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Ruth King

Remembering Islam’s July 4th Victory By Raymond Ibrahim


Soon after liberating the ancient Christian city of Antioch from Muslim oppression, the First Crusaders managed in 1099 to realize their primary goal: take Jerusalem from Islam.

Despite all the propaganda that surrounds the conquest of Jerusalem, there were very few Muslim calls to jihad (only one is known, and it quickly fell on deaf ears).  After all, in the preceding decades, and thanks to Sunni and Shia infighting, local Muslim populations were hardly unused to such invasions and bloodbaths.

In Muslim historian Ibn al-Athir’s words, “[w]hile the Franks — Allah damn them! — were conquering and settling in a part of the territories of Islam, the rulers and armies of Islam were fighting among themselves, causing discord and disunity among their people and weakening their power to combat the enemy.”

In this context, the pure doctrine of jihad — warfare against infidels — was lost to the average Muslim, who watched and suffered as Muslim empires and sects collided.

It was only during the reign of Imad al-Din Zengi (d. 1146) — a particularly ruthless Turkish warlord and atabeg of Mosul and Aleppo — and even more so under his son and successor, Nur al-Din (r. 1146-1174), that the old duty of jihad was resuscitated.  They founded numerous madrasas, mosques, and Sufi orders all devoted to propagandizing the virtues of jihad and martyrdom.  Contemporary literature makes clear that Islamic zeal (or, in modern parlance, “radicalization”) reached a fever pitch during their reigns.

‘Whatever It Is, I’m Against It’ By Charles C. W. Cooke


Ramesh notes the speed with which the Betsy Ross flag was deemed outré:

Even so, the shift of the Betsy Ross flag, from worth showcasing for the Obama inaugural planners in 2013 to unacceptable for a big company in 2019, has been very quick. That timeline actually downplays how quick it has been: It was nearly instantaneous. The vast majority of people hearing about this controversy, including me, had never previously been exposed to the idea that there was anything malevolent about the flag.

And even as specimens of woke culture go, this one also stands out for the tenuousness of the connection between the newly unacceptable thing and the evil it is supposed to represent.

This is true. In a couple of days, we’ve gone from a celebrity saying a flag is bad, to a major corporation indulging that judgment, to presidential candidates and governors blithely confirming and cementing it. In my view, though, the scariest part is not so much “how quick it has been,” but that there has been no argument or explanation to speak of. Upon the instant, professional progressivism has accepted the change as if it were taking orders from on high. “The flag is in the bad column now? Got it. Will amend attitude and proceed accordingly.”

Shin Bet nabs Hamas bomb-maker who snuck into Israel with medical visa


Israel recently thwarted a Hamas plan to establish an explosives manufacturing network in Judea and Samaria using a medical permit to sneak in a key terrorist.


The Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) recently exposed and thwarted a Hamas attempt to establish a bomb-making network in Judea and Samaria that relied on Israel’s humanitarian medical permits to sneak in terrorists, the security agency revealed Wednesday.

Fadi al-Sabah, a Hamas-trained bomb expert from the Gaza Strip, infiltrated Israel by taking advantage of a permit to receive medical treatment in the country. He was tasked with establishing a bomb lab that would supply suicide bombers with explosives.

The plans were exposed after a series of arrests among terrorists in Gaza.

Al-Sabah, 35, was arrested by Israeli forces in Teibe in May. He was recruited by Hamas operative Ashraf Sabah in July 2018 and underwent training in bomb building for several months. He was also trained on how to bypass Israeli security vetting and background checks.

Sabah was imprisoned for 12 years in Israel for his involvement in executing attacks against Israeli forces on the Gaza border.

Al-Sabah was recruited by Hamas after they learned that he was in the process of receiving a permit to enter Israel for medical treatment. Hamas decided to use him for terrorism purposes.

Some of al-Sabah’s trainers were released in the Shalit deal, the Shin Bet noted.

Before al-Sabah left for treatment in Israel, Ashraf Sabah sewed notes with code words into his jacket. The codes would have been used for communication between the various terror cells.

To obtain the proper medical records that would secure him an entry permit, al-Sabah got a Gazan doctor to provide him with a note that stated that he could not be treated in the Strip. After receiving the permits, he underwent training by Hamas.

In May 2019, Fadi entered Israel through the Erez Crossing with the message-containing jacket in his luggage. He was to be treated in a Hebron hospital, but never arrived there and instead met up with terror operatives.

He was arrested a few days later in Teibe in northern Israel and was recently indicted in a military court.

A senior Shin Bet official stated, “We are again witnessing Hamas’ exploitation of humanitarian permits provided by the State of Israel and its utilization of this medium to promote the organization’s hostile activities in Israel.”

Israel previously exposed several cases in which Hamas utilized Israel’s medical permits to promote terrorism.

