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Ruth King

A Real Attorney General Bill Barr gets smeared for refusing to duck and cover like Loretta Lynch.


Washington pile-ons are never pretty, but this week’s political setup of Attorney General William Barr is disreputable even by Beltway standards. Democrats and the media are turning the AG into a villain for doing his duty and making the hard decisions that special counsel Robert Mueller abdicated.

Mr. Barr’s Wednesday testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee was preceded late Tuesday by the leak of a letter Mr. Mueller had sent the AG on March 27. Mr. Mueller griped in the letter that Mr. Barr’s four-page explanation to Congress of the principal conclusions of the Mueller report on March 24 “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of the Mueller team’s “work and conclusions.” Only in Washington could this exercise in posterior covering be puffed into a mini-outrage.

Democrats leapt on the letter as proof that Mr. Barr was somehow covering for Donald Trump when he has covered up nothing. Hawaii Sen. Mazie Hirono, the Democratic answer to Rep. Louie Gohmert, accused Mr. Barr of abusing his office and lying to Congress, and demanded that he resign. The only thing she lacked was evidence.

Why Climate Activists Won’t Support Nuclear Power By Edward Ring


For several days in mid-April, downtown London was paralyzed by thousands of “climate activists” protesting the failure of the British government to act swiftly enough to combat climate change. In mid-March, thousands of students across the United States staged school “walkouts” to demand action on climate change as well.

These protests are ongoing, but the underlying logic is hard to see. The primary sources of anthropogenic CO2 are no longer Western nations, which are only responsible for about 30 percent of all global emissions. The biggest single culprit, if you want to call it that, is China, responsible for 28 percent of global emissions, nearly twice as much as the United States, and 28 times as much as the United Kingdom.

Rapidly industrializing India, responsible for 6 percent of global CO2 emissions, is on track to become the most populous nation on earth. The chances that China and India will sacrifice their national future in order to reduce CO2 emissions are zero. The same holds for every emerging nation, including the demographic heavyweights Brazil, Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, along with all the rest.

The logic of these protestors also fails when it comes to the science of climate change, although to suggest something might be off in their thinking is heresy. So rather than point out that moderate warming might actually be beneficial to the planet, or that extreme weather is more highly correlated with a cooling planet, let’s accept all the popular wisdom with respect to “climate science.” So what? According to their own theories, it’s already too late. Climate alarmists have repeatedly said we had just a few years left—or else.

Germany’s Hypocrisy on Israel Israelis might want to consider whether today’s Germany is a friend or foe. May 1, 2019 Joseph Puder


On May 2, 2019, Israel will observe Holocaust Remembrance Day. It would be a good time to re-examine the Jewish state’s relations with the Federal Republic of Germany, formerly Nazi Germany, a nation that perpetrated the greatest crime in history against Europe’s Jews, known as the Holocaust. Naturally, many Germans wish the memory of the Holocaust and its German perpetrators to go away and be forgotten. Young Germans do not wish to carry the burden of guilt for the most heinous crime in modern history.

Monetary reparation paid by the Germans to Holocaust survivors for the stolen properties of European Jews notwithstanding, reality today is that Berlin has not done more than lip service to “solidarity with Israel” and its claims of “Israel’s security being Germany’s raison d’état.” Germany has been a major contributor to anti-Israel resolutions at the UN General Assembly and other UN agencies. Germany moreover, has aided and abetted the genocidal Islamic Republic of Iran in evading U.S. sanctions.  Germany’s non-governmental agencies (NGO’s) supported by the German government fund various anti-Israel groups in the Palestinian Authority and in Israel itself.

According to the Gatestone Institute, Chancellor Angela Merkel has pressured other European Union states to refrain from moving their embassies from Tel Aviv to Israel’s capital – Jerusalem. Merkel not only rejected the Trump administration’s move to relocate the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, she has authorized the allotment of $100 million to the Palestinian Authority’s allocated budget of $300 million, for payment to Palestinian terrorists to kill Jews.

