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Ruth King

The Impending Alien Invasion How the Left plays the “compassion card” for destructive ends. October Michael Cutler


Headlines have been written proclaiming that a “caravan of migrants” is heading for the U.S./Mexican border. Sometimes the people who are heading north through Central America are referred to as “refugees” or “immigrants.”

Those terms are designed to downplay the threat that these individuals pose and assuage the fears that this may understandably engender in Americans. Words do matter.

In point of fact, the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) defines an alien simply as being, “Any person, not a citizen or national of the United States.”

There is no insult in the term “alien” or in its definition, but there is clarity. The obvious goal of the radical Left is to obfuscate the truth through Orwellian use of language that has been mis-portrayed as “political correctness.”

Shortly after President Trump was elected I wrote about this intentional misuse of language in my article, The Left’s Orwellian Tactics.

Remarkably, the radical Left had no problem using the term “alien” when they needed a word that began with the letter “A” for the DREAM Act, an acronym for Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors.

While we are on the topic of words, perhaps the term “invasion” should be substituted for “caravan.”

Invasion is defined, in part, as an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity or an unwelcome intrusion into another’s domain.

It is therefore important to note that Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution provides:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.

Crude Anti-White Anti-Male Anti-Christian Communists Indoctrinate California K-12 Students Leftist hate group “Just Communities” has a $250,000 contract with Santa Barbara educators to brainwash students. Matthew Vadum


Above is a curriculum the Santa Barbara Unified School District has paid an organization called “Just Communities” to impose on its K-12 students. It tells you all you need to know about the racist, anti-American left which has embedded itself in school districts like Santa Barbara all across the country.

The left-wing hate group, whose full name is Just Communities Central Coast, has a $250,000 contract with school authorities in Santa Barbara, California, to indoctrinate young people into believing that America today is a manifestly immoral, cruel country in which white people routinely oppress non-whites, men oppress women, Christians oppress non-Christians, heterosexuals oppress gays, and the wealthy oppress the poor.

This anti-American mini-manifesto aimed at fomenting social discontent comes in a “Forms of Oppression” grid produced by Just Communities, which is partnering with the Santa Barbara Unified School District (SBUSD). The grid is included in a bundle of documents published online that includes the Just Communities 2018 training manual. (The document is also posted at Scribd here.)

Just Communities is attempting to radicalize students and encourage them to become activists obsessed with the Marxist holy trinity of race, sex, and class.

With help from the extreme-left hate group, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and other radical activists trying to impose unwanted social change on the country, public school teachers across America already saturate students with information about racial injustice in America in a nonstop barrage of historic facts and ahistorical nonsense. And in the culture at large, the media, politicians, and the entertainment industry can’t stop talking about race. The last thing any young student in America needs is to be taught about is race. Race matters only to radicals.

Palestinian Arab women in the Intifada: The “ultimate Trojan horse.” The role of Palestinian Arab women in the first Intifada, Part I Dr. Alex Grobman,

Dr. Alex Grobman is a historian and author of The Palestinian Right To Israel (Balfour Books, 2010). He co-authored “Denying History: Who Says The Holocaust Never Happened And Why Do They Say It?” (University of California Press, 2000). His newest book is License to Murder: The Enduring Threat of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

“Naila and the Uprising,” a controversial film produced by Just Vision, is about the role ostensibly played by Palestinian Arab women in the first intifada. According to the producers, who are “a team of human rights advocates, journalists, and filmmakers,” their goal “is to contribute to fostering peace and an end to the occupation by rendering Palestinian and Israeli grassroots leaders more visible, valued and influential in their efforts.”

In reality, the film is another attempt to defame Israel as the aggressor and an occupier of Arab lands. In contrast, the objective of the article below is to briefly outline the role of Palestinian Arab women as suicide bombers, and their position during the first intifada.

Women have been involved in terrorist activities in a number of countries including Algiers, Germany, Italy, Sri Lanka, Chechnya, Nigeria, West Africa, Lebanon, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Peru, Jordan, Pakistan, Japan, Syria, Russia and Turkey. Terrorist organizations, including ISIS, began using women once they realized they were far better able to evade detection than men.

