I hope you noticed that I didn’t end the title of my post ‘Kill Him’ with an exclamation mark. I want to leave any emotions out of this discussion.
If you haven’t as yet guessed who I want to kill, why it’s the Arab terrorist, Arafat Irfaiya, who was recently arrested for having raped, mutilated and murdered a sweet, young, Israeli girl of 19 years of age. If you don’t live in Israel (I don’t), you might not have heard about this as it has yet to be reported by the mainstream media. So disgusting. But here in Canada when a young Muslim girl made up a story about her hijab being cut off by a man, the story went viral within hours, even our own PM cried about Islamophobia within an hour of the hoax.
Ori Ansbacher was Jewish as you might expect (however you could just as easily been wrong because many sweet young, Arabic girls are also raped, mutilated and murdered as a result of their legal practise of Honour Killing) in fact she was a religious Jew. Her father was a rabbi and I doubt that she ever intentionally killed an ant in her entire short life.
It’s funny that just as I’m writing this, I am getting emotional. I can see that this will be a battle for me. I must keep my emotions out of this.
I best get on with my point or I’ll lose it, lose you and lose the battle.