C-Span’s Brian Lamb interviewing Yale historian John Gaddis, May 28:
Brian: What is it like inside of Yale talking about Donald Trump?
Gaddis: It can’t really be done on a rational basis most of the time. within the university—a university like Yale, the feelings are so visceral, it is hard to have any conversation that does not say predictable things. . . . Anybody who tries to say something less than predictable is apt to be disregarded. People do not try. It is almost that way with students, but not quite as much. I think we are in a kind of bubble, like many places on the coast are. One of the things we have tried to do in the summer, with our grand strategy students—we have always built in what we call a summer odyssey somewhere. . . . The exotic climes we have been now pushing with our students are simply America. How many of you have taken a road trip across America? Surprisingly few. We are financing road trips across America for Yale students with the encouragement to stop in small towns and stay there. . . . They write this up as their projects. It is very simple. We just ask them, write about what you saw, write about what you heard. They can draw their own conclusions from this. . . . It is just our small effort to try to break down some of the isolation that somehow the elite universities have locked themselves into, the bubbles into which they have placed themselves.