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Ruth King

Confirm Brett Kavanaugh The Judge rightly called out the politics of ‘search and destroy.’


Thursday’s Senate hearing on Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination was an embarrassment that should have never happened. Judge Kavanaugh was right to call the confirmation process a “disgrace” in his passionate self-defense, and whatever one thinks of Christine Blasey Ford’s assault accusation, she offered no corroboration or new supporting evidence.

Ms. Ford certainly was a sympathetic witness—by her own admission “terrified” at the start and appearing to be emotionally fragile. Her description of the assault and its impact on her was wrenching. She clearly believes what she says happened to her. Her allegation should have been vetted privately, in confidence, as she said she would have preferred. Instead ranking Democrat Dianne Feinstein held it for six weeks and it was leaked—perhaps to cause precisely such a hearing circus.

Yet there is still no confirming evidence beyond her own testimony, and some of what she says has been contradicted. The female friend Ms. Ford says was at the home the night of the assault says she wasn’t there. The number of people she says were there has varied from four to five and perhaps more, but every potential witness she has cited by name says he or she doesn’t recall the party.

She still can’t recall the home where the assault took place, how she got there or how she got home that evening. She has no witnesses who say she told them about the alleged assault at the time—until she first spoke of it at a couples therapy session 30 years later in 2012. Mr. Kavanaugh’s name doesn’t appear in the notes of her therapist.

Does Corbyn know who wrote this about Jerusalem? By Tom Gross


In the main annual (British) Labour Party conference hall in Liverpool on Wednesday it seemed there were more Palestinian flags being waved than at a Hamas rally in Gaza, or at the opening session of the Palestinian Parliament at Ramallah.

The vote by party members to debate Palestine was the fourth most popular after housing, schools, and justice for the Windrush generation. The subject of “Palestine” gained more votes (188,000) than the issues of Brexit, and the National Health Service.

The chanting by Labour activists included the Hamas and Islamic Jihad slogan “From the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free” (i.e. from the river Jordan to the Mediterranean sea, including Tel Aviv, all of Israel should be destroyed).

One of the many lies told about Israel among left-wing Labour activists is that there were almost no Jews there before The Holocaust.

But I wonder how many of them (including Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn himself) know who wrote the following in 1854?

“The sedentary population of Jerusalem numbers about 15,500 souls, of whom 4,000 are Mussulmans [Muslims] and 8,000 Jews. The Mussulmans, forming about a fourth part of the whole, and consisting of Turks, Arabs and Moors, are, of course, the masters in every respect, as they are in no way affected with the weakness of their Government at Constantinople.


The TV pictures with the interview above don’t show the sea of Palestinian flags at the Labour party annual conference. You can see them here


At this week’s Labour conference, there were no mass flag wavings for the Kurds or Tibetans or Baluchis or Catalans or Abkhazians or South Ossetians or Western Saharans or Nagorno-Karabakh Azeris or Chechens or Papuans, or the more than 100 other independence movements throughout the world.

(In case the BBC forgot to report on it, over 500,000 Papuans have been killed, and thousands more have been raped, tortured and imprisoned by the Indonesian military in the last 50 years.)

There were no mention of Syria or Yemen, where millions of children are starving.

There were no British flags anywhere to be seen among delegates (below).

Rabbi Spero: Women with Teenage Sons and Daughters Will Support KavanaughBy Rabbi Aryeh Spero


Chuck Schumer, the Democrats, and their spokespeople in the Senate seem to be spooking-out certain Republicans with a threat that if Republicans vote for Judge Brett Kavanaugh they will lose the support of women in their constituency.

However, the tens of millions of women who currently have or have previously raised teenage boys, and even teenage girls, will probably be alarmed if a precedent is set in a Senate confirmation vote that would penalize or snuff out the opportunities of a fully grown man who did something foolish while yet a minor or was accused of something that was never verified with any surety.

Parents of boys and girls lovingly sacrifice their life’s energies, time, and money so that their children will have a bright future – economic, social, and familial. And all parents, since they themselves were once young, know of the mistakes teenagers make or the non-mistakes that merely involve rowdiness. What a frightening and demoralizing thing it would be to parents if after thirty years of proper and refined living and accomplishment by their children, a new American convention is established by the Senate that all lifetime achievements can be wiped away by a single instance in their child’s life. A person’s life, their child’s life, can be destroyed by an accusation, especially if it craftily summons-up whatever happens to be the politically correct, avant-garde sin of that given era.

Today’s Democrats play dirty, despicably dirty. In their quest for personal power, riches, and control over all aspects of American civic life, Democrats will equally play dirty tricks against conservative women running for office, bringing up or fabricating events from when they were once teenage girls, charging them from that full basket of the new Seven Sins: racism, intolerance, nationalism, whiteness, Christian Evangelicalism, Islamophobia, and anti-LBTG. We have seen them reach into this basket on many occasions. The Democrats have been successful in concocting false narratives that most often, in the court of public opinion, end up beating facts and the truth. For them, winning is everything, the only thing that counts.

