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Ruth King

“Dangerous Nuclear Schemes” by Peter Huessy


The proposed policies, if adopted by the new leadership in the House, would certainly fracture whatever consensus exists today to modernize America’s strategic nuclear deterrent — and at a time when both Russia and China are charging ahead militarily, and Iran and North Korea are racing toward a deliverable nuclear weapons capability.

If the United States chooses to eliminate its land-based missiles, as arms control advocates have proposed, it would dramatically and dangerously simplify an adversary’s targeting calculus. The US would be reducing more than 500 distinct American-based nuclear-related targets — including 450 Minuteman silos and 48 launch control centers spread across five American states — down to only five continental US targets — three USAF bomber bases, and two submarines bases — and only roughly 10 targets if US submarines at sea were included.

China’s “declared” policy of no first use policy is, in fact, suspect, considering the country’s deployed weapons and nuclear threats to the US that involve America’s protection of Taiwan. China, needless to say, is being currently exposed for its massive track record of lying, cheating and stealing everything, from their military land-fill bases in the South China Sea to the virtual theft from the United States of China’s entire telecom industry.

There is no reason whatever to discontinue implementing the traditional three-part nuclear deterrent posture (land, sea and air) endorsed not only by the 2018 nuclear posture review (NPR) but also by the past three nuclear posture reviews (1994, 2001 and 2010). If the proposals above are adopted, two nuclear dangers in particular will be heightened. First, America’s allies, no longer credibly protected by the US nuclear umbrella, may seek to build their own nuclear weapons to compensate for the omission. Second, in a crisis, America’s adversaries might seek to disarm the US, or coerce it to stand down, especially as US nuclear forces would have been so diminished as to invite aggression, rather than deter it.

Hamas War Crimes against Israel, Palestinians by Bassam Tawil


Suddenly, everyone was talking only about the rocket attacks on Tel Aviv, and Hamas seemed to have gotten away with its beating and shooting at peaceful protesters. It is also worth noting that many of the Palestinians who were brutally beaten by Hamas were children. In the view of many Palestinians, what Hamas is doing in the Gaza Strip is tantamount to war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Recently, in a grotesque allegation, UN human rights “experts” claimed that Israel may have committed war crimes by shooting at Palestinian demonstrators who tried to breach the Gaza-Israel border fence and infiltrate into Israel. The demonstrators who were shot were mostly Hamas and Islamic Jihad members, as both organizations have openly admitted. In other words, Israel is being accused of war crimes for defending its border against terrorists attempting to infiltrate it in order to murder or kidnap Israelis.

Perhaps a small step, such as viewing easily available material, would set the record straight. These UN human rights “experts” might, for a change, glance at the videos and photos coming out of the Gaza Strip to see who is really responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity: Hamas. Its members are opening fire at peaceful protesters, who are taking their lives in their hands to end the harsh economic conditions created by their rulers’ catastrophic policies in the Gaza Strip. It is the leaders of Hamas, and only Hamas, who are committing war crimes in and around Gaza. They are committing war crimes against Jews and they are committing war crimes against their own people.

Hamas has again proved that it really is a terrorist group that oppresses its people and prevents them from expressing their opinions. It has also shown that when it is in trouble, it will do its utmost to divert attention from the problems it is facing at home.

As far as Hamas is concerned, one of the best ways to divert attention from the growing frustration with its rule is by attacking Israel and Jews. Then, Israel is forced to respond to defend itself. That will allow Hamas to tell its people that there is no room for internal fighting and disputes “because we are under attack by the Jews.” No Palestinian would dare to criticize Hamas while Israel is supposedly “attacking” Hamas. Anyone who did so would be accused of being a “traitor” and “collaborator” with the “Zionist enemy.”

Jason Greenblatt sets the record straight: Pay-to-slay is not welfareThe PA has made engaging in terrorism far more lucrative than pursuing productive employment.Dr. Alex Grobman (Arutz 7)


Those who have watched what passes for the Middle East peace process between Israel and the Palestinian Authority have long recognized that there can be no peace until there is a complete renunciation of violence and terror as substitutes for negotiations.

Now, thanks to President Donald Trump’s special Middle East envoy, Jason D. Greenblatt, an equally valid corollary has been acknowledged: There will be no peace until the PA ceases its practice of financially rewarding terrorists and their families.

“We must acknowledge that peace can only be achieved by those who reject violence and terror,” Mr. Greenblatt told Adam Kredo in an interview for the Washington Beacon. “It is unacceptable for the PA to pay these terrorists and their families a reward for criminal acts. It is unacceptable for the PA to divert its funds and fail to pay the hard-working civil servants who teach in PA schools, patrol the streets in uniform, and provide medical care to the sick. The PA would rather pay terrorists than ordinary Palestinians and their families. What a shame.”

