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Ruth King

Salvatore Babones: The Global Triumph of American Civilisation


“The fact that American civilisation is growing in so many different directions at the same time makes it much more robust then past civilisations, even while ensuring that it will always offend someone. It has always offended European sensibilities, but Europe is the past. America is the future, and it will be for a long time to come.”

Like St Peter’s Basilica, the entire city of Rome is a palimpsest on which ancient structures undergird the modern streets. Take an espresso on the Piazza Navona, and you may notice that it is exactly the shape of a Roman stadium, which of course is what it was. Beyond Rome, the sites of London and Paris were selected and developed by Roman colonial administrators. The boundaries of Roman occupation continue to divide the island of Great Britain into the nations of England, Scotland and Wales.

Just as visible as the physical traces of ancient Rome are the human ones. Italy, Spain, Portugal and France still speak languages derived from Latin. All of the countries of continental Europe, as well as the super-national European Union, still use Roman legal systems. And notwithstanding the recent influx of Muslim immigrants, the dominant religion of Europe is still the religion of Constantine—to the extent that Europeans have any religion at all.

Yet for all this continuity, the civilisation of Western Europe is not the civilisation of Rome. Western civilisation was built upon the ruins of Rome. The population of Rome is thought to have shrunk by 90 per cent (or more) following the Germanic invasions that overthrew the Roman empire. The Ostrogoths, Visigoths and Vandals all sacked Rome. The Franks established what would become modern-day France. The Burgundians and Lombards left their names on regions of France and Italy, respectively. The Anglo-Saxons gave both their name and their language to Angle-land, or England.

Western civilisation thus emerged as a hybrid of the collapsed civilisation of Rome and the culture—one hesitates to call it a “civilisation”—of the Germanic invaders who conquered it. It is the civilisation that developed in those areas of the western Roman empire that fell under the rule of German aristocracies. North Africa, which ultimately came under Arab rule, was lost to the West in the seventh century. The rural north and east of what is today Germany had never been Romanised in the first place.

Visit the historical centre of Rome today, and Western civilisation is all around you: magnificent sixteenth-century churches, grand piazzas adorned with decorative fountains, the artwork of Bernini and Michelangelo. The same is true, to a lesser extent, of almost every other city in Europe. Americans tour Europe in droves to experience these living museums for themselves. Defying the destructive force of the Reformation, mass industrialisation and two world wars, the “sweetness and light” of Western civilisation still delights and shines. And the Pope still celebrates Mass at the “new” St Peter’s, now nearly 400 years old.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Taking Two Weeks Leave From Presidential Campaign To Report For Active Duty


Democratic Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard said Monday she will be taking two weeks leave from her presidential campaign to report for active duty, as she serves with the Hawaii Army National Guard.

Gabbard will be leaving for two weeks to do a  joint training exercise mission in Indonesia, saying she is not worried about how it will affect her presidential campaign and that she is looking forward to serving her country, CBS News reported.

“I’m stepping off of the campaign trail for a couple of weeks and putting on my army uniform to go on a joint training exercise mission in Indonesia,” Gabbard said. In 2017, the Hawaii congresswoman also took two weeks off to report for duty.

“I love our country. I love being able to serve our country in so many ways including as a soldier,” Gabbard continued. “And so while some people are telling me, like gosh this is a terrible time to leave the campaign, can’t you find a way out of it? You know that’s not what this is about.”

Will the ABA Reject Due Process? Activists push a resolution that would redefine sexual consent and convict innocent men of assault. By KC Johnson and Stuart Taylor Jr.


In August 2014 the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga deemed student Corey Mock guilty of sexual assault, finding that in the disputed encounter he failed to prove he had obtained “affirmative consent” from the accuser. According to Mr. Mock’s unrebutted testimony, the female student’s actions during intercourse led him to believe that she had consented to sex. Mr. Mock sued the school, and a Tennessee judge ruled in his favor. “Affirmative consent,” the judge wrote, “is flawed and untenable if due process is to be afforded.” The standard “erroneously shifted the burden of proof” to the accused.

Mr. Mock’s experience is hardly unique. State laws in California, Connecticut and New York require educational institutions to find against students or personnel accused of sexual misconduct unless they can prove the accuser gave “affirmative consent,” meaning a positive manifestation by words or actions of consent to each sex act during an encounter. In practice, as Janet Halley of Harvard Law School has noted, these statutes authorize “proceedings in which the decision maker effectively presumes guilt and requires the accused to disprove it.”

In the past few years thinkers and politicians of diverse ideologies have recognized the excessively punitive nature of the American criminal justice system. Against this backdrop, it’s incredible that the American Bar Association’s House of Delegates plans this week to consider a resolution that would urge legislatures and courts to redefine criminal sexual assault and apply standards like the one in the Mock case.