Palestinian Arabs believed women would be less likely to be stopped at checkpoints or be subjected to meticulous security searches, and their participation increased the ability of terrorist organizations to succeed in mounting an attack. [1] In an attempt to deceive the Israeli military, some terrorists initially used fake ID cards, particularly Red Crescent ID’s. [2]

The young terrorists did whatever is required “to blend in” to get near to as many people as possible to blow them up or maim them. From a description of the first intifada:

Palestinian ‘Support’ for Saudi Arabia by Khaled Abu Toameh


As Mahmoud Abbas was busy praising the Saudis for their “fairness, values and principles,” the London-based Action Group for Palestinians of Syria issued a statement in which it accused the Saudi authorities of preventing Palestinian refugees from entering the kingdom.

Many Arabs and Muslims can hardly afford to alienate a country as rich as Saudi Arabia. This is a good example of “money talks.” However, this does not mean that the Saudi money will ever change the hearts and minds of Palestinians, especially regarding a peace agreement with Israel.

The mistreatment of Palestinians at the hands of their Arab brethren has never been of concern to Abbas and his leadership. They are silent when Palestinians are killed and expelled from their homes in Syria. They are silent when Palestinians face discrimination and apartheid laws in Lebanon.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas did not wait for Saudi Arabia to admit that Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi was killed in its consulate in Turkey. Days before the Saudi announcement, Abbas decided that he and the Palestinians have “absolute confidence” in King Salman bin Abdel Aziz and this son, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

As Abbas was busy praising the Saudis for their “justice, values and principles,” the London-based Action Group for Palestinians of Syria issued a statement in which it accused the Saudi authorities of preventing Palestinian refugees from entering the kingdom.

“Palestinian refugees fleeing war-ravaged Syria have been denied access into Saudi territories,” the group said. It pointed out that the Saudi ban excluded Palestinians heading to the kingdom to perform the Islamic hajj, or pilgrimage. The group also pointed out that Palestinians who fled Syria to Saudi Arabia “have been shorn of their right to visas, education, and health care, among other vital services.” Saudi Arabia, the group added, “continues to opt for a closed-door immigration policy regarding Palestinian refugees seeking asylum in its territories.”

This is only one example of Saudi discrimination against the Palestinians. The group’s announcement was published on the same day that Abbas was heaping praise on the Saudi leaders.


Can a Navy SEAL win election in New York?By Seth Segal


As the midterms approach, outsider candidates are emerging across the country. Dan DeBono is one such example. DeBono is taking on the establishment and with it the permanent political class.

DeBono grew up on Long Island. He served as a Navy SEAL. He knows firsthand what service to country is all about. Unlike career politicians, DeBono is not bought and paid for.

Mr. DeBono owns a small investment business on Long Island. He knows firsthand the importance of small businesses for the economy to flourish.

Mr. DeBono also believes in fair trade deals. In order for trade to be truly free, it must also be fair. Like President Trump, he believes that for too long, America has been taken advantage of.

DeBono supports deregulation and increasing competition. DeBeno also believes in enforcing antitrust laws. In addition, he’s outspoken in support of economic populism.

DeBono is a strong defender of the Second Amendment. He is a true champion of the Constitution and the rule of law.

Political outsiders are prevailing across the country. The founding fathers envisioned citizen-public servants. Government by and for the people is the American way.

Candidates can help to Make America Great Again. DeBono is a true example of this phenomenon. He is a candidate who puts America First.

Population Stabilization or Suicidal Demographics? By Eileen F. Toplansky


Population Connection (formerly Zero Population Growth) proclaims that ever since the group’s founding “[t]he Western Hemisphere as a whole is now below [population] replacement rate.” When they formed in 1968, “only four nations were at or below replacement rate fertility… today there are nearly a hundred such nations.”

To cement the direction of progressive solutions for the earth, one letter to the editor took issue with the fact that “some of [the] authors talk about ‘slowing down population growth.’ We have to talk about ending population growth. If all we want to accomplish is slowing down population growth, then we’re just debating whether to go over the cliff running or to go over the cliff walking.'”

It would appear that human extinction is the ultimate goal.

The group is outspoken about Trump’s “trying to cancel all funds for bilateral international family planning assistance” while they maintain that in the U.S., Trump “and his congressional accomplices attack [their] friends at Planned Parenthood day and night. And from Neil Gorsuch to district and appellate judges, Trump schemes to shove [the] courts to the far right for decades to come.” As such, Population Connection is hosting hundreds of college student activists to raise the alarm and be “an unapologetic voice for population stabilization.” Too bad that Population Connection completely ignores the Project Veritas expose depicting Planned Parenthood engaging in the illegal and immoral act of selling baby parts.

