s night follows day, the two horribly tragic mass shootings have Democrats pointing fingers of blame at President Trump. Trying to pin the blame for a maniac’s murderous actions on any one person, other than the shooter, is political opportunism at its worst.
Beto O’Rourke jumped in on Sunday, declaring that Trump was responsible for the shooting in El Paso, Texas, which claimed 20 lives and injured 26 more. O’Rourke declared that Trump “is a racist, and he stokes racism in this country. And it does not just offend our sensibilities, it fundamentally changes the character of this country, and it leads to violence.”
O’Rourke went on to claim that “We’ve had a rise in hate crimes every single one of the last three years during an administration where you have a president who’s called Mexican rapists and criminals.”
O’Rourke is hardly the only one blaming Trump. Critics instantly seized on a manifesto allegedly penned by the suspected shooter, in which he complains about the “Hispanic invasion of Texas,” to link the shooting to Trump.
Princeton professor Eddie Glaude said on “Meet the Press” that “Hispanic invasion” is “almost the exact same language of the president of the United States.”
But assuming that manifesto — posted on the Drudge Report — is credible, the person who wrote it also happens to share many policy positions with Democrats. He’s mad about the environment, he wants universal health care, he hates big corporations and job-killing automation.