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Ruth King

Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill), Compared US Soldiers to Nazis, Accused GOP of Treason: Daniel Greenfield


Senator Dick Durbin is always finding new lows. Here’s a low that the Democrat political lifer found back in 2005 when he compared American soldiers to Nazis.

Durbin claimed that Americans who interrogated Al Qaeda terrorists in Gitmo had committed atrocities similar to those that “have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime — Pol Pot or others.”

When Karl Rove noted that, “Al Jazeera now broadcasts the words of Senator Durbin to the Mideast, certainly putting our troops in greater danger”, Dems began shrieking that Durbin was being accused of treason.

Now here’s Dick Durbin accusing the GOP of treason.

Sen. Dick Durbin suggested Tuesday that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wasn’t putting election security legislation up for a vote because Republicans benefited from Russian interference in the 2016 election.

“There are two possibilities,” Durbin said. “He really doesn’t believe it, he doesn’t think the Russians were involved in 2016. He ignores the Mueller report and our intelligence agencies or in the alternative feels the Russians were on the side of the Republicans in 2016 and just might be again in 2020.”

This is a despicable accusation based on a discredited conspiracy theory. It’s an accusation of treason by a man arguably guilty of it.

And Durbin will never be fact-checked on this or held accountable for this false accusation and false claim.

Isreal’s Tourism Triumph : part 3 Edwin Black


The sizzling restaurant scene.

Israel’s adversaries in the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement [BDS] thought they could starve Israel through economic warfare that included even its food sector. Many remember the BDS furor over SodaStream, Sabra hummus, ordinary fruits and vegetables, as well as Israeli cuisine and the country’s culinary scene. But none of it has stopped Israel’s restaurant sector from exploding into an audacious, red-hot success, now leading the planet in culinary excellence and bravado.

As far as the Israeli restaurant scene is considered, “BDS” stands for only one thing: “Breakfast, Dinner, and Sweets.” Across the country, Israeli restaurants sizzle with celebrity chefs and horizon-expanding culinary wizardry.

Decades ago, Israel’s culinary scene was largely defined by omnipresent falafel, shawarma and pizza stands, tomatoes and cucumbers sliced with endless variation, carrot juice vendors, over-glitzed coffee and pastry bars, and truck stop-style roadside eateries offering spiced Moroccan-style salads in drab arrays. Sameness and no sophistication were the main flavors of the day—every day. All that’s over.

In recent years, highly trained and innovative, if feisty, chefs have been opening one trendy restaurant after another. Now hip dining spots can be found everywhere—from hotel rooftops with majestic views to disused warehouses, converted old homes, tight alleys and sidewalks, rooftops, seaside balconies, hilltop niches, spots overlooking the seashore, a hillside, or even a wall—and the sometimes just the cramped space between two other cramped spaces.

The Scare-Mongering World of Eco-Warriors Jules Gomes


Yearning to play heroes in humanity’s oldest story.

What does the United Nations have in common with the Jehovah’s Witnesses? The Jehovah’s Witnesses predicted the world would end in 1975. The United Nations foretold how “entire nations would be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.” Both forecasts failed the test of prophetic fulfillment.

A religious person who says the world is coming to an end is a crank. A secular person who says the world is coming to an end is an eco-warrior. A religious organization that says the end times are nigh is an apocalyptic cult for suicidal weirdos like the Branch Davidians of Waco, Texas. A secular body counting down to the apocalypse is an environmental organization worthy of millions of dollars of government funding.

Welcome to the brave new cult of climate change alarmism where secular eco-warriors unabashedly embrace religious apocalypticism! I was poised to pen an essay on this new religious sect when I stumbled across Greta Thunberg—the Joan of Arc of environmentalism—and realized that apocalyptic hysteria was only part of the canonical narrative of climate change.

Jew-Hatred Ancient and Modern Colonizing the Democratic Party. Bruce Thornton


Recently the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives failed to censure Rep. Ilhan Omar for indulging anti-Semitic tropes like the “dual loyalties” slander. Not long after, the international edition of The New York Times published a vile cartoon caricaturing Israeli Prime Minister as a guide-dog leading a blind Donald Trump, another anti-Semitic lie about the Jews’ malign influence, one popular in Nazi propaganda of the Thirties.

Jew-hatred on the left is becoming more prevalent and bolder, these days nourished by the progressive Democrats’ alliance with traditional Muslims, whose ancient Islamic doctrines have for 14 centuries made Jews the scapegoat of Islam’s ills.

One of the biggest current bipartisan cover-ups is the studied silence about traditional Islamic Jew-hatred. As Andrew Bostom documented in his compendious The Legacy of Islamic Anti-Semitism (and here), from Islam’s birth the Jews have been depicted as the inveterate enemies of Allah’s revelation to Mohammed. In the Koran, they are “laden with God’s anger,” destined to suffer forever “abasement and poverty,” and to be turned into “apes and swine” because they rejected Mohammed–– slurs incorporated into the genocidal Hamas’s foundational covenant. The latter slur about “apes and swine” is a favorite of contemporary Islamists. Sudanese dictator Omar al-Bashir, for example, in 2002 called for jihad against the Jews, “those apes, pigs, and worshippers of calves,” the latter phrase linking the exodus story about the golden calf to modern anti-Semitic stereotypes of Jews as greedy money-grubbers and masters of the global financial system.