Kavanaugh, Ford hearing: In an awful process Democrats gain the advantage as Republicans walk on eggshells By Andrew C. McCarthy


The testimony of Christine Blasey Ford before the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Thursday on Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court was a plus for Democrats who want to derail the nomination, because Republicans were walking on eggshells.

The 11 Republican senators on the committee – all men – clearly did not want to appear to be bullying Ford or to look like they were being accusatory or insensitive toward a woman who claims she was a victim of sexual assault committed by Kavanaugh when the two were in high school.

Ford came across as earnest, likeable through her nervousness, and seemed to do her best to answer questions from both sides during her testimony.

But it’s a fact that there is no corroboration of her version of the sexual assault she says happened about 36 years ago (she said she is not sure of the exact year). And when you take a step back, aspects of her account do not make sense under any objective examination.

At the end of the testimony, Mitchell laughed with Ford, commiserating with her about how bad the hearing format was. All of this strengthened Ford’s standing and made her a more sympathetic figure.

For example, Ford (about 15 at the time) obviously needed a ride home right after the alleged assault. But she could not or would not say who took her home or what she said to that person in the immediate aftermath of what she said was a sexual assault.

Republicans faced a two-fold problem at the hearing.

First, Rachel Mitchell, the experienced prosecutor to whom Republicans ceded their five-minute questioning rounds, treated the proceeding as if she was taking a deposition from Ford. Attorneys routinely take depositions – statements under oath – to be presented as evidence during trials or hearings.

Netanyahu Drops Iran Bombshell at UN By Rick Moran


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the UN General Assembly that there exists a secret Iranian nuclear facility in Tehran that proves the Iranians have not given up their ambition to build a nuclear weapon despite the agreement they signed in 2015 with western powers.

The previously undisclosed facility is a warehouse in Iran that Netanyahu says housed 33 pounds of nuclear material. The storage facility is close to an atomic archive that Netanyahu exposed last April after a daring raid by Israeli intelligence netted thousands of nuclear-related documents.

Reuters quotes Netanyahu in his speech saying,

“Since we raided the atomic archive, they’ve been busy cleaning out the atomic warehouse. Just last month they removed 15 kilograms of radioactive material. You know what they did with it?” he said. “They took it out and they spread it around Tehran in an effort to hide the evidence.”

“This site contained as much as 300 tonnes – 300 tonnes – of nuclear-related equipment and materiel,” he said.

The International Atomic Agency (IAEA) has repeatedly said Tehran was abiding by its commitments to the deal, formally called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), including in a document reviewed by Reuters on Aug. 30.

France, Britain, Germany, China and Russia have stayed in the pact, vowing to save it despite the restoration of U.S. sanctions and this week discussing a barter mechanism they hope may allow Iran to circumvent the U.S. measures.

Ford: Most ‘Indelible’ Memory of Alleged Attack Is ‘Uproarious Laughter’ of Kavanaugh, Friend By Bridget Johnson


WASHINGTON — Christine Blasey Ford told the Senate Judiciary Committee today that the most “indelible” memory she has of her alleged assault and attackers in high school is “the uproarious laughter between the two, and their having fun at my expense.”

Ford told the committee she did not mix up Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge with other teens at the time.

“The person that was blamed for the incident is actually the person who introduced me to them originally. So he was a member of Columbia Country Club,” she said of the middle-school teacher named in Ed Whelan’s Twitter doppelganger theory. “And I don’t want to talk about him because I think it’s unfair, but he is the person that introduced me to them.”

Ford said under questioning from Sen. Pat Leahy (D-Vt.) that she remembers Kavanaugh and Judge “were laughing with each other.”

“I was, you know, underneath one of them while the two laughed — two friends having a really good time with one another,” she said.

Ford testified that she had one beer and “Brett and Mark were visibly drunk” when they pushed her into a bedroom and turned up loud music.

“Brett got on top of me. He began running his hands over my body and grinding into me. I yelled, hoping that someone downstairs might hear me, and I tried to get away from him, but his weight was heavy,” the Palo Alto, Calif., professor said. “Brett groped me and tried to take off my clothes. He had a hard time, because he was very inebriated, and because I was wearing a one-piece bathing suit underneath my clothing. I believed he was going to rape me.”

“I tried to yell for help. When I did, Brett put his hand over my mouth to stop me from yelling. This is what terrified me the most, and has had the most lasting impact on my life,” she said. “It was hard for me to breathe, and I thought that Brett was accidentally going to kill me.”

Ford testified that “Brett’s assault on me drastically altered my life,” and “for a very long time, I was too afraid and ashamed to tell anyone these details.”

“I did not want to tell my parents that I, at age 15, was in a house without any parents present, drinking beer with boys,” she added. “I convinced myself that because Brett did not rape me, I should just move on and just pretend that it didn’t happen.”

