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Ruth King

Germany: ‘Decapitating’ Freedom of the Press? by Stefan Frank


If it was indeed the authorities’ plan to censor the news and keep the information of the beheading under wraps, then it backfired. Due to the reports about the raid, thousands of people have seen the video, and hundreds of thousands have heard about the botched censorship attempt.

Hamburg’s government is still trying to conceal the beheading. Among other things, they [the AfD party] wanted to know whether the child had been beheaded. The administration — in breach of its constitutional duty — refused to answer. It also censored the questions by blacking out whole sentences.

Why the beheading should be kept a secret is anyone’s guess. What has become clear is how easily authorities in Germany can censor the news and punish bloggers who spread undesired information. They have a vast toolbox of laws at their disposal. It does not seem to bother them that the law invoked in this case stipulates explicitly that it shall not be applied to the “reporting of contemporary events.”

In an apparent attempt to sweep under the rug a recent double homicide in Hamburg, Germany, authorities there censored the story. They also raided the apartments of a witness who filmed a video describing the murder, and a blogger who posted the video on YouTube.

The murder, which made headlines worldwide, occurred on the morning of April 12. The assailant, Mourtala Madou, a 33-year-old illegal immigrant from Niger, stabbed his German ex-girlfriend, identified as Sandra P., and their one-year-old daughter, Miriam, at a Hamburg subway station. The child died at the scene; her mother died later, at the hospital. The woman’s three-year-old son witnessed the murders.

A Conversation with French Writer Renaud Camus by Grégoire Canlorbe


“Europe persists in expiating, or believing they are expiating, the horrors inflicted on Jews during the last war by importing onto its territory millions of people who, as soon as they are here, have nothing more urgent than to inflict horrors on Jews. Racism turned Europe into a field of ruins; anti-racism is making it a hate-filled slum. In both instances, the first victims are the Jews.” — Renaud Camus.

“Europe is a sort of a great Israel, threatened from all sides. Its peoples, alas, are far from showing the same attachment to their land, the same fidelity to their membership, the same spirit of resistance, as the Israelis…. The Israelis have great lessons to give us, as do the Hungarians, the Poles, the Czechs, and now the Austrians.” — Renaud Camus.

Jean Renaud Gabriel Camus, co-founder and President of the National Council of European Resistance, is a French writer known for having coined the phrase “Great replacement” — referring to the reported colonization of Western Europe by immigrants from North Africa and the Middle East.

Grégoire Canlorbe: “Replacement” is, you say, the ideology of the world superclass.[1] Do you see in Emmanuel Macron an agent of the “world superclass”?

Renaud Camus: Ah yes: the best. This is the man from Davos. Indeed, he sets in with great strides what I call the “Direct Davocracy,” the direct management of the human park by the banks, the stateless financiers, and the multinationals.

The Heck with Civility—This Is War By Michael Walsh ****


At least since the appearance of my book, Rules for Radical Conservatives—originally written under the name and in the voice of my radical leftist character created for National Review, “David Kahane”—I’ve been asked whether I advocate using the same tactics against the Left as they use on us. And my answer is always the same: of course I do.

Treat us with the same contempt with which we treat you. Or, to put it in language you might actually understand: treat us with same respect we give you, which is none.

After all, you don’t see us being nice to you, do you? You don’t see us ever reaching across the aisle, extending the olive branch, blah blah blah. Laurel wreaths are for winners, but olive branches can go pound sand. If a tie, to use the old sports cliché, is like kissing your sister, losing is like… well, don’t make me go there. Remember that poor schmuck Sully in Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 1985 movie, Commando? You know, the part where Arnold quips: “Remember, Sully, when I promised to kill you last”?

Like Arnold: we lied.

So calls to maintain “civility” in engaging with people who manufacture fake crises and then feed them to the public via their control of the mainstream media, sucker-punch conservatives on street corners, attack patriotic events with Antifa thugs, and otherwise engage in Brownshirt tactics that would do Ernst Röhm proud, are not only asking the impossible, they’re suicidal. There’s no reasoning with them, no reaching across the aisle, no finding common ground with a large political movement—both increasingly emboldened and increasingly desperate—that wishes to destroy every meaningful aspect of the United States of America. In fact, the Democrats, under their new party chairman, Tom Perez, have become a frankly Socialist party, equally in thrall to an aged Soviet red-diaper baby and a fresh-faced imitation of la Passionara named after a city in Egypt.

So it’s them or us—and I’d much rather it’d be them.

We’ve tried civility, and we know from bitter experience it doesn’t work. There is no pacifying the Left, no accommodating it, no buying it off with a bit of appeasement here and there.

The True Meaning of the Pentagon Papers By Hadley Arkes


Editor’s Note: The following piece originally appeared in City Journal. It is reprinted here with permission. https://www.city-journal.org/html/true-meaning-pentagon-papers-15834.html

Shrouded in liberal mythology perpetuated by a new Hollywood film, the landmark court case was wrongly decided—and has been wrongly remembered.

