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Ruth King

Unraveling the Deep State Narrative : Part 2:Rogue Ruling Class Grabs Power, Removes the People’s Sovereignty By D Hawthorne

Famed civil libertarian and attorney Alan Dershowitz said recently of the ongoing shenanigans surrounding Robert Mueller’s investigation: “Just as the first casualty of war is truth, so, too, the first casualty of hyper-partisan politics is civil liberties.”

Indeed. The American people are up against a rogue ruling class that cares only about protecting the power they have taken from us; they don’t give a damn about civil liberties or justice, in general.

We were reminded of this recently when President Trump pardoned Scooter Libby. The pardon highlighted former FBI Director James Comey’s corruption in unleashing prosecutorial abuse by a special counsel, Patrick Fitzgerald, who then railroaded the conviction of an innocent man. The pardon corrected a miscarriage of justice; it was no Marc Rich pardon (though that had its own Comey and Clinton Foundation connections) and, contrary to Comey’s assertion, it was not an attack on justice or the rule of law. Comey has now hired Fitzgerald as his personal attorney.

Regarding the character of the special counsel, Dershowitz described Mueller’s personal involvement in “the most scandalous miscarriage of justice in the modern history of the FBI,” where four men were sent to prison for murders they were known not to have committed. They remained locked up for nearly 30 years, after which a judge awarded them $102 million for false imprisonment.

Unelected bureaucrats are acting with similar disdain for the people’s will. PowerLine’s John Hinderaker writes how, in contradiction to our Constitution, James Comey and others like former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates have declared the FBI and “permanent staff of the DOJ” are “independent of, and superior to, the president . . . a permanent bureaucracy in Washington that is impervious to the wishes of the voters,” making “the administrative state . . . the greatest contemporary threat to the liberty of Americans.”

Unraveling the Deep State Narrative An Imminent Counterattack Begins the Fight of Our Lives By D Hawthorne Part 3

Unparalleled government abuses of power are about to become public. The question is what we, the people, will do in response to this overt attempt by deep state players to strip us of our freedom.

Four recent developments drive home the unsettling nature of our situation:

First, Charles Lipson writes how Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) “is making a deeply troubling allegation: An official investigation was mounted against an American presidential campaign with no official information to support it. If so, then U.S. intelligence and law-enforcement agencies were weaponized for partisan purposes.”

Andrew McCarthy, on the implications for equal justice under the law: “Too many Trump critics have abandoned all pretense of respecting due process.” Byron York adds: “…the generally accepted standard of justice has been turned on its head. Now, the question is: Can the accused prove the charges false? Increasingly, the president’s critics argue that the dossier is legitimate because it has not been proven untrue.”

Second, a redacted version of the House Intelligence Committee’s final report appeared on Friday, clearing Trump’s campaign of colluding with Russia but describing three troubling matters: First, former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn did not lie to FBI special agents. Instead, what Michael Walsh calls the Left’s “Star Chamber of Horrors” apparently forced Flynn to accept a guilty plea to stanch his financial bleeding, which included selling his home.

Edmund Burke on Michelle Wolf By Roger Kimball

Watching the disgusting (and decidedly unfunny) performance of the comedienne Michelle Wolf at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner last night, I thought of two things. One was, “What would her mother think of this shockingly vulgar and carelessly cruel exhibition?” I’d say the same thing about Ms. Wolf’s children, if she had any, which I believe she does not.

The second thing I thought of was Edmund Burke’s mournful observations, in Reflections on the Revolution in France, about the moral coefficients of the destructive antinomian impulses that coruscated through France in 1789-1790. The date is important. Burke, although he saw clearly that “in the groves of their academy, at the end of every vista, you see nothing but the gallows,” was writing before the Terror. The depredations he foresaw and cataloged had so far affected mainly manners and morals—the human heart, not yet heads separated from bodies. That would come later.

Of course, we know what was to come. Burke merely foretold it. Yet the insight of hindsight makes Burke’s observations all the more poignant. “All the pleasing illusions,” Burke wrote,

which made power gentle, and obedience liberal, which harmonized the different shades of life, and which, by a bland assimilation, incorporated into politics the sentiments which beautify and soften private society, are to be dissolved by this new conquering empire of light and reason [note the irony]. All the decent drapery of life is to be rudely torn off. All the super-added ideas, furnished from the wardrobe of a moral imagination, which the heart owns, and the understanding ratifies, as necessary to cover the defects of our naked shivering nature, and to raise it to dignity in our own estimation, are to be exploded as a ridiculous, absurd, and antiquated fashion.


