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Ruth King

No, Female ISIS Members Should Not Get Tickets Back To Civilization Adding white wine instead of red to a Coq-au-Vin is a ‘mistake.’ Joining a mass murdering religious cult enslaving, raping, and conquering infidel land to spread Sharia is anything but. By Sumantra Maitra


Superficially, the father of the ISIS bride interviewed by the BBC might seem like any other father grieving for his daughter. In a typical softball BBC interview, breaking down in tears he said the British state should ensure that this woman safely comes back to British land.

Not only that, he said, the government shouldn’t prosecute or jail her, because she’s arguably a youthful teen who made a mistake, and everyone makes mistakes. The mask slipped momentarily when he was asked whether he ever took part in an Islamist demonstration against Americans and British. The answer is anybody’s guess.

Apparently, that might have pushed this girl to join the Islamic State, a murderous death cult raping, pillaging, and enslaving in a land that once stretched almost from Tehran to Tartous. This woman, who left her privileged London lifestyle with full knowledge of the people she was joining, in the age of internet and mass media where no stories of ISIS atrocities are censored, declared war on her own countrymen and is now sitting at a camp in the Middle East, demanding to come back. The word treason is thrown around a lot, but if there’s one example where it fits, it is declaring war against your own country.

This is by no means the only sympathetic portrayal of ISIS brides that has flooded Western media recently. These women left the West to marry and commit jihad, and not just in the United Kingdom (UK). CNN wrote a sympathetic portrayal of one British female ISIS supporter who is pregnant and wants to return to the country she spurned to give birth.

A Canadian woman said she was clueless about the ISIS atrocities but has no regrets because, even though she wants to come home, she still believes in Sharia and wants it established. When asked about ISIS’s mass murder and enslavement of the Yazidis, she defiantly commented there might have been “a few” executions.

A German woman was featured in a Guardian tearjerker, saying she “just wants to go home.” Another British woman misses “fish and chips” and free health care, a German now has two children of her own and worries about an “uncertain future,” and a Moroccan married to a British/Australian jihadist “bonded over television shows.”

15 Recent Hate Crime Hoaxes That Might Make You Suspect There’s A Trend So addicted are some people to the narcotic of outrage, that the mere fantasy of the attack is all they need to believe it true. by Adam Mill



Cut to 2019, and an era in which the American left daily imbibes a different kind of fantasy porn to titillate the insatiable thirst for outrage. Enter Jussie Smollett, an actor who knows his audience. He is not the first actor to turn to a type of porn to revive his career. So he scripts two characters to help him act out a scene of outrage porn for the liberal media in which he pretends to be victimized by two Donald Trump supporters.

The script checks all the right victim boxes for a good outrage fantasy. Watch this montage of outrage as the mainstream media hilariously buy into it. Over and over, they ironically ask, “Who could believe that something like this could happen in 2019?” Who could believe it? So addicted are they to the narcotic of outrage, that the mere fantasy of the attack is all they need to believe it true.

You might remember a few other hoaxes over recent years. Smollett’s hoax reminds one of the failing talk show host, Morton Downey Jr. In the late 1980s, he attempted to revive public attention by falsely claiming to have been attacked by neo-Nazis.

Maybe you remember the Duke University lacrosse team being falsely accused of attacking an African-American exotic dancer. Or, more recently, you might remember a gay man falsely accusing Whole Foods of decorating his cake with the slur, “fag.”

We should also remember a recent video of a child being separated from his mother at the border that turned out to be a hoax. The Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation battle likewise had its share of hoaxes.

Such hoaxes are becoming common, even epidemic. There are hundreds of them, and several worthy authors (here, here, here, and here, for example) have done yeomen’s work compiling these lists from which I now draw. Here is a small sample of confirmed hoaxes in just the last few years.

Jewish Graves Vandalized in France Ahead of March Against Anti-Semitism French leaders have strongly criticized recent attacks on Jewish people and monuments By Noemie Bisserbe


PARIS—Dozens of Jewish graves in eastern France were vandalized amid a recent rise in anti-Semitic acts and days after yellow-vest protesters were filmed accosting a prominent Jewish academic.

Marches against anti-Semitism were due to take place across France on Tuesday, including one led by government ministers, as President Emmanuel Macron seeks to distance himself from the protesters who have dogged him for months.

Nazi swastikas were daubed on more than 80 graves in Quatzenheim, a small village near the city of Strasbourg, close to the country’s border with Germany, French authorities said on Tuesday, prompting a visit by the French president.

“I’m here to show the support of the entire nation,” Mr. Macron said. “We will take actions, we will pass laws, we will punish,” he added.

For several minutes, he stood silently in front of the Quatzenheim graves beside the chief Rabbi of France, Haim Korsia, who spoke a prayer. The president then took a walk around the cemetery alongside members of the Jewish community.

