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Ruth King

Trump’s Stellar Supreme Court Pick A look at Brett Kavanaugh’s real judicial record. Joseph Klein


President Trump has nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to fill the seat vacated by Justice Anthony Kennedy, who announced his retirement late last month. Judge Kavanaugh, 53, who has served on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals for 12 years, said that he was “deeply honored” to be nominated to replace Justice Kennedy, for whom he once clerked. If confirmed by the Senate, where the Republicans hold a razor-thin majority, Judge Kavanaugh, a principled strict constructionist, will help solidify a reliably conservative Supreme Court.

The left is in full resistance mode. It believes that the judiciary should serve as an additional but unelected political branch, whose duty it is to enact the left’s progressive policy agenda. They want activist justices who will treat the Constitution as a malleable instrument that can be twisted into the image of what the left thinks society should be.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, kowtowing to his base, wasted no time in viciously attacking Judge Kavanaugh, claiming that his nomination puts abortion rights and health care protections for women “on the judicial chopping block.” Democratic Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon declared, “There can be no mistaking Trump’s Supreme Court nomination for anything but what it is: a direct attempt to overturn Roe. v. Wade.”

This is only a small taste of the demagoguery, outright lies and outrageous ad hominem attacks against Judge Kavanaugh we can expect in the weeks ahead. Those who revere the Constitution, and who believe, like Alexander Hamilton, that the “rules of legal interpretation” should apply the laws in “conformity to the source from which they are derived,” must get out in front with the truth about this eminently qualified “judge’s judge.”

Kavanaugh Visits Capitol Hill as Durbin Predicts ‘Wild West D.C.’ If Confirmed By Bridget Johnson


Senate Dems vow to “look into what went on and what assurances were made that brought this name to the top of the list.”

WASHINGTON — Senate Democrats vowed today to try to use deep investigation and grassroots activism to stop President Trump’s pick for the Supreme Court as federal appeals court judge Brett Kavanaugh began making the rounds on Capitol Hill to meet GOP lawmakers.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) declared in a press conference in front of the Supreme Court this morning that “anyone who gets the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval from Leonard Leo and the Federalist Society and from the Heritage Foundation is not moderate, is not mainstream, is hard right and wants to move America back decades.”

Sen. Pat Leahy (D-Vt.), who has been in the upper chamber for the past 17 Supreme Court nominations, protested that “the Constitution doesn’t direct the president to nominate justices with the advice and consent of the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation; the Constitution gives that role to the Senate.”

“But I think the president looks at our independent courts like he does the Justice Department,” Leahy added. “He thinks the courts, as well as the Justice Department, should be an arm of the White House.”

Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) charged that “Washington, D.C., where he grew up, would be Wild West D.C. if Judge Kavanaugh had his way,” with views on the Second Amendment “straight out of the gun lobby’s playbook.”

The Catcher was a Spy: A review By Marion DS Dreyfus


One of the best films of the year, The Catcher was a Spy stars the superb Paul Rudd — more familiar to audiences as a light and lovable comic persona, or the droll Ant-Man (Ant-Man and the Wasp), in the Marvel franchise now doing boffo box office. Here, Rudd is enigmatic, restrained, a never-less-than compelling presence.

Here, he is the remarkably accomplished Moe Berg, who is scooped up by the Office of Strategic Services from the field as a catcher in the Boston Red Sox in the early 1940s, to stymie the potentially terrifying development of the atomic bomb by a German scientist, played by chameleon-actor Mark Strong as Professor Werner Heisenberg.

If you recall your high school physics, that is the very same Heisenberg as the originator of the Heisenberg Principle, which posits that you cannot pin anything atomic down, since the very act of studying it changes it, so uncertainty is the only certainty. (NB: My slight interpretation, of course.)

Playing with an accent and a curly hairstyle that irritated my colleague at our viewing, Paul Giamatti nicely conveys the heebie jeebies of a scientist, Samuel Goudsmit, guide-along who of necessity accompanies Moe Berg as Berg infiltrates, leads a double life, trying to reach and charm his way into the needed contacts behind enemy lines and execute his mission.

