doing their own due diligence. And the proxy advisors will now be legally on the hook for false and misleading communications. While Danhof does not believe the SEC rulings will have much impact in the short term, the Wall Street Journal in an August 28 editorial treats this ruling as a significant sign the SEC is looking out for shareholders, not political stakeholders.

Organized advocacy of “stakeholder” over shareholder rights is relatively new, going back to the Ralph Nader-created and inspired so-called “public interest” groups of the 1960s, which sought to politicize the corporation by turning it into a miniature government whose decisions were to be made by a “legislature” that included the public affected by the corporation. At the time this was dismissed as fringe chatter. Now that the vast majority of the corporate leaders of the Business Roundtable have adopted the then-far-out notion of satisfying the “stakeholder” as their central mission, many in the media simply shrug, dismissing it as inconsequential window dressing. In the Hill, Danhof points out that, on the contrary, the Roundtable has provided “the rope that the Left can use to put around the necks of its corporate members.” Indeed he envisions shareholder proposals being fashioned right now demanding Roundtable member companies leave the Roundtable because some of its pro-business advocacy is contrary to the positions of some ESG “stakeholders.”

The notion that stakeholders trump a corporation’s shareholders may be new. Much older is the pithy observation of Adam Smith in An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations that “I have never known much good done by those who affected to trade for the public good.”

Rael Jean Isaac is the author (with Erich Isaac) of The Coercive Utopians: Social Deception by America’s Power Players (Regnery) and (with Virginia Armat) Madness in the Streets: How Psychiatry and the Law Abandoned the Mentally Ill (The Free Press).

We must get Brexit done to break free from the suffocating EU on the global stage Con Coughlin


Far away from the closeted world of Britain’s Supreme Court, important changes are taking place in the global landscape that are ultimately far more relevant to Britain’s future than legal arguments over Boris Johnson’s decision to prorogue parliament.

While the main focus of political debate in this country is the impact yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling will have on the Prime Minister’s ability to deliver Brexit, elsewhere the attention of the world’s major powers is occupied by much bigger concerns, such as the threat Iranian aggression poses to the world’s energy supplies.

Ever since US President Donald Trump announced his decision to withdraw from the Iranian nuclear deal last year, a dangerous split has emerged within the transatlantic alliance, one where the major European powers – Britain, France and Germany – seemed determined to resist Washington’s attempts to force Iran back to the negotiating table.

After the White House imposed a fresh set of punitive economic sanctions against Tehran, the Europeans sought to continue trading with the ayatollahs in defiance of Washington’s wishes.

Now all that has changed amid growing evidence of Iranian involvement in the devastating attacks carried out against Saudi Arabia’s oil production facilities earlier this month, the worst attack the kingdom has suffered since former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein fired a barrage of Scud missiles during the Gulf War in 1991. As senior Saudi officials have pointed out, this was not just an attack against the Saudi kingdom but on the global economy, as it cut their oil production by half and caused a spike in the global oil price.

The Iranians continue to deny their involvement, but the evidence assembled to date has been sufficient to persuade the Europeans to conclude that Tehran “bears responsibility” for carrying out the attacks. This conclusion is significant because it means European leaders are moving closer to the Trump administration’s position of seeking to renegotiate the flawed 2015 nuclear deal.

How Hamas Leaders Fool Palestinians by Bassam Tawil


“Frustrated Palestinian youths are committing suicide because of poverty, while the sons of the leaders are holding birthday parties!” — Hussein Qatoush, on Facebook.

The problem… is when your father is a senior terrorist leader who devotes himself to inciting against Israel and Jews and encouraging other young Palestinians to sacrifice their lives in the war against Israel. Hamad, like the rest of the Hamas leaders, would never send his own son to attack soldiers at the border with Israel.

It is time for the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip to revolt against the leaders who are keeping them chained in poverty and sending them to their deaths.

It is also time for the international community to wake up to the fact that it is wealthy Hamas leaders, and not Israel, who are responsible for the humanitarian and economic disaster that is known as the Gaza Strip.