Withholding Funds

Last month, as punishment for the PA’s policy of continuing to pay stipends to Palestinian-Arab prisoners and to families of those terrorists who have been wounded or killed, the Israeli Security Cabinet announced it would suspend approximately five percent of the monthly funds the Jewish state transfers to the PA from specific taxes Israel collects from Palestinian Arabs.

Terrorist’s second victim, a rabbi, dies from wounds


Rabbi Ettinger, a father of 12, perished from a head wound a day after the attack.

By David Isaac, World Israel News

Rabbi Ahiad Ettinger is the second victim to die at the hands of the terrorist, who shot at civilians at the Ariel junction in Samaria on Sunday.

Ettinger, 47, who was sitting in his car at the junction during the attack, drew his weapon and was about to fire at the terrorist when he was struck in the head by bullets.

Ettinger leaves behind a wife and 12 children, ages one to 20. The eldest serves in an elite IDF unit.

He lived in the town of Eli in Samaria.

Pompeo’s Contempt of Court


In a week of grim news, one bright spot stands out, at least for us — Secretary of State Pompeo’s announcement that America will block members of the International Criminal Court from coming here to investigate war crimes in Afghanistan. The ICC is a threat to American sovereignty, part of a broad attack on the very idea of sovereignty being levied by world government types.

No doubt there will be those who set this down as an all too Trumpian contempt. Concern about the ICC, though, is broadly bipartisan. The court was brought into being via a treaty called the Rome Statute, adopted in 1998. America inked the parchment, but in 2000 President Clinton declared he would neither submit the treaty to the Senate for ratification nor recommend his successor do so.

The successor was President George W. Bush, who went Mr. Clinton one further. He worked with Congress to pass the American Service-Members’ Protection Act. It guards our GIs and officials from criminal prosecution by “an international criminal court to which the United States is not party.” It passed the Democratic-led Senate by a vote of 71 to 22. The opposition to the ICC was bipartisan.

Democrats May Blow It in 2020 General national opinion doesn’t conform to that of party activists. Ask President McGovern. By Ted Van Dyk


In their fever to dispense with President Trump immediately, Democrats are losing sight of what Marxists called the “objective conditions” in the country and the fundamentals of presidential politics. Unless they take care, they will forfeit their chance to regain the White House in 2020 and could return congressional control to Republicans as well.

Begin with the objective conditions. The first is continuing public disenchantment with political, media, financial and cultural establishments. It is this disenchantment that brought Mr. Trump to the White House in the first place and, additionally, almost brought Sen. Bernie Sanders, not even a Democrat, the Democratic presidential nomination.

In Mr. Trump’s case, voters knew he was boorish, narcissistic, a business and financial freewheeler, a womanizer, and largely ignorant of governance and public policy. His election was wholly about disillusion with the alternatives. His former personal lawyer was no doubt right in asserting that Mr. Trump never expected to be taken seriously as a presidential candidate but ran simply to burnish his brand. Similar populist disenchantment, by the way, is plaguing establishment politicians in the U.K., France, Germany and elsewhere.

The other objective conditions—the two most important in a national general election—are those relating to national security and the economy. Ordinary voters see that Mr. Trump has destroyed the ISIS caliphate in the Middle East, has plans for phased withdrawals of American forces from Syria and Afghanistan, has challenged Russia and Iran, and is making an effort to denuclearize North Korea. They also see him attempting to confront China for its dishonest trading practices.

They may not support his Mexican wall as first proposed, but they recognize the need for border security. They also support American citizenship for immigrants who proceed lawfully. They puzzle that Democrats, rather than focusing on means to legalization, instead are attacking Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Border Patrol as child torturers. They do not see or comprehend the damage Mr. Trump has done to multilateralism, alliances, carefully built international institutions, or thoughtful internal policy-making processes. They see only the externals.



Night Descends on Our Age of Reason By Peter Kurti

“From the first, Pell denied the allegations with which he was charged. As one of the two boys concerned is deceased, the jury relied solely on the testimony of a single complainant. But this testimony was confused, inconsistent, and filled with errors. Even so, the jury accepted this testimony, and Pell was convicted in relation to offences alleged to have been perpetrated against both boys.”

Searching investigations by the Royal Commission into child sexual abuse in Australia have helped address egregious offences committed against young and vulnerable people over many years. The Christian churches, particularly the Catholic and Anglican churches, have been forced to confront terrible harm done to minors in their charge. The consequent collapse in the moral standing of the churches in Australia has been catastrophic.