In Schindler’s List, Steven Spielberg offered an account of selfless heroism manifested by the most ordinary of men — a man more pronounced in his vices than his virtues. Oskar Schindler risked everything he had in order to rescue, from the Holocaust, as many of the innocent as he could. It was a story that needed no embellishment.

In his recent film, The Post, Spielberg sets out to tell a story with the sense, again, that the plain facts should speak powerfully for themselves. But here, he has produced a fairy tale. He has offered the narrative that liberals wish to tell themselves, filtering out facts that tell a strikingly different moral lesson. The legend involves the brave owner and editors of the Washington Post. Katharine Graham put herself and the future of her newspaper at risk by doing what even she and her lawyers recognized as a violation of the law: publishing “classified” papers on the war in Vietnam. (The recent controversy over Hillary Clinton and her handling of classified material makes the story sharply relevant.) And what deepened the danger is that her editors were stirring the ire — and the legal resistance — of an administration headed by Richard Nixon.

But then, vindication: The Post could celebrate itself for chalking up a notable victory for the First Amendment, as the government went to court, trying to get an injunction to bar or delay the publication of the papers. When faced with such crises in the past, the government stayed out of court, lest it draw attention to the unwarranted release of secrets. (During World War II, the Chicago Tribune inadvertently published the names of Japanese ships involved in the Battle of Midway. President Franklin Roosevelt wanted to put Colonel Robert McCormick, the Tribune’s publisher, in jail for revealing that the U.S. had broken the Japanese code. But if the Japanese had not noticed the article, there was no point in broadcasting it through a public trial.) In the case of the Post, though, the classified documents were dribbling out day by day, drawing ever more attention — and making it clearer that the executive branch lacked control over some of its most sensitive papers on national security.

It’s no small irony that Nixon himself was not inclined to respond to the provocations of the New York Times, which took the lead in publishing the purloined papers. If the papers disclosed any wrongdoing, it concerned the record of Lyndon Johnson and Robert McNamara. Some of the documents could be read to suggest an intention to expand the war in Southeast Asia after LBJ won the election of 1964. And he did win it, in part by painting Barry Goldwater as the candidate ready to trigger a war. But it was Henry Kissinger who jolted Nixon from his studied indifference. According to H. R. Haldeman, Kissinger argued that Nixon did not quite grasp “how dangerous the release of the Pentagon Papers was. . . . The fact that some idiot can publish all of the diplomatic secrets of this country on his own . . . could destroy our ability to conduct foreign policy. If other powers feel that we cannot control internal leaks, they will never agree to secret negotiations.” What Kissinger had in mind were the negotiations then in the works to make the breakthrough with China. Those negotiations were bound up, in turn, with attempts to deal with North Vietnam, steer into the agreements over strategic-arms limitation with the Soviet Union, and handle the delicate dance over Berlin.

The Left Can’t Come to Grips with Loss of Power By Victor Davis Hanson

https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/07/progressive-meltdown-left-cannot-cope-with-loss-of-power/There’s no better explanation for the current progressive meltdown.

Key Trump administration officials have been confronted at restaurants. Representative Maxine Waters (D., Calif.) urged protesters to hound Trump officials at restaurants, gas stations, or department stores.

Progressive pundits and the liberal media almost daily think up new ways of characterizing President Trump as a Nazi, fascist, tyrant, or buffoon. Celebrities openly fantasize about doing harm to Trump.

What is behind the unprecedented furor?

Just as Barack Obama was not a centrist, neither is Trump. Obama promised to fundamentally transform the United States. Trump pledged to do the same and more — but in the exact opposite direction.

The Trump agenda enrages the Left in much the same manner that Obamacare, the Obama tax hikes, Obama’s liberal Supreme Court picks, and the Iran nuclear deal goaded the Right.

Yet the current progressive meltdown is about more than just political differences. The outrage is mostly about power — or rather, the utter and unexpected loss of it.

In 2009, Obama seemed to usher in a progressive revolution for a generation.

Democrats controlled the House. They had a supermajority in the Senate. Obama had a chance to ensure a liberal majority on the Supreme Court for years.

Michael Cutler: Immigration Anarchists Vs. National Security Dismantling ICE would lower America’s shields in a dangerous era.

Just when you thought you’d heard and seen it all, members of the Looney Left have shown that there is no end to the insanity and depravity that they would foist upon America and Americans.

Their creation of “Sanctuary Cities” has done incredible damage to national security and public safety by harboring and shielding illegal aliens, including those who have serious criminal convictions from detection by ICE. These bastions of anarchy should be referred to as “Magnet Cities” because they attract international terrorists and fugitives and transnational gang members. In point of fact, Sanctuary Cities Endanger – National Security and Public Safety.

Not content with this insanity, some politicians are now demanding that ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) be dismantled altogether, creating a de facto “Sanctuary Country.”

They attempt to justify this lunatic proposal by decrying the separation of illegal alien children from their parents when they are arrested for entering the United States without inspection.

In this Orwellian era, smugglers who assist aliens in entering the United States without inspection are referred to as “Human Traffickers.” Years ago these criminals were referred to as “Alien Smugglers.” In point of fact, I was assigned to the Anti-Smuggling Unit of the New York District Office in the late 1970’s.