Thus, given their ideological bent, President John Seager and his group would herald Europe’s ongoing demographic suicide. Moreover, it is vital to keep in mind that progressives do not mourn the death of Western values. It is integral to the progressive/leftist game plan.

Giulio Meotti writes that it is estimated that there “will be a reduction of about 25 percent in the Greek population by 2050. Even more worrying is the forecast of the country’s statistical agency (Elstat), according to which by 2080 the population of the country could fall to 7.2 million.”

Moreover, “births in public hospitals have dropped by 30 percent and Greece has become a world leader in abortion.” Only Italy has a higher percentage of older people.

Eternal Jihad: Islam Will Never, Ever Stop By Andrew E. Harrod


The “West and Islam have been mortal enemies since the latter’s birth some fourteen centuries ago,” warns Islam scholar Raymond Ibrahim in his recent book Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West. His extensive analysis bears out the apt title of this volume, whose documented history is equally ill remembered and yet vital for modern Westerners.

Ibrahim begins by elucidating the disturbing conceptual core of Islam and its seventh-century Arab prophet, Muhammad. “The appeal of Muhammad’s message lay in its compatibility with the tribal mores of his society,” Ibrahim notes.

For seventh-century Arabs – and later tribal peoples, chiefly Turks and Tatars, who also found natural appeal in Islam – the tribe was what humanity is to modern people: to be part of it was to be treated humanely; to be outside of it was to be treated inhumanely.

Accordingly, Islam “deified tribalism, causing it to outlive its setting and spill into the modern era.” Islamic doctrines like al-wala’ wa al-bara’ (“loyalty and enmity”) created an umma faith community or “‘Super Tribe’ that transcends racial, national, and linguistic barriers.” Not surprisingly, the Arabic umma “is etymologically related to ‘mother’ (umm) – to one’s closest kin.”

Ibrahim “records a variety of Muslims across time and space behaving exactly like the Islamic State and for the same reasons” – namely, Islam’s promotion of warfare against non-Muslims. Islam’s deity “incites his followers to war on the promise of booty, both animate and inanimate – so much so that an entire sura, or chapter of the Koran, ‘al-Anfal,’ is named after and dedicated to the spoils of war.” Jihadists following Islamic canons thus “‘use’ or ‘loan’ their lives as part of a ‘bargain’ or ‘transaction’ – whereby Allah forgives all sins and showers them with celestial delights.”

Trump Is No ‘Isolationist’ He’s overseeing a risky but ambitious effort to contain global adversaries.By Walter Russell Mead


While the world was transfixed by the drama over the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, the Trump administration last week doggedly pressed ahead with some of the most dramatic shifts in American foreign policy since the end of the Cold War.

President Trump’s foreign policy is anything but isolationist. It is ambitious, interventionist and global. Having determined after almost two years of trying that the three revisionist powers—China, Russia and Iran—cannot, at least for now, be pried apart, the administration is preparing to take them on all at once.

This means, above all, intensifying competition with China. In the two weeks since Vice President Mike Pence’s speech laying out the far-reaching U.S. strategy for containing Beijing, the administration has not let up: The trade war has escalated; Mr. Trump announced U.S. withdrawal from an 1844 postal-services treaty that, in his view, gives Chinese shippers unfair advantages; and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo traveled to Panama to warn that country’s leaders against Chinese debt-trap diplomacy.

Perhaps more surprising to some of its critics is the Trump administration’s increasingly hard line against Russia. In the same week that Mr. Trump announced the U.S. withdrawal from the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty, citing Russian noncompliance, an American aircraft carrier visited the Russian Arctic for the first time in almost 30 years. Meanwhile, A. Wess Mitchell, the assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, described a new era of U.S.-Russia competition in a blistering speech Thursday at the Atlantic Council.