She said the incident was revealed to her husband in a 2012 therapy session because he couldn’t understand why she was insisting on a second front door in their home remodel. CONTINUE AT SITE

Melting Pot or Civil War? By Reihan Salam


The choice will depend on our immigration policies

On December 11, 2017, Akayed Ullah, a 27-year-old man born in Bangladesh, detonated a crudely designed explosive device in New York’s Port Authority Bus Terminal, which sees more than 230,000 commuters every day. Thankfully, Ullah injured no one but himself. His intention, however, had evidently been to take as many of those commuters with him to the afterlife as he could. In the days and weeks that followed, dogged reporters, in the United States and in Ullah’s native Bangladesh, pieced together a troubling story: Though not notably radical before settling in Brooklyn in 2011, the young man had come to loathe the U.S., the country that had welcomed him, and to see his true home as being with the Islamic State, a gang of zealots best known for its homicidal brutality. Ullah apparently concluded that innocent U.S. commuters, including any number of recent immigrants much like him, deserved to be put to death to avenge America’s war against the Islamic State.

News of the botched attack sent my mind reeling. For one, Ullah lived in Kensington, the neighborhood where I grew up, and he was born in the same country as my parents. Ullah and I had shared the same stretches of sidewalk, and probably frequented the same corner stores. He settled in the country legally via a green card sponsored by a family member, not an uncommon story among Bangladeshi immigrants. When I saw Ullah’s face, I saw someone who could have been a cousin, or who might have helped my mother carry an armful of groceries.

After I heard the news, I girded myself for what would come next. In the age of Trump, all conversations about immigration descend into dueling spasms of culture-war outrage. As a poor Muslim immigrant turned lone-wolf terrorist, Ullah was emblematic of some of the most polarizing aspects of the president’s immigration agenda. Trump had famously campaigned on banning Muslim immigration to the United States outright, a stance that enjoyed overwhelming support among GOP primary voters. As president, he had called for curbing family-based admissions on the grounds that they meant admitting millions of immigrants lacking in “merit.” Immi­gration advocates pushed back. Some argued that it was obscene to suggest that a man such as Ullah was representative of immigrants at large. Others said that it was racist to question our current approach to family-based admissions.

Watch Lindsey Graham Tear Democrats To Shreds At Kavanaugh HearingBy Bre Payton


‘What you want to do is destroy this guy’s life, hold this seat open, and hope you win in 2020. … This is the most unethical sham since I’ve seen in politics.’

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham eviscerated his Democratic colleagues for their behavior on Thursday at the hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Shortly after several Democratic senators urged Kavanaugh to call off the confirmation process until the FBI could investigate the allegations of sexual assault made against him, Graham chided them by saying they could have asked the FBI to look into the matter themselves.

“If you wanted an FBI investigation, you could have come to us,” Graham said to his Democratic colleagues. “What you want to do is destroy this guy’s life, hold this seat open, and hope you win in 2020. You’ve said that! Not me. … When you see Sotomayor and Kagan, tell them Lindsey said ‘Hello,’ because I voted for them. I’d never do to them what you’ve done to this guy. This is the most unethical sham since I’ve seen in politics and if you really wanted to know the truth, you sure as hell wouldn’t have done what you’ve done to this guy.”

Tax-Funded Researcher Studying Trans Children Is Married To Trans Woman; Both Profit From Child Mutilation Jane Robbins

The more this information comes out, the more the public can understand what’s really going on with the debate over treatment for gender dysphoria.

Transgender activists and their hard-left political supporters have erected a wall of propaganda to block any objections founded in science, reality, or genuine compassion for sufferers of gender dysphoria. In a testament to their political skill, these activists have managed to shut down biologically based responses to their remarkable argument that gender is unrelated to biology and can be changed at will. But cracks in the wall are starting to show.

First came online discussion groups for parents whose teenagers (primarily girls) suddenly announced they were “trans” and asked for medical intervention to attain a masculine appearance. Websites such as 4thWaveNow and Transgender Trend (in the United Kingdom) allowed parents to compare notes about their remarkably similar experiences with this “rapid onset gender dysphoria” (ROGD)—when an average teen gets involved with “trans”-identifying individuals, usually peers, then discovers via Internet videos that whatever adolescent stresses she’s experiencing are certainly due to gender dysphoria and can be resolved with cross-sex hormones and mutilating surgery.

Then came a study from Dr. Lisa Littman at Brown University, demonstrating that such psychological and environmental factors can indeed contribute to ROGD. Although the transgender activists swung into action and, to no one’s surprise, bullied Brown into removing the press release about the study and otherwise groveling, the truth the study illumined lingers. Troubled parents now have scientific validation that they’re not crazy for believing their daughters are girls and their sons are boys—and for resisting the imposition of harmful, perhaps irreversible medical treatments.

Hard on the heels of the Brown controversy came news from the U.K, where the government “equalities minister” ordered an investigation into the reasons for the enormous increase (4,500 percent over a decade) in girls seeking so-called gender reassignment. The government wants to determine causes and “long-term impacts” of the phenomenon.