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Ruth King

Palestinians: The ‘Political Detainees’ No One Talks About by Khaled Abu Toameh


The Rome-based International Federation for Rights and Development last week condemned the Palestinian Authority for its crackdown on political opponents and said the detainees were being subjected to systematic physical and psychological torture in Palestinian prisons.

Palestinians say that Shaheen and Fattash are among dozens of “political detainees” who are being held in Palestinian Authority (PA) prisons and detention centers in various parts of the West Bank. According to some human rights organizations, the Palestinians held in PA prisons are often subjected to various forms of torture.

In a letter to Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, a number of Palestinian human rights organizations recently demanded that the international agency speak out against the politically motivated arrests by the PA in the West Bank. It is highly unlikely, however, that the human rights organizations will receive any reply from the UN, whose various agencies continue to be obsessed only with Israel.

The UN does not seem to care about human rights violations committed by the PA against its own people. These are the type of stories that evidently do not interest either the UN or the international media because they lack an anti-Israel angle. The only “abuses” they see are those that can be blamed on Israel.

What is happening in the PA-controlled territories and prisons in the West Bank is a tiny taste of what life for the Palestinians would be like under a totalitarian regime that does not tolerate any form of criticism. In both the PA-controlled territories and Gaza, Palestinians must resort to the desperate measure of closing their mouths to food because they cannot open their mouths to demand decent treatment.

The mother and wife of a Palestinian man being held without trial in a Palestinian Authority (PA) prison in the West Bank have gone on hunger strike as part of a campaign to secure his release. Four days after they began their hunger strike, the two women were rushed to hospital for medical treatment. The women say they will not end their hunger strike unless the PA releases Abdel Rahman Shaheen, who was detained in early January.

The mother of another Palestinian being held in PA prison, Murad Fattash, has also gone on a hunger strike to protest the continued incarceration of her son, who was also detained by the PA in early January.

Palestinians say that Shaheen and Fattash are among dozens of “political detainees” who are being held in PA prisons and detention centers in various parts of the West Bank.

Most of the detainees were taken into custody for criticizing the PA and its leaders and policies. They include engineers, lawyers, university lecturers and students, journalists and political activists affiliated with opposition groups like Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the PLO’s Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

Turkey: The Price of Dissent by Uzay Bulut

A mufti who works for Turkey’s state religious authority, the Diyanet, recently insinuated that a massacre of the employees of the opposition news site OdaTV would be justified.

“This is how jihad is being taught at schools.” — Title of the OdaTV article that sparked threat of massacre.

“We are a news website that draws attention to the new [Islamic] organizations whose members are being staffed in state institutions… We remind that illegal structures are once again being formed within the state… Why do the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Justice, and the Directorate of Religious Affairs stay silent?” — Barış Pehlivan, the editor-in-chief of the threatened OdaTV.

“The point is not that these things are written in Islamic scripture, but that people still live by them.” — Bruce Bawer, author.

Although OdaTV has not denounced or criticized Islam, it does oppose the indoctrination of school children with violent jihad. Apparently even this was sufficient cause for the Turkish mufti to threaten the outlet’s journalists with death.

A mufti who works for Turkey’s state religious authority, the Diyanet, recently insinuated that a massacre of the employees of the opposition news site OdaTV — along the lines of the 2015 slaughter of the staff of the satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdo — would be justified.

Ahmet Altıok, mufti of the Siirt Province, made this veiled threat of mass murder in an interview with the İLKHA news agency. ILKHA has ties to Turkey’s Hizbullah (“party of Allah” in Arabic; not connected to Hezbollah in Lebanon), a Sunni terrorist organization responsible for many horrific murders in the country.

In his interview, Altıok said, in part:

“Be it Charlie Hebdo or Ka’b ibn al-Ashraf [an ancient Jewish poet assassinated for criticizing Mohammed] … people who continually ridiculed, mocked and insulted Muslims… will be once again convicted in the society’s conscience. I call on these gentlemen to apologize. For you know repentance before death is accepted.”

According to Barış Pehlivan, the editor-in-chief of OdaTV, Altıok’s warning was sparked by an article on the OdaTV website entitled “This is how jihad is being taught at schools.” Pehlivan said, however, that the article was “just an excuse”:

Syria’s UN envoy in veiled threat: We will attack Ben-Gurion Airport


If U.N. Security Council doesn’t adopt measures to stop Israel, “Syria would practice its legitimate right of self-defense and respond to the Israeli aggression on Damascus International Airport in the same way on Tel Aviv airport,” Bashar Jaafari warns.