Take a gander at the Democrat supposedly in line to oust Devin Nunes By Monica Showalter

According to a top polling forecaster Larry Sabato, House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes is no longer in a “safe” seat for re-election. He might just lose his seat to a Democrat named Andrew Janz.

According to The Hill:

Sabato’s Crystal Ball at the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics moved Nunes’s seat to “likely Republican” as his Democratic challenger, Fresno County Deputy District Attorney Andrew Janz, continues to have fundraising success.

Nunes, a staunch defender of President Trump, is still considered a favorite in the race, but the Crystal Ball notes that he will likely face a stronger challenge than expected[.]

Now, anything could happen, I suppose, and Sabato was right in forecasting Donald Trump’s victory. But with the press drumbeat about the supposed “great blue wave” next November, I am suspicious that this might just be psychological warfare to boost Nunes’s opponent.

Start with Andrew Janz, who, far from being a Bernie Sanders-style firebrand standing in stark contrast to the conservative standard of Nunes, is actually a mealy-mouthed milquetoast.

The press sees strength in his candidacy, despite his not being a strong candidate, based on the fact that he has raised a lot of money. Yeah, sure.

Let’s start with the money. According to OpenSecrets, Janz has raised $1 million from contributors – impressive, yes. Nunes, however, has raised $2.5 million. Advantage: Nunes.

Sen. Tester Owes An Apology To Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson A man’s reputation, once sullied, is impossible to fully restore. And Jon Tester has thrown mud all over Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson’s dress whites.By James Hasson

Last Wednesday, Sen. Tester (D-MT) released a laundry list of anonymously-sourced, unsubstantiated allegations against the current White House Physician and, until last Thursday, President Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Veterans Affairs. The Montana Senator accused Jackson of a wide range of misconduct, from overprescribing medications to drunkenly wrecking his government vehicle. Tester also accused Jackson of being frequently drunk on the job, based on a lurid tale (anonymously sourced, of course) about a Secret Service intervention to prevent a severely-inebriated Jackson from disturbing a sleeping President Obama during an international trip in 2015. Jackson, the story goes, was pounding on a hotel room door next to the President’s in the early hours of the morning.

Admiral Jackson vehemently denied the allegations and refused to withdraw for several days, before finally pulling his candidacy in the face of a media feeding frenzy and eroding Republican support. Jackson maintains his innocence, however, and appears to be telling the truth. Tester, by contrast, appears to have slandered the professional and personal reputation of a man who served in the Navy for twenty-three years, including as the physician in charge of resuscitative medicine at Camp Taqaddum, just outside of Fallujah, in 2006.

On Friday afternoon, the Secret Service released the following statement:

Over the last 48 hours, media outlets have alleged that U.S. Secret Service personnel were forced to intervene during a Presidential foreign travel assignment in order to prevent disturbing (former) President Barack Obama. The Secret Service has no such record of any incident; specifically, any incident involving Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson.

If Tester’s only motivation was to determine the content of Jackson’s character so his fellow senators could make an informed decision, why didn’t he confirm the accuracy of the charge with the Secret Service before he blasted it into the newsfeeds and nightly broadcasts of millions of Americans?


“You’re an incredibly important partner [and] occupy a special place in my heart too,” Pompeo told Netanyahu in Tel Aviv.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Sunday at the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv.

Sunrise, Sunset, Sunrise Sunset–Swiftly Fly The Years…Happy 70th, Israel! by Gerald A. Honigman

With the risk of sounding like Fiddler On The Roof’s Tevya…where did the time go?

Paraphrasing my late father, of blessed memory, whom I visited decades ago at Deborah Heart and Lung Hospital, “I was just a young man…how did this happen and how did I get here so fast?”

Edward Honigman, of blessed memory, returned home after spending four years as a gunner in the high casualty U.S. Navy Armed Guard in World War II, met my amazing mother, Sylvia Serota—or whom we are about to celebrate, thank G_d, her 90th birthday–and sired one of those baby boomers…me. While their timing wasn’t perfect, it was close enough.

I guess you could say that modern Israel and I have grown up together.

I made my debut on May 8, 1948, Harry Truman’s birthday. He was the President who fought his own Arabist-dominated, ARAMCO Big Oil-greased State Department, by recognizing the rebirth of Israel on May 14th on the Western calendar. Thirteen years later, I would become a Bar Mitzvah on that same date. And now, thanks to President Trump, Israel and I will both receive quite a 70th birthday present this coming May 14th…the recognition and opening of the American embassy in at least part of the city that put Zion in Zionism, Jerusalem. I’m still a bit nervous about what will become of the other part.

