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Ruth King

American-Hating Americans Are the Ultimate Ingrates and Hypocrites Once again, Trump stands up for Americans who love their country. Bruce Thornton


“As for Trump, once again he has said what many Americans think, but seldom hear from the Republican elite. And he has stood up for those same Americans who love their country, not because it’s perfect, not because they think its history is sinless, but because it has in word and deed shown itself to be the “last best hope” we fallen mortals have in a tragic world. And most of all, we love America because it is who we are, its ideals the unum that allows the pluribus to become a people yet keep its diversity. There’s not much more we can expect from imperfect human beings.”

With his usual flair for hyperbole and indifference to factual details, Donald Trump last week tweet-blasted the so-called “Squad” of female freshman Congressmen “of color” for slandering America as racist, sexist, xenophobic, Islamophobic, and numerous other empty epithets. Though Trump was careless for suggesting, “Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came”––since only one, Ilhan Omar, was born abroad––his sentiment is still valid, and has been shared for decades by millions of Americans angry over their homeland being demonized by immigrants and fellow citizens alike.

This sentiment was memorably captured by country singer Merle Haggard in his hit “Fightin’ Side of Me.” Released in December 1969, the song expressed the anger of the “Silent Majority” that had just put Richard Nixon in the White House. And the lyrics identified who Americans were angry at: the free, comfortable New Leftists, college students, bougie hippies, and liberal elite fellow-travelers who burned the American Flag, slandered our soldiers as baby-killers, and called their country “AmeriKKKa.” Haggard especially targeted the antiwar activists who insulted our troops even as they were fighting and dying, and who “love our milk and honey” but “preach about some other way of livin’.” Sound familiar?

But it was one line in the chorus that summed up many Americans’ attitude: “If you don’t love it leave it.”

Deranged Leftists Surround Lone Conservative Outside Aurora ICE Facility: By Debra Heine


Unhinged, profanity-spewing, anti-American agitators verbally abused a conservative activist over the weekend when she took a stand outside the Colorado ICE facility where protesters took down the American flag and replaced it with a Mexican flag. “You’re a “f*cking b*tch!” one protester screamed in the conservative’s face. “You’re a stupid-ass, privileged-ass b*tch!”

In addition to taking down Old Glory on Friday, protesters participating in the “March to Close Concentration Camps” in Aurora, also wrote “Abolish ICE” on a “Blue Lives Matter” flag and hoisted it upside down next to the Mexican flag.

According to Denver-based political pundit Ashley StClair, members of Aurora’s City Council were in attendance when the leftists replaced the American flag with the Mexican flag.

Ashley StClair @stclairashley
“As if the situation at Aurora ICE couldn’t get any worse, members of Aurora City Council were in attendance while the US flag was being replaced with the Mexico flag. These elected officials watched silently as deranged protestors disrespected our flag, troops, & law enforcement.”

Jihadist Evil Unites with Leftist Evil By Eileen F. Toplansky


The Left has historically despised Jews, Judaism, Zionism, and Israel.  So it is quite ironic that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez employs the language of the Holocaust in discussing open borders where illegals are coming in by the thousands. Not only does she besmirch the memory of those who were murdered for being Jewish, she displays an abysmal ignorance of the horror of the Holocaust.

But she is emblematic of the fact that “two-thirds of American millennials surveyed in a recent poll cannot identify what Auschwitz is.” Thus, “according to a study released on Holocaust Remembrance Day… knowledge of the genocide that killed 6 million Jews during World War II is not robust among American adults.” And this lack of education is not limited to America.

So this historically ignorant woman bandies words like concentration camps with zero comprehension of what she is saying.  The abuse of language and the distortion of historical events is standard operating practice among Leftists, who simply do not care about facts and credible sources as they clamor for illegal aliens to flood our borders to shore up their own political base. 

For if they are truly troubled about victims, they are strangely mute when it comes to speaking on behalf of the Yazidis and the Christians who are being slaughtered by Muslims throughout the world.  But these beleaguered groups do not advance the Left’s agenda of destroying America.

I refuse to use the acronym AOC since it elevates this woman’s status.  The photo-ops of Ocasio-Cortez’s faux anger and angst camouflage her true nature.  The drama queen claims to be “the boss” as she displays her craven arrogance.  She ignores that these illegals are choosing to come to America — whereas Jews and others deemed “unfit to live” were rounded up by the Nazis and herded into concentration/extermination camps where they were slaves and ultimately gassed and burnt.  But as Kevin D. Williamson has written “[t]he Jews can be whatever their enemies need them to be.”

UK Labor Party sinks deeper into Jew-hatred By Thomas Lifson


It is time to start worrying about the fate of Jews living in the United Kingdom.  One of its two major political parties is endorsing the politics of the most obscene Jew-hatred.  Last week, the Mother of Parliaments welcomed to Westminster Palace an Arab politician who calls Israel “a Jewish cancer.”

