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Ruth King

Let’s Stop Fetishizing Article 5 The dire danger of putting the interests of the “global community” ahead of the voters’. Bruce Thornton


At a rally in South Carolina recently, Donald Trump made some comments about Nato that predictably launched the usual NeverTrump suspects into stratospheric dudgeon. Recalling a conversation he claims he had with a Nato “president of a big country,” Trump told him that if Nato nations continued to stint their military spending and kept failing to meet the 2% of GDP requirement, ‘“No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You gotta pay. You gotta pay your bills.’”

The Wall Street Journal claimed such typical Trumpian caustic hyperbole will be “the reason many Americans won’t vote for him again even against a mentally declining President Biden,” but this prediction is highly unlikely, unless the editors define “many Americans” as the bipartisan political elite. I seriously doubt that some Trumpian trolling will even be remembered by most voters eight months from now.

More important than squawking over Trump being Trump is the uncritical, reverential acceptance of the Nato Treaty’s Article Five, which is a classic example of what James Madison called a “parchment barrier”–– like most treaties, a political document whose terms will be regularly violated. Consider its actual language:

“The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognized by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.”

More Than 365 million Christians Face Genocide by Uzay Bulut


Except for North Korea, where the persecution is caused by “dictatorial paranoia” and “communist and post-communist oppression,” the main religion of all other countries and groups on the list is Islam.

“While some relief aid is available, this is mostly distributed through local Muslim groups and mosques, which are alleged to be discriminating against anyone not considered a devout Muslim.” — Open Doors, Yemen.

“More believers are killed for their faith in Nigeria each year, than everywhere else in the world combined.” — Open Doors, Nigeria.

“For Christians who convert from Islam, not even the veneer of tolerance is present.” — Open Doors, Iran.

“When the Taliban came to power, they did so with pledges to recognize more freedoms than in the past. But that hasn’t happened—if an Afghan’s Christian faith is discovered, it can be a death sentence, or they can be detained and tortured into giving information about fellow believers.” — Open Doors, Afghanistan.

“Of 34.5 million displaced people across Sub-Saharan Africa, around 16.2 million are Christians.” — Open Doors, Sub-Saharan Africa.

Many of these incidents remain unreported by the mainstream media. And until the mainstream media, governments and international organizations start openly addressing the ideological and theological motives of the perpetrators, this worldwide, genocide-level persecution of Christians will likely increase.

France’s Skyrocketing Threat by Guy Millière


January 30, 2024. The French weekly, Le Journal du Dimanche, publishes the most comprehensive and detailed survey on what French Muslims think. Not surprisingly, the results are disturbing.

Every year, Muslims of France [the main French Muslim organization, and the French branch of the Muslim Brotherhood] organizes a conference that attracts hundreds of thousands of Muslims from all over Europe. The group also invites radical imams who speak to the crowd.

The survey further showed that 49% of French Muslims want Catholics to convert to Islam, and that 36% percent want churches to be transformed into mosques… The survey also discloses that 25% of French Muslims said that the word “France” is a word they reject.

France is a country where more than 70% of prison inmates are Muslim. According to reports, the crime rate among the Muslim population is high…. There are also more than two hundred rapes every day in France, most perpetrated by Muslim men who entered France illegally. Only 7% of illegal immigrants ordered to leave France are ever actually deported

A similar situation to that of France can be found in other Western European countries, where the Muslim population may be smaller but is quickly growing.

If Europeans wish to avoid such a future and keep their culture, they need to start making that outcome unmistakably clear to everyone, not just by words but by actions. If not, what we are seeing could well mean the end of the European civilization as we know it.

January 30, 2024. The French weekly, Le Journal du Dimanche, publishes the most comprehensive and detailed survey on what French Muslims think. Not surprisingly, the results are disturbing.

The first question in the survey was about Jews. 17% of French Muslims admit that they hate Jews. 39% say they have a bad, or very bad, opinion of Judaism.

France is the only country in 21st-century Europe where Jews regularly have been murdered simply because they are Jews.

Fmr Navy Intel Cmdr Reveals Biden Suppressed Info on Previous Chinese Spy Balloons What did the Biden admin know about the Chinese spy balloons and when did it know it? Daniel Greenfield


Remember the Chinese spy balloon over Montana? We’ve had hints that it was only the tip of the iceberg and we know that the Biden administration attempted to cover it up until a viral civilian’s photo made it a national issue. But now there’s confirmation that the Biden administration was aware of multiple spy balloons.

Former Rear Admiral Michael Studeman had headed up the Office of Navan Intelligence. In an op-ed at the Financial Times, he reveals that “when I was director of intelligence for the Indo-Pacific Command, for example, I watched as numerous requests to publicise Chinese malign activities were disapproved by Washington, including a recommendation to publicise Beijing’s use of high-altitude surveillance balloons over the sovereign airspaces of the US, our allies and Asian partners. This was many months before the shooting down of a Chinese balloon flying over the US last year.”

