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Ruth King

Does Trump Deserve Blame For Texas Mass Shooting? Read The Manifesto- John Merline


s night follows day, the two horribly tragic mass shootings have Democrats pointing fingers of blame at President Trump. Trying to pin the blame for a maniac’s murderous actions on any one person, other than the shooter, is political opportunism at its worst.

Beto O’Rourke jumped in on Sunday, declaring that Trump was responsible for the shooting in El Paso, Texas, which claimed 20 lives and injured 26 more. O’Rourke declared that Trump “is a racist, and he stokes racism in this country. And it does not just offend our sensibilities, it fundamentally changes the character of this country, and it leads to violence.”

O’Rourke went on to claim that “We’ve had a rise in hate crimes every single one of the last three years during an administration where you have a president who’s called Mexican rapists and criminals.”

O’Rourke is hardly the only one blaming Trump. Critics instantly seized on a manifesto allegedly penned by the suspected shooter, in which he complains about the “Hispanic invasion of Texas,” to link the shooting to Trump.

Princeton professor Eddie Glaude said on “Meet the Press” that “Hispanic invasion” is “almost the exact same language of the president of the United States.”

But assuming that manifesto — posted on the Drudge Report — is credible, the person who wrote it also happens to share many policy positions with Democrats. He’s mad about the environment, he wants universal health care, he hates big corporations and job-killing automation.

The Dream Team Loses to the Nobodies By Victor Davis Hanson


When figurehead Robert Mueller likely allowed Andrew Weissman to form his special counsel team to investigate so-called charges of Russian collusion involving Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and the Kremlin, Washington elites became bouncy. The high-profile legal “powerhouse” lineup immediately looked like a sure-thing—an elite slaughter of the yokels.

As they perused the résumés of the New York and Washington prosecutors, and the Wilmer-Hale veterans, reporters were ecstatic that the supposedly straight-shooting Republican Mueller had turned his investigation into what the media soon boasted was a progressive “dream team” of “all-stars,” a veritable “hunter-killer team” of get-Trump professionals. One would have thought mere names and credentials win indictments, regardless of the evidence.

The subtext was that Trump had all but met his Waterloo. Indictments for conspiracy, obstruction, and worse yet inevitably would follow, until Trump either resigned in disgrace or was impeached. The media counterparts of the dream-team on MSNBC and CNN would make short work of the rubes. On air law professors and legal analysts who knew “Bob” Mueller (the same ones who assured us that “Jim” Comey was a “straight-shooter”), after all, swore this would be true.

Almost all the all-stars were not just liberal but “correct” as well. Many were either Clinton donors; a few in the past had defended either Clinton aides or the Clinton foundation. Many also had been tagged as Department of Justice future superstars. Their tony degrees seemed designed to spell the doom of the buffoon Trump.

Wired immediately boasted of Mueller’s team, “From the list of hires, it’s clear, in fact, that Mueller is recruiting perhaps the most high-powered and experienced team of investigators ever assembled by the Justice Department.” If “high-powered” seemed the signature adjective, then “ever assembled” was supposed to sound downright scary.

2nd Mass Shooter Supported Elizabeth Warren, Socialism, Gun Control Daniel Greenfield


“Connor Betts, the Dayton, Ohio mass shooter, was a self-described “leftist,” who wrote that he would happily vote for Democrat Elizabeth Warren, praised Satan, was upset about the 2016 presidential election results, and added, “I want socialism, and i’ll not wait for the idiots to finally come round to understanding.”

The pattern here is that there is no pattern.

The media keeps popularizing mass shootings, encouraging likeminded losers to pick up guns and open fire. Their motives vary, from purely personal to ideological. But ideology for mass shooters tends to be a cover for the same sort of personal dysfunction. 

The media jumped on the narrative of  Patrick Crusius, the first mass shooter in El Paso, Texas, for being an anti-immigration environmentalist. (It was much more interested in the first part of that than the second part of it.)

It’s paying much less attention to Connor Betts. An Elizabeth Warren supporter.