An Epidemic of Jew Hatred on Campus: The Top Ten Neo-Nazi Incidents Atrocities at Columbia, UCLA, U. Nevada-Reno and Stanford all made the list. Sara Dogan


Editor’s note: The following report documents horrifying instances of anti-Semitism on ten prestigious American campuses and exposes the pivotal role that the Hamas-funded Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement against Israel plays in provoking these hate crimes. In a stealth campaign conducted on Monday, 1000 copies of a printed newspaper containing this report were distributed to public locations on the UCLA campus, one of the schools named in the report. The newspapers also contained a poster highlighting the links between the BDS movement and Adolf Hitler’s “final solution.”

A fast and rapidly growing epidemic of global anti-Semitism is now threatening Jews worldwide. Many discount incidents of Jew hatred and neo-Nazi rhetoric as the actions of a fringe minority, or mistakenly believe it is a problem endemic to conservatism, rather than a facet of the radical Left.  The blatantly anti-Semitic statements of recently elected congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib and the leaders of the Women’s March—and the Democratic Party’s failure to strongly disclaim them—prove that Jew Hatred has become part of mainstream Leftist dogma.

Our nation’s campuses, dens of radical politics that they are, have long been a precursor to this wider epidemic. Now that Jew Hatred has become mainstream, neo-Nazi incidents on campus have only grown in their violence and magnitude, as the campus adherents of Adolf Hitler become increasingly emboldened by their success at infusing Jew hatred into the national conversation.

Rent-A-Child Services Thriving At The Border When a child becomes a get-out-of-detention-free card. May 1, 2019 Matthew Vadum


Mindful of the leftist-led uproar over family separations at the border, immigration scammers are now taking advantage of American good will by “renting” children for cash to illegal aliens crossing the border to help them obtain quick release by the U.S. Border Patrol.

Depending on where you sit, it’s either human-trafficking or social-justice entrepreneurship in action. It was made possible when a leftist, Obama-appointed judge arrogated to herself the role of creating U.S. immigration policy and in the process incentivized the behavior.

Being accompanied by a child is a get-out-of-detention-free card, Charlotte Cuthbertson reports in The Epoch Times.

“You can walk through any of our processing centers and you can see that there are potentially parents, or adults with children, that there may not be a familial relationship,” said Raul Ortiz, Border Patrol chief for Del Rio, Texas.

“There’s probably many more cases like that happening across all nine southwest border sectors on any given day. Really, if you think about it, it’s human trafficking.”

Dark Days in Hong Kong by Gordon G. Chang


The continued defiance of Hong Kong’s people in the face of Chinese repression is inspiring resistance in Taiwan.

“In the early 1980s the ‘one country, two systems’ concept was created for Taiwan, not for Hong Kong,” said Ma Ying-jeou to Al Jazeera when he was Taiwan’s president in September 2014. “But Taiwan has sent a clear message that we do not accept the concept.”

Xi Jinping, the current Chinese ruler, once held the Hong Kong portfolio in the Communist Party’s Politburo Standing Committee. He certainly knows that one of the signs of Chinese regime failure is trouble on the periphery, and he is determined that the open defiance in Hong Kong does not spread to other areas far from the center of Chinese power. Xi has no effective response to Hong Kong, however.

Tens of thousands of people took to the streets in Hong Kong on Sunday to protest planned changes to the city’s extradition law. Many believe new rules facilitating the sending of suspects to China would effectively allow Beijing to grab people at will and thereby completely control the city. “You will be screwed,” said a marcher, a law clerk, to Reuters.

The turnout was high — organizers said 130,000 people took part — in part because the demonstration followed the sentencing of democracy activists for their role in the massive “Occupy Central” protests in 2014. On Wednesday, a lower court handed out prison terms of between eight to 16 months to four of the “Umbrella Nine.” Three others received suspended sentences. One person was given 200 hours of community service.

Turkey: On Anniversary of Genocide, Armenians Still under Attack by Uzay Bulut


It is estimated that between one and one and a half million Armenians perished.

The government-funded Turkish Institute of History just announced that it is preparing to publish 25 volumes “refuting Turkey’s involvement” in the Armenian Genocide.

“[I]t’s obvious that the recognition and condemnation of genocides are the most effective tools for the prevention of new genocides.” — Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, February 13, 2019, ArmenPress.com

April 24 marked the 104th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide by Ottoman Turkey. It was on this date in 1915 that Armenian intellectuals and community leaders were arrested in Constantinople and later murdered. It is estimated that between one and one and a half million Armenians perished.