The resolution, originally advanced by the ABA’s Criminal Justice Section and Commission on Domestic and Sexual Violence, says that the law should “define consent in sexual assault cases as the assent of a person who is competent to give consent to engage in a specific act of sexual penetration, oral sex, or sexual contact” and “provide that consent is expressed by words or action in the context of all the circumstances.”

China’s Infiltration of Universities Around The Globe A widespread and worrying web of espionage. John Glynn


According to FireEye, a cybersecurity company headquartered in Milpitas, California, a group of state-sponsored hackers in China ran activities for personal gain at the same time as undertaking spying operations for the Chinese government in 14 different countries.

In a report released on Thursday, July 8th, the authors outlined the ways in which elite teams of Chinese government-backed hackers are using non-public malware typically reserved for espionage to make money through attacks on video game companies.

Hackers have repeatedly gained access to game development environments, with a particular focus on in-game currency, according to the FireEye report.

In one example, hackers successfully appropriated tens of millions of dollars of virtual currency and credited the loot to more than 1,000 accounts. As Josh Taylor at The Guardian notes, China’s “attention to video game companies could be seen as a precursor to espionage activity.”

Then again, espionage is something at which the Chinese regime excels.

Kathrine Hill at FT warns readers that China has sent “thousands of scientists affiliated with its armed forces to western universities — especially in countries that share intelligence with the US — and is building a web of research collaboration that could boost Beijing’s military technology development.”

EU Court on Brink of Mandating Anti-Semitic Product Labeling Echoes of Nazi actions against Jewish businesses. Joseph Klein


Pope Francis said recently that he was “concerned because we hear speeches that resemble those of Hitler in 1934.” He was talking about the rise of extreme nationalism and populism, which he feared could lead to the fragmentation of the European Union. The pope should be worried about any current resemblances in Europe to the Nazi past, but the pope’s praise of the European Union as an antidote is premature. Indeed, the European Union itself is on the verge of reviving the Nazis’ stigmatization of Jewish-made products on the pretext that they come from “occupied” Palestinian territories.

According to sources cited by the Washington Beacon, “The European Union is poised to mandate that Israeli products made in contested territories carry consumer warning labels,” which is seen by Jews as “an ominous warning sign that they say is reminiscent of Holocaust-era boycotts of Jewish businesses.” The Advocate General of the European Court of Justice recently issued a non-binding opinion to the effect that EU law requires the labeling of such products as coming from “settlements” and “Israeli colonies.” He analogized this situation to the European boycott of South African goods during its apartheid period. “The absence of the indication of the country of origin or place of provenance of a product originating in a territory occupied by Israel and, in any event, a settlement colony, might mislead the consumer as to the true country of origin or place of provenance of the food,” the Advocate General said, referring to food products. Israeli occupation and settlements could be “an objective factor which might affect the expectations of the reasonable consumer,” he added.

Brooke Goldstein, a human rights lawyer and executive director of the Lawfare Project who has fought the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement in various courts, remarked, “The Advocate General’s opinion said that goods produced by Muslims are to be labeled from ‘Palestine,’ and goods produced by Jews labeled as coming from ‘Israeli colonies.’ Both people are living in the same geographic location, and yet Jewish goods are being treated differently.”

Marianne Williamson Reveals the Democrats Are a Cult How Hillary’s seances led to the rise of the Left’s New Age guru. Daniel Greenfield


How did Marianne Williamson, the author of 21 Spiritual Lessons for Surrendering Your Weight Forever, and other stuff you might see on the bottom layer of a garage sale, end up on the 2020 debate stage?

The obvious answer is that she’s been there for a very long time.

Lefties love to claim that they’re the movement that believes in science. But the Third Law of Thermodynamics isn’t something you believe in. Fermat’s Principle doesn’t give your life meaning.

Marianne teaching you spiritual lessons about weight loss on an episode of Oprah does.

Hillary Clinton held a séance in the White House. The seance overseen by Jean Houston, the author of The Hero and the Goddess: The Odyssey as Pathway to Personal Transformation, encouraged Hillary to contact Eleanor Roosevelt. Hillary and Houston hit it off after the Clintons invited self-help book authors to Camp David to help them cope with their defeat. The authors included Marianne Williamson.

How whites became pariahs in academia By Cam Brown


Likely you’ve never heard of Noel Ignatiev, yet he’s been influential in much of what is going on in culture and politics today.  A left-wing Jewish American author and historian, Ignatiev has been one of the main voices in helping shape and direct what is commonly called “Whiteness Studies,” a subset of Critical Race Theory, which is itself a subset of Critical Theory (basically Marxism by another name).