Connor Betts, the Dayton, Ohio mass shooter, was a self-described “leftist,” who wrote that he would happily vote for Democrat Elizabeth Warren, praised Satan, was upset about the 2016 presidential election results, and added, “I want socialism, and i’ll not wait for the idiots to finally come round to understanding.”

On Nov. 2, 2018, he wrote: “Vote blue for gods sake.”

On Feb. 14, 2018, he tweeted this at Sen. Rob Portman: “@robportman hey rob. How much did they pay you to look the other way? 17 kids are dead. If not now, when?” That was the date of the mass shooting at a school in Parkland, Florida.

ISRAEL’S SUCCESSFUL TESTING OF ARROW 3 Not only a great technological breakthrough, but a critical component in Israel’s defense. Joseph Puder


The Start-Up nation that has become a technological powerhouse has once again displayed its inventive capacity to provide protection for the people of Israel. Earlier last month, in Alaska’s air space, Israel successfully tested the Arrow 3 interceptor, its latest anti-ballistic missile-missile. The testing of the Arrow 3 system in Alaska proved that it is able to intercept and destroy an incoming ballistic missile with a nuclear warhead in the outer atmosphere before it dangerously splits and flies toward its target. The test, conducted at the Spaceport Complex Alaska in Kodiak, was a joint effort between the Israel Missile Defense organization of the Directorate of Defense Research and Development, and the U.S. Missile Defense Agency. Israel’s Aerospace Industries and Boeing jointly developed the Arrow. The Arrow system became operational in 2017 and has been deployed to counter Iranian and Syrian missiles.

The Arrow 3 interceptor successfully demonstrated its capability against the exo-atmospheric target.  Vice Admiral Jon Hill, the director of the Missile Defense Agency said, “These successful tests mark a major milestone in the development of the Arrow weapon system.” He added, “it provides confidence in the future capabilities to defeat the developing threats in the region.” As for the State of Israel, the successful testing of the Arrow 3 interceptor is particularly encouraging for Israeli civilians. They now know that Arrow 3 provides the Jewish state with a security net against an Iranian attack with ballistic missiles carrying nuclear warheads. Then again, it is essential for Israel to produce an appreciable quantity of the Arrow 3 launcher and interceptor missiles to forestall an Iranian or possibly a Hezbollah attack with multiple missiles launched at once.

At the July 28, 2019 cabinet meeting, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, “Our innovative tests in Alaska took part in collaboration with our ally, the United States. The tests outside the atmosphere went perfectly: each target was a bulls-eye! Israel has the ability to send ballistic missiles to Iran, a huge gain for Israel’s security.” The successful Israeli testing of the Arrow 3 exposes Iran’s vulnerability to an Israeli missile attack. Iran lacks the weapon system that is capable of intercepting incoming ballistic missiles. It is now noteworthy to recall PM Netanyahu’s warning to Iran that Israel would destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities should Tehran become an imminent nuclear threat to Israel. The inclusion of the Arrow 3 in Israel’s arsenal makes Netanyahu’s warning much more credible. Israel, however, is unlikely to initiate a war with Iran unless the Islamic Republic is close to producing a nuclear bomb or invades Israeli territory.

‘Stay out of El Paso’ Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick pushes back against Antifa. Lloyd Billingsley


Police in El Paso, Texas, have arrested Patrick Crusius, 21, of Allen, Texas, for the murder of  20 people, with 26 wounded at this writing. The carnage was still being sorted out on Saturday when Democrats began unloading on President Trump.

“He is a racist, and he stokes racism in this country,” presidential candidate Robert Francis O’Rourke, who likes to be called “Beto,” told reporters in El Paso. “We’ve had a rise in hate crimes every single one of the last three years.” In similar style, “I do think Trump’s rhetoric has fueled more hate in this country,” opined Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar. In all the sound and fury, the media failed to give full attention to a statement by Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick to the group calling itself Antifa.