‘I’m going to chop your head off’: Orthodox Jew chased down London street

“A man started running behind him saying ‘I’m going to kill you, I’m going to chop your head off,’” said Nizza Fluss, a councilor in the London Borough of Barnet.

By World Israel News Staff 

In east London, a knife-wielding man threatened to behead an Orthodox Jew as he walked down a street on Monday, says the Evening Standard, a London newspaper.

Police arrested a man on suspicion of “a racially aggravated public order offense after the incident” in Whitechapel, the newspaper reported.

“A man started running behind him saying, ‘I’m going to kill you, I’m going to chop your head off,’” said Nizza Fluss, a councilor in the London Borough of Barnet, the paper added.

The victim, in his 40s, reportedly was said to have been threatened and called a “f****** Jew” by a man while he made his way to work.

The man allegedly then pulled a knife and chased him down the street while shouting additional “anti-Semitic abuse,” according to the Evening Standard. 

Police said that a knife was recovered from the scene, the newspaper reports.

While rising anti-Semitism has been recorded in many countries, the conversation in the U.K. also involves the leading opposition party, Labour, and accusations of anti-Semitism on the part of party head Jeremy Corbyn.

Labour MP Catherine West has said it is a matter of “deep shame” that Jews can no longer support the party because of its anti-Semitism crisis, The Jewish Chronicle reported on Tuesday.

“It is very clear that Labour has to do more and it has to do it quickly,” said West, a Corbyn supporter, to the British Jewish news outlet.

The Humanitarian Hoax of the United Nations: Killing America With Kindness – hoax 36 by Linda Goudsmit


   http://goudsmit.pundicity.com http://lindagoudsmit.com

The Humanitarian Hoax is a deliberate and deceitful tactic of presenting a destructive policy as altruistic. The humanitarian huckster presents himself as a compassionate advocate when in fact he is the disguised enemy.

The United Nations is an institutional humanitarian hoax promoting its destructive Agenda 2030 infrastructure for one world government as the altruistic advancement of world peace. This is how it works.

First, a little history. The United Nations began as a wartime alliance between the allies against Nazi Germany. President Franklin D. Roosevelt suggested using the name United Nations to refer to the allies of World War II. In 1942, the declaration of the allied United Nations articulated its purpose and was signed by twenty-six sovereign governments:


The Governments signatory hereto,

Having subscribed to a common program of purposes and principles embodied by the Joint Declaration of the President of the United States of America and the Prime Minister of Great Britain dated August 14, 1941, known as the Atlantic Charter,

The Left’s Endgame Is Not Chaos. It’s Worse. By Robert Vincent


On an episode of The Candace Owens Show that aired this past May, Owens had as her guest Dennis Prager.  While I agreed with most of the points made by both Ms. Owens and Mr. Prager, one item struck me as an example of superficial analysis.  They declared that the primary objective of the Left is “chaos.”  In an immediate sense, this seems true; the so-called “progressive left” does appear to be deliberately sowing chaos in America today.

However, I submit that the Left’s “chaos” is an intermediate objective, the means to an end.  They have a well defined endgame.  The Communist Bloc countries were a lot of things, but they were generally not chaotic.  They were highly regimented societies, and while they did not have the material standard of living or political freedoms enjoyed in the West, there were some agreeable aspects, as related by the wife of one Carlo Alcos in an online feature story on the Matador Network about her early childhood experiences growing up in East Germany:

It wasn’t all trying, though.  Everyone had a job, school lunches were free, after-school care was free, people were generally happy, necessities were extremely cheap, and there was more community spirit than there is nowadays.  In those times, there were no Joneses to keep up with.

Rigidly communist East Germany hardly sounded like “chaos.”  So what is the progressive left’s game in the Era of Trump? 

First, at present, leftists want to create a state of political cultural chaos in the U.S. for a specific reason.  They need chaos as a smokescreen to defend their current leaders — that is to say, Obama, Hillary & Co. — from prosecution.  Make no mistake: Obama, Hillary, and their cohorts committed some  serious crimes of an unprecedented nature for people at their level.  We executed Julius and Ethel Rosenberg for far less. Their degree of culpability is suggested in an October 2016 email from Hilary Clinton to then DNC Chair Donna Brazile, revealed by WikiLeaks, in which Hillary shrieked to the effect that “if that f‑‑‑‑‑‑ b‑‑‑‑‑‑ wins, we’re all going to hang from nooses.  You better fix this s‑‑‑!”

A Kosher Fourth of July Two hundred forty-three years ago, a new nation was inspired by the Old Testament. William McGurn


Since that fateful July 4 when the Second Continental Congress invoked the unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to declare independence from King George III, an argument has raged over the Christian roots of the American Founding. Now a group of scholars suggest that if we are looking only to the Gospels to understand the new American nation, we may be arguing over the wrong testament.

“The American Republic,” they write, “was born to the music of the Hebrew Bible.”