Now this is important because the Biden administration claimed that it was not aware of previous spy balloons.

According to U.S. officials, Chinese balloons crossed over the U.S. at least three times during the Trump administration and at least one other time earlier in the Biden administration.

However, the U.S. was not aware of the Chinese incursions at the time, according to Air Force Gen. Glen VanHerck, the head of NORAD and the officer responsible for domestic air threats.

He told a news conference that the military only learned of the intrusions after they were pieced together by the intelligence community after they happened.
“At least one time earlier.”

George Soros Set to Control Second-Largest Chain of Radio Stations


Billionaire and left-wing philanthropist George Soros has been buying up debt to acquire a controlling stake in the second-largest radio broadcaster in the country, Audacy.

Court filings and sources close to the situation told the New York Post that Soros Fund Management has “bought up $400 million of debt in Audacy — the No. 2 US radio broadcaster behind iHeartMedia with stations including New York’s WFAN and 1010 WINS, as well as Los Angeles-based KROQ, according to bankruptcy filings.”

Soros could than have control of more than 220 radio stations nationwide. One Republican insider close to the situation told the outlet that Soros could be trying to have media outlets to potentially influence public opinion during the 2024 election.

“This is scary,” the source said.

Should Soros prove successful, he will likely have a 40 percent stake in the company’s senior debt, which would give him strong control of the company when it emerges from bankruptcy. He will not have a majority.

Western intellectuals in a Soros-backed think tank are all in for promoting Iran’s interests By Hamid Enayat


The Iranian regime does not solely advance its warmongering through employing a radical force like Hamas, or Hezbollah in Lebanon, or the Houthis in Yemen, with millions of dollars in payments and logistical support.

It also tries to influence policymaking in various European and American media and decision-making institutions. Iran does this to prevent any effort to halt to its massacres of the Iranian people, and to stop any efforts to block its warmongering, and any effort to end its construction of a nuclear bomb.

These advocates of appeasement also push economic interests in trade with Iran, while at the same time strongly condemning the wave of executions!

Recently, in an interview with the French newspaper Le Monde, Ali Vaez, a so-called Iran expert, said that if we put too much pressure on the Iranian regime because of the devastating war in the Middle East, this regime would move farther towards building a nuclear bomb. Ali Vaez works within the Brussels-based, Soros-backed, International Crisis Group as its Iran Project Director, one of the few think tanks that have close relations with the Iranian Foreign Ministry. Alex Soros sits on its board of directors.

The Iran Influence Network

Recently, a large number of emails discovered by two media outlets, the American Semafor, and the Farsi-language Iran International TV broadcast, show that Tehran’s cooperation with the International Crisis Group was formed through the Center for Iranian Studies, which is affiliated with the Iranian Foreign Ministry.

These emails show that in the years 2013 and 2014, Crisis Group analysts were promoting the positions of the Iranian government, even when they contradicted the positions of the Obama administration. These emails reveal that the two had signed an agreement that was never made public. These documents well demonstrate that the International Crisis Group has played a significant role in nuclear negotiations and the lifting of sanctions on Iran for nearly a decade, consistently making recommendations to the Obama-, Biden-, and Trump administrations.

Release The Biden Transcripts Now


“How in the hell dare he raise that.” — President Joe Biden, Feb. 8, 2024

In an effort to dismiss the claim that he couldn’t remember the year his son Beau died, President Joe Biden claimed he was simply angered because he was asked about it. Turns out, Biden lied.

“Frankly, when I was asked the question, I thought to myself it wasn’t any of their damn business,” Biden said at a hurriedly arranged press conference early in February.

Immediately, the media sprang into action attacking Special Counsel Robert Hur for bringing up Biden’s son.

“Beyond the pale,” they said. “A setup from the start.” “What does that have to do with the retention of classified documents?” “There is no legitimate answer for why he would do that … unless they were trying to trip him up, rattle him, gain oppo.” Etc., etc., etc.

Jill Biden even sent out a fundraising letter attacking Hur. “I can’t imagine someone would try to use our son’s death to score political points.”

Jill, who was not actually Beau’s mother, said that the day Beau Biden died from brain cancer was “forever etched” on her and Joe’s hearts.

But then last week, NBC News, to its undying credit, did something unusual for a mainstream media outlet. It tried to verify Biden’s account. And what did it find?

Biden lied, and Jill compounded the lie.

Hur didn’t bring up Beau, or ask when he died, NBC News reported. It was Biden who brought up his son – as he almost always does whenever he opens his mouth – and it was Biden who then tried to recall the year he died.

Here’s NBC News’ account of what actually happened:

Pro Hamas Protestors Deliver 300 Pounds of Poop to Nancy Pelosi’s House Matt Margolis


San Francisco’s infamous poop map got a massive update last week after pro-Palestinian protesters dumped 300 pounds of cow manure outside Nancy Pelosi’s home. After the large delivery of bovine excrement was placed, the group held signs reading “NANCY PELOSI ENOUGH WITH THIS S—T” and “STOP ARMING ISRAEL. ARMS EMBARGO NOW.”

