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Ruth King

Tit-For-Tat Needs To Go The Way Of The Dodo Bird… by Gerald A. Honigman 


Israel is still playing the pathetic, losing game of tit-for-tat.

Five more young Israelis recently became statistics of Arab terror as they were rammed by a vehicle a bit north of Jerusalem.

The Arab hero, who escaped, will likely be rewarded handsomely by Mahmoud Abbas’s “moderates.” Such folks and their families typically receive thousands of dollars from Israel’s “peace partners” for such deeds. They get streets, buildings, and other sites named for them too.

Besides hunting down the actual assailant, Israel must hold accountable those who encourage and abet such actions by their policies–like educating their children from kindergarten on up in schools, camps, plays, rallies, books, radio and television programs, mosques, etc.–to slaughter Jews.

Abbas’s Fatah and Palestinian Arab Authority have prized possessions that need to be turned into rubble when such heroism is perpetrated.

The alleged good cops are no better than the Hamas/Islamic Jihad bad cops. They simply play the current system to milk the dumb and/or collaborative dhimmis in the West to amass the same fortunes their late Egyptian ghoul leader, Arafat and his cronies, did while other Arabs were deliberately kept wanting to display to the rest of the world.

PBS:Rise of anti-Semitism elevates fears in France


France has the largest Jewish population outside of Israel and the U.S., with 500,000 Jewish people living there. And with several high-profile, anti-Semitic incidents in recent years, along with statistics showing a significant rise in anti-Semitic attacks, there are growing concerns among the Jewish community. Special correspondent Christopher Livesay and videographer Joan Martelli report.Hari Sreenivasan:

An “increasing sense of emergency.” That’s how the president of the European Jewish congress recently described the concern over growing anti-Semitism in Europe. That includes France, where an increase in anti-Semitic attacks has raised the alarm. NewsHour Weekend Special Correspondent Christopher Livesay reports from Paris.

Christopher Livesay:

Every Saturday for the past eight months thousands of people have donned yellow road-safety vests and marched on the streets of Paris and other cities in France. The so-called Yellow Vest protests. What began as and remains a mostly economic campaign against high fuel taxes has evolved into a more wide-ranging anti-establishment protest — sometimes violent — targeting policemen, journalists, the wealthy, the French president. But what’s shocked many here in France is that they’ve also at times targeted jews.

The yellow vest movement is a largely leaderless one that’s given a platform to people of all kinds of ideologies.Yet some people say it’s that same openness that’s allowed antisemitism to rear its ugly head.

Last February police had to step in to protect prominent philosopher Alain Finkielkraut after he was bombarded with insults and anti-Jewish taunts. And some protesters have been spotted calling French President Macron a “whore of the Jews” and their “puppet.”

Nonna Mayer:

The yellow vest is a very heterogeneous movement but it favors the expression of antisemitism because of its populist and anti-elite tones.

Christopher Livesay:

Research Professor Nonna Mayer says the yellow vest movement, while not anti-semitic itself, has accicentally revealed a subset of the movement that is. And statistics who anti-semitic incidents are on the rise, up 74% from last year.

The Humanitarian Hoax of Leftism: Killing America With Kindness – hoax 37 by Linda Goudsmit




The Humanitarian Hoax is a deliberate and deceitful tactic of presenting a destructive policy as altruistic. The humanitarian huckster presents himself as a compassionate advocate when in fact he is the disguised enemy.

War makes strange bedfellows, and the current Leftist/Islamist alliance against America-first President Donald Trump is worth examining.

Islamic sharia law with its misogyny, homophobia, antisemitism, pedophilia, female genital mutilation, and wife beating is diametrically opposed to leftist Democrats’ proclaimed principles of women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, children’s rights, and anti-bullying. How can Leftists partner with Islamists whose norms are diametrically opposed to their own stated principles?

The answer is that Leftists are staggeringly hypocritical when it comes to their principles. Leftist metrics of inclusion are myopic – they only consider what a person thinks and ignore what a person does. The left embraces every color, every sexual orientation, every religion, every deviant behavior as long as its members THINK alike. Leftist anti-American anti-Trump group think is completely intolerant of any individual divergence of thought.

