In a matter of days, Planned Parenthood went from vociferously defending Gov. Ralph Northam (D-Va.) to demanding his resignation. Earlier this week, Northam defended infanticide — the killing of an infant who survives a late-term abortion. Planned Parenthood rushed to his defense. Yet mere hours after news of a racist photo broke, the abortion giant turned on one of its stalwart defenders.
“As the nation’s largest provider of reproductive health care, we have a responsibility to advocate for all patients, and to provide compassionate health care to all people who walk through our doors,” Dr. Leana Wen, Planned Parenthood’s president, wrote in a statement. “There is no place for Gov. Ralph Northam’s racist actions or language. He must step down as Governor.”
She concluded with a rousing statement that seems even better fitted to the news of Northam’s endorsement of infanticide. “The people of Virginia need to be able to trust that their leaders will fight for them, and support policies that protect their health, safety and value their communities. Gov. Northam’s actions have put that in doubt.”
On Wednesday, Northam described the process of a third-trimester abortion. “If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered,” the governor said. “The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and mother.”
In other words, babies who survive an attempted abortion are not considered alive. They would be “resuscitated” if the mother and family say so, and the doctor and the mother would decide whether or not to let the baby live. Under this logic, abortion doctors should give a baby born alive “palliative care” to keep the baby “comfortable” while he or she dies, withholding the life-saving care normally afforded a newborn. CONTINUE AT SITE