“Stay out of El Paso,” Patrick told Fox News, “We didn’t need them to begin with before this happened. I would say to Antifa: scratch Texas off the map and don’t come in. It’s not the time and place for them to come at any time, but particularly in aftermath of what just happened in El Paso.”

Patrick’s warning came 29 days before Antifa’s “Border Resistance” training tour slated for Texas. Journalist Andy Ngo, recently attacked and injured by Antifa, posted materials for the ten-day “Call to Action” in El Paso. This was hardly the only justification for Patrick’s warning.

Antifa purports to be an “anti-fascist” movement, but in a classic example of projection, it is in fact a fascist group, right down to the wardrobe. Mussolini’s Blackshirts, Camicie Nere, were violent leftist thugs. In similar style, the Antifa movement is a squadre d’azione surging from a rump of leftist groups such as the Revolutionary Communist Party.

Politicizing Murder with Lies Exploiting the deaths of innocents in El Paso and Dayton for political gain. Bruce Thornton


The bodies in Gilroy, El Paso, and Dayton were still in the morgue when the progressive “carrion-picking crows” started politicizing the murders. But everything they said about gun control, “white nationalism,” and Trump’s culpability was based on lies and stale clichés recycled for political gain.

The argument that more gun control laws will lessen substantially such murders has been disproven with facts over and over. In the Nineties, gun homicides fell by half, even as the number of guns increased 56%. The reason has been obvious since Prohibition in the Twenties: if enough people want something, black markets and criminal gangs will exist to get it for them. We’ve spent about a trillion dollars on reducing the availability of drugs, yet any savvy teenager in America can get just about any drug in less than a day. Likewise, someone bent on mayhem can circumvent the most stringent gun control laws. Just look at the crime rate in Democrat-controlled cities like Chicago, D.C., or Baltimore. They have some of the most restrictions on guns, and some of the highest murder rates.

Yet after the El Paso massacre, Democrat primary candidate Amy Klobuchar, a “moderate” only by comparison to her hard-left rivals, wrote, “The U.S. House has passed common sense gun safety legislation. It is long past time to pass it in the Senate. The question to ask: Whose side are you on? The NRA’s or the people’s?” “Beto” O’Rourke decried “lax gun laws,” Bernie Sanders called for “common-sense gun safety legislation,” and Kamala Harris vowed during her first 100 days as president to block the import of  “assault rifles”. These empty statements have become anti-gun-nut mantras designed to exploit the suffering of the victims and the ghoulish spectacle of the crimes.

Antifa is arming By Peter Skurkiss


The incessant hate campaign against President Donald Trump and his supporters by the media and the Democratic Party is pushing the left’s Trump Derangement Syndrome into the danger zone. The current issue of the New Republic, a premier publication of liberalism, has an article titled “Antifa Is Arming Itself Aganist a Trump Crackdown.” 

Left-wing radicals are overwrought about transgressions they imagine the president and his supporters might commit. As a result,  

…many leftists and even some liberals are beginning to reconsider their feelings about firearms, joining a loose amalgamation of gun groups, from John Brown Gun Clubs (which take their name from the abolitionist) to the Pink Pistols (a LGBTQ group), Liberal Gun Club, and Socialist Rifle Association. 

John Brown Gun Clubs (JBGCs) maybe the most prominent. They exist in many states and operate under the banner of a network called Redneck Revolt, a collection a radical leftists and anarchists. 

It is ominous that the JBGCs use the name of the notorious abolitionist John Brown as their namesake. It is worth recalling that John Brown was a domestic terrorist before the word ‘terrorist’ came into popular use. This man was responsible for murders in Kansas, and he led a handful of his followers to seize the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry (1859) hoping to instigate a rebellion. After killing five people, Brown was captured by U.S. Marines commanded by Colonel Robert E. Lee and Lieutenant J.E.B. Stuart. He was promptly tried, convicted, and then hanged on December 2, 1859. 

On the morning of his hanging, Brown wrote from his jail cell: “I, John Brown, am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood.” 