Normally, when one sees the word “studies” attached to anything, it tends to make anyone not fully enamored of Progressive thought cringe, if not contemplate (metaphorically, at least) getting out the pitchforks and torches.  It means something steeped in a Marxist-tinged ideological understanding of the world, which casts victims and perpetrators within a power-play framework that suits its ultimate vision of a Heaven on Earth once the perpetrators are vanquished from the scene.

As one might guess, in this particular iteration of “studies,” it is the so-called “white” person who has been cast as the villain.  As Ignatiev has said, “The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race.  Until that task is accomplished, even partial reform will prove elusive, because white influence permeates every issue in U.S. society, whether domestic or foreign.”

Defenders of Ignatiev’s views argue that he was simply being metaphorical.  “Whiteness” here is simply a social construct, not a reference to race or ethnicity.  This becomes harder to defend as one reads more quotes from Ignatiev and realizes that this isn’t just a social construct he has difficulty with; it’s actual flesh-and-blood human beings he sees as intrinsically evil and worthy of eradication.  When reading the following quotes, are you left with the conclusion he is merely speaking of a metaphorical, socially constructed system that he hopes to bring down, or is it something more than that?

Stalwart Pro-Israel Politician Wins Comfortable Victory in Guatemalan Presidential Election By Benjamin Kerstein see note please


In 1948 Guatemala was one of the first nations to recognize Israel. Dr. Jorge Garcia Granados was Guatemala’s ambassador to the United Nations….rsk

A prominent Guatemalan supporter of Israel who once said, “He who is Israel’s enemy is Guatemala’s enemy,” won the country’s presidential election with 58.5 percent of the vote, results on Monday confirmed.

Conservative candidate Alejandro Giammattei emerged victorious in the vote in the second round of elections on Sunday, beating his rival Sandra Torres, a former first lady.

Giammattei pledged that citizens “will find a president close to the people.”

The president-elect is a noted supporter of Israel in Latin America. He has pledged to keep Guatemala’s embassy in Jerusalem and expressed his opposition to Iran’s proxy terrorist group Hezbollah, which operates extensively in the region.

He said in a campaign interview that he wanted Guatemala to emulate “the great successes that Israel has had, especially in such important issues as food production, in order to make our lands more productive.”

“This cooperation is urgent for our country,” he added.

The Strange Case of ‘White Supremacy’ By Victor Davis Hanson


Any majority population must be careful not to revert to pre-civilized tribalism and oppressing minority groups. The United States, like every other country that enjoys diverse populations has struggled from its beginning to ensure equality, sometimes unsuccessfully, and only at the cost of thousands of lives.

While the United States was founded originally mostly by those of European ancestry and was plagued by the endemic racism of the age, especially in regard to African slaves and Native Americans, nonetheless its unique Constitution, embedded within a larger framework of the Western Enlightenment, institutionalized self-reflection and the chance for amendment. America’s founding documents were unique in their singular calls for innate and universal human freedom and equality under the law that would eventually and logically demand reification of such ideals.

In other words, in America there was a real chance to overcome not American sins per se, but the ancient sins of mankind in general.

The result is that more than 243 years after its independence, the current longest-lived democracy arguably is also the world’s most racially, ethnically, and religiously diverse nation and unmatched in its efforts to promote equality.

More exceptionally, the United States did not resort to a coercive political ideology such as Stalinist Communism to unite the diverse, or embrace an all-encompassing religious orthodoxy in the manner of the dramatic spread of Islam between the 8th and 16th centuries among widely disparate peoples.

Epstein’s Apparent Suicide Renews Questions about His Prosecution By Andrew C. McCarthy


Should he have been in federal custody in the first place?

‘It should also be borne in mind that the Court has not (yet) been presented with a motion to dismiss the Indictment.” Manhattan federal judge Richard M. Berman thought that fact was important enough to warrant mention in the very first paragraph of his 33-page opinionexplaining his denial of bail to Jeffrey Epstein three weeks ago.

No such motion will ever be addressed.

Epstein appears to have committed suicide overnight. The 66-year-old, a millionaire many times over and a registered sex offender with influential political connections, was pronounced dead at a downtown hospital early Saturday morning. He had been rushed there in cardiac arrest from the Metropolitan Correctional Center, where he had been remanded pending trial on sex trafficking charges.

Two weeks ago, there were reports that Epstein may have attempted to take his own life. At the time, he was found in his cell, unconscious and with neck injuries, though there was also some suspicion that he had been assaulted by another inmate. He was placed on suicide watch, but this was reportedly lifted a few days ago. An autopsy will be performed to determine the cause of death. Obviously, there are many pressing questions about the conditions of Epstein’s incarceration.

But why was he in custody rather than on bail?

The government sought his detention. Epstein countered with the offer of a very substantial bail package, including numerous monitoring conditions and co-signing sureties, meant to assure the court that he would neither abscond nor obstruct the proceedings. Judge Berman sided with prosecutors, finding Epstein was a danger to the community and a flight risk.