Syria’s Ambassador to the United Nations Bashar Jaafari warned Tuesday that his country would attack Ben-Gurion International Airport near Tel Aviv if the world body fails to stop Israeli strikes on his country, including on the international airport in Damascus.

Speaking before the U.N. Security Council after a series of IAF airstrikes on Sunday and Monday, Jaafari said Israel was only able to act freely in Syria because it had the backing of the United States, the United Kingdom and France in the Security Council.

If the Security Council didn’t adopt measures stop Israel, “Syria would practice its legitimate right of self-defense and respond to the Israeli aggression on Damascus International Airport in the same way on Tel Aviv airport,” Jaafari was quoted as saying by Syrian state media Sana.

Pompeo and Regime Change in Tehran Are we going revolutionary again? Michael Ledeen


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently made an astonishing statement to a small group of journalists, in which he appeared to call for revolution in Iran, and pledge American support for it. Adam Kredo reported it:

Pompeo, speaking to reporters in Riyadh, said that the Trump administration’s primary goal is to empower the Iranian people to rein in the ruling regime, which has spent a fortune on foreign wars and terror operations as its own people suffer from a collapsing economy.

While the administration has been careful to avoid characterizing its policy as regime change, it has become clear that it does supports efforts by the Iranian people to end Tehran’s expansionist march across the region, particularly in Syria and Yemen. The administration also has stated that it opposes the hardline regime and would offer its support to opposition elements in the country.

“Our effort is to make sure that the Iranian people get control of their capital, and it becomes a nation that is normal and is not conducting terror campaigns that are unrivaled any place else in the world, Pompeo said.

It may well be that the Trump Administration has always maintained it would support opposition elements in Iran, but although I have long favored such support for revolution against the regime, I haven’t seen much evidence of it. Although the president, the vice president, the national security adviser and the secretary of state have been unstinting in their criticism of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and his henchmen, it has been difficult to spot concrete signs of their support for regime opponents, or for what would constitute a revolutionary change in Tehran.

Walls Work. Just Ask This Community College on the Southern Border. By Matt C. Pinsker


Laredo Community College solved its illegal-immigration problem with an eight-foot-tall, mile-long fence.

One day last August, I was on a ride-along with the Border Patrol when we received a signal from one of Uncle Sam’s motion detectors: Illegal aliens were advancing towards the Rio Grande. We arrived at the scene within minutes. Unfortunately, they were already gone.

From their tracks, it looked like three to four people. Not too far from where we stood, there were several roads and houses adjacent to the river’s edge. The aliens had likely either been picked up by a waiting vehicle or disappeared into a nearby house.

More likely than not, they are probably still in the U.S.

My days with the Border Patrol were arranged by the U.S. Attorney’s Office to which I had been assigned, and they served as an opportunity for me, as a new prosecutor, to get more familiar with the procedures, operations, duties, and responsibilities of the agency. The more I understood their job, the better I could do my job as a prosecutor.

Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib Added to Oversight Committee Before Cohen Hearing By Bridget Johnson


WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) added a trio of progressive freshmen lawmakers to the powerful House Oversight and Reform Committee, which plans on investigating the executive branch in a number of areas.

Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.), Ayanna Pressley (Mass.), and Rashida Tlaib (Mich.) are joining the panel as Pelosi pitched the addition of “outstanding members” on “critical committees, where their fresh vision and powerful voices will be critical.”

Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) noted that the committee is “the primary investigative body in Congress, and we will address the issues that affect the American people every day while we root out waste, fraud, and abuse.”

“The American people voted for accountability and transparency this past election, and I’m eager to work in a bipartisan manner on behalf of all of our constituents to deliver on these goals,” he said. CONTINUE AT SITE

What’s Wrong with Radio Free Europe and Voice of America? By Majid Mohammadi


Independence, fact-based news broadcast and report, and fair and balanced news and analysis. In Iran, Voice of America has failed in all three categories.

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty has a budget of more than 123 million dollars (2018), and its mission is to “report the news in 20 countries where a free press is banned by the government or not fully established.” It should “provide what many people cannot get locally: uncensored news, responsible discussion, and open debate.” Is this taxpayer money well spent in the last decade? Does this organization fulfill its mission? Unfortunately, the answer to both these questions is negative.

As an Iran expert who reviews Persian-language media every day, I want to report my take from the organization’s Persian section (Radio Farda). VOA Persian (under the same mother institution, BBG) is as disastrous as Radio Farda.

To explain the waste and politicians’ delusions regarding the efficiency of these two sections of the Congress-fnanced media system, I will focus on three criteria of free and professional media: 1) independence, 2) fact-based news broadcast and report, and 3) fair and balanced news and analysis. Radio Farda and VOA Persian have failed in all three categories.

