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Ruth King

Shamelessness and Ignorance Unlimited Angelo Codevilla


The CIA whistleblower “scandal” is nothing of the sort. It’s about the constitutional power of the president to make foreign policy—and obligation of the intelligence community to submit to the president’s authority. No more, no less.

The U.S. intelligence community’s leaders, the Democratic Party, and the media (excuse the redundancy) are trying to convince Americans that President Trump’s conversation with, and perhaps promises to, an unnamed foreign leader amounts to some sort of constitutional crisis. Never mind that the Constitution vests “the executive Power” in the “President of the United States,” a power that includes “by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties . . . appoint ambassadors and other public ministers . . . ” The Constitution also says the president “shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States.”

But, oh, the scandal! 

Once upon a time, so goes a story made up to ridicule the voting public, an official who had been dean of a college was run out of office after his opponent accused him of having looked at female students’ theses in private, and had invited to campus traveling troops of thespians.

No doubt Trump is equally guilty of negotiating with a foreign leader in ways that involve classified information. The deep state is counting on today’s American voters to be just as ignorant.

Weapon of War You can answer propaganda lie by lie, but it does little good. We have to go after the liars. We have to stop them with legal action when they cross the legal line. Karin McQuillan


Propaganda is the single deadliest weapon of the leftist putsch in America.

The hallmark of propaganda is that outright lies are more useful than the truth. The New York Times’ vile lies about Justice Brett Kavanaugh were so flimsy, they couldn’t last the day.

Yet even after the Times’ correction (which amounted to a retraction), Democrats kept shooting the fake ammunition. That’s because their target isn’t actual investigations or impeachment proceedings. The lie itself is the goal. Once out, even if retracted, it serves their purpose: to smear and intimidate. Truth need not apply.

The more outrageous, ugly, and frightening the propaganda, the more powerful it is. That’s all that is necessary for success. The lie doesn’t even have to be plausible. It just has to meet the base desires of the targeted audience.

Democrats want to believe President Trump supports neo-Nazis, and that Justice Kavanaugh is a sexual predator, so that political norms of two-party rule need not be followed.

Democratic Party voters today want to believe that the admirable and upright Justice Brent Kavanaugh is a moral monster, because of the coming showdown on abortion.

Classic propaganda reverses black and white, truth and falsehood. Abortion must be presented as the moral high ground, and pro-life as a moral cesspit.

Propaganda is crude and ugly because it is not meant to convince the opposition. It is purely for motivating one’s own side to unjust, even horrific, deeds, such as destroying a fine man with false sexual accusations.

The New York Times, once again, is leading the political charge to bring down the political enemies of the Left, just as they did with the Russian collusion hoax attempted coup against President Trump.

Hezbollah Terrorist Who Scouted New York Landmarks Indicted Thu Sep 19, 2019 Daniel Greenfield


Jihad Interrupted.

The US Justice Department (DoJ) announced Thursday that a New Jersey man, Alexei Saab, is charged with a nine-count indictment for offenses related to his support for Hezbollah and separate marriage-fraud offenses.

Islamic terrorism and marriage fraud. They go together like a horse and exploding carriage.

“While living in the United States, Saab remained an IJO [Islamic Jihad Organization] operative, continued to receive military training in Lebanon and conducted numerous operations for the IJO,” the indictment says. “For example, Saab surveyed dozens of locations in New York City – including the United Nations headquarters, the Statue of Liberty, Rockefeller Center, Times Square, the Empire State Building and local airports, tunnels and bridges – and provided detailed information on these locations, including photographs, to the IJO. In particular, Saab focused on the structural weaknesses of locations he surveyed in order to determine how a future attack could cause the most destruction.”

Saab’s reporting to the IJO included the materials used to construct a particular target, how close in proximity one could get to a target, and site weaknesses or “soft spots” that the IJO could exploit if it attacked a target in the future.  Saab conducted similar intelligence gathering in a variety of American cities.  The FBI recovered photographs from Saab’s electronic devices reflecting his surveillance activities, including photographs of New York City landmarks.

But, as we all know, Islamic Jihad has nothing to do with Islam.

Hating Cops and Raping Women at the Venice Film Festival The sewer of the entertainment industry fouls the canals of Venice. Daniel Greenfield *****


In 1999, Nate Parker was accused of raping a woman. In 2012, his alleged victim, who testified that she had tried to kill herself twice after the assault, took her own life. In 2019, the Venice Film Festival gave a standing ovation and an award to Parker’s movie glamorizing a terrorist attack on a police station.