The demand for conformity among Leftists is no different from any religious orthodoxy. Orthodoxy requires conformity for membership in the group. Leftist tenets of political correctness, moral relativity, and historical revisionism are incontrovertible.

Islamic tenets of misogyny, homophobia, antisemitism, pedophilia, female genital mutilation, and wife beating are ignored as long as these sharia-compliant Muslims are anti-American anti-Trumpers. Any anti-American anti-Trump Islamist is welcomed into the Leftist tribe because they are all warriors in the Culture War against America. America-first President Donald Trump is the existential enemy of the Culture War and the target of the Leftist/Islamist alliance.

Islamists unapologetically tell the world their goal is world domination and the establishment of a supremacist Islamist caliphate ruled by sharia law. There is nothing humanitarian about Islamists or their condescending attitude that insists they are doing the West a favor by freeing us from our freedoms, and settling America by imposing their savage medieval sharia law. Islamists do not recognize the authority of the United States Constitution.


In 1969 my husband and I bought a pre-revolutionary house. While a kitchen and plumbing and electricity were obviously added, the original structure, inside and out were intact.  After one really harsh Connecticut winter when I contemplated certain restorations and changes, my late husband, the finest and most thoughtful person told me. “We must be cautious about changes…. we are not only owners…. we are custodians of a bit of history.”

His words echo when we celebrate patriotism and legacy in America. We are the custodians of the democracy crafted by our extraordinary founders. Some changes are always necessary and flaws must be fixed by discussion and legislation, but the basic tenets of our freedom and the right to vote and the laws that provide homeland security must always be guarded and protected, and they are being vigorously challenged.

The right to dissent is both a privilege and an obligation of our custody of democracy. But, there is no right to threaten and beat journalists; there is no right to censor those with whom we disagree; there is no right to assume power and challenge the legitimacy of an election by violence and libel;  there is no right to threaten national security by demanding open borders and giving sanctuary to those who break the law.

My rather gloomy mood was lifted by the President’s speech and military displays on July 4th,  when I saw thousands upon thousands of Americans who braved the blistering heat waving our flag and cheering for America and our defense forces.

They are the custodians of democracy. May patriotism always prevail….rsk

Angry About Border Conditions? Blame Congress By Rachel Bovard


The woke social media over the Fourth of July was something to behold. On America’s birthday, posts were full Trump-baby angst, references to illegal militias, treasonous criminality, and concentration camps, and carefully styled photos of summer desserts that spelled out “close the camps” on top of seasonal fruit.

Because you know what you do if you think child migrants are actually being tortured by your government and dying in concentration camps? You channel all your first-world, virtue signaling rage into the creation of artsy and seasonally appropriate desserts that are just perfect for that People photoshoot.

But the misplaced rage was not limited to social media. In the annals of Wokes versus People Living in Reality, this week was one for the books. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), the avatar of lefty rage-emotes everywhere, visited the border and had a complete meltdown.

Ocasio-Cortez told reporters she “was not safe from the officers,” and that migrants were forced to drink out of toilets while being subject to “psychological warfare.”

“This has been horrifying so far,” she tweeted. “It is hard to understate the enormity of the problem. We’re talking systemic cruelty w/ a dehumanizing culture that treats them like animals.”

If what she’s saying is true—members of Congress being threatened for asking questions, migrants housed in World War II-style detention camps with only toilet water to drink, “mass atrocities” being perpetuated by the government—then we are indeed in a crisis.

But none of this is true. None of the migrants housed on the border are being held against their will. While Ocasio-Cortez provided no photos of the toilets from which she claims migrants are forced to drink, those familiar with border detention facilities suggest she is referring to this type of drinking facility which is connected to a toilet—but does not dispense actual toilet water from the faucet, as she claims. And, as former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson pointed out this week, the practice of holding migrants in “cages” after detention started under President Obama.