The Racism of the Alleged Affronted By Eileen F. Toplansky


At the Consortium of Higher Education for LGBT Resource Professionals, one learns that at an upcoming webinar, “queer and trans people of color are welcome to join and engage in or observe the space. However, we do want to provide a content warning that in these spaces we hope white folks will process our thoughts and behaviors in a learning environment so we can address them and discuss and [sic] tactics of decentering whiteness.”

The topic is “How our institutions center whiteness as a dominant narrative and how we can decenter whiteness at an organizational level. Facilitators: Jesse Beal, they/them, Director, Women’s and Gender Center, Amherst College” and “Kayla Lisenby, they/them or she/her, Assistant Director, LGBTQ Center, Wake Forest University.”

Under the social justice rubric, being born white makes one evil, plain and simple. In fact, according to Dr. Kathy Obear, one can either be a good white ally or a bad one. Thus, everything is seen through the prism of race.

If white people ask people of color to teach them how to say things correctly to avoid racism, this actually results in a burden on people of color to constantly educate. Thus, you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t.

In fact, calling on someone to check his so-called privilege is an ad hominem attack. In particular, this logical fallacy is guilt by association. Being a part of the Caucasian race automatically makes a person guilty.

In actuality, white privilege is predicated on the idea that there needs to be “universal white guilt on the one hand and universal black innocence on the other.” For example, at the Crunk Feminist Collective, one learns that in 2012 Arizona governor Jan Brewer should have kept her fingers to herself when she confronted President Barack Obama about his immigration policies. Brewer was engaging in white female privilege and was “being disrespectful as hell.” Rather than explaining that she was incensed that a president of the United States could trample over the rights of American citizens, this episode is seen only through the prism of race and gender.

Wrecking NATO By Shoshana Bryen


The Washington Post headline blared, “Trump is bent on wrecking NATO. Prepare for catastrophe.” The Post fears that President Trump’s diplomacy will benefit Vladimir Putin to the detriment of American and European interests. European Council president Donald Tusk sniped, “Dear America, appreciate your allies. After all, you don’t have that many.”

The NATO countries are, indeed, among America’s closest allies, but some of them appear more interested in oil, natural gas, and trade with Iran than in the Fulda Gap. Some of our “closest allies” have been working overtime to undermine America. If Mr. Trump is irritated with them, there is a reason.

Iran is preparing to take $300 million in cash out of German banks to get ahead of impending U.S. banking sanctions. While American intelligence officials are concerned that the money will finance terrorism, the German government says it has “no evidence” to that effect. According to the German newspaper Bild, “Iran … says that they need the money ‘to pass it on to Iranian individuals who, when travelling abroad, are dependent on euros in cash due to their lack of access to accepted credit cards.'” The German government appears to think that one million Iranian tourists might need $300 each – or perhaps 300 tourists might need $1 million each.

The plan to send dollars to Tehran is in line with European negotiations, led by Germany and France, to help Iran mitigate the economic fallout of the American withdrawal from the JCPOA – the Iran deal. The E.U. has also begun to update its “blocking statute,” the rule that will prevent European companies from complying with impending Iran sanctions.

Making American Jews Right Again By Larry Greenfield


In his book Why Are Jews Liberals, Norman Podhoretz described a “Torah of Liberalism” as the guiding political philosophy of contemporary American Jews.

Lacking religious devotion to the ancient Biblical text and Rabbinic tradition, or to the ritual observances practiced by “Orthodox” Jewry, Jewish Americans affiliated with liberal denominations, or disaffiliated completely from religious life, not only mimic predominant secular, urban political faith, they often lead it.

For many decades, prominent political movements of the Left—Communism, socialism, feminism, environmentalism, statism, welfarism, gay rights activism, and pro-abortionism—have been led by Jewish atheists, academics, and activists replacing God-based religious belief and behavior with a secular “social action” agenda. Podhoretz argued these Jews are religiously passionate, it’s just that their religion is now liberalism (not classical liberalism but modern progressivism).

