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Ruth King

US Congresswoman-elect Tlaib to wear ‘Palestinian dress’ at swearing-in


American Congresswoman-elect Rashida Tlaib will wear what she claims is traditional Palestinian garb to her swearing-in ceremony.

By Jack Gold, World Israel News

U.S. Congresswoman-elect Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) announced that she will wear a traditional Palestinian gown when sworn into Congress in January.

Tlaib, of Palestinian-Arab origin, posted a photo of the embroidered gown on Instagram with the caption: ” Sneak peek: This is what I am wearing when I am sworn into Congress. #PalestinianThobe #ForMyYama (mother in Arabic).”

The dress she displayed is common to the entire Middle East, with nothing specifically “Palestinian” about it.

Among the reactions to her post was the comment: “Obviously she doesn’t wish to be an American.” Another said, “Not appropriate, not pro-American.”

Genocide in South Africa: Edward Cline


Andile Mngxitama calling for mass murder

The MSM does not deign to report an ounce of news about the South African government deciding, by constitutional amendment, to steal all white-owned farmland. This is chiefly at the prompting and urging of the Parliament’s communist/racist Julius Malema. He is not only a communist, but a combination Leninist and Stalinist; Lenin imposed communism on Russia; Stalin decided to seize the most productive farmland, which was in the Ukraine, and as a consequence starved millions to death when the collectivization of agriculture failed. Malema is a member of the African National Congress (ANC) and heads the Economic Freedom Fighters (which means it fights against freedom, not for it)

Cyril Ramaphosa is the president of the country and is as much a racist as Malema.

Katy Hopkins and Lauren Southern have excellent, informative videos about the economic situation in South Africa and the atmosphere of fear among white farmers can be found here and here. Stalin’s starvation of millions was deliberate and premeditated. The same thing will happen when the farmers are eradicated; the whole population will starve. It is estimated that one farmer feeds about 3,000 people. Additionally, the country has a water problem; Israel offered its technology to help correct the problem, but Ramaphosa rejected the offer, based on Israel’s relation with the Palestinians. This is spiting one’s nose for ideological and racial reasons, and not really concerned about the population.

The lie about how whites “stole” the land from the blacks is fiction out of whole cloth. Southern presents a history of South Africa that contradicts the common story and belief propagated by the government, that whites systemically robbed blacks of their land. The Dutch began to settle the Cape Town area in the late 17th century. They got along with two black tribes which were eventually wiped out by the Bantu from the north, The Khoikhoi (previously called Hottentots) and the San. A detailed description of the chief and final battle between the Voortrekkers and the Zulus can be found here. As Southern and Hopkins relate, the white settlers entered into land trades and agreements with blacks but never expropriated it. The farms that Ramaphosa and Melama want to take originated with the whites, and were created and maintained by them…for centuries.

The story of blacks once owning hundreds of farms “stolen” by whites is as much a myth of Wakandaone, two and three.

An 8-Year-Old Bride by Majid Rafizadeh


After the mullahs’ party imposed Sharia law in Iran and made it the official unquestionable law of the land, the authorities immediately changed the age of legal marriage to 9 for girls and 13 for boys. After 40 years, the Sharia-based law has not changed.

The prevalence child marriage “still remains far too high. In a set of 25 countries for which detailed analysis was conducted, at least one in three women marry before the age of 18, and one in five women have their first child before the age of 18.” — World Bank.

According to official Iranian statistics, 180,000 child marriages take place there each year. In addition, in 2013 in Iran, a law was passed that allows men to marry their adopted daughters.

Facebook acted as an auction block for a child bride in South Sudan as recently as last month.

Unless the international community steps in and, instead of appealing to the Islamist leaders of Iran, applies pressure to get these laws changed, more children will be at risk.

“At eight years old my parents sat me down for a serious talk,” said Noushin, during the interview. “I can still remember the tremble in my mother’s voice. She told me that in two days I would be part of an Islamic religious blessing. My father insisted that I behave, and not cause a scene. I was confused, but I trusted them, that they were telling me the truth. I trusted them right up to the moment that the wedding ring went onto my finger and I became the bride of a 43 year old man.” Noushin, now 19, is the mother of three.

You might assume that her parents, who so willingly gave their child to this man, were not educated or had never been exposed to modern ways of thinking. In fact, Noushin’s father had been educated in Europe, and then came back to his country to work for the regime.

Noushin said the wedding was “a nightmare I could not wake up from. I understood that I was married, but I did not understand what that meant.” She said was forced to have sexual intercourse before she reached puberty. “Each day was filled with new confusion, and new horrors,” she said, as she tried to become accustomed to the role she was forced to endure.

Yellow Vest Riots Spread: Week Five by Bruce Bawer


Across Western Europe, ordinary citizens feel ignored and condescended to by their political, business, academic, and media elites. Against the will of most of these citizens, their leaders are gradually surrendering their nations’ sovereignty to the EU.

