I am not a naïve Jew. I am only too aware that if Jews ceased to exist, most of the world would shrug its shoulders, and, in fact, many would silently say “good riddance.” I am quite cognizant that the very existence of Israel is a bane to a majority of the world’s nations despite Israel’s medical contributions, which have made the lives of so many of the world’s people infinitely better.
I am acutely mindful of the latent as well as overt anti-Semitism that rears its ugly head at American universities. But when I was given a list of readings that students were to use, I realized I needed to speak out.
A February 24, 2018 article by Lux Alptraum, titled “The Defeat of Killmonger in ‘Black Panther’ holds lessons for Israel,” is filled with factually inaccurate assertions and a decidedly anti-Israel tone. Alptraum, a left-wing Jew who claims universalism at the expense of the one Jewish nation in the world, exploits the Holocaust to make his point. He does it with no qualms.
Alptraum asserts that “Israel was founded as a kind of reparation for the survivors of Europe’s attempted genocide.” First off, this was not an “attempted genocide” – it was a chillingly successful genocide. Secondly, Alptraum, a grandson of Holocaust-survivors, apparently does not know of the constant presence of Jews in Israel and the idea of Jewish nationalism known as Zionism, which has existed for centuries.
Alptraum conveniently forgets that Jews purchased land outright from Arabs who also lived on the land. He neglects to mention the outright bigotry and discrimination that describe the Arab world, which stands in stark contrast to the elevation of human rights that Israel demonstrates, often against great odds.