Manipulated by Obama Admin

VOA and Radio Farda were more open to reporting human rights violations and providing criticism of Islamist points of view before the negotiations for the 5+1 nuclear deal. As Ben Rhodes has mentioned, the Obama team manipulated the media during the JCPOA negotiations. They were desperate to have a foreign policy legacy, and the Iran deal was their only chance. Similar to the administration, both VOA Persian and Radio Farda tried hard to appease the Islamist government and its loyalists abroad to make the deal happen. Before and during the negotiations, tens of Iranian experts abroad were put on their blacklists, and several shows were canceled; in that period, Iran’s lobbyists were regular guests on their programs. VOA put me on that blacklist; before that, I was a regular guest on their news and analysis programs. My fault was to compare ISIS and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Teddy Roosevelt Schools Nancy Pelosi on Being American By Eileen F. Toplansky


In April 1894, Theodore Roosevelt, who later became the 26th president of the United States, cogently and with amazing prescience wrote about true patriotism and loyalty to America. To read his words is to understand what is happening to our country.

In the latest encounter with balkanized groups in America, at a March for Life event, Catholic students were beset by a number of people. The vitriol was evident, proving that the latter do not, as Roosevelt stated, “wish to be broadly American and national[.]” This unabated “unwholesome parochial spirit” comes “at the expense of the great nation.” It is clear that this “provincial patriotism” or “inability to take a view of broad adhesion to the whole nation” is the first step to the unraveling of a nation.

Roosevelt noted that the “patriotism of the village … is bad, but the lack of all patriotism is even worse.” He worried that “in the future, patriotism will be regarded not as a virtue at all, but merely as a mental stage in the journey toward a state of feeling when our patriotism will include the whole human race and all the world.”

This is no longer a prediction, but a reality as progressives demand that we eliminate any national pride. Vicious beatings on people who don hats that read “Make America Great Again” bare the stark truth that the left wants to dismantle America’s exceptional values. Then there is the International Court of Justice, or World Court, which ruled on an Iranian request to order Washington to suspend U.S. sanctions against Tehran. In the sports arena, football players who benefit from the largesse of America kneel when the anthem is played as they allege problems but offer no solutions. Clearly, “home” and “country” no longer mean much to these men who throw footballs for a living.

Democrats, Real and Fake By Karin McQuillan


Democrats live in a morality play in which Republicans are the Bad people led by the evil wizard, President Trump. Liberals are mesmerized by this fantasy of America divided into good versus evil, with themselves starring as the heroes. They can’t seem to get enough of it. They love the plotline, that minorities are threatened with being ‘erased’ by microaggressions, that the globe is being destroyed by poisonous CO2, that American democracy is threatened by the would-be dictator and Russian collaborator, President Trump, and his hordes of drooling idiots and Nazi wannabes.

Democrats on the ramparts are fighting for all that is kind and fair. They want to end masculinity, to make women and nonbinary people safe. They want to end capitalism, because, as Pelosi said this January, you cannot have democracy if you have rich people. They want open borders, because whiteness is racist. They want to add two hundred million new Americans, and fast, because that is only kind.

These new Americans will be the right colors (not white), and always vote Democratic, ushering in a new millennium of Democrat rule. The evil monsters will be silenced and cast out of all important professions, social media, and the Thanksgiving table.

It’s hard to believe regular Americans — and that includes blacks and Hispanics — want this destructive nonsense and I don’t believe it. The key to Democrat loyalty is a single, very powerful emotion: Republicans are not like us.

The not like us may be based on race, or for white Democrats, on group identity. Their team has all the decent, smart people in the country. Who would switch to the evil, stupid team? Who would consider their ideas? Who would hire them? Who would talk to them?

The Democrat formula of success with minorities is very simple, very human. It is this: “They don’t like you. Vote for me.”

Senate Leaders Agree on Possible Path to Reopening Government By Mairead McArdle


Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell and minority leader Chuck Schumer have agreed to a deal that could end the partial government shutdown, which entered its 32nd day Tuesday.

Under the deal, the Senate will vote Thursday on two bills intended to end the shutdown. One bill includes President Trump’s request for $5.7 billion to construct a wall at the southern border, and one would fund the government entities affected by the shutdown through February 8, kicking the fight down the road until then.

“People are saying isn’t there a way out of this mess, isn’t there a way to relieve the burden on the 800,000 federal workers not getting paid, isn’t there a way to get government services open first and debate what we should do for border security later?” Schumer said in announcing the deal. “Well, now there’s a way.”

About 800,000 federal workers are currently missing their paychecks as a result of the shutdown, which has broken the record for the longest in U.S. history.