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Ruth King

The Rise of Cultural and Economic Jihadism in American Civilization Selling us cultural suicide as a moral virtue. Jason D. Hill


Two Democratic presidential candidates, Bernie Sanders and Julian Castro, have agreed to speak before the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). The candidates will address the forum during its convention in Houston on August 31, 2019.

The ISNA is listed by the United States Justice department as an entity of the Muslim Brotherhood which is a terrorist organization linked to several Islamist and Jihadist global political movements. These movements have as their goal the establishment of a global caliphate. This means that their goals are to subject all human beings to Sharia law. In fact, the president of ISNA was quoted in a 2006 film as saying that the organization’s mission was to change the Constitution of America. The organization has as its goals, by means of a jihad campaign, the destruction of western civilization from within.

There are several reasonable people who believe that both Sanders and Castro are either ignorant of the ISNA’s real goal, or are simply trying to turn a blind eye to an organization’s radical agenda with the hopes that they can modify the nihilistic and jihadist agenda of the movement.

Nothing could be further from the truth. I submit that both Castro and Sanders, given their virulent demonstrations of Americaphobia are directly complicit with the goals of ISNA. They are joining forces with an enemy organization to delegitimize our great republic under the current form of its constitutional configuration. Before analyzing the real motives behind these America-hating politicians, let us briefly examine their stated political visions for America.

Bernie Sanders is an avowed democratic socialist. He intends to transform our system of free market enterprise that has lifted millions out of poverty and raised the standard of living for all persons. What does he intend to transform our socio-economic American civilization into? A totalitarian, expropriative government of theft by legalization. Socialism advocates vesting ownership and control of the means of production, capital and land in the community as a whole. Socialism is not a morally neutral system. Any system of governance presupposes an answer to the questions: Are you a sovereign entity who owns your life, work and mind? Is your mind something that can be nationalized and its material contents distributed by the state? Socialists think the answer is yes. They believe the products of one’s efforts belong to the community; that the state and society have a moral and financial responsibility to care for other people’s children; that is, the procreative choices made by those who are strangers to us, and that the most successful and productive people should be the most penalized.

The Humanitarian Hoax of White Supremacy: Killing America With Kindness – hoax 44 by Linda Goudsmit


http://goudsmit.pundicity.com http://lindagoudsmit.com 

The Humanitarian Hoax is a deliberate and deceitful tactic of presenting a destructive policy as altruistic. The humanitarian huckster presents himself as a compassionate advocate when in fact he is the disguised enemy.

The radical leftist hucksters in the Democrat party have repeatedly accused President Trump of being racist and a white supremacist. Is it true? Let’s find out.

Racial unity has been the subject of political speeches since before the Civil War. The United States was founded in 1776 during an era of worldwide slavery when even black men owned black slaves. Supremacy is the corollary of enslavement – you have to be a supremacist to own a slave. Slavery was outlawed in the United States in 1865 with the passage of the 13th Amendment. So, let’s be clear, slavery has been illegal in the United States of America for 154 years.

Many countries and religions in the world continue to legally practice and embrace slavery – not Judeo-Christian America. The United States has Constitutionally rejected slavery and the attitude of supremacism that supports it. Instead, our American national credo strives for racial equality that is made possible through upward mobility and a robust middle class.

Equality in America is a matter of equal opportunity, not a guarantee of equal outcome. This is a very important distinction because it is what separates President Trump’s America-first ethos of individualism, from the radical leftist Democrat party’s ethos of collectivism. We will come back to that.

President Donald Trump is an unapologetic advocate of upward mobility and wealth creation for ALL Americans. Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! President Trump’s economic policies are color-blind and responsible for the lowest unemployment in the black community in history, as well as the lowest unemployment rate for hispanics in America since records were kept.

The Education of Clarence Thomas Clarence Thomas and the Lost Constitution by Myron Magnet. Reviewed by Peter Wood


Clarence Thomas graduated cum laude from the College of Holy Cross in Massachusetts in 1971 and received a J.D. from Yale University in 1974. His memoir, My Grandfather’s Son (2007), testifies to a much deeper educational journey—one that began under the determined watch of his maternal grandfather in Jim Crow Savannah and that culminated in his ordeal during the 1991 Senate confirmation hearings. In between came his appointments as head of the Office for Civil Rights in the Department of Education, chairman of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and member of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

What he learned in those positions was significant, but not transformational. The transformational moment, we learn in Myron Magnet’s new book, Clarence Thomas and the Lost Constitution, came in 1980, “after he read through [Thomas] Sowell’s works, registered as a Republican, and voted for Ronald Reagan.” He was drawn by Reagan’s “promise to end racial social engineering.” Thomas had had a bellyful of that at Yale and had concluded that “blacks would be better off if they were left alone” instead of being conscripted into the utopian schemes of liberal politicians.

Needless to say, this wasn’t an idea he picked up from his teachers at Holy Cross or Yale, though it did owe something to his grandfather. Moreover, it prepared him for the opportunity he had at the EEOC when “he hired as special assistants Ken Masugi and John Marini, students of political philosopher Harry Jaffa.” Masugi and Marini introduced Thomas to texts that deepened his knowledge of the American founding.