The Venice Film Festival has always been a sewer where Eurotrash effluent and Hollywood slime back up into Venice’s disgusting canals. Last year’s Venice Film Festival had seen a “Weinstein is Innocent” t-shirt. Polanski, a Venice Film Festival regular wasn’t there, because he feared being extradited to the United States over his alleged rape of a 13-year-old girl. And this time, Weinstein, who had spearheaded a campaign to get Polanski off the hook when he was nearly extradited from Zurich, can no longer count on the support of Woody Allen, Martin Scorsese, Julian Schnabel, and Darren Aronofsky.

Well, maybe Woody Allen.

There were no “Polanski is Innocent” t-shirts on display when the infamous director skyped in to avoid the long arm of the American law. But, Venice went one better by giving him the Grand Jury Prize.

Like Parker, Polanski also got a standing ovation.

“The history of art is full of artists who committed crimes but we have continued to admire their works of art and the same is true of Polanski,” Alberto Barbera, the festival’s director insisted.

The Climate Faith By John Hirschauer


We are religious creatures. The desire to worship — something, anything — persists, even as our objects of veneration change. That religious impulse can be led easily astray in an age where traditional religious institutions appear impotent, unwilling to defend their claims against the rising tides of universalism and ecumenism. If you’re not careful, you’ll worship something unfit for your devotion. Worse, you might end up confessing your sins to NBC News.

As a certain type of person found themselves doing yesterday.

The network announced that it is soliciting “climate confessions,” admissions of public and private sins against the natural environment and the climate.  The sacrament, far from the ornate wooden lairs of Catholic lore, occurs on one sordidly animated webpage, where your transgressions against Gaea are plastered for all to see, in a communal ritual of denunciation. Atop the site is a promise to uphold the seal of the confessional, assuring penitents that their “confessions” will be kept anonymous.

“Tell us,” NBC insists with ecclesial verve, “Where do you fall short in preventing climate change?” It even provides an examination of conscience in miniature: “Do you blast the A/C? Throw out half your lunch? Grill a steak every week?”

Contrite sinners were all too happy to admit their faults: “I compost at home, but not at work,” reads the confession of one offender; “I want to install solar panels but am waiting for state/federal incentives to do so!” grieves another. Like any good religion, there were apostates; one heretic nailed this to the digital door: “I run my AC 24/7. I’m not going to sweat to appease this climate religion.” Another wrote, “I eat meat every day. And won’t stop, because it’s good.”

The Idolatry of Environmental Extremism By David Limbaugh


A bizarre incident at Union Theological Seminary illustrates why many Christians believe that internal forces, not external ones, represent the greatest threat to the church.

Students at this seminary prayed to a collection of plants in its chapel, which triggered a raft of criticism on Twitter. The school defiantly defended its action in a series of tweets.

“Today in chapel, we confessed to plants,” the school tweeted. “Together, we held our grief, joy, regret, hope, guilt and sorrow in prayer; offering them to the beings who sustain us but whose gift we too often fail to honor. What do you confess to the plants in your life?”

Some Twitter respondents observed that the seminary and its students have lost their minds, but I think it’s worse than that. Insanity might mitigate this sacrilege, but deliberately perverting theology is another matter.

Pastor Greg Locke tweeted, “This is utter nonsense. Absolute theological bankruptcy in every way. Your Seminary is a cemetery.” Another Twitter user quipped, “What kind of penance did the plants give after the ‘confession?'”

What possesses this misguided institution to refer to plants as “beings”? What gross theological error leads them to pray to and encourage others to pray to them? Idolatry is no trifling matter, which is underscored by at least two of the Ten Commandments and the entirety of Scripture.

The walls finally may be closing in on Ilhan Omar By Thomas Lifson


There is ample reason to suspect that Rep. Ilhan Omar has committed multiple frauds.  Scott Johnson of Powerline, a retired attorney, has been covering the freshman House member ever since her run for the Minnesota state Legislature, and has been among the most active investigators of suspicions that she committed immigration fraud by legally marrying her brother in order to get him into the United States.  Yesterday, he wrote about the genesis of his suspicions:

A few days after I started writing about Ilhan Omar on Power Line in August 2016 — after she had won the primary for the DFL state legislative endorsement — I was contacted by a source who agreed to discuss his knowledge of Omar’s family with me. At our meeting he told me that Ahmed Nur Said Elmi — Omar’s legal husband, so to speak, as of that date — was Omar’s brother and that she had married him for fraudulent purposes. 

And Omar herself entered the United States under an assumed identity:

My source told me that Omar and another member or two of the Elmi family had entered the United States as fraudulent members of the Omar family. That would go some way to explain why Omar lacks any acknowledged relative with the name Omar.