No, the United States Doesn’t Lead the World in Mass Shootings By Matt Margolis


As expected, Democrats immediately began politicizing the shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio. Quite a few of them even blamed Trump. Like clockwork, calls for more gun control have commenced. Democrats are even trying to pressure Mitch McConnell to cancel the Senate recess so they can vote on gun control.

A common myth you can expect to hear a lot in the coming days and weeks is that the United States “leads the world in mass shootings” and therefore we must pass some law that will do nothing to stop future mass shootings, but will infringe on the rights of law-abiding gun owners.

What you might not hear is that this claim is completely bogus.

Sure, if you following conservative media, you’re probably aware of this. Townhall, The Daily Signal, Bearing Arms, FEE, The Washington Examiner, and others have all previously reported on how the myth that the United States leads the world in mass shootings is based on a deeply flawed study, which has been debunked by the Crime Prevention Research Center.

Yet, the myth remains alive and is sure to be regurgitated endlessly again.

The following video from John Stossel explains how the myth got started and why it’s bogus:

Mental Illness and Mass Murder The FBI found 70% of shooters had ‘stressors’ or ‘concerning behaviors’ prior to the attack. By E. Fuller Torrey


Dr. Torrey is founder of the Treatment Advocacy Center and author of “American Psychosis.”

Based on the increase in the U.S. population, there are now some one million people with serious mental illness living among the general population who, 60 years ago, would have been treated in state mental hospitals. Multiple studies have reported that, at any given time, between 40% and 50% of them are receiving no treatment for their mental illness. With the best of intentions and the worst of planning, America has emptied out its public psychiatric hospitals without ensuring that the released patients would receive the necessary treatment to control their symptoms. What did we think would happen?

Now we have two more mass shootings, committed over a 13-hour period. In El Paso, Texas, 20 people were killed in what authorities have called a hate crime, while in Dayton, Ohio, the death toll is nine. One database claims these were the 21st and 22nd mass killings in the U.S. in 2019. Such databases vary depending on the number of dead required to meet the definition.

They also vary according to other factors. If, for example, they only count gun deaths, then they don’t include Adacia Chambers, diagnosed with bipolar disorder, who in 2015 killed four and injured 48 by driving her car into a parade crowd in Stillwater, Okla. What is clear from all the databases is that these mass killings are increasing in frequency and have been since the 1980s. Not coincidentally, that was when the emptying out of state mental hospitals was at its peak.

Iran Seizes Vessel in Persian Gulf Accused of Smuggling Fuel Tehran claims ship that was detained on Wednesday was carrying 700,000 liters of fuel


Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has seized a vessel accused of smuggling fuel and detained its crew, Iranian state television reported, in another case of Tehran interdicting ships in the volatile Persian Gulf.

The report on Sunday said the Guard’s Navy patrol forces seized the vessel, along with 700,000 liters of smuggled fuel and, in coordination with Iranian judicial authorities, impounded it near Farsi Island in the Persian Gulf.

Iranian state news agency IRNA reported that a video of the moment the vessel was interdicted showed it was Iraqi. Maritime confrontations between Iran and Iraq are considered rare. The Iraqi ship’s seizure would follow July’s visit to Tehran by Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, who has sought to ease tensions between the U.S. and Iran, both close allies of Iraq.

The Iraqi Oil Ministry said it had no relation to the detained vessel. Spokesman Assem Jihad said the ministry was gathering information on the vessel, describing it as smaller than those that officially market its oil and products.

Gen. Ramezan Zirahi, a navy forces commander in the Guard, was quoted by Iran’s Fars News Agency as saying the fuel had been transferred to the vessel from another ship, and was bound for Arab countries in the region when it was stopped. The seven detained crew members were foreign, he said, without naming their nationality or that of the vessel.

The ship’s seizure took place last on Wednesday, Sepah News, the Revolutionary Guard’s official news service, reported, a day after United Arab Emirates officials traveled to Iran to discuss maritime border cooperation and the flow of shipping traffic, including illegal movements.