There is a major difference in the perceptions created by this deceptive word-smithing, creating the false illusion that somehow these illegal aliens are “victims of human trafficking.”

Sex, Lies and the Deep State What the affairs of the deep state tell us about it. Daniel Greenfield


At the heart of the effort to bring down President Trump were two affairs. Unlike the bizarre lies about Moscow hotel rooms and prostitutes in the Steele dossier that was used by the Clinton campaign and its allies to smear President Trump and generate an investigation against him, these affairs truly took place.

And they didn’t just expose the malfeasance of four people, but of a corrupt political culture.

The affairs between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page in the FBI, and between Senate Intelligence Committee security director James Wolfe and New York Times reporter Ali Watkins, did more than betray the spouses of Strzok, Page and Wolfe. They also betrayed the duties of the two men and two women.

The affairs were not private matters. The two illicit sexual relationships were also illicit political arrangements. As the Inspector General’s report noted, Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, a Clinton ally who has since been fired, used Page as his liaison with Strzok to circumvent the chain of command on the investigation. McCabe used Page as his conduit and Watkins’ media employers used the young reporter as a conduit to her older married lover and the leaked information he allegedly provided her.

BuzzFeed, Politico, the Huffington Post and the New York Times were aware of the Watkins affair. As the Times piece on Watkins coolly put it, “Their relationship played out in the insular world of Washington, where young, ambitious journalists compete for scoops while navigating relationships with powerful, often older, sources.” Usually it’s enemy governments that employ young women having an affair with older married government officials to extract information on Intelligence Committee proceedings.

Reform the NHS Before It Kills Again British hospital managers covered up the unlawful killing of as many as 650 patients, a report finds. Rupert Darwall


National Health Service jingoism is an abiding feature of British politics. “This is the model of health care that reflects our values as a people,” Prime Minister Theresa May declared last month. It is so precious, Mrs. May said, that it should remain in public hands—not for the next 70 years, but forever. Mrs. May proceeded to promise a budget-busting increase in NHS spending of nearly 20% over the next five years. “Taxpayers will have to contribute a bit more in a fair and balanced way,” she said, sugar-coating the pill of large tax increases in the autumn budget.

Two days after this speech, an independent report revealed a different way in which the NHS is world-class. NHS managers covered up the unlawful killing of up to 650 patients at the Gosport War Memorial Hospital on the English south coast.

The NHS is not a stranger to mass medical malpractice. Three years ago, a report revealed the deaths of 19 mothers and infants at Morecambe Bay Hospital due to clinical incompetence. In 2015 the Francis Report into Mid-Staffs Hospital found “appalling and unnecessary suffering of hundreds of people” and warned of “highly concerning” reports of similar experiences elsewhere.

Last week’s report lifts the lid on the most horrifying NHS scandal. On Aug. 17, 1998, 91-year-old Gladys Richards was readmitted to Gosport for rehabilitation after surgery and treatment for hip dislocation at another nearby hospital. Although Richards didn’t mention any pain, Jane Barton wrote a prescription for high-dosage opioids and gave Richards a subcutaneous infusion. Dr. Barton explained that using a syringe driver was the kindest treatment available, and she continued, “the next thing will be a chest infection.”



This new edition of The Glazov Gang features Tommy Robinson, the prominent anti-Sharia activist in the UK who is the author of his memoir, Enemy of the State.

Tommy says “I Despise Racism….I Judge Bad Ideas,” sharing his love of people — but opposition to a totalitarian ideology.

[As we all know, Tommy has been thrown into a UK prison in a horrifyingly totalitarian manner. Help him by visiting his website, tommyrobinson.online, and by also going to Rebel Media, which has nobly taken up his cause.]

Don’t miss this new Glazov Gang edition:

A uniquely British sense of justice By Sally Morris


On May 25, human rights activist and journalist Tommy Robinson (Stephen Yaxley-Lennon) was arrested while live-streaming at a trial of accused sex-traffickers. He was literally grabbed off the street by seven police officers; thrown in a van; and carted off to a waiting courtroom and judge, where he was sentenced to 13 months – a dangerous sentence, considering the prison population and his forthright stand against abuse of young girls by predominantly Muslim rape gangs.

The whole process took approximately four hours and went forward without Robinson having his own counsel present. He has since been transferred to different prisons and has remained in solitary confinement as the only means to prevent an attempt on his life in these prisons.

In mid-June, his family, with help from friends, hired attorneys to act for him – who filed an appeal, asking for bail to be set and a re-hearing.

Today we learn that this long awaited appeal hearing has been canceled. No, Robinson isn’t the holdup. After all, he’s been ready to have his side heard since May 25.

Nope. The Crown counsel is not “ready.” The counsel needs “more time to prepare.” This is remarkable.

It took these people a mere four hours to whisk the man off the public sidewalk in front of the Leeds public courthouse and throw him unceremoniously into one of Her Majesty’s prisons. Maybe they should have allowed time for him to “prepare” – meaning at least get his own lawyer into the courtroom. But sentencing a man to 13 months in a dangerous prison seems a minor thing.