No Surprise Here: Voters Overwhelmingly Oppose Impeaching Attorney General Barr by Matt Margolis


In the past week, it has become clear that Democrats have seen the writing on the wall that impeaching Trump would be a bad political move, and have since set their sights on Attorney General Barr, hoping for greener pastures. Nancy Pelosi has accused him of perjury, and many on the left, including congressional leaders, 2020 candidates, pundits, and celebrities, have called for Barr’s impeachment.

Unfortunately for them, fewer voters believe Barr should be impeached. According to a new Rasmussen poll, “Voters think their threats against President Trump, Attorney General William Barr and U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh are going nowhere.” A whopping 71 percent of voters think it is unlikely that the House of Representatives will impeach Trump, Barr, or Brett Kavanaugh. Only 22 percent believe impeachment of any of them is likely.

I’m Glad Citizen Journalists Are Out There, Giving Us More Choice By John Stossel


“I’m not going to let them bully me out of reporting,” said Tim Pool after recording an Antifa protest where angry activists cursed at him. There might have been violence, but Antifa’s “de-escalation team” protected him, he says.

That surprised me. “Antifa has a de-escalation team?” I ask Pool in my latest internet video.

“They have people who try and make sure nobody from their side starts it — because cameras are rolling,” he answered.

Pool is part of the new media that now cover stories the mainstream media often miss.

I’ve become part of that new media, too. I still work at Fox, but now most of my video views (117 million plus) come from short videos I post on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Pool considers himself a man of the left. He supported Bernie Sanders and once worked for Vice. But now he often finds himself criticizing his fellow leftists.

School May Erase Mural of George Washington Over Concerns It ‘Traumatizes Students’ By Katherine Timpf


There is nothing we can do to change some of the horrifying aspects of our history as a country. So how do we handle them?

A school district in Northern California is considering the removal of a mural depicting George Washington from George Washington High School over concerns that it “traumatizes students and community members.”

The panels of the mural had been painted in 1936 by Russian-American painter Victor Arnautoff, as part of a Works Progress Administration project during the New Deal. Now, a working group made up of several panels has concluded that the artwork might be upsetting to Native Americans and African Americans and should be removed from the walls of the school and archived.

“[San Francisco Unified School District] convened a ‘Reflection and Action Working Group’ that was comprised of members of the local Native American community, students, school representatives, district representatives, local artists and historians,” district spokeswoman Laura Dudnick, told The College Fix.

According to The Fix, the group received input during four public meetings from December 2018 to February 2019.

“At its conclusion the group voted and the majority recommended that the ‘Life of Washington’ mural be archived and removed because the mural does not represent SFUSD values,” Dudnick continued.

Russian Collusion in Venezuela Why does Donald Trump believe Putin instead of his advisers?


‘I had a very good talk with President Putin — probably over an hour,” President Trump said on Friday. “And we talked about many things. Venezuela was one of the topics. And he is not looking at all to get involved in Venezuela, other than he’d like to see something positive happen for Venezuela. And I feel the same way.” Mr. Trump added: “I thought it was a very positive conversation I had with President Putin on Venezuela.”

It’s also the opposite of what the rest of his Administration and nearly every outside observer believes.

Since the mid-2000s Mr. Putin has made it a priority to strengthen economic, military and diplomatic ties with Venezuela. Moscow has sold more than $10 billion in weapons—assault rifles, jet fighters, tanks and missile systems—to Caracas. In 2008 Mr. Putin sent two Russian Tu-160 bombers on a training mission to Venezuela. The late dictator Hugo Chávez celebrated their arrival, declaring “Yankee hegemony is finished.”

In 2014 Russian defense minister Sergei Shoigu announced plans to put Russian military bases in Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba. Last December Venezuela and Russia again held joint training exercises.

The Pseudo-Impeachment Democrats hold show trials rather than vote to oust the President.


House Democrats are escalating their campaign against the Trump Administration with complaints that its resistance to Congressional requests for documents is a threat to democracy. It’s more accurate to say that Democrats are performing what amounts to a pseudo-impeachment so they don’t have to undertake a real one.

Democrats are agonizing over impeachment because while they’re itching to do it, special counsel Robert Mueller’s report blew up their Russian collusion hopes. He also took no position on obstruction of justice while reporting a highly critical “analysis” of President Trump’s actions. Democrats now find themselves caught between a left-wing base that says they’ll abdicate their duty if they don’t impeach and Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s cold-blooded calculation that it could cost their majority in 2020.

What to do? Democrats have decided to act out a pseudo-impeachment that claims Mr. Trump and his Administration are committing offenses against the Constitution without daring to open a formal impeachment inquiry. The split-level goal is to appease the left while sparing the swing-district Democrats who delivered the 2018 majority from ever having to vote on articles of impeachment.

Peace, Peace, but there is no Peace! By Victor Sharpe


The Jewish prophet Jeremiah said those words millennia ago and it is telling when applied to peace between Israel and the Arab aggressors, yet still the hope for a true and lasting peace is resurrected again and again. But is it a case of “blessed are the peacemakers” or just another attempt to disinter a rotting corpse, just like Chamberlain’s “peace in our time?”

As I write this article, more than 500 missiles have been launched against the embattled Jewish state and Israeli civilians have been killed and wounded. The hate riddled junior branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, takes “credit” for this relentless act of genocidal war. This is reality, and it is upon this chimera that we wait for the Middle East peace proposal that President Trump’s son in law, Jared Kushner, has said, “is realistic … it’s executable and it’s something that I do think will lead to both sides being much better off.”

Kushner also noted that the peace plan, which is expected to be unveiled in June, “will provide answers to the final status issues” between Israelis and Palestinian Arabs – whatever that means.