Since then, Turkish authorities have aggressively denied that the genocide even took place, or that Turks carried it out, and penalized those who dare to assert otherwise.



“A massive cancellation of subscriptions and advertisers is the only thing that will work…. Another suggestion is a documentary that catalogues the bias and mendacity of the paper of “Dreckord”…..

By publishing a bigoted cartoon, The Times ignored the lessons of history, including its own.

The Times published an appalling political cartoon in the opinion pages of its international print edition late last week. It portrayed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel as a dog wearing a Star of David on a collar. He was leading President Trump, drawn as a blind man wearing a skullcap.

The cartoon was chosen from a syndication service by a production editor who did not recognize its anti-Semitism. Yet however it came to be published, the appearance of such an obviously bigoted cartoon in a mainstream publication is evidence of a profound danger — not only of anti-Semitism but of numbness to its creep, to the insidious way this ancient, enduring prejudice is once again working itself into public view and common conversation.Anti-Semitic imagery is particularly dangerous now. The number of assaults against American Jews more than doubled from 2017 to 2018, rising to 39, according to areport released Tuesday by the Anti-Defamation League. On Saturday, a gunman opened fire during Passover services at a synagogue in San Diego County, killing one person and injuring three, allegedly after he posted in an online manifesto that he wanted to murder Jews. For decades, most American Jews felt safe to practice their religion, but now they pass through metal detectors to enter synagogues and schools.

Qatar’s Propaganda Efforts Find Allies at Georgetown University by Andrew E. Harrod


Qatar’s Foreign Affairs Ministry spokeswoman Lolwah Rashid Al-Khater used intellectual relativism to assuage fears of Islamic absolutism while speaking last month at Georgetown University’s Center for Contemporary Arab Studies (CCAS). “There are always narratives and counter-narratives” and “multiple versions of the truth. That’s why we have different religions,” she proclaimed, in a clever bid to mask Qatar’s role as a Muslim Brotherhood (MB) bastion.

Packed into a conference room, the mostly student audience of about 50 people included John Duke Anthony, the Hamas-apologist founder of the National Council on US-Arab Relations, and Yahya Hendi, a Georgetown Muslim chaplain and former CCAS professor. CCAS Director Rochelle Davis, who supports an academic boycott of Israel, introduced Al-Khater’s lecture on “Defining the Narrative: Media and Politics in the Middle East.” Davis pointed out that Al-Khater is a board member at the Institute for Palestine Studies, an anti-Israel outfit based in Washington, DC.

Al-Khater’s talk resembled a Western academic’s analysis of the modern media — a sad commentary on contemporary academia. Discussing the “public sphere” theories of German sociologist Jürgen Habermas, she noted that modern technology, such as smartphones, allows for “excessive access to information” and means that “all of us can be producers of knowledge.” But “who verifies; who does the fact-checking?” she asked, although she warned not to make combating “hate speech” a trade-off between preserving free speech and fighting prejudice.

A Charter-School Principal Won’t Go to Prison ‘I’m not the victim,’ Ben Chavis says after charges against him are dropped. ‘The kids are the victims.’ By Jason L. Riley


When Ben Chavis became principal of the American Indian Public Charter School in 2000, it was among the worst middle schools in Oakland, Calif. The building was a mess. There were broken windows and holes in the walls. The gymnasium was carpeted and cluttered with garbage, while food wrappers, cigarette butts and empty beer bottles lined the curb outside.

Truancy was rampant at AIPCS, and the students who did show up spent more time in the corridors than in class. They had sex in the bathrooms and underneath stairwells and got high in a nearby toolshed. Fights broke out regularly, and it wasn’t uncommon for students to sneak out of school midday and then return to class drunk.

AIPCS was founded in 1996 with the goal of promoting Native American culture and improving the academic performance of American Indians, who had the highest dropout rate and lowest attendance and graduation rates of any ethnic group in the city. But as Mr. Chavis explains in his 2009 memoir, “Crazy Like a Fox,” by 2000 it was clear that the school was “a failed social experiment in multiculturalism and touchy-feely educational practices.”