Also against these citizens’ will, their nations have been flooded with Muslim immigrants who embody a major cultural challenge, have caused massive social unrest, and represent a devastating economic burden.

Although it is increasingly obvious that taxpayer-funded Islamization is leading Western Europe down the wrong path, the EU, which stands foursquare behind this disastrous development, refuses to reverse course.

Perhaps the question should not be why Western Europeans are rioting but why they did not start rioting a long time ago.

Paris has now seen its fifth weekend of street demonstrations by the so-called gilets jaunes, or “yellow vests,” although reports suggest that things may be finally winding down. Meanwhile, the protests — which in many instances rise to the level of riots, with innumerable examples of looting, vandalism, and arson – have spread. The last couple of weekends have seen disturbances in other major French cities, such as Toulouse, Bordeaux and Lyon, as well as in cities in the Low Countries, including Brussels, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Nijmegen and Maastricht. This weekend, in London, as the tension, confusion, and frustration surrounding Brexit have intensified and the possibility of a second referendum seemed to increase, yellow-vested protesters, most of them apparently supporters of Brexit, blocked major bridges and shut down streets in the city center.

Is Sergey Kislyak Central to the Set-Up of Michael Flynn? By Julie Kelly


During an unhinged, fact-free meltdown on Fox News, anchor Shepard Smith wrongly accused Lt. General Michael Flynn of calling the Russians after sanctions against that country were announced in December 2016. “So the U.S. places sanctions on Russia, Michael Flynn calls Russia, Michael Flynn lies about calling Russia, and tells others to lie for him about calling Russia,” Smith ranted on Friday.

Aside from noting that the U.S. placed sanctions on Russia, Smith is flat-out wrong. The truth, according to the charging document filed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, is that Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak called Flynn on December 28, 2016, the very same day the sanctions were publicized. So as pundits—and a federal judge—take a closer look at the circumstances surrounding Flynn’s fateful January 2017 interview with the FBI, it’s important to take another step back in time and scrutinize the calls that landed Flynn in legal trouble.

Further, who is Sergey Kislyak? Why does he figure so prominently not just in the Flynn matter but also the recusal of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the framing of Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page, and yet unsubstantiated accusations against Trump’ son-in-law Jared Kushner? His longtime ties to the Obama White House may offer some clues—and raise legitimate questions about whether Kislyak himself was a central player in the set-up of Michael Flynn.

Flynn, the incoming national security advisor, and Kislyak exchanged several calls in late December 2016. At the time, the Obama Administration was retaliating for the Kremlin’s alleged interference in the presidential election with those sanctions; Flynn and Kislyak spoke numerous times between December 28 and December 31. One subject discussed during those calls was how Vladimir Putin might respond to the tepid punishment Obama imposed for the so-called “national emergency” caused by Russia’s “significant malicious cyber-enabled activities.”

Visa/Mastercard and the Assault on Civil Rights As simple and as faceless as a lethal injection. Wallace Nunn


Every day there is a new report about how Facebook, Google, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram and other giants of social media censor content, banish certain commentators for incorrect views, and otherwise work in a steady if unsystematic way to homogenize political opinion within an acceptably progressive bandwidth. Ideas are scoured for “racism”—as contentiously defined by the intellectual stylebook of the hard left Southern Poverty Law Center, which the media have set up as an “authority” on hate speech; freedom of speech is seen a nuisance rather than a guarantee of personal liberty and true diversity of opinion.

But there is an even more sinister threat to the first amendment than the social media, a threat that operates in a stealth way in the most crucial arena of our economic system. It is corporate giants Master Card and Visa, which now use their unparalleled financial power to determine what speech should be allowed and what speech should be silenced.

Most Americans use a credit or debit card everyday and take these two corporations as much for granted as the light switch or the automobile ignition. We buy things with their cards ranging from the annual vacations to the daily groceries. These two interlocked corporations are the drum majors marching us into a cashless society. They are powers unto themselves, but their eminence rests on our money and the fees they exact to accommodate our transactions.

The cards they issue are even more critical to the vendors whom they pay. Without the ability to accept charges to these cards as payment many businesses would in effect be out of business.

Unlike the comparatively clumsy and very public efforts of the social media to erase “offensive”—all too often a synonym for conservative—opinion, the cognate machinations of Visa/Mastercard take place more remotely and without response in the dark space of the mundane financial transaction.

CAIR Sex Predator Changes Name, Heads to Pakistan Parents beware: Ahmad Saleem may be coming to a town near you! Joe Kaufman


Former CAIR-Florida operative Ahmad Saleem’s two-year prison term stemming from his 2015 Orlando-area arrest, during a child sex sting operation, has expired. In an attempt to put the shame and scandal behind him or a way to further his illicit exploits from a different locale, Saleem looks to be starting anew elsewhere. He has even traveled outside the country, and he has changed his name on social media. Unsuspecting parents, both here and abroad, need to be made aware of his presence.