Seventy years ago, Israel arose from the ashes of the Holocaust and the subjugated, frightened Jewish quarters of the so-called “Arab” world (where one half of Israeli Jews originated from)–the risen phoenix of a millennially persecuted people.


My e-pal Michael Ordman sends a weekly compilation of good news from Israel. The accomplishments and the incredible contribution to the welfare of the entire world is dazzling. What can account for the proliferation of groups in the arts and academies that libel, defame and seek to boycott Israel, but benefit from all of Israel’s incredible technology and science? No answer, but in spite of it all Israel survives and thrives.

Here is what may be an apocryphal tale with the ring of truth:

In the late 19th century. Queen Victoria asked Prime Minister Disraeli the following question:

“Mr. Prime Minister, what evidence can you give me of the existence of God?”

Disraeli thought for a moment and then replied, “The Jew, your majesty.”

Facebook’s Censorship in Germany by Stefan Frank

Marlene Weise was banned from Facebook for 30 days, for posting a set of two pictures: One showed the Iranian women’s national volleyball team from the 1970s, wearing t-shirts and shorts; the other, the current Iranian team, wearing hijabs and clothes that cover arms and legs.

“Does a law- and contract-abiding user have to acquiesce to companies like Facebook or Twitter deleting his content or banning him for it? The ruling is an important stage victory for the freedom of speech.” — Joachim Nikolaus Steinhöfel, attorney and anti-censorship activist.

A court in Berlin has issued a temporary restraining order against Facebook. Under the threat of a fine of 250,000 euros (roughly $300,000 USD) or a jail term, Facebook was obliged to restore a user’s comment that it had deleted. Moreover, the ruling prohibited the company from banning the user because of this comment.

This is the first time a German court has dealt with the consequences of Germany’s internet censorship law, which came into effect on October 1, 2017. The law stipulates that social media companies have to delete or block “apparent” criminal offenses, such as libel, slander, defamation or incitement, within 24 hours of receipt of a user complaint.

As many critics pointed out, this state censorship makes freedom of speech subject to the arbitrary decisions of corporate entities that are likely to censor more than absolutely necessary, rather than risk a crushing fine of up to 50 million euros ($65 million USD). According to a newspaper report, Facebook’s censors have just ten seconds to decide whether to delete a comment or not.

The case with which the court in Berlin had to deal was that on January 8, 2018, the Swiss daily Basler Zeitung posted an article with the title “Viktor Orban speaks of Muslim ‘invasion'” on its Facebook site. The blurb read:

“Viktor Orban wonders how in a country like Germany… chaos, anarchy and illegal crossing of borders can be celebrated as something good.”

Facebook user Gabor B. posted a comment:

“Germans are becoming increasingly stupid. No wonder, since the left-wing media litters them every day with fake news about ‘skilled workers,’ declining unemployment figures or Trump.”

Has Pope Francis Read the Quran? by A. Z. Mohamed

Pope Francis fails to differentiate between violence motivated by religious faith and violence committed by followers of all religions, but motivated by reasons having nothing to do with religion.

Among the main duties of the leader of the worldwide Catholic Church is to protect the Church’s followers, be empathic and understanding of their needs, and not deceive them into a condition of subjugation.

In his prayer during the Good Friday, Via Crucis (“Way of the Cross”), at the Colosseum in Rome, Pope Francis said that for many reasons, Christians ought to express shame for choosing power and money over God, and for the actions of those who are leaving future generations “a world shattered by divisions and wars, a world devoured by selfishness.”

The Pope’s statement follows a pattern that consists of a steady, firm defense of Islam and Muslims, and accusations against Western civilization and Christians. Pope Francis persistently confuses his audience by claiming that violent people belong to all religions and that all religions are religions of peace. He fails to differentiate between violence motivated by religious faith and violence committed by followers of all religions, but motivated by reasons having nothing to do with religion. His goal in this intricate confusion appears to be to negate any connection between Islamic teachings and violence committed by Muslims who themselves proclaim that they had been motivated by their Islamic faith to kill and terrorize. “Islam is a religion of peace, one which is compatible with respect for human rights and favours peaceful coexistence,” wrote Francis in his letter to the Christians in the Middle East in 2014. “Authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Koran are opposed to every form of violence” said Francis in his Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium (2013).