Via the U.K. Daily Mail:

A Jordanian MP who has made virulently anti-Semitic comments was welcomed into the Palace of Westminster last week by a Labour Shadow Minister.

Yahya Al-Saud, who is notorious for praising terrorism in Palestine, was greeted at Portcullis House by Labour frontbencher Fabian Hamilton, shadow minister for peace and disarmament.

M.P. Fabian Hamilton (via Wikimedia Commons/JPost).

The controversial Jordanian was ushered into Parliament for a series of meetings, adding fresh fuel to claims that anti-Semitism is not being taken seriously by the party.  His visit also prompted campaigners with the Jordanian Opposition Coalition to write to Home Secretary Sajid Javid, questioning why the M.P. was allowed entry into Britain.

At this point, it is fair to ask if Britain’s Jews need to follow French Jews in fleeing their homeland.

Rojo – A Review By Marilyn Penn


Early on in this film about Argentina, we see a solitary man sitting at a table in a crowded restaurant. Another man walks in and stares at him unrelentingly, eventually telling the waiter that he should be given that table since he is ready to order while the man already seated is waiting for his late wife To tell you more about what happens next would be a spoiler except to say that most of it is unexpected and the degree of tension the director (Benjamin Naishtat) builds from this mild beginning is unnerving, brilliant and a sweeping foretelling of events to follow.

Rojo consists of several seemingly disparate set pieces which include an abandoned house being stripped of its furnishings, an eclipse of the sun, a romantic encounter between a young girl and her boyfriend a magic act in a nightclub and several speechifiers who appear in case the audience isn’t sophisticated or sufficiently knowledgeable about Argentina’s history in the 1970’s. Some of these actually lessen the power of the more oblique examples of predominantly male aggression in all forms and many different ages. There is a subtlety to this, particularly in the scene of the eclipse as the sun goes black and then a blazing red, nature’s own rojo as the source of all our light as well as something with the power to blind the viewer Similarly the scene with the boyfriend and later with his car buddies extends the basis of authoritarian brutality down to the everyday behavior or teenagers. the character of the private detective is another ambiguous persona – hellbent of pursuing the villain in the case he was hired for but unwilling to be as helpful to a mother whose son “has disappeared”

Rojo is a welcome addition to the otherwise predictable big budget summer movies that are the antithesis of this quiet genre. It is well worth seeing and discussing and lends itself to probing for additional insights related specifically to Argentina’s politics and more broadly to males in western culture. You will leave the theater thinking, and that’s a good thing to observe nowadays.

Don’t Let Turkey Defect to Russia NATO’s objective should be to outlast Erdogan and his provocative behavior. By Walter Russell Mead


As Europe moved toward war in the summer of 1914, two battleships were being built for the Ottoman Empire in British shipyards. Worried about signs of an Ottoman-German alliance, Winston Churchill, then first lord of the admiralty, seized the ships. Germany then sent two ships of its own as replacements. By October, the Ottomans were at war with the Allies.

Today’s crisis with Turkey over Russian weapons could be as consequential. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s decision to import the S-400 antiaircraft system, designed to shoot down the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s airplanes, is a fundamental challenge to the West. Mr. Erdogan’s move to drill for natural gas in Cyprus’s waters has also driven a wedge between Turkey and its erstwhile allies, with the European Union now looking to cut funding to Turkey.

Ankara is likely to lose access to the coveted American-made F-35 aircraft which, like the British ships in 1914, have been paid for but not delivered. The Trump administration is also required by law to impose economic sanctions on Turkey in response to its Russian weapons purchase, though it can choose from options ranging in severity. The Turkish economy is already shrinking, with inflation at nearly 16% and unemployment at 14%. Even mild sanctions could spook investors and send the lira and stock market into free fall.

Graham Outlines the Abuse of Children Being ‘Rented’ to Help Migrants Claim Asylum: ‘This Is a Sick System’ Houston Keene

Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) explained how migrant children are being “rented” to help other migrants claim asylum when attempting to cross into the U.S. over the southern border.

During an interview with Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” host Maria Bartiromo pressed Graham on the claim that migrants have been “renting” their children so that others can claim asylum in the U.S. and his claim that 30% of families apprehended while attempting to cross the U.S.-Mexico border are not really related.

Graham responded by saying that officials at the border have started a “pilot program” where they are testing the DNA of migrant family units at the border and that he was told of “about 60 children” who were being “recycled” at the border to allow more people to claim asylum.

“They told us about 60 children that were recycled,” said Graham. “They pick the child up in Central America, they bring them to the United States, everybody’s released, and the child goes back to Central America to do it again.”

The Senate Judiciary chairman continued on to call the system that has “exploited” children “sick” and “rotten to its core.” He also brought up that “100,000 unaccompanied minors” had been apprehended at the southern border “this year alone.”

Acting Customs and Border Patrol Commissioner Mark Morgan told Republican senators last month that migrants were renting children to allow for easier passage into the U.S. through the southern border.

Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said that he could not “believe” that people were “renting babies” to enter the country.

“I can’t believe that this actually happens but that people down there in Central America or Mexico are renting babies to get across the border and then sending them back and renting them again to get across the border,” said Grassley.

At least 26 people were killed and 56 were injured in a 12-hour attack claimed by Al-Shabaab militants on a popular hotel in southern Somalia.


“Twenty-six people were killed in the attack and fifty-six others wounded, among those killed are… foreign nationals three Kenyans, one Canadian, one British, two Americans, and three Tanzanians. There are also two wounded Chinese citizens,” regional president Ahmed Mohamed Islam told a news conference.

The suicide bomb and gun attack began Friday when a vehicle loaded with explosives was rammed into the Medina hotel in the port town of Kismayo before several heavily armed gunmen forced their way inside, shooting as they went.
Somalia hotel siege leaves 26 dead

Shabaab claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement, the latest in a long line of bombing and assaults claimed by the Al-Qaeda-linked group.

It was the largest coordinated attack by the Shabaab in Kismayo since 2012 when it lost control of the city.

Three Kenyans, three Tanzanians, two Americans, one Briton and one Canadian were among the dead, president Ahmed Mohamed Islam of the semi-autonomous Jubaland region told a news conference.

Shabaab fighters have fought for more than a decade to topple the Somali government.
i24NEWS DESK | Somalia: suicide car bomb leaves casualties | Saturday, February 2nd 2019

The militant group emerged from Islamic Courts that once controlled central and southern Somalia and are variously estimated to number between 5,000 and 9,000 men.

In 2011, they fled their positions held in Mogadishu, and have since lost many strongholds. But they retain control of large rural swathes of the country and continue to wage a guerrilla war against the authorities.


From: Beto O’Rourke

Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2019, 9:22:19 PM EDT
Subject: Rose and Eliza

I was recently given documents showing that both Amy and I are descended from people who owned slaves. Along with other possessions listed in their property log were two human beings, Rose and Eliza.

A paternal great-great-great grandfather of mine, Andrew Cowan Jasper, owned these two women in the 1850s. There are also records showing that a maternal great-great-great grandfather, Frederick Williams, most likely owned slaves in the 1860s (“most likely,” because we are not certain that the Frederick Williams who is my ancestor and the Frederick Williams who owned slaves are the same person, but there’s enough circumstantial data to lead me to conclude that it’s likely).

Records also showed that Amy had an ancestor who owned slaves and another who was a member of the Confederate Army.

Something that we’ve been thinking about and talking about in town hall meetings and out on the campaign — the legacy of slavery in the United States — now has a much more personal connection.

Ownership of other human beings conferred advantages not just to Andrew Jasper and Frederick Williams, but to Jasper’s and Williams’ descendants as well. They were able to build wealth on the backs and off the sweat of others, wealth that they would then be able to pass down to their children and their children’s children. In some way, and in some form, that advantage would pass through to me and my children.

That those enslaved Americans owned by my ancestors were denied their freedom, denied the ability to amass wealth, denied full civil rights in America after slavery also had long term repercussions for them and their descendants.



“The most important thing to keep in mind about reparations is that it is never going to happen.No Congress is going to pass, and no President is going to sign, a bill that takes money from the great majority of American voters to pay a debt they don’t feel they owe.” Thomas Sowell “Risks of Slave Reparations Campaign” aUGUST 4, 2001                                                                                     

Periodically, the issue of reparations resurfaces, brought on not by those who might stand to gain, but by politicians who see political advantage in issues that never come to fruition, like immigration or climate, neither of which they would like to resolve, as long as they serve a higher purpose – their re-election.

Slavery was the blemish on our founding. Most of the Founding Fathers understood that. Nevertheless, the decision made was to proceed with unification of thirteen separate states under a Constitution and Bill of Rights to which all attendees agreed. Was it perfect? No, because it allowed the practice of slavery to continue. But liberty was the essence of our founding. It was understood by the Founders that at some point a Civil War would have to be fought, but they wanted to delay that inevitability until the Union had solidified into a unified and respected country. They knew it would have to be able to withstand the rending of its heart, which a civil war would cause. As the first half of the 19thCentury advanced, it became obvious that the cancer that was slavery did not fit a country whose values were based on individual freedom. The abolitionist movement grew stronger and advocates of slavery more isolated. It was felt that if the curse of slavery persisted it would mean dissolution of the union. But if it were abolished the union would be preserved, even though the cost would be high and the time for healing long.

In 1775, slavery was to be found in most of the northern states. As late as 1820, there were still an estimated 20,000 slaves in New York. But by 1860, slavery had been abolished in the north. Virginia had fewer slaves in that year than they did in 1820. It was not that they had been freed but were sold to cotton plantations in the deep south. And, while northerners railed against slavery, some were conflicted. For example, cotton brokers in New York became wealthy selling the slave-produced commodity to buyers in England.