The vandalism is the latest in a spate of anti-Semitic acts that have triggered outrage from leaders across the political spectrum and Jewish organizations in France, home to the largest number of Jewish people in Europe.

“These repugnant acts are an insult to our country’s collective memory,” French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said in a tweet.

In December, several dozen Jewish graves were vandalized in another town near Strasbourg.

In recent weeks, many anti-Semitic incidents have also accompanied France’s yellow-vest or gilets jaunes demonstrations that began as protests against fuel-price rises and have escalated into a wider antigovernment movement.

On Saturday, yellow-vest protesters were filmed accosting Alain Finkielkraut, a prominent public academic, as he walked with his mother-in-law on the street in Paris, calling him a “dirty Zionist s—” and other insults.

Earlier this month, someone spray painted “Juden” on Bagelstein, a French chain of bagel restaurants. A Nazi swastika was also tagged on a portrait of Simone Veil, a French Auschwitz survivor, who became president of the European Parliament and who died in 2017. CONTINUE AT SITE

The Strange Paradoxes of Our Age By Victor Davis Hanson


From race, to environmentalism, to wealth, the gulf between ideological rhetoric and reality has rarely been wider.

Modern prophets often say one thing and do another. Worse, they often advocate in the abstract as a way of justifying their doing the opposite in the concrete.

The result is that contemporary culture abounds with the inexplicable — mostly because modern progressivism makes all sorts of race, class, and gender exceptions for politically incorrect felonies, an appeasement that ensures an absence of deterrence and thus even more transgressions.

Paradox No. 1: Merchants of Hate. We are told that white, racist young men are preying on people of color, obsessed with skin color (and gender), and emancipated by Donald Trump’s Klan-like MAGA army. In truth, the purveyors of such theories are themselves merchants of hate, who stereotype and demonize on the basis of skin color. And they do so, largely for anticipated career advantages, on the principle that supposed victims of white bigots can translate such ill treatment into publicity and, with it, attention and career enhancement. How did this epidemic of hate happen in 2019 America?

Answer: a) There are not enough racists left to fuel the current insatiable appetite of the anti-racism industry. So both victimizers and victims have to be invented — as we see with the Duke lacrosse lynching, the Virginia fraternity hoax, the Covington-kids invention, and the recent Jussie Smollett fraud. b) There are few punishments for fraud, but lots of rewards for being victimized, and so deterrence is lost and the merchants of hate assume they are free to invent what they please. c) Anything useful to destroy the presidency of Donald Trump is seen as a moral act, whether equating the Covington MAGA-hatted teenagers as veritable Klansmen or fitting out Smollett’s hired thugs with lynch rope and red hats.

Paradox No. 2: Green Filth. Ecology and environmentalism are supposedly efforts to prevent the natural world around from being spoiled by man and his modern-day lifestyle. Nowhere is green power stronger than in urban California. And yet nowhere are major cities (such as San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Francisco) dirtier, more dangerous, and more festering as a result of human indifference — or public policy.

Ocasio-Cortez raises eyebrows after comparing Trump’s border wall to Berlin Wall


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez raised eyebrows after comparing President Trump’s border wall plans to the Berlin Wall separating communist Germany from the free world.

The New York Democrat made her remarks during a livestream for supporters on Friday, where she spoke out about the scrutiny she received ever since she won the election last year and dethroned top Democrat Joe Crowley.

“No matter how you feel about the wall, I think it’s a moral abomination,” Ocasio-Cortez said on the issue of the border wall that Trump has been pushing for since getting into office.

“I think it’s like the Berlin Wall. I think it’s like any other wall designed to separate human beings and block out people who are running away from the humanitarian disasters. I just think it’s wrong,” she added.

The Berlin Wall, which became the most notable border of the “Iron Curtain” during the Cold War, was built following the Soviet Union’s recommendation amid an exodus of Germans living under the communist rule in East Germany following World War II and the partition of the country.

The wall, guarded by soldiers on the East’s side, was a way to block the East Germans from fleeing communism to West Berlin and West Germany, a free and Democratic country. Multiple people were shot by the soldiers in their desperate efforts to escape East Berlin.

“Dear @AOC: Let me serve as your private professor here. The Berlin Wall was meant to keep people inside the socialist/communist utopia and stop them from fleeing to the decadent capitalist west. So as the New Millennial Lenin, you might want to refrain from using this example,” Gad Saad, an evolutionary behavioral scientist at the John Molson School of Business, tweeted.

Bernie Sanders Launches 2020 Presidential Campaign, No Longer An Underdog


Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont is giving it another go, launching a second campaign for the White House four years after surprising Democrats with a strong bid for the party’s 2016 nomination.

“We began the political revolution in the 2016 campaign, and now it’s time to move that revolution forward,” the independent senator told Vermont Public Radio in an interview airing Tuesday morning.