The book is called “Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land: The Hebrew Bible in the United States: A Sourcebook.” The title comes from Leviticus and is inscribed on the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia. The book comes courtesy of the Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought at Yeshiva University, where it was pulled together by Meir Soloveichik, Matthew Holbreich, Jonathan Silver and Stuart Halpern.

These men are not arguing that America was founded as a Jewish nation. Nor is their subject Jews in America, or the role of Jews in the American Founding. Their proposition is more supple and profound: that at key moments in the national story, Americans have looked to the ancient Israelites to understand themselves, their blessings and their challenges.

Constantinople’s new mayor Imamoglu: What does he think of Cyprus? Uzay Bulut


Turkey’s main opposition, the Republican People’s Party’s (CHP) mayoral candidate Ekrem Imamoglu won the do-over election in Constantinople, now known as Istanbul, on June 23, which will be his second mayoral position in the city.

The “Cyprus monument” he erected in Istanbul in 2017 represents his nationalistic stance on Cyprus, which takes pride in Turkish occupation of the island and disregards its Greek history and identity.

Imamoglu’s interest in Cyprus has a lot of history behind it. He moved to Turkish-occupied northern Cyprus at the age 18 in the late 1980s. He studied at university there for two years and played football for the team “Turkish Hearths Limassol” (Türk Ocağı Limassol – TOL). During his mayoral election campaign in May, Imamoglu went back to the occupied territories in Cyprus or the “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus” (TRNC) and was also welcomed by its ‘President,’ Mustafa Akinci.

He also visited the memorial tomb of Rauf Denktas, the once head of the “Turkish Resistance Organization” (TMT) that is known to have committed many crimes in Cyprus and paved the way for Turkey’s invasion of the island in 1974. Denktas became the “founding president” of the “TRNC” that is recognized only by Turkey.

During his speech at Denktas’s memorial tomb, Imamoglu said he is honored to have personally known Denktas. He continued:

“When you get elected to any government office, you should make your first state visit the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. That is why I am here.

Erielle Davidson: Democratic Deputy Chair Meets With Far-Left U.K. Leader (Corbyn) Accused Of Anti-Semitism


Amidst accusations that the Democratic Party is slowly “Corbynizing,” Democratic National Committee Deputy Chairman Keith Ellison opted to meet with the leader of the U.K. Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn. This furthers the contention that the American Democratic Party does not take anti-Semitism seriously and has no real intentions of doing so. Instead of condemning anti-Semitism, Democrats are embracing it.

The term “Corbynization” has come to encapsulate, as Josh Hammer of The Daily Wire perfectly phrased it, “the metastasization of the once-pro-Israel Democratic Party into a U.K. Labour Party-esque leftist outfit that routinely shills for Jew-haters.” Corbyn has been under frequent fire as of late for providing a platform to anti-Semites both within and outside his party, casting himself as a sympathetic character to those ostracized and condemned for spouting anti-Semitic rhetoric.

Corbyn’s culture of Jew-hatred within the U.K. Labour Party has resulted in nine MPs (members of Parliament) opting to defect from the party in 2019 alone, many citing anti-Semitism under Corbyn’s auspices as one of their chief concerns. Thus, Ellison’s decision to flaunt his meeting with the infamous leader is particularly troubling in an era when the American Democratic Party continues to fend off accusations of failing to take anti-Semitism seriously.

Rep. Dan Crenshaw Unloads After AOC Toilet Water Claim: ‘She’s Getting Bolder with Her Lies’


Democrats don’t understand the border crisis mostly because they don’t want to understand the border crisis. There’s no better example of this than Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

The New York congresswoman was among the delegation that visited a controversial migrant detention site in Clint, Texas, on Monday. She emerged telling a tale about how she “was not safe from the officers in that facility” and how women said they were forced to drink out of toilets.

Ocasio-Cortez told reporters that the women she talked to were “put in a room with no running water. And these women were being told by [Customs and Border Protection] officers to drink out of the toilet. They were drinking water out of the toilet.”When asked whether she witnessed this with her own eyes, however, she wasn’t quite as available for a conversation:

In an appearance on Fox News on Tuesday, Texas GOP Rep. Dan Crenshaw called out Ocasio-Cortez on her claims.

“It’s sad to see, she’s getting bolder with her lies on this and this is what is actually happening, and this is what the American people need to understand,” Crenshaw told Martha MacCallum.

“People like AOC are operating off of a false premise, and it’s deliberately designed to misinform the American people for her own political ends, right? Remember, first there was no crisis at all, OK? Then it was a manufactured crisis, then it was a crisis completely created by Trump, then there were concentration camps, then people are Nazis.

“Now, she’s saying that Border Patrol harassed her and forced migrants to drink out of toilets?

“This is insanity, this is not true. There’s just no one else corroborating these kinds of reports,” Crenshaw added.