The leaders of Hamas, the Palestinian terror group ruling the Gaza Strip since 2007, seem to have hearts of stone regarding the suffering of the people living under their regime.

These leaders have no problem sending Palestinians to risk their lives near the border with Israel, while they and their families enjoy a comfortable life. More than 250 Palestinians have been killed and thousands injured in clashes with the Israel Defense Forces since the beginning of the Hamas-sponsored weekly protests near the Gaza-Israel border in March 2018.

While the protests are continuing and more Palestinians continue to put their lives at risk at the behest of the Hamas leadership, the terror group’s senior officials are busy throwing lavish parties for their family members and upgrading their personal treasuries. It is as if the Hamas leaders were telling their people: Sacrifice yourself for the cause of destroying Israel and killing Jews so that we and our families can continue to live it up.

The latest example of this exploitation of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip surfaced in the form of a video of the birthday celebration of 20-year-old Mohammed, son of senior Hamas official Ghazi Hamad.

UK: Brexiteers vs. Remainers, Gambling at The Last Chance Saloon by Andrew Ash


The [British Remainers] opposition camp, having already succeeded in obstructing Britain’s exit from the European Union for three years, have now won themselves extra time in which to block the path of democracy.

Anything and everything is apparently in the cards for the obstructionists, whose true agenda appears to be not to work out a Brexit deal at all — but to ignore the referendum result, and for the UK to remain in the untransparent, unaccountable and un-unelectable EU.

The latest twist in the UK’s ongoing battle to leave the European Union has — unsurprisingly — reached yet another impasse. The supreme court has ruled that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s suspending of Parliament was unlawful because it “had the effect of frustrating parliament.” He was also accused of giving unlawful advice to the Queen in asking her for permission.

As is routine for a newly appointed PM, Johnson suspended Parliament in order to announce his domestic agenda with a Queen’s Speech. Furious Remainers claim that he shut it down to prevent Parliamentary scrutiny of his plans to leave Europe — with or without a deal. The suspension, which infuriated his foes, was the latest move in an ongoing battle to deliver Brexit — in spite of the opposition’s determined refusal to accept the will of the people.

Johnson’s detractors, inevitably, have leapt upon the decision, passed by a panel of eleven judges, to void his decision to prorogue — or suspend — Parliament. The Labour Party, led by Jeremy Corbyn, have called for Johnson’s resignation, and demanded a new election. Mr Johnson — who is currently in New York on his first UN summit — has steadfastly refused to stand down.

The Void a Hard Man Leaves Behind Christopher Carr


The dismissal of John Bolton as US National Security Adviser brings back to the surface my continuing doubts about Donald Trump. Not that he is infinitely preferable to any likely Democrat challenger. Indeed, I am relieved that he won the presidency against the truly appalling Hillary Clinton.

The Mueller witch hunt was truly a long running farce, based on entirely false premise. The collusion with Putin narrative was always absurd and easily refuted by actions, pursued with vigour, by the Trump administration. We only have to cite missile defence for Poland, the supply of anti-tank weaponry to Ukraine for use against Russian-backed forces, the accelerated facilitation of oil and gas exploration in the United States, the large increase in the defence budget and the Trump Administration’s withdrawal from a nuclear arms limitation treaty with Russia,  to expose the absurdity of the notion that Trump is in Putin’s pocket.

In practical terms, Trump has been more robust in his dealings with our adversaries. He understands the use of power and has shown more willingness to confront both Iran and China. By and large, he has been more steadfast in the defence of allies. His use of the term, “America First” is sometimes seen as a throwback to the old isolationism of the 1930’s. But apart from his reluctance to become or stay involved in civil wars, for example Afghanistan, which short of outright colonial rule, is an unwinnable mess, alliance security is an integral element of what he sees as America’s national interest.