The common Hebrew term heard at left-wing Jewish seminaries, synagogues, temples, summer camps, and communal organizations is “tikkun olam,” translated as “repairing the world.” The actual historical term, “L’taken olam b’malchut shaddai” was once an idea that served the social order, for example, by endorsing capital punishment to protect the community. Some leaders of the American Jewish establishment now selectively hijack Jewish law to authorize a range of social justice warfare intent on moving objectively nuanced and long-debated Jewish ethical concepts into subjective partisanship.

Michael Galak The Legacy and Lessons of Barbarossa


The hallmark and genesis of the Great Patriotic War, as Russians call it, was the political incompetence of the Soviet leadership, their naiveté, paranoia and blind reliance on a Marxist interpretation of world events. Marx is no longer the Kremlin’s sacred text, but all else has changed little if at all.

June 22, 1941 – its the date which is engraved in memory of all who had a misfortune to be born in the USSR. This was the day Operation Barbarossa began, the Nazi attack on the Soviet Union. By today’s date, July 10, German forces were at Kiev’s doorstep and, behind the rapidly advancing front line, the Wehrmacht and SS were firmly in control. On this day Jews were being massacred in the Polish town of Jedwabne, as they would be in countless other locations.

In retrospect, the clash between Hitler and Stalin was inevitable, two predators willing and ready to spill blood generously to achieve their delusional dreams of world dominance. Both required enemies to hate to consolidate their hold on their respective populations. The Nazis were focusing their need for hatred on the Jews. The Soviets were concentrating on the ‘evil’ of the international bourgeoisie. The Soviets adopted pseudo-scientific Marxist theories of class struggle as the basis for the extermination of millions of unwanted souls. The Nazis based their extermination programs on the equally pseudo-scientific theories of race and social Darwinism. Both regimes were quite successful in brainwashing their followers. Both were socialists with insignificant ideological variations. Even flags, songs and holidays were similar. The difference between the Nazis and the Soviets, described as the divide between the evil ‘Right’ and the noble ‘Left’, has always struck me as being contrived and nonsensical.

The beginning of the direct war between the USSR and the Nazi Germany was characterized by the extraordinary series of events. The two countries were allies and, following the infamous Molotov-Ribbentrop treaty, which stunned the world at the time, were busily dividing Europe. Hitler was grabbing France, Netherlands, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Greece, Yugoslavia and the Western half of Poland. Stalin, not to be outdone, was getting Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Mongolia, parts of Hungary, Romania and Eastern Poland. Stalin demanded an increase of his share of the European spoils during the Molotov’s visit to Berlin in 1940. Hitler refused and activated the contingency plan of attack on the Soviet Union ‘Barbarossa’ almost immediately after Molotov’s departure. Both countries were planning to attack each other sooner or later.

14 Times Republican Officials Were Viciously Harassed, Threatened With Death Bre Payton

n the past couple of months, Republicans and government officials who work for President Trump have received death threats, been run out of restaurants and stores, and followed to their cars.

Throughout the past couple of months, Republicans and government officials who work for President Trump have received death threats, been run out of restaurants and stores, and followed to their cars. The uptick in harassment coincides with increasingly aggressive rhetoric from leading Democrats.

Here are 14 times Trump administration officials and Republican lawmakers have been threatened or run out of establishments recently.
1. Protestors to Mitch McConnell: ‘We Know Where You Live!’

Protestors followed Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to his car outside of a restaurant in Kentucky on Saturday. In a video recording of the encounter, protestors are seen walking behind McConnell and shouting at him: “Vote you out!”

Hundreds of protestors were demonstrating outside of a nearby Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office on Saturday, when the senator was spotted dining at a restaurant just a few miles away, CNN reported.