But this 2020 bid will undoubtedly be a very different presidential campaign than his quest for the Democratic nomination as an underdog in 2016. Sanders enters the race as a top contender who, along with former Vice President Joe Biden, tops most early polls, far outpacing other Democratic candidates in support and name identification.

The Frenzied Search for Racism Elites bought Jussie Smollett’s story because it confirmed their cherished narrative about a hateful America. by Heather Mac Donald


The Jussie Smollett case, in which a young black, gay actor has apparently concocted a tale of being attacked by two white men wearing MAGA hats and shouting anti-gay slurs, is just the latest example of how desperately media elites want to confirm their favored narrative about America: that the country is endemically and lethally racist, sexist, and homophobic, and that the election of Donald Trump both proves and reinforces such bigotry.

The truth: as instances of actual racism get harder and harder to find, the search to find such bigotry becomes increasingly frenzied and unmoored from reality.

Smollett made a not-irrational wager that a patently preposterous narrative about an anti-black, anti-gay hate crime at 2 a.m. in subzero Chicago would be embraced by virtually the entirety of the mainstream media, leading Democratic politicians, Hollywood, and academia, with no one in these cohorts bothering to fact-check his narrative or entertain even armchair skepticism toward it. He also presumed, again with good reason, that to claim victim status would catapult him to the highest echelons of public admiration and accomplishment. And he was right. Kamala Harris and Cory Booker called it a “modern-day lynching.” Joe Biden warned that “we must no longer give this hate safe harbor,” his implication being that we need to stop winking at such racist attacks. If Beale Street Could Talk’s Barry Jenkins lamented, “This what all that hateful mongering has wrought. Are you PROUD???” Good Morning America interviewed Smollett without asking a single critical question about his story.

The examples are as numerous as the retractions will be minimal.

The Bleeding Wounds of Our Constitutional Order Charles Lipson


America’s constitutional order faces mounting threats and too few principled defenders. The threats come from vitriolic partisanship, compounded by declining trust in government and the steady erosion of vital institutions, from churches and media to law enforcement. The warning signs are painfully clear.

The U.S. Constitution grants Congress, not the president, with the power of the purse – just as it is lawmakers on Capitol Hill who are tasked with ratifying or rejecting treaties, and offering “advice and consent” on federal judges and high-level administration appointees. President Trump’s decision to declare a national emergency (“which I don’t have to do”) as a pretext to fund his border wall is an affront to our constitutional doctrine of separation of powers.

It is only the latest example. The issue here is not whether the wall is a good idea. It is whether a president can bypass constitutional norms to build it—with the acquiescence of his political party. The same dynamic was at work when President Obama unilaterally decided to change the status of immigrants who came to the U.S. illegally as children. For years, he said he had no constitutional authority to do that. Then, he did it anyway. Obama also used constitutionally evasive tactics to pass the most important U.S. foreign policy pact in decades: the nuclear deal with Iran. In every substantive sense, this was a treaty. It should have been treated like one. Obama refused to acknowledge that because he knew the Senate would never ratify it (since that required a super-majority, and since he never bothered to consult senators as he negotiated the terms). So, he simply called it an agreement, not a treaty, and supine elected officials in the nation’s top legislative body let it pass. They have behaved that way for decades, passing off hard decisions to the White House or telling mid-level bureaucrats to make the rules themselves.

Europe’s Challenge Is Decline, Not Trump Walter Russell Mead


The greatest mistake Europeans can make is to believe that their biggest problem is Donald Trump.

To be fair, it’s an easy error to make. In the long annals of American diplomacy, there’s no previous instance of an American president treating close allies with anything approaching the Trumpian mix of critique and contempt.

But it’s not only Mr. Trump and his supporters whose attitudes should worry Europe. Some of Europe’s closest friends are also increasingly discouraged.

The American intellectual class once rang with inspired and sometimes envious praise of a rising Europe. In 2002 an influential Atlantic essay argued that the “rising challenger” to American primacy was “not China or the Islamic world but the European Union, an emerging polity that is in the process of marshaling the impressive resources and historical ambitions of Europe’s separate nation-states.” It warned Americans to prepare for the emergence of a new superpower on the world stage.

This is not what Europe’s friends see today. Philanthropist George Soros—one of Europe’s keenest observers and strongest defenders—predicted last week that unless things change, “the European Union will go the way of the Soviet Union in 1991.” He is far from alone among the EU’s supporters in bewailing the bloc’s inability to master its growing difficulties.

WATCH: Farrakhan – ‘Wicked Jews’ used me to destroy Women’s March


Notorious Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, at his movement’s Saviours’ Day conference on Sunday in Chicago, accused the “wicked Jews” of using him to break up the women’s movement. His statement received a standing ovation.