On the night of May 20, 2015, Ahmad Abrar Saleem was arrested in Clermont, Florida, a short distance from his Orlando home. Saleem was intending to meet the twelve-year-old girl he had been chatting with online, but instead, met Sheriff’s deputies waiting for him and 21 others in a child sex sting operation. He was charged with “use of computer to seduce/solicit/entice a child to commit sex act” and “travel to seduce, solicit, lure a child to commit sex act.” Ironically, the car he was driving, when apprehended, had a specialty license plate which read, “Invest in Children.”

In December 2016, Saleem was sentenced to two years behind bars in state prison.

This could not have come at a worse time for Saleem. His star was quickly on the rise within the radical Muslim community. He had just a couple years earlier served as President of the Muslim Students Association (MSA) at the University of Central Florida (UCF) as well as the MSA National Service Director; he was being invited to speak at different Islamist conferences; and he had recently been named Orlando Regional Coordinator for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

Hezbollah’s Violation of UN Resolution 1701 Will the UN condemn Hezbollah’s violation of Israel’s sovereignty? Joseph Puder


Last week, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) launched operation Northern Shield to destroy the cross-border attack tunnels Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shiite terrorist group, has built. The tunnels were meant to occupy Israeli territory in the northern Galilee, with a pre-emptive attack on Israeli military facilities and civilians. Israel requested a United Nations (UN) inquiry into what amounts to a gross violation of resolution UN Security Council Resolution 1701.

The government of Lebanon must address the presence of Hezbollah terrorists along the border with Israel, in contravention of Resolution 1701. The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), on its part, needs to perform its assigned duties of preventing Hezbollah from launching cross-border attacks, as exemplified by the cross-border attack tunnels. Unless Hezbollah’s presence is curbed, Israel will be forced to act to secure its border with Lebanon and protect the lives of its citizenry.

Resolution 1701 called for the cessation of hostilities following the 2006 Israeli-Lebanese war in which the IDF engaged Hezbollah terrorists following the incursion into Israel by Hezbollah terrorists, and the abduction and murder of two Israeli soldiers. Israel withdrew its forces from Lebanon, simultaneous with UNIFIL soldiers deploying throughout southern Lebanon, along the border with Israel.

The resolution also called for the disarmament of all armed groups in Lebanon including Hezbollah. No armed forces other than UNIFIL forces and the Lebanese army should be operating south of the Litani River. And, there should be no foreign forces in Lebanon without the consent of the Lebanese government. It also addressed the urgent need for the unconditional release of the abducted Israeli soldiers, which were the cause of the crisis that led to the 2006 war. Resolution 1701 required all parties to respect the Blue Line, marking the international border between Israel and Lebanon.

Comey ducks question about his memos leaking classified information, turns away By Thomas Lifson


Following his closed-door testimony yesterday, James Comey held an impromptu 8-minute news conference to spin the media with his attacks on Trump, Republicans, and even Fox News. I found his smug self-righteousness nauseating, to be blunt. If you want to watch the whole thing, I have embedded MSNBC’s video at the bottom of this blog.

But first, take a look at how he handled the one probing question that (of course) came from Catherine Herridge. She asked if there was any “spill” of classified information from his leak.

Comey’s response:

“I’m not gonna talk about something like that.”

The he turned away from Heridge with a grim smile, closed his eyes briefly, and moved on, asking for another question. Nobody in the press corps tried to follow up.

Incoming Democrat Chairman Makes Definitive Case Against Impeaching Trump Twenty years ago, Jerrold Nadler argued in Congress that impeaching the president based on private, consensual sex was a ‘partisan coup d’etat.’By Ben Weingarten


Hours after midterm election night 2018, Mollie Hemingway reported that incoming House Judiciary Committee Chair Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) had impeachment on his mind, cavalierly chatting away on his phone on a train to Washington about the prospect of raising it against President Donald Trump. If his recent words are any indication, he may very well make good on that threat.

Following the release of the sentencing memorandum for the president’s former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, which alleged that Cohen had engaged in campaign finance violations at the behest of then-candidate Trump, Nadler took to the airwaves to lodge his most serious claim yet regarding presidential impeachment. Here’s the relevant exchange from CNN’s “State of the Union” with Jake Tapper:

TAPPER: If it is proven that the president directed or coordinated with Cohen to commit these [two federal campaign finance] felonies…are those impeachable offenses?
NADLER: Well, they would be impeachable offenses…even though they were committed before the president became president, they were committed in the service of fraudulently obtaining the office. That would be the — that would be an impeachable offense.

Nadler was careful to hedge, caveating that “You don’t necessarily launch an impeachment against the president because he committed an impeachable offense.”
Yet Nadler Excused Clinton for the Exact Same Thing