There are those who will contrast Trump’s reluctance to go to war with Bolton supposedly itching to go to war at the drop of a hat. This is nonsense. Both men are alike in understanding that, in this day and age, the main purpose of military power is to deter aggression and minimise miscalculation by potential adversaries. But I suspect that Bolton’s resignation underlines an essential difference between Ronald “Peace Through Strength” Reagan and Donald Trump.

A Climate Modeller Spills the Beans Tony Thomas


There’s a top-level oceanographer and meteorologist who is  prepared to cry “Nonsense!”on the “global warming crisis” evident to climate modellers but not in the real world. He’s as well or better qualified than the modellers he criticises — the ones whose Year 2100 forebodings of 4degC warming have set the world to spending $US1.5 trillion a year to combat CO2 emissions.

The iconoclast is Dr. Mototaka Nakamura. In June he put out a small book in Japanese on “the sorry state of climate science”. It’s titled Confessions of a climate scientist: the global warming hypothesis is an unproven hypothesis, and he is very much qualified to take a stand. From 1990 to 2014 he worked on cloud dynamics and forces mixing atmospheric and ocean flows on medium to planetary scales. His bases were MIT (for a Doctor of Science in meteorology), Georgia Institute of Technology, Goddard Space Flight Centre, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Duke and Hawaii Universities and the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology. He’s published about 20 climate papers on fluid dynamics.[i]

Today’s vast panoply of “global warming science” is like an upside down pyramid built on the work of a few score of serious climate modellers. They claim to have demonstrated human-derived CO2 emissions as the cause of recent global warming and project that warming forward. Every orthodox climate researcher takes such output from the modellers’ black boxes as a given. 

A fine example is from the Australian Academy of Science’s explanatory booklet of 2015. It claims, absurdly, that the models’ outputs are “compelling evidence” for human-caused warming.[ii] Specifically, it refers to model runs with and without human emissions and finds the “with” variety better matches the 150-year temperature record (which itself is a highly dubious construct). Thus satisfied, the Academy then propagates to the public and politicians the models’ forecasts for disastrous warming this century.

Now for Dr Nakamura’s expert demolition of the modelling. There was no English edition of his book in June and only a few bits were translated and circulated. But Dr Nakamura last week offered via a free Kindle version his own version in English. It’s not a translation but a fresh essay leading back to his original conclusions.

The Latest Impeachment Frenzy Is About #Resistance, Not High Crimes And Misdemeanors


‘This has nothing to do with politics or partisanship.” That was how House Speaker Nancy Pelosi put it shortly before announcing the opening of an official impeachment investigation into President Donald Trump. Who is she trying to kid?

Despite the breathless commentary about Trump’s phone call with the Ukrainian president and a whistleblower report based on second-hand accounts of uncertain credibility, we know little about what transpired, much less whether it rises to the level of an impeachable offense. Democrats could have gone through the normal procedures to get the information from the White House rather than jump immediately to talk of impeachment.

But the Democrats’ impeachment frenzy didn’t result from this news. It’s been in full flower since before Trump was even elected. Heck, there were calls for his impeachment before he’d even secured the Republican nomination.

Here’s just a partial timeline of the many previous calls for Trump’s impeachment that turned out to be frivolous:

March 2016: After just 15 states had held their Republican primaries, The New York Daily News ran an editorial with the headline “Impeach Trump.”

April 2016: Politico ran a story headlined: “Could Trump Be Impeached Shortly After He Takes Office?” It starts by saying that, “Donald Trump isn’t even the Republican nominee yet. But … ‘impeachment’ is already on the lips of pundits, newspaper editorials, constitutional scholars, and even a few members of Congress.” 

January 2017: The same day Trump was inaugurated, the Washington Post ran a story saying that the “effort to impeach Trump is already underway.”

Feb 2017: An impeach Trump online campaign already had attracted 650,000 signatures.

Alleged Hezbollah “Sleeper” Arrested In NYC By Joint Terrorism Task Force He’s a naturalized U.S. citizen admitted lawfully nearly 20 years ago. Michael Cutler


A “sleeper” is an alien who, in one way or another, manages to enter the United States, either legally or illegally, and then maintains a low profile, hiding in plain sight until he/she is called into action to carry out terror attacks or support terror attacks in the United States.