Note to 2020 Dems: It’s Not Racist to Ask Immigrants to be Self-Sufficient By Tyler O’Neil


On Tuesday, the Trump administration issued a final rule empowering federal officials to deny green cards to legal immigrants who have received certain public benefits or who are deemed likely to do so in the future. Democrats have attacked this “public charge” regulation as racist, but it is not racist to ask immigrants to be self-sufficient.

Ken Cuccinelli, acting director at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), put it this way: “President Trump’s administration is reinforcing the ideals of self-sufficiency and personal responsibility, ensuring that immigrants are able to support themselves and become successful here in America.”

Cuccinelli is right, and the public charge policy seems narrowly tailored to address the kinds of long-term services that suggest a lack of self-sufficiency. The benefits considered under the policy include food stamps, welfare, Medicaid, and housing assistance, Politico reported.

The public charge policy does not consider enrollment in the Children’s Health Insurance Program or enrollment in Medicare Part D, nor does it consider the use of Medicaid by children, pregnant women, or new mothers during a 60-day period. Enrollment in the supplemental food program WIC, for low- to moderate-income pregnant women, infants, and children, would also not contribute to a public charge determination.

Polling suggests this rule is popular. A full 73 percent of voters said they would support a new requirement that incoming immigrants must be able to support themselves financially, according to an America First Policies poll. Americans want to welcome new immigrants — but they don’t want to see them go immediately on the public dole.

Yet, as if on cue, Democrats denounced the policy as racist and cruel.

“This administration’s cruel new policy called [Public Charge] is another racist policy that targets the less fortunate & is intended to prevent certain immigrants from becoming citizens & voters. It’s wrong & goes against our values. I will reverse it as president,” Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), a candidate for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, tweeted as the final rule became public.

‘Racist!’ The word that has been stripped of all meaning. By Patricia McCarthy


It should be clear to all Americans by now that the word the left loves to spew indiscriminately — racism — often now means nothing, absolutely nothing.  That word is meant to be an accusation of the worst order, an epithet that is supposed to destroy all those so charged.  But now it’s used so frequently, it has no meaning at all.  It’s like the f-word, overused and merely a sign of one’s lack of a wider vocabulary.  Like the overused f-word, calling someone a ‘racist’ is a sign of sloppy, uncritical thinking.  The word “racist” now means nothing more than any other bit of profanity hurled at those whom lefties have been directed to hate.  As the eminent Charles Kesler said a few weeks ago, it just an all-purpose epithet.  Martin Luther King, Jr., someone who knew about real racists, would have been appalled by the cheapening of the term, as much as he would be horrified to learn that one’s character no longer counts at all; not one bit.  Only skin color, sexual orientation or some other fabricated victim grouping of which one can claim membership matters, or perhaps having a sufficiently Alinskyite ideology. 

President Trump is no racist by any definition of the word and all those Democrats calling him one know it.  The president has a long record of color-blindness in business and in his personal life. The Dems know that as well.  They are the people who see skin color first and foremost.  They think their abdication to its primacy above all is crucial to their taking back the presidency.  In reality, they are the actual racists.  But the word no longer has any meaning and they know it.  That is why they have escalated their attacks on Trump as a “white supremacist.”  How absurdly ridiculous.  If there are any white supremacists in the U.S. today, they are small in number and certifiably insane.  Everyone knows that, including the Democrats who are tossing that smear around.  

May Dvir Sorek’s legacy be a lesson to the Jewish left by Ruthie Blum


Faced with what they clearly viewed as a contradiction in terms, Israel Prize laureate David Grossman and his fellow peace fantasists were stunned.

The slaughter last week of 19-year-old yeshivah student and Israel Defense Forces’ recruit Dvir Sorek from the Judea and Samaria community of Ofra was not exceptional. Palestinian terrorists with hatred in their hearts and weapons in their hands are integral to the Jewish state’s otherwise vibrant landscape.

But this particular tragedy struck a nationwide nerve even among those who blame the so-called “occupation” for Palestinian violence, and consider citizens like Sorek to be illegally and immorally living in territory that should become part of a future Palestinian state.

One detail of Sorek’s slaying that caused even hard-core leftists to pause was the fact that this “religious settler” was found clutching a book by internationally renowned author David Grossman. The book was among others that Sorek had purchased prior to his brutal murder as end-of-the-year gifts to his rabbis at the Machanayim seminary, an institution that combines Torah study with military service.

Unarmed and in civilian clothes, Sorek was ambushed by his knife-wielding killers as he made his way on foot from the bus stop to his evening class. His failure to arrive sparked the search that led to the discovery of his body six hours later.

Killing Free Speech in Canada by Judith Bergman

As has become standard in such cases, the charter contains no definition of what constitutes “hate”, making it a catchall for whatever the Canadian government deems politically inopportune. This is all exhaustingly familiar by now: Germany already has legislation that requires social media platforms to censor their users. France is working on it.