Now a tweet that she deleted two days ago is providing corroboration for those suspicions.  Shaikh Tawhidi, the Imam of Peace, called attention to the deletion:

Imam Mohamad Tawhidi

✔ @Imamofpeace
Ilhan Omar has just deleted this tweet from 2013 that proves her father is Nur Said, which makes her Ilhan Nur Said (surnames are the fathers names in most Muslim/MENA countries), and that Ahmed Nur Said, who she married, is in fact her brother.  CONTINUE AT SITE

BOOK REVIEW: GETTING THE WORLD TO SIGN OFF A masterful chronicling of the battle for global support for Israeli independence.


Continuing his previous trenchant and detailed history of the Palestine Mandate which covered the years 1933-1939 in his 2014 two-volume Palestine in Turmoil: The Struggle for Sovereignty, Monty Penkower – former professor of Jewish History at Rutgers University, Bard College, Touro College and New York University – now allows the reader again to be able to grasp the intertwined elements of the sub-history of that era. We are led along as the British Mandatory ruler, facing a post-Holocaust reality (the Holocaust period was covered in an earlier 1994 volume, The Holocaust and Israel Reborn), a determined and increasingly militant Jewish community in the Jewish Yishuv community and its need to maintain proper relations with the United States as well as balanced ones with the Arab world. Ultimately, it failed to maneuver itself to a successful conclusion of its administration of the territory the international community decided in 1922 would be the reconstituted Jewish national homeland and awarded it rule over Palestine.

Penkower’s trilogy has marshaled the facts from the documents, memos, diaries and newspaper reports of the time as well as providing an up-to-date collection of the historical research that has been published. We are presented with off-the-cuff remarks, protocols, speeches and the more cached away notations at the time.

This volume, as with the others, is tightly framed in a chronological procession. Month by month, week by week and day by day, Penkower has his reader delve into the at times frenetic and at times frustrating attempts by all the major actors to push their policies, most times in a competing and contradictory fashion. Penkower, to his credit, does not allow the reader to lose the greater picture and provides analysis in an objective style of relating history as it happens.

If there are major lessons to be derived for those wondering what is happening today, the book reveals the utter reversal of British policy from the League of Nations intent in that senior British officials not only reformulate their 1922 charge but express horrible anti-Jewish views in complete opposition to the events they were caught up in.

Jeremy Corbyn’s Incoherent Brexit Politics By Michael Brendan Dougherty


The Labour party leader continues to try to stake out the empty middle ground between Remain and Leave, apparently unaware that it’s empty for good reason.

Well, now it is official. Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the United Kingdom’s Labour party, has finally outlined his party’s new position on Brexit in an editorial in the Guardian. Spoiler alert: It is completely daft.

Just a refresher. Three years ago, citizens of the U.K. voted in simple referendum. The choices were “Remain a member of the European Union” and “Leave the European Union.” Leave won by a small percentage. The Leave and Remain causes are more passionately felt than party attachments for many Brits.

Two years ago, Jeremy Corbyn was able to have it both ways on Brexit. He said his party was committed to implementing the referendum’s result. But in fact, Labour benefited from a surge of Remain voters wishing to stick it to Theresa May, who had started to negotiate Brexit and who denounced Remainers as “citizens of nowhere.” That convergence nearly brought May down. At the time I predicted that the tectonic plates of Brexit underneath British politics would begin to grind Corbyn the way they had May. Now it is happening.



Stunned that this campaign hasn’t been as successful as they’d anticipated, Netanyahu’s naysayers minimize his ability to remain in power by calling him a “magician.”

When Tuesday’s elections for the 22nd Knesset resulted in an a fully expected stalemate between Prime Minister Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu’s ruling Likud Party and its key rival, Blue and White, schadenfreude busted out all over.

In an unveiled effort to express their glee, media outlets abroad have been bidding Bibi a cheerful farewell. Never mind that most of these “eulogies” exhibit confusion, if not outright ignorance, about the Israeli electoral process; many analysts at home who understand it perfectly similarly appear to believe that Bibi’s days are numbered – even if those 24-hour units add up to a few years.
It doesn’t take a PhD in political science to realize that the longest-serving prime minister in the country’s history – who turns 70 on October 21, perhaps before the formation of the next government – is closer to the end of his tenure than to the beginning.

Nor is this the first time that the academic anti-Netanyahu choir has attempted to write him off, counting on the hackneyed fact that “even a broken clock is accurate twice a day” to prove their predictions right.

To explain Netanyahu’s uncanny ability to defy the so-called “odds” time and again, his detractors expend a lot of energy delegitimizing him. Accusing him of hedonism, hubris and criminality is one method. Yes – they moan – he enjoys expensive cigars, paid for by rich friends. Tsk tsk.

Oh, and he has a thing for Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, funded by our hard-earned tax shekels. Outrageous. 

Worst of all, he wheels and deals to get positive press coverage. Send him to prison.