According to a report from the San Francisco Standard, Nancy Pelosi’s home has become a regular target of Code Pink protestors since the October 7 terrorist attacks on Israel. 

Last week, Code Pink protesters were charged with vandalizing Pelosi’s home and the surrounding area with red paint.

“An activist affiliated with the anti-war group Code Pink is facing felony charges for causing damage around Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco residence during a Feb. 11 demonstration,” the San Francisco Standard reported Friday. “The activist, Heather Phipps, is accused of damaging Pelosi’s garage door along with city streets and sidewalks outside the Pacific Heights home she shares with her husband, Paul Pelosi. A spokesperson for the Department of Public Works said it incurred $5,648 in cleanup costs, largely involving paint on the sidewalk, roadway and street trees. Phipps is set to be arraigned on March 12.”

Tractors roll into downtown Prague as Czech farmers join protests By Eva Korinkova


PRAGUE, Feb 19 (Reuters) – Hundreds of Czech farmers drove their tractors into downtown Prague on Monday, disrupting traffic outside the Agriculture Ministry, as they joined protests against high energy costs, stifling bureaucracy and the European Union’s Green Deal.
Farmers across Europe have taken to the streets this year, including in Poland, France, Germany, Spain and Italy, to fight low prices and high costs, cheap imports and EU climate change constraints.

Czech farmers are planning to join protests this week, although major agricultural associations distanced themselves from Monday’s action, in which tractors blocked one lane of a major road through Prague, slowing but not completely snarling traffic.
Several hundred whistling and jeering protesters gathered outside the Agriculture Ministry yelling “Shame” and “Resign”.
“We came today mainly because of the bureaucracy around farming, the paperwork is on the edge of what is bearable,” 28-year-old farmer Lukas Melichovsky said while in the line of tractors.

Another farmer, Vojtech Schwarz, said cheaper imports did not face the same scrutiny as domestic production: “They have a different starting line because we are overseen by a million officials,” he said.
The government has said the organisers of Monday’s demonstration have little to do with real farming.
“Today’s demonstration does not have much in common with the fight for better conditions for farmers,” Prime Minister Petr Fiala said on X social media platform, adding some of its organisers were pro-Russian or had other political aims.

Delusions, Alternate Realities, and the Biden Consortium The Biden apparat has tried to present the construct of a dynamic president promoting a traditional Democratic agenda, which has succeeded brilliantly. Sustaining that lie requires constant deception. Victor Davis Hanson


Hunter Biden has a train of a dozen lawyers defending him on felony indictments ranging from several counts of tax fraud to gun violations. From time to time, the contents of his laptop come up, both in these criminal trials and in civil suits. The information on the laptop is, of course, incriminating and useful to various prosecutors and litigants.

Yet Hunter himself is suing the computer repairman with whom he dropped off his laptop and never retrieved—and never paid—despite signing a waiver relinquishing ownership if and when in default of payment and claim.

But the weirdest element of the Biden labyrinth of illegality is that both Hunter and his attorneys footnote their writs and statements with the inexplicable notion that the laptop is not necessarily Hunter’s own—but then again, it could be.

In other words, they are not presenting evidence to show that either the photographs, texts, or emails are concocted, even while they are suing various parties for defamatory dissipation of the sort of true, sort of false contents. Translated: The surreal truth is that Hunter is very mad that what he did illegally in part is evidenced on his own laptop, and he wants that information either suppressed or disowned, but without perjuring himself by stating the material on his laptop is not his own—because of course it is his.

The same alternate universe surrounds Joe Biden’s cognitive decline. To prove that the Biden administration’s appointed special counsel was unprofessional and in error by referencing proof of Biden’s dementia, Biden gave a sudden and unusual press conference.

But almost immediately, he lost his temper. Biden lied numerous times in contradicting the evidence of the special counsel’s report, falsely claiming many files in question were not classified. He lied that the files were securely stored in locked cabinets when they were sloppily strewn around in boxes in a rickety garage. He falsely asserted that he had notified authorities once he discovered that he had classified files in his possession, although he did not do so for roughly another five years—just days before his administration was to appoint Jack Smith to investigate Donald Trump for many of the same alleged crimes that Biden might also have been guilty of. And inter alia, he referenced President Abd el-Fattah el–Sisi of Egypt as the president of Mexico—apparently as part of his public demonstration of his own mental cogency.

Biden further misled by damning the special counsel for supposedly prompting Biden about the date of the death of his son, the year of which Biden did not recall. But in truth, Biden himself, not Mr. Hur, brought up Beau Biden’s passing voluntarily to Mr. Hur—although again without the ability to cite the year in which he died.