“We know where you live too, Mitch!” the group of protestors are seen yelling. “Abolish ICE!”
2. Protestors Follow Elaine Chao To Her Car

Two weeks ago, protestors followed McConnell and his wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, as they were getting into a vehicle. These demonstrators played audio of border-crossing foreign children whose parents were reportedly apprehended and heckling the senator for the Trump administration’s border enforcement policies.

“Why are you separating families?” the men ask.

“Why don’t you leave my husband alone!” Chao responds.

The day before this showdown between Chao and protestors, Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters called for Democrats to “create a crowd” whenever they see a Trump administration official at a restaurant or shopping mall and to “tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”
3. Liberals Wish Rep. Steve Scalise Was Dead

In response to Water’s call for mobs of protestors to heckle and crowd around Republicans, Rep. Steve Scalise, who survived an anti-Republican shooting last year, called for civility among all Americans, from both sides of the aisle. His call for civility was met with pushback from people who said they wished he had “succumbed to his wounds.”
4. Liberal PAC Fundraises For Billboard Encouraging Passersby to ‘Take Out’ Scalise

In May, a liberal PAC was raising money to erect a poster encouraging passersby to “take out” Scalise. The wording of the billboard, combined with a comment from the PAC chairman saying his group was planning to “toss mortars” at Republicans, was sloppy, to say the least.
5. Man Arrested For Threatening To Kill Republican Supporters

On Saturday, a man was arrested in Suffolk County, New York, for threatening to kill supporters of Republican Rep. Lee Zeldin and President Donald Trump. The Daily Caller has more:

‘Martin Astrof was arrested after he threatened to kill supporters of Congressman Lee Zeldin and President Donald Trump,’ Suffolk PD said. ‘Astrof went to the campaign headquarters of Congressman Zeldin and became irate with a campaign worker at approximately 11:15 a.m. After threatening to kill the campaign worker and other supporters, Astrof backed his car up in an aggressive manner nearly striking the worker.’

6. Cynthia Nixon Calls ICE a ‘Terrorist Organization’

“Sex and the City” star and gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon, who campaigned in Suffolk County over the weekend, called ICE a “terrorist organization,” and called for the “monstrous Trump-Pence administration” to be abolished.

7. Woman Screams Out Steve Bannon at a Bookstore

On Saturday, a woman reportedly screamed at former White House advisor Steve Bannon, who was shopping at a bookstore in Richmond, Virginia. The woman called Bannon a “piece of trash” and continued to yell at him until the bookstore owner called the cops, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch.
8. Woman Confronts Scott Pruitt At DC Restaurant With 2-Year-Old Son On Her Hip

Last Monday, a woman eating with her two-year-old son at a restaurant in Washington DC confronted former Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt and urged him to resign.

“This is my son, he loves animals, wants clean water, clean air,” the woman said. “I’m urging you to resign before your scandals push you out.”
9. Mob of Protestors Swarm DHS Secretary at DC Restaurant, Yell ‘Shame! Shame!’

Days earlier, a group of protestors swarmed Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen at a Mexican restaurant in Washington DC and shouted “SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!” at her repeatedly until she left.
10. Restaurant Owner Kicks Out Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Two weeks ago, the owner of a restaurant in Lexington, Virginia, asked Sarah Huckabee Sanders to leave her eatery because the White House press secretary works for the Trump administration.
11. Net Neutrality Supporter Threatened to Murder FCC Chairman’s Family

In late June, a man was arrested and charged for threatening to kill Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai and his family. Earlier this year, Pai, had to cancel appearances because of bomb threats aimed at him after the chairman voted to repeal Internet traffic regulations last December.
12. Protestors Left A Burnt, Decapitated Animal Body On DHS Employee’s Front Porch

In a recent threat assessment, DHS officials reported an uptick in the number of threats made against employees at the department since the increased attention to Trump’s enforcement of U.S. immigration policies. In one case, a DHS employee who lives in the Washington DC area found a body of a burned, decapitated animal on his front porch, ABC News reports.
13. Idaho State Rep. Threatened With Death, Rape