The Conservative members of the committee… recommended instead that sanctions regarding hate crimes online or elsewhere should be dealt with under the appropriate sections of the Criminal Code. They also recommended that “The definition of ‘hate’ under the Criminal Code be limited to where a threat of violence, or incitement to violence, is directed against an identifiable group” and that “rather than attempting to control speech and ideas, the Government explore appropriate security measures to address all three elements of a threat: intent, capability and opportunity”.

“Sickening ideologies which encourage individuals to take the lives of their fellow human beings have faced a concerning proliferation both at home and around the world. Yet sadly, Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Members of this Committee have tried to use these troubling events as a way to bolster their political fortunes. They have tried to paint anyone who doesn’t subscribe to their narrow value set as an extremist.” – Conservative Party dissenting opinion in “Taking Action to End Online Hate”.

In May, Canada launched a so-called Digital Charter, meant to promote “trust in a digital world”. The charter contains ten principles, three of which deal with “hate speech and disinformation”.

The charter, said Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, will target fake news and hate speech online. “The platforms are failing their users, and they’re failing our citizens,” he said. “They have to step up in a major way to counter disinformation. And if they don’t, we will hold them to account and there will be meaningful financial consequences.”

UK and US: Toxic Politics by Andrew Ash


What neither side of this transatlantic tag-team seems to realise is that by putting into words their apparent hatred of the West and its allies, they are exposing themselves as antagonists of the very freedoms that enable them to speak or have economic opportunity without fear of reprisal — freedoms they would never have in Somalia, the Palestinian territories, or many of the tyrannies entrenched on the planet.

What voters can see is that those are the very freedoms that these politicians might try to take away from them, too, if their policies were adopted.

By refusing to rein in his support for a variety of dubious ideas and bedfellows, Corbyn has seen his popularity dwindle to almost nothing, and turn the Labour Party into a brand that even formerly like-minded outlets now call toxic.

In the often staid world of politics, the allure of the outsider appeals to a desire for change. Sometimes all it takes to impress the public in today’s political climate is to look and sound the part.

The rise and continuing slide of UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, however, is a good example of what happens when the vote-hungry-courting of a certain demographic backfires, something that his far-left US counterparts — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley & Rashida Tlaib — the newly minted “Squad” — might do well to take on board.

Propelled to into the limelight by the same anti-economic-freedom wave, Ocasio-Cortez & Co, despite the age gap, share more in common with Jeremy Corbyn than the other white-haired Socialist, Bernie Sanders, ever did.

As a long-time outspoken ambassador for a variety of unsavoury organisations, whose interests clearly sit at odds with those of the UK, Corbyn has succeeded in alienating himself — and his party — from both traditional Labour voters and mainstream politics. For all of his frenzied endeavours to sound relevant, his efforts seem to have backfired. Instead of focusing his attention on Britain’s infrastructure or the needs of the working class — the very people Labour traditionally represented — Corbyn’s adoption of the populist-progressive memes of the day, and his allying himself to too many “controversial” causes, has resulted in his becoming sidelined. As a result, Boris Johnson, is almost certain to remain prime minister for the foreseeable future.

California Readies New Anti-Semitic Curriculum for High School Students


California plans on adding a big fat healthy dose of antisemitism into its high school curriculum. Perhaps this is why the Qatar foundations has been spending millions of dollars in the American education system?

According to Adam Kredo at Free Beacon:

The California Department of Education is facing backlash after permitting a host of anti-Israel activists to build a statewide educational curriculum that demonizes the Jewish state and is said to be fostering hatred of Jewish and Israeli-American students, sources said.

Already, 83 pro-Israel and anti-discrimination organizations have petitioned the state’s education department to reform its Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (ESMC) to remove multiple instances of what they say is anti-Semitic and anti-Israel bias.

Opponents say the new material will foster “an unsafe environment for Jewish and Israeli-American students.”

“We are aware that many individuals and groups affiliated with the Jewish community have already written to you about the ESMC’s shocking omission of information about American Jews and anti-Semitism, its use of classic anti-Semitic stereotypes, and its blatant anti-Israel bias,” a coalition of 83 pro-Israel organizations led by the AMCHA Initiative, a watchdog group that combats anti-Semitism in America, wrote to California’s Education Department.

“This includes the California Legislative Jewish Caucus, who wrote to you that they ‘cannot support a curriculum that erases the American Jewish experience, fails to discuss anti-Semitism, reinforces negative stereotypes about Jews, singles out Israel for criticism and would institutionalize the teaching of anti-Semitic stereotypes in our public schools,’” the groups wrote.



During our hour-long segment, we also broke our latest oversight report on the U.S. Small Business Administration.

The American people deserve to know the truth.

Our investigation uncovered that the SBA lent more than $170 billion over the last five years. 

But where did the money go? 

$12.2 billion went to Wall Street. 

$120 million went to private country clubs, beach clubs, swim clubs, tennis clubs and yacht clubs. 

Even worse, we discovered $16 billion in bad loans from FY2010 to FY2018—that’s failed lending!

The American people deserve to know the truth.