Public opinion towards senior church leaders — bishops, in particular — hardened during the Royal Commission’s enquiries. Criminal trials have led to prison sentences; and internal church investigations have resulted in bishops being deposed and, in some cases, stripped of their orders because of a proven failure to act on information about perpetrators of sexual abuse. But now a senior Australian bishop is judged to have done much worse.

The U.N. Salts the Wounds of Iranian Women By Thaddeus G. McCotter

Anyone with a passing acquaintance with the irredeemable institution that calls itself the United Nations understand it is a global Tammany Hall that endangers the advance of human freedom and prosperity throughout our world. Perhaps, its only merit is to provide those few remaining doubters with irrefutable proof that the societal scourge of Toxic Imbecility has reached a pandemic level.

In a typical, telling display, the United Nations has salted the wounds of Iranian women by elevating Iran to its Committee on the Status of Women (“CSW”).

As the Washington Free Beacon’s Adam Kredo reports, “. . . the U.N. on Wednesday said that Iran and Nigeria, another country that is no stranger to human rights abuses, would be promoted to the international organization’s Committee on the Status of Women, which oversees abuses committed by oppressive states, such as Iran and Nigeria.”

The full brief of the CSW is more wide-ranging, per the U.N. website: “The CSW is instrumental in promoting women’s rights, documenting the reality of women’s lives throughout the world, and shaping global standards on gender equality and the empowerment of women.”

Condemnations of Iran’s appointment cascaded in from sane observers, who lambasted the decision to place Iran’s misogynistic mullahs—the oppressors and butchers of Neda Agha-Soltan, Taraneh Mousavi, and all Iranian women—upon the CSW. Interestingly, as yet there appears to be no condemnations or even a whiff of criticism about the matter from some of Iran’s biggest advocates—former President “The Oracle” Obama, his former Chief of Staff Valerie Jarrett, ex-Secretary of State John Kerry, ex-Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes, et al. Apparently, the plane load of $400 million and the billions in sanctions relief from the Iran nuke pact didn’t change the vile Iranian regime’s behavior, but it has silenced these “esteemed foreign policy leaders” in the face of this sick, twisted joke upon Iranian women.

Media Gorges Itself on Hatred While Ignoring Atrocities By Pedro Gonzalez


On a day in March, more than 40 members of a religious minority were targeted for their faith and murdered. I don’t mean the Mosque shooting in New Zealand, but the massacre of Christians in Nigeria, about which the American media was altogether unconcerned.

In the wake of the New Zealand shooting, however, New York Times “reporter” Patrick Kingsley could barely contain his glee. The New Zealand shooter, a self-described fascist, provided Kingsley with ammunition to charge President Trump, Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban with aiding and abetting the “Global Reach of White Extremism.” The shooter, wrote Kingsley, “highlights the contagious ways in which extreme right ideology and violence have spread in the 21st century.” Trump, Orban, Salvini, and all those who dare speak their name but to spite them, own this shooting so far as Kingsley is concerned.

A search for “Nigeria” in the Times’ archives shows that no ink has been spilled in the columns of this, America’s “newspaper of record,” for the Christians facing extermination at the hands of Muslims in that country. This is odd, isn’t it?

Local reports from Nigeria state that 35 people were killed on March 10 during an attack on Anguwan Barde. The next day, authorities estimate that 46 people were murdered in the village of Anguwan Gamu. Around 100 homes were razed. The bodies of a minister and his wife were found mutilated, floating in a river. All in all, more than 130 people were killed during one week in February, which suggests a plan to “wipe out certain communities”; namely, Christians, a minority group.

The Left Abandons American Zionism By Larry Greenfield


Just after midnight, on June 5, 1968, Jerusalem born-Palestinian Sirhan Sirhan murdered U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy in the kitchen pantry of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. Kennedy had won the California Democratic Party presidential primary earlier that evening.

Like his brother, President John F. Kennedy, RFK repeatedly had expressed admiration and sympathy for the small Jewish state struggling against an Arab economic boycott, war, and terrorism, including in a recent prominent synagogue address.

Repeating “Kennedy Must Die,” Sirhan purposefully committed the first modern act of Arab terrorism on U.S. soil on the first anniversary of Israel’s miraculous victory in the Six Day War of 1967, when a sovereign Israel liberated Jerusalem for the first time in 2,000 years.

Remarkably, 50 years later, six of the seven U.S. Senators who are declared candidates for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination recently voted against the anti-Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions bill in the Senate, and remain mute about a rapidly rising tide of anti-Semitic rhetoric and anti-Israel views among progressives and radicals in their party.