Idaho State Rep. Priscilla Giddings has been threatened with rape and encouraged to kill herself by people who disliked a Facebook post in which she explains how having a gun saved her life while fighting the Taliban overseas. Giddings, a former combat pilot and current major in the Air Force Reserves, says that disarming women in the U.S. is a step backwards. You can listen to the vile voicemail messages she received here.
14. Protestors Hand ‘Wanted’ Posters With Stephen Miller’s Face On Them To His Neighbors

Several weeks ago, White House senior advisor Stephen Miller’s face was slapped onto “Wanted” flyers found circulating among his neighbors at an apartment complex he reportedly lives in.

Miller reportedly told his colleagues that a bartender at a restaurant flipped him off when he went to pick up a sushi order at a nearby restaurant and repeatedly yelled at him. This confrontation prompted Miller to throw away $80 worth of sushi for fear that it had been tampered with.
Bre Payton is a staff writer at The Federalist. Follow her on Twitter.

Another ‘Migrant’ Uber Driver Has Sexually Assaulted His Passenger

– An Uber driver has been charged with trying to forcibly touch a passenger in Westchester County.

27-year-old Iqbal Hussain was arrested by Rye Brook detectives at his apartment in the Bronx on Tuesday.

Police say Hussain was working as an Uber driver when he attempted to subject a female passenger in his vehicle to sexual contact.

The woman was injured while trying to defend herself.

Hussain was charged with assault and attempted forcible touching, and was released on $500 bail.

*Between June 2014 and June 2018, there have been at least 375 reported sexual assaults committed by Uber and Lyft drivers upon their female passengers in the U.S., according to the watchdog website “Who’s Driving You?”

New Israeli Drug for Crohn’s Disease ‘Groundbreaking’ By Tyler O’Neil


On Sunday, an Israeli drug company announced that a cure for Crohn’s disease may be in the works. As results of a massive study on the effectiveness of a potentially life-saving drug come in, RedHill Biopharma has also filed new patents for it in the U.S. and Europe.

“This is a groundbreaking new approach, and if we’re correct this will be a new salvation for patients and for doctors and for everyone affected by this disease,” Guy Goldberg, chief business officer at RedHill, told ILTV Israel on Sunday. “We are right now conducting probably the largest most robust study ever done with an anti-bacterial approach to treating Crohn’s disease.”

Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease in which the body’s immune system attacks the gastrointestinal tract from mouth to anus. Signs and symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, and weight loss, while complications include anemia, skin rashes, arthritis, inflammation of the eye, and tiredness.

The direct cause of the disease remains unknown, but it seems linked to a combination of environmental, immune, and bacterial factors in people with a certain type of genetics. About half of the overall risk is related to genetics, with more than 70 genes involved. Tobacco smokers are twice as likely to develop the disease. There is as yet no cure, and people with Crohn’s disease have a reduced life expectancy.

Approximately 1.5 million people were diagnosed with Crohn’s disease worldwide in 2017, and global sales of Crohn’s disease therapies are estimated to exceed $10 billion in 2018, according to RedHill’s research.

“The current way of treating Crohn’s disease is basically suppressing the body’s entire immune response and that only works for a temporary period of time and it has very serious side effects,” Goldberg explained. “They’re essentially treating the symptoms of the disease and not providing a cure.”

By contrast, RedHill is “trying to address the underlying cause of the disease,” Following the theory that it is caused by a bacterial infection involving Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP).

That’s why the RedHill study is so important. The Israeli company is currently conducting a first Phase III study of the drug RHB-104 among Crohn’s disease patients. The last patient in the study completed 26 weeks of treatment in early May 2018, and results from the study are expected in the coming weeks.

The study is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study evaluating the safety and efficacy of RHB-104 in subjects with moderately to severely active Crohn’s disease. The goal is disease remission, and the study has enrolled 331 patients in the U.S., Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Israel. CONTINUE AT SITE