“From the Baltic to the Adriatic, across the Balkan Peninsula and through the Caucasus, America’s rivals are expanding their political, military and commercial influence. Russia is again a military factor in this region, following the invasions of Georgia and Ukraine. Well beyond the frontier, in the countries of Central Europe, Russia uses manipulative energy tactics, corruption and propaganda to weaken Western nations from within and undermine their bonds with the United States,” Mr. Mitchell said. He went on to hail “Ukraine, Georgia and even Belarus” as a “bulwark against Russian neo-imperialism” and signaled increased U.S. support for their independence and sovereignty.

The storm over U.S.-Saudi relations has not deterred the administration from intensifying its campaign against Iran. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is still flying to Riyadh to coordinate U.S. and Saudi economic actions to isolate Tehran. The U.S. remains on schedule to reimpose its most powerful sanctions against Iran on Nov. 5.

Traditionally, countries headed toward confrontation with adversaries look to strengthen their alliances. This has not been the Trump administration’s approach. Without mentioning Germany by name, Mr. Mitchell sharply criticized its dealings with Russia and Iran: “We expect those whom America helps to not abet our rivals. Western Europeans cannot continue to deepen energy dependence on the same Russia that America defends it against. Or enrich themselves on the same Iran that is building ballistic missiles which threaten Europe.”

Yet Mr. Mitchell also signaled a deeper U.S. involvement in Europe that Berlin should welcome. He noted that “many of America’s closest allies in Central Europe operate networks of corruption and state-owned enterprises that rig the system in favor of China and Russia.” Joint efforts by the U.S. and the European Union to stabilize democracy in Central and Eastern European countries could help give the old trans-Atlantic alliance a new lease on life. CONTINUE AT SITE

Hashemite Chutzpah by Gerald A. Honigman


Herb Keinon and Khaled Abu Toameh reported in the October 21, 2018 Jerusalem Post on King Abdullah II of Jordan’s decision to downgrade its peace treaty with Israel.

More specifically, this decision involves Jordan wanting to…“opt out of annexes from its 1994 peace treaty with Israel that leased two border areas that historically were difficult to delineate…the king’s decision followed a request from government activists not to renew the agreement and to revoke Israeli ownership from Jordanian land.” Israel had been using the areas for agricultural purposes. The report further explained that…

“Abdullah is in a vice. While he needs the peace treaty with Israel for the security of his regime, he has domestic Islamic elements to deal with and at times placate. He is also dealing with Syrian crisis, which has not only inundated his country with refugees, but also put Iran perilously close. The language Abdullah used in announcing the move–Jordanian land, Jordanian interests–is a bone thrown to the Islamists.”

In reality, I doubt that Islamists care much about the “Jordanian” aspect to this issue.

What Islamists do care about is the land being in the hands of folks from their perceived Dar al-Harb (realm of war)–not Dar ul-Islam…especially those of the Arabs’ despised kilab yahud ilk–“Jew dogs.”

Arms Control for Dummies Trump is right to nix a treaty that Putin has violated for a decade.


Donald Trump says the U.S. plans to withdraw from the 1987 INF nuclear arms-control treaty that everyone agrees Russia has been violating for a decade. Yet somehow this is said to be reckless behavior by—Donald Trump? Welcome to the high church of arms control in which treaties are sacrosanct no matter the violation.

The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty bans ground-fired ballistic and cruise missiles with a range between 500 and 5,500 kilometers and is an artifact of the late Cold War. Ronald Reagan and NATO deployed mid-range missiles in Europe in the early 1980s to counter Soviet deployments. After years of tense negotiation, Mikhail Gorbachev finally agreed to the modest INF accord on U.S. terms that traded U.S. missiles for Russia’s. This was hailed as a diplomatic triumph.

Yet when the Warsaw Pact and Soviet Union collapsed over the next few years, nuclear arms control faded in importance. Which is the key point. Arms control didn’t make the world safer; the fall of the Soviet Union did that. Arms control tends to work when it is between countries that get along, while it fails with adversaries that can’t be trusted.

Enter Vladimir Putin, who has been developing a new medium-range cruise missile since the mid-2000s. The U.S. believes Moscow first tested the new missile in 2008, but the Obama Administration hid that intelligence from the Senate when it debated and ratified the New Start treaty with Mr. Putin in 2010.

The Obama Administration first went public with this news in 2014, and the State Department has noted Russian noncompliance every year. Moscow started deploying its new missiles in late 2016. This is in addition to a new ballistic missile Russia has tested that may be INF compliant only because it can travel slightly farther than 5,500 kilometers.