Tommy Robinson, embattled hero By Caroline Rausch


The hero Tommy Robinson has been reconvicted of contempt of court, after his previous conviction was overturned and he was released from prison, but the door was left open for the attorney general to relitigate if he so chose.  He duly did, leading to Robinson’s trial at the Old Bailey on July 5.

Robinson’s lawyer, Richard Furlong, said Robinson was being convicted for what he is, not for what he did.  What he did, that so offended the elite, was stand up for the victims of child abuse.  What kind of a sick society defends child rapists and persecutes someone who wants justice for cruelly raped little English girls?

According to Robert Spencer (Jihad Watch, 4 July 2019), there were approximately 6,850 victims of organized child sexual exploitation in the U.K. in 2015.  That’s at least 18 girls a day in just one year.  For exposing this ghastly crime, Robinson was imprisoned for 2.5 months in solitary confinement, not held in his rightful category, but moved to a Category C prison with the highest number of Muslim inmates, subjected to mental torture and constant threats and abuse, and had all his rights denied “in the interest of public safety.”  Now this fate looms again, and the government wants to once again put him in harm’s way, in the hope that some Muslim inmate will dispatch this troublemaker.

What about being judged by one’s peers? There were only two judges and no jury at Tommy’s trial at the Old Bailey.  One was Rt. Hon. Dame Victoria Sharp, DBE, president of the Queen’s Bench Division of the High Court of England and Wales, the other Justice Warby, two executioners acting on behalf of the establishment.  It’s time for British citizens to tear down the Old Bailey as French citizens tore down the Bastille in Paris on July 14, 1789.

Socialism – Its Adherents and the Enduring Lies By Alexander G. Markovsky


Paraphrasing Mark Twain, there are lies, damned lies, and socialism.

The leader of the White opposition, the distinguished admiral Alexander Kolchak, was defeated on the battlefield, betrayed by the Allies and captured by the Bolsheviks.

During the interrogation, the Bolsheviks, astounded by their own victory, were trying to understand how they could defeat the well-supplied regular army, led by experienced military commanders.

“Admiral, why didn’t you promise land to peasants? You could have won this war,” the interrogators asked (Russia was an agrarian country and the ownership of land was one of the most compelling issues of the revolution). “I would not promise what I could not deliver” was the admiral’s response.   

The interrogators just smiled. They did promise the land and won.

Bolsheviks who had a propensity for fancy names called it “monopoly on the revolutionary truth.” In other words, the truth in the “decaying” world of capitalism does not mean what it does in the world of “triumphant” socialism. In practical terms, when Bolsheviks promised democracy, freedom, liberty, and inexorable “land to the peasants,” “bread to the hungry,” “peace to the people,” those zealous Bolshevik slogans sounded great but the Russian people found soon enough that “land to the peasants” meant forced collectivization; “bread to the hungry” – man-made famine; and “peace to the people” — civil war.

Democratic Congresswoman (Veronica Escobar R- Texas- District 16) Caught Sending Staff to Mexico to Coach Asylum-Seekers By Rick Moran


Let’s just call it “voter outreach” by the Democrats.

According to the National Border Patrol Council’s El Paso chapter and several Customs and Border Protection personnel,  freshman Congresswoman Rep. Veronica Escobar has been sending members of her staff in secret to the Mexican border town of Ciudad Juárez to coach asylum seekers on how to game the system and make it into the U.S.

The Washington Examiner reports that the aides are looking to “find migrants returned from El Paso, Texas, under the ‘remain in Mexico’ policy, then coaching them to pretend they cannot speak Spanish to exploit a loophole letting them to [sic] return to the U.S.”

Is this a great country or what?

“What we believe is happening is Veronica Escobar’s office is going … to basically second-guess and obstruct work already done by the Border Patrol,” said one senior union official, who shared evidence with the  Washington Examiner from concerned CBP managers and rank-and-file members. Those documents have been held to protect identities.

The “Remain in Mexico” policy has been attacked despite it being a perfectly legal agreement between Mexico and the U.S., which is designed to relieve the crush of migrants flooding the border.

But there’s a loophole being exploited by Escobar.