Often sleeper agents may also conduct surveillance, amass supplies or otherwise engage in preparatory functions for future deadly terror attacks.

On September 19, 2019 the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York issued a press release that announced, Manhattan U.S. Attorney Announces Indictment Of New Jersey Man For Terrorist Activities On Behalf Of Hizballah’s Islamic Jihad Organization. The subtitle of that press release provides more disturbing information, Alexei Saab Allegedly Was Trained by Hizballah’s External Terrorist Operations Component in Bomb-Making and Conducted Intelligence-Gathering in New York City and Washington, D.C., and Elsewhere in Support of Hizballah’s Attack-Planning Efforts.

The Department of Justice also issued a press release on September 19, 2019 about this case.

It is note-worthy that Saab’s nine-count indictment includes felonies under the Immigration and Nationality Act, for engaging in immigration fraud, including naturalization fraud in that he is alleged to have lied about his involvement with Hezbollah when he applied for naturalization and subsequently became a United States citizen.  Saab is also alleged to have entered into a fraud marriage for the purpose of providing another alien terrorist co-conspirator with U.S. citizenship in furtherance of their terrorist goals.  U.S. citizenship provides the “keys to the kingdom.”

Trump Delivers Hard Truths to UN General Assembly U.S. president defends the original vision of the UN — based on respect for national sovereignty. Joseph Klein


United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres’ speech to the 74th annual High-Level General Assembly meeting on September 24th was full of generalities about world problems the UN is purporting to deal with, in contrast to President Trump’s honest discussion of hard truths.

“We are here to advance the common good while upholding our shared humanity and values,” the secretary general said. “That vision united the founders of our Organization.” However, Secretary General Guterres’ concept of the UN “vision” today is of a globalist institution, which was not the founders’ original vision at all. The founders’ vision for a new United Nations was much closer to the one that President Trump has articulated. The United Nations was founded to bring sovereign nations together for the purpose of cooperating in the solution of common problems and taking collective action where warranted against aggressors’ threats to international peace and security. The United Nations Charter specifically recognizes the sovereign status of the member states. It stipulates that the United Nations does not have the authority “to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state.”

President Trump sought to remind the world leaders he addressed in his own General Assembly speech of the UN founders’ original understanding of the relationship between the world organization and its sovereign member states.

“The future does not belong to globalists,” the president said. “The future belongs to sovereign and independent nations, who protect their citizens, respect their neighbors and honor the differences that make each country special and unique.”

The Global Warming Children’s Crusade Exploiting callow youth as props in a trendy and sinister farce. Bruce Thornton


In 1212, thousands of children and teens in France and England set off for the Holy Land to convert Muslims to Christianity. Led by shepherds, these mostly poor and dispossessed young people headed for the Mediterranean, believing it would miraculously part and allow them to cross on dry land. Instead, the children, promised free passage by a couple of unscrupulous merchants, were sold into slavery or died in a shipwreck.

Last week’s Climate Strike by schoolchildren to “save the planet” is a grotesque parody of this legend of faith and courage, yet no more likely to accomplish anything useful. The strike was the first act of this week’s UN’s “Global Climate Week,” along with blocking traffic in DC (with the help of Antifa and Black Lives Matter), a “Youth Climate Summit,” and an orgy of hypocrisy at the UN General Assembly. No doubt we’ll see “world leaders” dramatically call for “global action,” then pass symbolic resolutions that, like every “climate summit” since 1979, will do absolutely nothing to lower temperatures enough to stop the warmists’ alleged apocalypse.

But instead of young pilgrims risking and losing their lives on behalf of their faith, the Climate “pilgrims” are mostly the global comfortable and affluent enjoying a day off from school as they preen and pontificate about a subject they know little about, and bask in the attention and flattery of important “grown-ups” like Hollywood stars and venal politicians equally ignorant about how global climate works.