Trump’s Iran Sanctions Face Seven Fallacies by Amir Taheri


…sanctions are working. The mullahs have started to reduce their footprint in Syria and Yemen… Offices in more than 30 Iranian cities, to enlist “volunteers” for “Jihad” in Syria, have been closed, and the recruitment of Afghan and Pakistani mercenaries has stopped. Tehran’s military and diplomatic presence in Yemen has been downsized, ostensibly for security reasons. Smuggling arms to Houthis continues albeit at a reduced rate.

Cash-flow problems caused by sanctions have also forced the mullahs to cut the stipends of proxies, notably the Lebanese Hezbollah and the Palestinian “Islamic Jihad” by around 10 percent with more cuts envisaged…. More importantly, perhaps, the mullahs have frozen their missile program at the current range of 2000 kilometers.

The seventh claim is that Trump’s sanctions strengthen hardline factions and weaken the “reformists” around President Hassan Rouhani. Since Rouhani and his associates have never said or even hinted, what it is they may want to reform, it is hard to speak of a “reformist” faction. Moreover, the extensive purge of the military currently undertaken by “Supreme Guide” Ali Khamenei does not seem to have affected any “moderates”.

As President Donald Trump tightens the screws on the current ruling elite in Tehran, the debate on the possible consequences of his policy rages on in American media, think tanks and political circles. Moreover, because Trump’s constituency is outside such elite spheres the impression created is that his Iran policy either has failed already or is set to produce undesirable unintended consequences.

In that context, seven claims form the main themes of the campaign launched by the pro-Tehran lobby with support from sections of the US Democrat Party and others who dislike Trump for different reasons. The first claim is that sanctions do not work.

That theme is developed without spelling out what the intended aims of sanctions are. Trump has said his aim is to persuade the Khomeinist clique in Tehran to change aspects of its behavior abroad. In that sense, sanctions are working.

The mullahs have started to reduce their footprint in Syria and Yemen, without quite opting for total withdrawal. Offices in more than 30 Iranian cities, to enlist “volunteers” for “Jihad” in Syria, have been closed, and the recruitment of Afghan and Pakistani mercenaries has stopped. Tehran’s military and diplomatic presence in Yemen has been downsized, ostensibly for security reasons. Smuggling arms to Houthis continues albeit at a reduced rate.

“You Are Born to Clean Our Houses”: Persecution of Christians, by Raymond Ibrahim


“We are a peace-loving community in this small city, we had never hurt anyone, but we don’t know from where this amount of hate is coming.” – a Christian man who survived the bombing at St. Sebastian’s Church, Morningstar News, April 22, 2019, Negombo, Sri Lanka.

“[C]rosses on graves in an Italian cemetery in Pieve di Cento have been covered with black cloth so as not to offend those who may come from another religion.” – Il Giornale, April 4, 2029, and Breitbart; Bologna, Italy.

“My brother… had compassion for me. He [told me of] the plan my father had devised; to have me beheaded in Qatar because I had refused to convert back to Islam.” – Charles Mudasir, Persecution.org (International Christian Concern), April 22, 2019, Mombasa, Kenya.

“It took about a year for me to save and arrange the required funds to establish a grocery store. However, Christians in this… society are not allowed to initiate a business. I had customers in my shop when Fiaz Khattak led an armed group…. ” — Kenneth Johnson, a poor agricultural laborer who takes care of three children, after he tried to open a small grocery store; Persecution.org (International Christian Concern), April 10, 2019, Pakistan.

Slaughter of Christians

Sri Lanka: On Easter Sunday, April 21, Islamic terrorists launched a bombing campaign on Christians; the death toll reached 253, with hundreds more wounded. Eight separate explosions took place, at least two of which were suicide bombings: three targeted churches celebrating Easter Sunday Mass; four targeted hotels frequented by Western tourists possibly in connection with Easter holiday; one blast was in a house, and killed three police officers during a security operation. At least 39 foreigners — including citizens of the United States, Britain, Australia, Japan, Denmark and Portugal — were among the dead.